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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9416691 No.9416691 [Reply] [Original]

Where did the early-mid 2017 /biz/posters migrate to?

>> No.9416708

im still here faggot
>t.march 2017

>> No.9416709
File: 142 KB, 566x528, 1475288078534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw im still here

been posting since late 2015. didnt get on the crypto train until june last year.


>> No.9416716

they're busy enjoying their crypto gains on a tropical island

the fukk you doing here op

>> No.9416721
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Right here, faggot. Got accused of larping my gains in 2017 but I talk about losses in 2018 and everybody suddenly believes.

>> No.9416745

Out of this shithole, traveling the world banging stacies and the real born biz/nessmen, making big boys business with their profits

>> No.9416752

I'm in Link waiting for the real wealth

>> No.9416759

there's no where to go although this board is becoming cancer by the day. Those who made it and sold in time are prolly just enjoying their lambos

>> No.9416822
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>tfw started in early 2017
>only 100k in crypto
should i kms?

>> No.9416825


>> No.9416835

Link and /g/

>> No.9416859

still here, i don't know where else to go and the goys here now can't even be helped. i talked to a few anons about forming a group but i just felt like it would be infiltrated by the larpers anyway

>> No.9416870

im still here but I don't do crypto anymore.
I used the gains to invest into reinvest into real estate in my area as well as driving sales to my own business

its really funny when seniors at my local uni show up to rent an apartment i own and the landlord is some autistic 19 year old

>> No.9416883


>> No.9416891

You're fine dude as long as you're holding quality bags

>> No.9416920

it was all AI bots there are really only 3 confirmed real life posters

>> No.9416949
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>tfw only x25 since mid 2017

>> No.9416957

Which bags are quality sempappy

>> No.9416965

Still here, started by buying ETH in April 2017. More or less made it now, but want to get another 3x at least for maximum comfiness.

>> No.9416971

most of those goys who really made it last year had already stacked up their capital beforehand, literally getting rich at the $30 ETH. This is the position you would be in should we ever see the golden bull run. You're only really a few moon missions away from serious money anon

>> No.9416989


>> No.9417014
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tfw got in january 2018 and only now almost breaking even

>> No.9417047

Have you ever considered larping as a larper?
Fun prospect desu

>> No.9417116


If global MCAP is half what it was in january but you're even, you have what it takes to make it, unless we're like on the return to normal/early fear part of the meme graph.

>> No.9417196

yeah i do all different larps, there's nothing else to do here anymore. the discussions last year were nonsensical false logics but they could at least get you thinking a little. now it's just buy x shitcoin without so much as a quick rundown

>> No.9417213
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thanks friend, ive only put in like 500 dollarsbut since ive gotten clawed my way back ive been in tether. not scared cuz i dont really care about the money, just not sure when to buy in since bitcoin shot up 1000 dollars the other day and so many people are calling for either 10k or 6k im unsure of what to do

>> No.9417337
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still here brah

>> No.9417347

shit is so cash

>> No.9417413
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Hi fren
I got into crypto by seeing an ETH moon thread and I watched it all night as it went from like $27 to ~$50.
I was convinced of the goodness of crypto as a money making tool (at least) right then, since I remembered when I watched it go to $1000 and bleed out over months back in highschool in 2013-14.

I got stalled by some hangups with my bank thinking the new activity on my credit card was fraud, but I bought some Eth finally for like $40 apiece in late February or whatever.
Since I only put in a few humdred dollars at first, I tried to look for a way to buy in bulk without cuckbase's nasty fees. Thus it took me a while to get verified (which I wish I hadn't done and just bought off of localbitcoins, but whatever) and then I bought about $1,000 worth of Eth at $60, and then my last ever buy was ~$2,000 later at $80.
From that time on I've only worked with these original funds in crypto and of course what they've grown into.

I'm glad I actually went into it with such blind faith but it wasn't truly fully blind as I had indeed seen and heard of crypto before and there was nothing but glowing news on /biz/ about Ethereum, since of course is one of the best projects in crypto even to this day.

That's my story; thank you for reading my wall of text.
Great to see you guys, heh.

