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File: 5 KB, 200x200, ven.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9414037 No.9414037 [Reply] [Original]

Hey fuckers, let's make something absolutely easy for you to understand:

Ven will moon in the coming month. Circle will drop something very special at blockchain week..

Believer or hater doesn't matter if you like it or not money will be made. Sit on the sidelines = stay poor

>> No.9414198

Primed and ready to moon

>> No.9414225
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>2.5billion marketcap

doing a 2x is crazy. a 50% is a moon now?
the state of venletts. reminder that if you didn't buy in under 10k sats, or if you don't hold a 100k node then this coins is a shit hold.

>> No.9414265

Making guaranteed gains a shit hold ???

>> No.9414267
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>> No.9414311

This shit will never moon again. They have done everything possible to hype up the price. It might continue to grow but it will not go parabolic again. Unless you're a brainlet who thinks a moon is doubling in a month or some shit, you're delusional

>> No.9414317
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there are way better holds right now. in the sideways bear market, they accumulated good news and din't get their free moon like shitcoins in january did.

Once consensus comes, and we pick u traction, there are going to be a few 10-20x coins.

keep your 0.5x

>> No.9414325
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anon read my post carefully i don't care if you hate it or not. the price will move up.... what the fuck is your brain thinking ?

>> No.9414368

random anon logic = this one will moon 100% but mine will moon faster

>> No.9414374

People are retarded if they think this coin isnt gonna hit 50 billion mcap over the next 6-8 months

>> No.9414399

hold TRAC if you want parabolic

>> No.9414407

shill me some 10-20x coins senpai

>> No.9414425


Jesus christ. the delusion. yeah and ETH hits 500B if that ever happens. Ventards are so married to this coin they can't see what crypto is anymore.

>> No.9414436

It's gonna flip ethereum. Basically 10x minimum

>> No.9414466

Man you’re pathetic, no reason to fud so hard it’s clearly not to late to buy in with mummys money anon

Please do us all a favor and tell me why it won’t? I really wanna know what you know more than all these experts calling for the same thing if not more so enlighten me

>> No.9414471
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20k VEN xnode holder here. Will I make it lads?

>> No.9414476
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The rest is up to you.

There are at least 5 in the top 100-70 atm.

>> No.9414486

vechain def has the most upside of all the major platforms. it obviously doesnt have the moon potential of a tiny cap shitcoin but its also a safe play that you can feel comfortable putting 10s of thousands into (see: blue chip)

>> No.9414506

Whatever laofag

>> No.9414516
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>be a bizlet
>invest $500
>shill .00001 cent coins
>hate actual projects

>> No.9414523


i dont care about your shitcoin. i don't care about any shitcoin. I purchased my VEN back in november, and i sold it after rebrand. I got al lthe gains im ever gonna get from it. even if it flips eth i wont get as much gains as i already have.

onto the next shit coin.

I think VEN is bad for many reasons, but in all honesty i don't see the point holding coins that have already mooned hard anyway. in the bear market you were meant to be accumulating coins that never got the chance to moon, or new coins that have been accumulating lots of good news and are waiting for their moons.

not meant to have held shit that mooned already. why do you think they all crashed? whales and people who purchased low exited and accumulated coins that havent mooned.

neve rmarry a shitcoin. accumualte Bitcoin with them and then sit comfy ocne your stack reaches 100btc.

>> No.9414545
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then what do you have to gain posting shit in VEN threads? move on you dumb faggot. did VEN touch you somewhere?

