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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 91 KB, 498x558, OrXQ9z2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
941627 No.941627 [Reply] [Original]

Explain how can a student graduate university/college without any student loans?

Assume they commute to school and live with their parents and work at least 10 hours per hour at minimum wage.

>pic unrelated

>> No.941628 [DELETED] 

bruh I would blow up in that ass

>> No.941629

Step 1. Move out of the anglo world and go to a free or cheap university in an European country that allows cheap education for angloturds.
Step 2. Graduate.

>> No.941633
File: 32 KB, 640x480, 3akXca3l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Canada. I get 30% off my tuition and also get $230/month for being poor.

But then you have to deal with even more living costs. Also fuck Europe.

I wil post more for advice and tips.

>> No.941637

IIRC tuition in Ontario ~8k for most programs, less for the shit-tier ones which you're probably in tbh.

>30% off tuition
>$230 per month
>working part time
>apply to every single scholarship and grant
>leech off parents

Shouldn't be that hard OP.

>> No.941641

I got a full-ride scholarship. I actually made about 10k just from scholarship kickbacks.

>> No.941653

I don't know why you wouldn't want student loans. It's not compulsory to spend and the interest rates are usually pretty damn low.
Further, assuming you get a non shit degree, you'll be making more than enough to pay it back.

You really do have to spend money to make it.

You COULD try to go to community college; do work and only take hours when you can pay them off. At low to minimum wage though, you'll graduate 1-2 years late. This is what my friend did who graduated high school the same time as me and he's just finishing this December. Meanwhile I graduated 1.5 years ago and I've already made more than enough to pay back all my loans. Of course I didn't, because interest is only 6% and I could make more than that investing, so I just pay the minimum.

There's little to no difference.

>> No.941662

How do you get $230/month?

>> No.941666 [DELETED] 

wont she like, be condemned for that?

regardless, more towelhead lesbians

>> No.941673
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OP here. I get $230 from my dad's pension every month since he's on disability cheques now.

I plan on going into policing, so I won't be making much here in Ontario. Also my sister choose to go to a university far away and live there, she's around 40k in debt. I don't want that fam.

Currently on gap year working part time job, trying to make these fags give me hours. I've saved up around 7 grand, so first year tuition isn't going to an issue.

>> No.941674 [DELETED] 




>> No.941689

>I won't be making much in Ontario

There is over 2,000 police earning over $100,000 in Ontario.

Also can't you just get a part time job? Unless you're doing an extremely difficult course load you can work like 20+ hrs/week and if you're going to college instead of university probably even more tbqh fam.

>> No.941693
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Starting off I meant it's not that much

And I'll be working at least 10 hours a week, probably more if my courses works works out next year

>> No.941696

>live at home
>work for a couple of years
>save everything

>> No.941698

If you're only going to college you can work like 30 hrs/week easily fam.

That's around $1k/month if min wage which more than pays of college tuition of $3.5k/yr

>> No.941701

Have a family that loves you

>> No.941703

I dunno how it works in Cannuckistan, but in America school is considerably cheaper when you stay local. I've got a decent degree with only $15k in loans, which even a liberal arts make could pay off without a sweat.

But tbh, I'm surprised you need a degree at all to be a policeman there. In America having a degree will literally disqualify you from most departments.

Have you thought about joining the Cannuck Army or whatever you have? I'm sure they've got MP training that would carry over and its not like there's any wars going on.

>> No.941706

Easy way?

What i did.

Goto a state school , work 60 hours a week at 3 jobs, tutor students , apply for every grant and scholarship, write grants and proof read.
I got good enough at grant writing that professors had me doing it and paying me $500 flat and a bonus for awarded grants.

I proofread dissertations.

I lived in what was a student flop house. Like 8-10 people in a house. Rent and utilities only ran about $120 a month.

I walked everywhere ate cheap. Didnt drink.

>> No.941708

>Muh student loans

lel you americans are so cute

>> No.941709

Most departments i see want an associates at least, or training academy.

You wont make detective with out a degree

>> No.941711

It's Canada fam, $7k/yr for all universities

Better than 99% income tax in Denmark or some shit tbfh

>> No.941716

Here is how I did school:
>lived at home
>commuted to school
>went to community college first
>worked every weekend
>got good grades so got scholarships
>used all saved money from work on last two years of university
>graduated debt free

Literally that ez. Also, study something useful. Nothing is better than getting out of school with a useful degree and a great job while all the normies come home to work at starbucks and pay their debts off.