>> No.9417441

We are still here lol
The only people that left were the people that bought at the ath

>> No.9417495
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march 2017 eth ranger that sold at 300 and convertes to bitcoin

if i had invested in november 2016 ide be a millionaire

i moved as fast as i could but the second i found out about crypto it started hyper mooning

i jammed my foot in the closing rocket ship door, dont know if ill make it but its been a ride boys

>> No.9417510


Kek, nice try. Enjoy cancer containment can faggot.

>> No.9417537

Still here. I shill LTC and BTC instead of shitcoins too much new money is getting wrecked by greed and impatience on shitcoins.Gotta lookout for nu

>> No.9417545

And really there hardly was an ATH for most of 2017 that wasn't broken again like the next month
It was such an ongoing bull market that I thought the bear market would come after the summer
Luckily I was even less patient then so I bought back in for the December bull run and sold before the big (little) crash around Christmas

You'll make it my dude
We'll all make it ITT

>> No.9417559
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Tiny ass Discords, Telegrams, and IRC servers.

We're still here to lurk and shitpost occasionally.

>> No.9417615
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I still need to x10 to break even, dropped 1k on my birthday back in january
It was like my 1k is what sunk the ship
Just watched it bleed straight down to $100-$150

>> No.9417616

They're busy with all their successful droppshipping businesses.

>> No.9417631

just consider it a real world tuition

>> No.9417668

Don't worry man. I did the same but for $10k.

>> No.9417713

You'll be way ok anon
Trust me, I lost the whole 1k I set aside for trading shitcoins back in early 2017
Hell, if I had even just held at the things I had put money into, I would be massively in the green from those things alone
Never sell at a loss

>> No.9417763

dam senpai i put in 100$ in january all in canya at 5$ and qlink at 2.50$ lmaoo i cashed out of those with eleven dollars and then as i leanred about the market i invested the rest

>> No.9417799

I went into APPC I remember Canya crashing just as hard as mine
Im still in it tho, just doesnt feel right selling it after losing so much on it, might as well just wait for it to go back up, if it goes back up

>> No.9417800
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Still here from 2016. Still not rich.

>> No.9417804

b-b-buy low

>> No.9417841

yea man i remember that was one of the coins being shilled alot at the time and i only started using biz around that time and the board was all pajeets shilling garbage but i didnt know that as a noob feelsbad

>> No.9417842

Sell lower.

>> No.9417851

I shitposted about ETH and then EOS and now HOLO

>> No.9417865

Most are still here. There's just been a massive shift in newfags posting more, and oldfags lurking more.
It's fucking weird.

>> No.9417874

>tfw only 70x from May 2017

Can you believe that my months with the least gains were December and this April?

>> No.9417887

I remember the days when this wasn't a crypto board which I guess means I've been here while

>> No.9417889

this past year been rough bro. I watched several of my close friends make it into the multi millions. and here i am sitting with 1.1k in crypto after a ATH peak of 33k. I actually lost half my shit cause my metamask reset and i saved the wrong private keys. then my roomates abandoned me in a 2500/month place so I have spent 12500 in rent in the last 5 months. Also I lost a fuck load of money by buying shitcoins that tanked and not selling them. Another thing, I just fomo'd a lot and bought shit when it was mooning instead of searching for moons. desu u gotta be early on that shit. life is hard bro.

>> No.9417900
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>tfw only x10 since august 2017

>> No.9418091

Source them

>> No.9418882

Good to know anons made it listening to /diz/nuts.

>> No.9418889

I have less and started earlier. Fuck you.

>> No.9418944

Still here, still trying to make it.
I started with 4k in april 2017 and now I'm at 150k.
I'm consolidating between 100k-200k since december, that's quite frustrating.

>> No.9419782
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This is the first time I've been to /biz/ since the great crash of 2018. Looking to come back full time from /pol/.

How has the markets been /biz/raelis? I had fun and made cash last year.

>> No.9419808

Panda fucker you are back.

>> No.9419870
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>mfw started may last year with 1k now worth 200k+

>> No.9419921

But btc and ltc are shitcoind, ltc especially has no reason whatsoever to exist

>> No.9419964

since then you still easily x100'ed, did you invest like $100 or what?