>> No.9414555

I'm thinking kind of safe 4x short/mid term is WAN MAN
If market goes 600Bn+ then also SPHTX NEXO TKY Gimme me your picks anon

>> No.9414563

Go ahead retard post some proof of those huuugee ven bags you had

>> No.9414574

Wan will not 4x lmao you think it’s gonna jump into the top 12 for absolutely no reason? You really are retarded

>> No.9414577

I went all in on this with my poorfag $2k. It aint gonna make me rich, but it's a garunteed good investment to come back to in 5 years

>> No.9414584

the next 2 months are gonna be fucking insane. cant wait

>> No.9414598
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sold half before rebrand and half after rebrand. purchased 2 BTCs worth end of november.

you do math

>> No.9414609

no need to call names, anon.
There are good news coming and announcements, it's 2bn + coin for sure. It hasn't mooned properly, yet
You better share your insights on your picks so i can see your logic. So far you make a lot of sense with some arguments

>> No.9414619
File: 180 KB, 358x385, DJ Comfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont forget to get in on the next vechain like rocket

>> No.9414625


it has mooned. you crazy. it was a unique situation with exchanges and a fucking stupid long aidrop. it may reach 2B soon but that is only a 2x.

>> No.9414654

How are you going to post that and still lie lmao 13k ven isn’t “2 btc worth” that was like 3500$ back then unless you really are dumb as you seem and spent that much

>> No.9414662

Who is this chinkgard?

>> No.9414676

Sorry I meant to call the other guy retarded anon, I thought it was the one I’ve been arguing with slamming ven then shilling wan (which ven is incorporating exactly what wan does but that’s only a bit of what vens scale is while it’s all of wan) anyways I like the man call I’m huge on matrix bbn hpb and omg

But there isn’t a surer bet in crypto than Vechain I think consensus will confirm that this week

>> No.9414678
File: 53 KB, 403x448, Brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holyshit, I´m sorry but you are not going to make it, anon

>> No.9414702


read comprehension. i sold half AFTER rebrand too, that wasnt my full stack, most was in wallet still. that portion there was what i sold in feb mostly to tether while bitcoin crashed from 12k. intended on buying back into ven but realised i was holding a coin that mooned hard already and bought other shit. The rest of my stack i sold after the cringey rebrand event straight up.

>> No.9414712

Ok. I've already made it fag

>> No.9414717

Yet if that’s half your stack it still doesn’t add up to 2 btc you idiot and I will put my life on it you didn’t have 26k ven

>> No.9414758

Who the fuck is the chink

>> No.9414775

I feel like a prisoner holding a strength x node
this better be worth it goddamnit

>> No.9414795

Thanks anon!
I have a sizable position in VEN & MAN too. Looking forward to the consensus

>> No.9414812
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why are you so angry over the idea i purchased low and sold high?

maybe the same reason you buy high and hold coins that are top thinking they will 10x.

Like im not saying Vechian is a bad project. its overhyped for sure, but its not bad. I just don't believe in crypto or shitcoins in general. i buy low sell high. i only hold BTC or ETH long term. thats tthe only reason i buy shitcoins. to increase my sats.

>> No.9414825
File: 86 KB, 750x725, Making it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, happy for you if true.
The "chinkgard" in the photo is DJ Qian, founder and CEO of BitSe, which created QTUM and VeChain.
Now that QTUM and VeChain has became public blockchain projects since last summer, DJ has started his own public blockchain project Fusion
>FUSION is a public blockchain devoting itself to creating an inclusive cryptofinancial platform by providing cross-chain, cross-organization, and cross-datasource smart contracts.

Trading currently at bibox with marketcap of ~250 million and is four block sponsor of Consensus

>> No.9414835


>> No.9414847

testnet this month and mainnet on june.

>> No.9414870

Hasn't biz learnt that mainnet and massive promises and pre-hype causes the price to drop on announcement?
The marketcap is too high and the circulating supply is massive. It will take one hell of a pump to even 2x. Sure, short term if you can't find another hold then great, sell the news. You're kidding yourselves if you think this will hit some stupid number and hold it.

>> No.9414899

muhh 2x is boring. Through all the shit you just posted you admited that ven should run a 2x. 2x? in a month? wake up retard you've lost track of what 200% means

>> No.9414914

>I’m not saying ven is a bad project

I don’t think I’ve ever met someone online as dumb as you lol and why would I care that you lie about having had 26k ven I have much more than that but I’m holding until 100$ which will come so cap this and feel your shame in 6 months time buddy

>> No.9414919

^ correction 100%

>> No.9414921


go invest in stocks then mate. if that's al lyour after in crypot. LOL.

Jesus. Why are you here for a 2x?