>> No.941721

Ah ok i thought it was the USA. $7k year is manageable.

>Better than 99% income tax in Denmark or some shit tbfh

ye effective tax of maximum of 72% :^) You do not need more than 28%! If it gets to much ill just come live with you Canadians

>> No.941722
File: 53 KB, 600x775, allahu assbar fam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to university. College here is different, IIRC you could get some sort of business bachelor's through college here but that's all really.

Dad is sick af breh, family on welfare atm.

I actually wanted to join Canacuck army really fucking badly, but I found out last month my eyesight is too shit to enlist. Since I have good enough grade 12 marks, the recruiter told me to go to university, get LASIK when I'm older, and then try again.

So yeah that's why I'm here, didn't even know this board existed. I just want to graduate without student loans

>> No.941734

How the fuck do people do that? Do they just hide their dough in tax havens?

>Oh I had a great year! I earned $200k this year.
>Oh... I actually only get $56k to take home

>> No.941735


>spent 4 years in air force as intel analyst
>got out at 22
>got accepted into university
>getting paid GI bill benefits, VA disability and tuition fully paid for
>invest in stock market for extra money
>live with parents, only pay phone and car insurance bill

How I do it

>> No.941739

Wtf dude

I went to cancuck forces recruiter and they said some bullshit and basically told me to fuck off and didn't try to get me to join in any way when I said I wanted to. Fucking retarded tbh fam

It was a female recruiter so might have been why

>> No.941740

People just pay the taxes. If you want a welfare state you pretty much need high taxes. Also you get ~$25 an hour as "min" wage so its good

>> No.941743
File: 251 KB, 418x266, haram_fam.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck? I went to CFRC Toronto they were pretty nice to me and would always reply back whenever I emailed them asking about how my application was going.

What trade were you interested in joining?

>> No.941747

I went to the one in northern Ontario.

Idk dude I was just there to get more information but the person there either knew nothing or didn't like me for some reason because every word was like pulling a tooth.

Eventually I said something they deemed disrespectful and then it all went to heck lol

>> No.941748

>join air force for 4 years
>post 911 GI bill
>full private school tuition paid BBA & MBA
>get paid $1600 a month to go on top of it

>golden ticket

>> No.941750

That's so cucked fam.

I am leaving this Canadian shithole when I finish uni and make some dough though, fuck this shit country

Literally the worst aspects of capitalism and socialism together

>> No.941753
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man i just wanted to join the army as a grunt, fuck this university shit. i have to wait 4 years now all because of my eyesight. oh well i'm going to try to fuck muslim grils at UofT next year

>> No.941757
File: 241 KB, 402x222, brehh.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nothern Ontario

you going to lakehead?

>> No.941760


>join air force
>Base gets overrun during the third gulf war
>get your beheading broadcast on youtube

>> No.941762

Muslim girls are hella prude fam, we need to convince them to try non-halal dick

If anything bring your own condom then poke some holes in it so they get a little "surprise" and their fathers behead them for having sex, especially with a kaffir

Tbqh fam (100 underlined) (100 underlined)

>> No.941767

Nah it was just the nearest recruitment office

In Barrie fam not sure if that's northern Ontario but certainly not southern

>> No.941768
File: 126 KB, 1024x768, 1439256816879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

breh i could've fucked a headscarf iraqi girl, this bitch moved to alberta the second i came back from vacation


>> No.941776


I want to bang a muslim slut fam, idk how though they pretty much keep to themselves

>> No.941779

Like this shit isn't hard, it just that most people don't make a sacrifice and don't understand want vs need.

>> No.941781
File: 291 KB, 747x747, iFUxQH4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sit beside allah girl in class and do small talk
>compliment her on something, shell get happy because no one is into muslim girls
>get # and shit
>game her
>fuck her

it's not even that hard, i was sooo close

>> No.941784

I'll try it fam

Let's double team a muslim slut some time

Better yet get the whole /biz/Canada crew to run a train on some muslim pussy fam u feel me?

>> No.941792

bah at least im not paying for tuition and i can leave whenever i want.

Studying in the US atm where people pay $48k a year will i get $800 a month for studying here. thats gotta be more cucked tbhfaamm

>> No.941795

>people pay $48k a year

jesus is it actually that fucking expensive in the US to go university

>> No.941800

Why the fuck do you get to study for free?

Some sort of cuckold exchange program?