>> No.9419987


>> No.9420026

I put $1k into BTC at the peak of the 2013 bubble, got about 1BTC out of it. Still hodl'ing.
Bought $200 worth of eth/dash under $10, when dash was still called darkcoin. Holding about 1/3 of those bags still, traded the rest. DCA'd a few grand in over the last couple years, sitting at like 5x overall.

didn't go for many shitcoin moon missions so i didn't make as much as some anons

>> No.9420389
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You wont believe me but i migrated from /g/ when it was hammered from too much crypto posting, i got into this market in 2013, 5 years and im still not rich, i held every single moon at one point or another but always sold too early or too late, never taking profits when i should have.

I mined Doge on day one, just happened to be on bitcointalk when the thread popped up, it was funny, the first of a new breed of shitcoins, with no regard to function or form, just meme worthiness, i had tens of millions of doge, all lost to Cryptsy, like tears in the rain.

By all accounts i should be sitting on millions, i still remember the ETH shilling in early 2016, "just buy 1k ETH and forget about it, 1k ETH and you'll be set" tfw i actually listened, and bought 1000 ETH, moved it off the exchange and into cold storage, but i didnt forget about, how could i when every news outlet was blasting how the DAO got hacked, millions of $ being drained by the hacker, everyone knew that if Vitalik decides to rollback ETH the project would lose faith, either way it was done, so i sold.

I grew tired from this market, so i sat on my remaining 10 btc, wagecucking away as time went by and this market quickly changed to the current ico model, i decided to come out of hibernation and try my luck at one of /biz/'s latest and greatest, BNB, the shill was just before the initial pumping began, mid 2017, i kept increasing my position as the price climbed steadily, but as usual i failed to take profits, and soon i had no profits to take, as BNB dumped to a fraction of its original price, it stayed there for months, in the end i broke and sold the bottom, exiting with just 2btc to my name, only to see BNB grow to where it is now.

I am determined to regain what i've lost, i've injected 20k of my hard earned fiat and and im slowly building up my portfolio, im almost at 9 BTC now, i'd like to think i learned my lesson, about this market and about myself, it was a rather costly one.

>> No.9420426

nice read

>> No.9420506

Most either made it or kys'd. I'm still here, stuck in this purgatory - hoping for the one last bull run that's needed for me to make it.

>> No.9420573

Thanks, i ran out of room so i couldnt fit this in, my advice to anyone and everyone:

1. Always take profits, if you're up 2x, sell half, if you're up 3x sell at least a 3rd, it doesn't matter how many % you're up, its all bullshit until you sell.

2. Never sell your entire stack, always leave a "moon bag", some amount you're ok with not touching ever again, you never know what could moon.

3. Cut off losers and take the loss, sooner then later, set a goal and if it doesnt reach said goal then sell it and move on, deluding yourself that a downtrend might magically change direction will only hurt you.

4. Never sell the bottom, if you've managed to ride the downtrend all the way down to the bottom, and you'll know its the bottom since you're now going sideways instead of down, the worst thing you could do is sell, it might take a while but unless you're literally holding a scamcoin, things usually recover.

5. Never buy the top, you might think it still has room to grow, but thats just the FOMO doing the thinking for you, if the charts is going vertical its wayyy too late, everything dumps, just wait.

6. Average down, sometimes a dump occurs that has nothing to do with the actual coin, maybe BTC dumped and took everything with it, averaging down will help you when things recover.

7. Optional, but learn the basics of TA, just the basics, it helps get a better feel for when to enter and exit a coin, but dont rely on it, its hardly foolproof.

>> No.9420578

Holy fuck, the definition of JUST. I actually feel sorry.

>> No.9420583
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big if true

>> No.9420612

How did you do it?

>> No.9420667

<40x is nothing special if you started in April last year. Buy low sell high.

>> No.9420679

>mfw this newfaggot thinks early 2017 isn't newfag central territory

If you weren't here in 2015 unironically kill your self

>> No.9420680

I started in June 2017 with 1k and barely at 15k now. Buying each month around 500$ worth of crypto. I had 25k in January but fell for hodl

>> No.9420814

Jesus, what did you hold, Bitcoin? I made 60x in 2 months during winter bull run.

Also fell for hodl meme. Now at 23x.