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9420822 No.9420822 [Reply] [Original]

HSBC conducts first blockchain transaction on May 14.

HSBC logo on smartcontract dot cum.

Does this mean what I think it means? May 14 was an important LinkDate...


>> No.9420838

Checked but link in a box is for fb insider anon.

If you look at links l chart. There was good accumulation over night. Now its coasting. Calm before the storm

>> No.9420844

Get in here and speculate with me Linkies. This particular transaction can’t have involved Link, right?

>> No.9420847

"This will be an inflection point for how business is conducted. With Blockchain technology transactions are faster because the paper reconciliation is removed since all the involved parties are directly linked to the platform making updates timely and instantaneous.”

so many jobs will be lost

>> No.9420864

>0 result

It's a running gag at this point

>> No.9420883
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>> No.9420900
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But...end to end transaction.

I am just speculating.

>> No.9420935

All of my responses seem to be effortless dubs. If this one is too, kek is trying to tell us something.

>> No.9421098

Well thats interesting

>> No.9421260

it's all coming together


>> No.9421311
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yep, it exactly means what you think it means

>> No.9421581





>> No.9421720

>not understanding NDA

FUD, retarded, or both?

>> No.9421733


Dubs confirm

>> No.9421772
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$1000 eoy

>> No.9421874
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Imagine the Apocalypse on /biz/ if somehow SC and oracles will be used, but not CL.
I will kys, for sure.

>> No.9421903

Definitely the end of it goes down like that. Jim Jones territory.

>> No.9421906

thing is there is no other way for smart contracts to be used if not with LINK

>> No.9421975
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>> No.9422033

Remember to mention Corda in your suicide note

>> No.9422051


>> No.9422127



>> No.9422142

we are not going to make it

>> No.9422584

you realize that Corda uses Microsoft's Bletchley Cryptlets which is basically confirmed to be using Chainlink at this point right?

>> No.9422637

>The packaged installation files for Corda are the latest offering from Microsoft in a series of blockchain services called Project Bletchley

Can't even research something on google...why am I helping you kids?

>> No.9422660

We will kill sergey for sure

>> No.9422669

cartel style

>> No.9422680

Paypal, VISA and MasterCard logos on smartcontract dot com.
STFU and hold ur LINK bags

>> No.9422746
File: 309 KB, 1077x1120, 1522791794503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, do not fool yourself !
These corporates are worse than vermin during hunger times.
They will fuck even their dead mothers for money.
I am very affraid atm.
t. Link baghodler as last hope.

>> No.9422759
File: 37 KB, 1000x562, chappelle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because you're a nice lady.

>> No.9422841

Can we for once have anything confirmed more than God cucking digits.

>> No.9422945
File: 97 KB, 630x630, 2297248_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if all the Link-Shilling was done to blur our vision for CORDA?
Chainlinks solution is just right on spot the one everyone is looking for but it's name and action caught a greater public attention.
Name someone who knew about CORDA befor HSBC's and ING's todays announcement - this is something only an insider may know. CORDA played the perfect hidden game.
Think even two steps further, what if larps like ASSBLASTER (mofo btw.) realy knew about CORDA but also knew about Chainlink and they just wanted to direct the spotlight on the project that has a greater chance to "fail" it's targets or promesses because of a smaller team size? HMMMM I feel gread FUD inside, that is something I haven't had since SIBOS2017





>> No.9422971

Haha all the linkies on suicide watch. Looks like a decentralised oracle isn’t needed when a centralised oracle like Corda is around.

Think of all the time you guys wasted holding LINK, all money you missed out on.

Its brilliant that the linkies are ignoring what has actually been said. Keep lying to yourself about being CL actually being useful when not a single partner has been announced. Drawing fake lines to teams doesn’t mean anything. Speculation only makes you look stupider when other projects ARE making partnerships and setting up a future where their tokens and coins WILL be used.

Just face it, chainlink has nothing and will never have anything.

>> No.9422992

You are on right track

>> No.9423015


>Name someone who knew about CORDA befor HSBC's and ING's todays announcement

dafuq are you talking about? if you don't know about Corda you don't know enough about this space.

>> No.9423027

read >>9422637 and go suck a bag of dicks.

>> No.9423065

I am pretty sure that you pile of crap are one of those 1233 current CORDA followers on TWITTER.
Get that little to NOTHING numer of individuals that know about it and follow it for the reason they are interested in it or understood their solution.

>> No.9423155

Corda has been around for ages, twitter exposure means very little for real projects. At least get creative when you are trying to fud.

>> No.9423218

I dont want to fud, but I experience fud!

>> No.9423663

ibm research paper that some anon posted lists cryptlets corda and chainlink as different solution. ie competitors

>> No.9423871

I dont think corda uses chainlink..
