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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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942332 No.942332 [Reply] [Original]

Can we all agree, if a corporation makes a profit while the unemployment rating in a country is above 5%. Then it should be mandate that corporate giants should provide jobs based on their total gains?

>> No.942333


You want them to just make up fucking jobs to make unemployment lower? Where did you come up with this idea...

Holy shit is revleft raiding us lately? It's the only explanation

>> No.942337

No. You are alone on this one.

>> No.942345


The reason they are corporate giants is because they keep finding cheaper or automated labour, on top of other reasons. As well if you restrict the corporate giants available cash flow because we should all be financially equal, then they would be vulnerable to other corporations outside of where this law applies.

Minimal wage, debt, and inflation does put pressure on the poor or anyone else in the 'middle class', But that's is the part of the game. A game designed to keep the majority below any position of power.

>> No.942351

Yes, I want them to make jobs. No this isn't a raid. And I'm about as far right as it gets.

The fact is, that a corporation while residing in a country is a part of that country. Regardless of how you look at it by being part of the country, they belong to the government. There's no such thing as international decenteralized microgovernments. So who gives Corporate the authority to act as such. if they belong to a country then it is there obligation as citizens to take part in reinforcing the infrastructure.

Making a profit while the people are unemployment is criminal. It is indirectly stealing money that belongs to the country.

Obviously the corporate entity should be allowed to grow, but not at the expense of the citizens the a government is sworn to protect. Any government that would allow a parasitic organization into their country is doing their citizens a great injustice.

>> No.942353


>> No.942361

Then perhaps they shouldn't be giants and their heads should be replaced with government officials. While the CEOs are imprisoned for inevitably creating unemployment and poverty. There needs to be accountability.

>> No.942362


The government is a parasite. You think laws do anything other then to restrict a majority and benefit a few? Think about all these little laws that don't effect you directly.

Lets say you did something about this and restricted companies on importing premade-products or using outside cheaper labour. Then your country will do what the USA is doing and create more prisons, and force labour within them. The US has 1% of their population jailed and because they are criminals and no one cares.

>> No.942365


Then you realize, the government does the same thing. They could outlaw corporations completely, but that is just the tip of the cock. Banks inflate currencies and the government as well does the same, but simply increases the total amount circulating in their pocket.

Here, this little video can summarize why crying to the gov about money won't save you. It's about the federal reserve, but other countries also have centralized banks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrwbgdtbdXE

>> No.942366

>Then perhaps they shouldn't be giants and their heads should be replaced with government officials

OK. So your logic is, big guys of corporations have "too much power" and they're corrupt... SO the solution is to give some government bureaucrat more power and just hope and pray that he acts whatever you define fairly in this case? Seriously?


>> No.942367

No that would be idiotic. It's the workers fault they are constantly not learning or developing new skills. Most unemployment exists because people do not have the right tools for the job or because the cost of capital is cheaper than labour. It is a corporation's main goal to make a profit, this profit goes to shareholders as dividends which are then used to invest into and help new companies innovate and produce jobs.
Reducing unemployment in the way you have suggested OP is as stupid as the concept of basic income because at the end of the day the labour market will shift and people will acquire new skills in order to sustain a living.

>> No.942368

It is the government's obligation to protect and provide. If it's not doing it then it either needs to be replaced or reformed.

The word Organization is derived from Organism and an organism cannot survive without asymmetrical equilibrium. However balance cannot exist in a country when there are separate organizations playing for themselves and only themselves.

>> No.942369

You're retarded op

Go back to /leftpol/ until you move out of your parent's basement

>> No.942372

>entrusting a civilian with only a standard set of laws as opposed to government officials with additional policies and higher standards.

>> No.942375


Balance is what keeps people of power in top. Reason why their hasn't been a revolution yet is because of balance. The people on top learn to take baby steps toward restricting majorities but not pass a threshold. Almost like a parasite that is aware of its host, or a system such as a food change where the population of wolves is related to the population of their food sources. more

>> No.942376

>he thinks government officials aren't corruptible and always put the people before themselves
>he literally entrusts some random fucking guy who schmoozed his way into his position over the laws of economics and common sense that power corporations

ok buddy

le evil corporation amirite

Also wtf i got warned for reporting this thread... what is going on seriously

>> No.942379

Dude.. if this isn't a raid I'm not sure how long you've been here or why you are here. I'm assuming that you are young and misguided. I think this event will be very helpful for you.


Here is the first video from last year. Watch the whole thing if you can. If you don't have time the part most relevant to this thread starts at 7:30.

>> No.942382

You think the Organizations that sign your paycheck are doing it for any other reason then to circumvent it's own power.
There's already a system in place for that, for what purpose do you need a third party?
At least with government you have some measure of control as a citizen.

>> No.942394

>You think the Organizations that sign your paycheck are doing it for any other reason then to circumvent it's own power

>You think the government that doles you out some pitiful public services are doing it for any other reason than to keep the goyim happy and voting for them?

Why don't you understand that the government is also an organization which you seem to want to give absolute power to?

>> No.942396

As it should already be evident.
Corporations or nothing more then a threat to national security. Gradually forming their own decenteralized government. Their supporters are either Law hating liberals or anarchists.

>> No.942400

>You think the Organizations that sign your paycheck

No one signs my paycheck. I started my own business when I was 26, now 29

>At least with government you have some measure of control as a citizen.

Top fucking kek

Without government, who will pick the cotton

>> No.942409

Government is necessary because men are not angels, but government must be limited because angels do not rule men.

>> No.942417

>The video actually says the Rothschild is behind it all.
top kek

>> No.942426

if you're on /biz/ you likely don't make more then 100k Annually. So none of this would even apply to you as the mandate would deal directly with the total population vs unemployment. Not being apart of the top 10% would easily make your employees you already have account for the % you would be responsible for.

>> No.942428

This is moronic. Kill yourself OP

>> No.942431
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Way too obvious

>> No.942434

the whole thread was bait retard

>> No.942435

>le old "but I'm only infringing on the rights of a small group so it's okay" meme
>You don't actually know how much he makes
>I make more than 100k and I post on /biz/
Government has a terrible track record for managing businesses, and by terrible I mean I can't think of a single business run more effectively by a government anywhere than a private investor in the same market. Ever.

Businesses do not exist for the purpose of employing people, they exist to make things and do stuff. Value does not come from the labor of the worker but from the desirability of the goods and services he produces. You cannot force companies to hire people without wasting money because if the job was truly profitable the business would have hired them without prodding. You can't engineer a market to work more efficiently by deciding who will buy what and what prices, that's the whole point of a market, to decide that organically.

>> No.942438
File: 52 KB, 800x800, 1425671074156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unemployment isn't a mistake, it's a key structural feature of capitalism.

Employment is a cost for firms but unemployment ends up being a cost for society. In John Maurice Clark's 1923 "Studies in the Economics of Overhead Costs" he points out labour should be considered as an overhead cost of doing business rather than as a variable cost of the employing firm because the cost of maintaining the worker and his family ends up having to be borne by someone whether or not that worker is actually employed.

Requiring firms to purchase a certain magnitude of labour based upon their profit levels is stupid and would make firms waste more labour over making potential capital investments which is preferable.

In more Marxist terms labour power under capitalism is always a commodity and this means unemployment is profitable for individual firms. To make unemployment unprofitable you would need to decommodify labour power and treat it as a common-pool resource: http://blogs.sfu.ca/courses/fall2012/lbst311/?p=978