Seriously though I need to move to somewhere with 10% flat income tax tho after I make some money here. Fuck Canada stupid ass faggot country with our gay weedsmoking prime minister Cuck

>> No.941804

Got into an exchange program and on my uni paper for visa it said $24k a semester (~$200k for a bachelor degree) its only an expensive place but no fucking way i would pay that kind of money for a degree (unless it was something good like African women studies)

And the 24k a semester is ONLY tuition, some people pay ~2k a month for housing and meal plan. People probably have rich as fuck parents

>> No.941808

>Some sort of cuckold exchange program?


>> No.941816

Are you similar to latsbrah aka the golden one?

In fact are you him?

>> No.941819

Lol from /fit/? No im not latsbrah

>> No.941821

Oh ok

How do you like the US? Is it cuckolded or pretty based compared to your homeland?

Also where can I move that has <10% flat income tax but isn't a complete shithole where I'll get killed in the street for wearing more than $100

>> No.941824
File: 52 KB, 830x536, glory fam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek that guy is cycling so fucking hard, i saw one of his videos where he claimed he was natty

>> No.941830

Roids are good for you fam

I just need to find a chill domestic Canadian source. If u ain't riding why the fuck are you even alive fam tbh?

>> No.941831

>Explain how can a student graduate university/college without any student loans?
my dad makes bank and he paid tbh.

>> No.941836

Just saw one video with him where he had massive lats thats all i remember
The US is okay, although healthy goods seems way too expensive and you need a car for everything. Also i dont really get the hole gun thing americans craze. but its pretty cool country might move here for some years after grad school.

Hungary seems to be the best place with flat rate although its 16%. Some states (in the US) doesnt have income tax i believe

>> No.941838

go back in time and get perfect grades in highschool

study for the sat

but i bet you thought the kids that did that were lame

>> No.941845
File: 536 KB, 300x240, islam tbh fam.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in hindsight i should've studied harder, won't make that mistake when i start uni. i graduated high school with an 80% average which is enough to get into university but not enough for any entrance scholarship.

working minium wage is depressing as fuck, i can't wait to start uni

>> No.941875
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>didn't work
>lived on my own
>graduated 4 year program no debt and even substantial surplus

merit aid faggot

>> No.941884


no risk no reward

>> No.941887 [DELETED] 
File: 53 KB, 600x800, 1409889344979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fam are you going to take my offer of double teaming a qt mudslime girl or not?

>> No.941889 [DELETED] 

srs, in my high school the ME girls had such nice asses

>> No.941903 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 480x640, 1405556716765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fam thats why they are forced to wear hijabs and act so conservative all the time.

The males know that whitebois wouldn't be able to resist their round as fuck asses and they'd steal their women from them

>> No.941912

full ride. Thanks katrina

>> No.941926 [DELETED] 


Mods deleted a bunch of pics and posts lmao


>> No.941932

Yes. Though if you go to an in-state school and go to community college for the useless classes first it comes out at a little under 30k for 4 years without scholarships.

Still fucked up though. At my school you actually save money by studying abroad. Plane tickets and shit included, without scholarships.

>> No.941952 [DELETED] 

4 real! I didnt even get to check out the pics although now thanks to you I can, thx bro

>> No.942037 [DELETED] 

Muslim pussy is tightest pussy fam

>> No.942044


>> No.942107
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>> No.942108

1. Get a scholarship
2. See step 1

>> No.942131

>In America having a degree will literally disqualify you from most departments.
Maybe that depends on your state? You can't be an officer in MA unless you have a Criminal Justice degree AND know somebody. Everyone wants to be a cop up here because we don't have routine issues outside of heroin, and the feds clean that up every 5-6 years by sneaking a massive shipment of lethal heroine imitations to the drug dealers they have on payroll.

>> No.942132

Because they pay for almost nothing. Sure you took home 28% of your pay instead of ~60% in the US, but that also includes your sales taxes, property taxes, car taxes, university, healthcare, etc.

We all pay the same amount, americans just have more optional deals (except the school system which is fucked)

>> No.942147

>Sure you took home 28% of your pay instead of ~60% in the US, but that also includes your sales taxes, property taxes, car taxes, university, healthcare, etc.

There is no way that anyone pays $100k+/yr for that stuff, which is what you would pay in taxes if making $180k/yr there.