If are one of those mega wahles with like 5,000,000 bucks in VEN, i'm with you. jsut fucking hoold. you only need a 2x to make it and cash out for life.

If you're like the rest of us, with a 1k-250k portfolio then why you chasing a 2x.

>> No.9414950
File: 145 KB, 670x424, 1525474538632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


honestly, you stink of reddit. Go to your little safe space if you don't want people to talk badly about Ven. More importantly, go on reddit if you want to get married to any shitcoin other than BTC or ETH.

Blind to what this games all about friend. you honetly drin kthe kool aid and believe VEN is the one ring? Like the exception? Just like every other fool who is married to their own shitcoin thinks about theirs? wake up.

>> No.9414962

I didn't say it will 2x you shit cunt. I'm saying it probably will have a run up until mainnet but inevitably dump. I'm saying EVEN a 2x is difficult.

>> No.9414986

Has there been a single post on here that you haven’t flip flopped your postition ? Lmao damn you’re retarded as fuck too saying I stink of reddit then reddit spacing like a summer fag on every single post you filthy larper

>> No.9415053
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you know reddit spacing is just a meme too catch people out? It's what people who don't spend al lday on biz do, and people who post from small mobile devices. Its the norm.

It's hilarious wathcing VEN crash and burn though, honestly. Venletts are really unique among crypto "Le-Hodlers".

Hope your mme coins does a 10x, just like every other top 15 coin will, and with the same conviction every person in each subreddit who holds it beleives like you.

I don't fall for that marketing exaggeration from them. good luck.

>> No.9415057

>BTC will never be $100
>ETH will never be $10
>BTC will never be $1000
>ETH will never be $100
>BTC will never be $10000
>ETH will never be $1000

marketcap anons get off my board

>> No.9415160
File: 8 KB, 221x250, 1518840548233s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you seem like the one married to the coin. you have the most posts in this thread yet you apparently don't hold any VEN. i can't imagine being this much of a faggot. kys.

>> No.9415533

there is no 100k node and ur full of shit, this is the project that changes crypto market more than anything since BTC or ETH . It’s such an easy buy and HODL if u pass u should go back to McD’s.

>> No.9415594

ye actually, ven is the only project with real adoption potential outside the top 3-4. It’s obvious with 20 min of study.

>> No.9415628
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>> No.9415772

def not the only one, but absolutely the best bet when it comes to actually having a use case outside of the top ten.

I think it's interesting that the people arguing all believe it will at least 2x. You can't find that with any other crypto

>> No.9415871

I can tell your a poor fag reading your retarded bullshit

>> No.9415914

I literally called my self a poorfag in this thread. I think what you experienced was called a memory, it's the first step to complex thought.

>> No.9415948

>you wike brockchain? we numba one brockchain


>> No.9415956

this will become THE business blockchain

>> No.9415991

this video is so dope. I'm glad this is one of the few companies putting effort into marketing blockchain

>> No.9416003

venfags have nothing to show for but exaggerated partnerships

>> No.9416016

>this video is so dope.

>> No.9416039

Dude, it's a hyped up shitcoin. There are relatively few use cases where enterprises would actually benefit by utilizing blockchain tech. VEN is competing with many other platforms for what is a relatively small market. It's not going to be THE business platform. It's a fucking joke. That's why they focus their marketing to the 20 something crypto investor.

>> No.9416081

You're an idiot. It should be obvious....they aren't selling a blockchain platform to enterprises, they are selling a token to crypto moon kids. Their marketing is a fucking scam. CCK, exaggerated news, marvel studio videos...use your head brainlet.

>> No.9416086

Why are Facebook and IBM researching blockchain if it's such a small market?

>> No.9416093

>real adoption
you're a dumbass just like the rest of us who don't know shit about tech or business, except you're brainwashed enough to fall for shitty marketing.

>> No.9416102

>Venfags have nothing to show for but major companies using their blockchain
What is more important to an enterprise focused cryptocurrency than partnerships?