>> No.943461



>> No.943462

Enjoy your prolapsed anus tbqh fam

Military is for fucking faggots

>> No.943482

ironically enough im a disabled veteran raking in those welfare sheckels

>> No.943549

Do you have "ptsd" from all that IDF on the FOBs you little pog faggot?

>> No.944429

desu senpai

>> No.944678

In America, it is possible to do this
Step 1. Your parents need to be in the poor income bracket AND be calculated via the FAFSA to be expected to provide $0 to college tuition.
Step 2. Enjoy your government-sponsored free ride.

I'm on this ride right now and I hope it never ends.

Having said that, I belong to a state university whose tuition is in the $6-8000/year area (CSU system in California)

There's a huge price jump for nicer state universities with a >$30000 annual tuition, but I don't know how it works for them. (UC system in California)

>> No.945341

I'm on this as well, but was homeless for a vast majority of last year, so my documented income was 0, no one could claim me, and I'm getting $5776 for the school year. The only part I don't like is the massive excess of money I will have towards the end that will be taken away if I don't spend it.

>> No.945347


I got 13k for being poor one year in fasfa/state grants, tuition was like 9k and i was under no obligation to spend it any certain way.

>> No.945353

I'm told that if it's not entirely spent by the end of the school year, the remainder goes back into the hole from whence it came.

I have Pell Grant fyi, I'm if it's any different than what you may have.

>> No.945362

I'm not sure exactly but I think I had pell grants. The money automatically paid my tuition, then I got a check for the rest that they had no idea what I did with after I deposited (and no way to find out).

>> No.945368

>tfw no pell grants/FAFSA in Canada

fuck this shit country desu senpai.

>> No.945441

I studied at the University of Puerto Rico, and my tuition was $700 per semester (except fr around 2 years were I had full tuition exemption due to being at the top 5% of faculty GPA). Studied Accounting and Information Systems (double-major) which took 5 years. Graduated with a 25k surplus from internships.

I think tuition for non-PR residents is around $1,500 per semester, and I know a few Americans who that had leftovers from their Pell Grants every year.

>> No.945557

I studied for CLEPs, and passed the tests. This allowed me to get some credits.

I couldn't go to to school until I was 24 because my parents made too much money for FAFSA although I hadn't really been near them since I was 15.

Went to community college until I couldn't receive anymore credits towards my degree.

Worked for 6 months at a steel mill, got myself fired for calling in, received unemployment benefits of $388/week for a year (which decreases each month after a while) and the person representing the company didn't take part in the 3 way conversation so I automatically got unemployment while the state paid for my education, and then had this extended for 1 more year (2 years total). The problem was that you can't be considered a full time student, so after 2 years of essentially light classwork load, I had to get another job, which I did for about a year this time because I didn't hate the job or anything. I had saved up my money, got fired again because I was injured and they fired me during my injury, and redid the entire process for 2 more years until I graduated debt free from a university.

Received about $130/mo in food stamps, and I worked part time for 2 different places that didn't report my income, so I was making about $1800/mo under the table + unemployment + free healthcare + food stamps.

That is how I got my BA.

Most people who do what I did are too tempted by loan money being thrown at them because they think that they are going to get some awesome job after they finish their degree. I didn't think I would so I didn't take the loans, and I just resold shit on eBay and Amazon for extra money, or picked up odd jobs for cash most weekends.

>> No.946930

Dudes, same.

I go to a UC in California. But before that I was going to community college.

>Never paid more than $10 a semester for tuition
>Sometimes got a small check
>Transfer to UC, $15k tuition for the year is paid for, get a $1500 check every quarter fo fuckin' free.

thank you based fafsa

>> No.947277
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I Have a question /biz/ but It doesn't deserve it's own thread so Im going to post it here.

I am 24 years old and I work in the construction management, I only have a High School Diploma and I want to work towards a bachelors in construction management so that I can get better jobs.

I am terrified of student loans though, I'm guessing it will cost me about 30k-40k and I've heard so many horror stories of graduates not being able to secure work.

How does /biz/ feel about the construction market? Shall I take the leap?

>> No.947775

If US, unions pay you to be in school for that. Also, construction is extremely weird because there's always work and lack of workers, but 90% of places will only hire for projects, never for long term.

If not US, idk.

>> No.948049

I work for a non union company in the US. Do you think it's possible to negotiate tuition fees with my employer?

>> No.948073

You can. I've seen guys get the thumbs up, I've seen a lot of guys let go for random shit literally the day after asking that, but most of them just get a no and life moves on, so it's up to you to take that shot.