>> No.9416107

why did you space out and capitalize it? I assume this is what's called being "edgy"

>> No.9416120
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>It's another episode of the same emotional retards shitting all over the place because they bought high sold low and now they've a personal vendetta against this shitcoin
We get it you guys were retards now fuck off and let people at the very least discuss their shitcoins

>> No.9416137

For what use case specifically? Since the beginning, blockchain has been a solution in search of a problem. There are a few use cases where the blockchain makes sense but most crypto projects right now are useless and are just trying to cash in on the hype.

>> No.9416139

>they aren't selling a blockchain platform to enterprises
actually, they are. research how the companies utilize the platform. they have to actually invest in the currency!

>> No.9416157

lmao the fuck does fb have to do with supply chain. ibm is closed consortium with no need for publicly traded token to bring u neets into the picture.

>enterprise focused cryptocurrency
u venfags keep using the word enterprise as if there's going to corporate fomo causing ven to moon. u fags are as delusional if not more than the rest of cryptofags

>> No.9416175


>> No.9416176

I'm familiar with Vechain. I'm aware of what they are doing, but I don't think it's anywhere near as big as VenFags want to believe it is.

>> No.9416226

As far as I can tell, everyone who is critical of Vechain in these threads has the same story....we bought in early, rode the hype, and sold at rebrand. Honestly, it's hard to understand those of you who chose to hold after than shit show....knowing that is was just going to drop for the next few months. Why didn't you sell rebrand anon?

>> No.9416239

i'm referring to the general notion that blockchain and enterprises don't belong together which i disagree. But I think once IOT becomes more popular along with AI and Big Data, blockchain will also be included.

>> No.9416258

For the effort VeChain is putting into complying with governmental regulations and enterprise relationships, I think it's going to be big. But yes, it may not get big since it's completely focused to enterprises. much of the hype around coins these days is about how the average person could use the technology

>> No.9416275

do you realize how vapid u sound? just keep hodling. i'll be laughing at ur ass when btc takes down the entire shitcoin market with it.

>> No.9416296

ah no-coiner? y u here

>> No.9416307

>be a venfag
>pretends to know tech
>pretends to know business
>pretends to know gov regulation
>thinks vet is next eth

>> No.9416313

How many enterprises need to store/access data on a decentralized network though? It's far less efficient than traditional technology so there has to be a damn good reason to transition. If it's going to be offered as a cost savings (which is can)....it won't be making you rich anon. Sorry, but nobody in the real world wants to buy your inflated shit coin.

>> No.9416319

why you keep quoting me in green text? stop being edgy please i cant handle it

>> No.9416352

you're a pathetic idiot for still hodling crypto and not trading

>> No.9416375

it will likely be a hybrid between centralization and decentralization. the issue will be scaling in the future.

>> No.9416396

Hahahaha so much more money in enterprise yo

>> No.9416411

see how you put blinders on and completely misses the point you brainwashed dumbass?
>If it's going to be offered as a cost savings (which is can)....it won't be making you rich anon.

>> No.9416420

ven is already one of my top holdings

>> No.9416425


Decentralized data will be huge in the future. With cloud computing being a bottleneck and security issues as well

>> No.9416437

oh for that point it can be much cheaper. not having to dedicate resources to security and data curation can save a lot of many for enterprises

>> No.9416472

It’s bigger than ETH lol its gonna be so fun to see the real world FOMO into crypto because of VEN

>> No.9416474

Might be. I think we have a long way to go still. But this isn't Vechain. If I was betting on a decentralized data storage solution I'd be looking at something like RLC.

>> No.9416492

>written by someone as questionable as u
god u are pathetic

>> No.9416510
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>> No.9416514

yes i like rlc but it relies on ethereum. ethereum has scaling issues but if it can fix those i think it will succeed

>> No.9416553

Yeah, ETH has issues for sure.

>> No.9416606

a normal person would've shut up by now, but venfags like u keep talking out of ur ass as if u're an expert in anything. i swear vechain is optimized at attracting these type of ppl bcz all they can handle is marketing materials.

>> No.9416724

chill senpai

>> No.9416760

honestly just be careful. trying to get u to be more critical and stop drinking the kool-aid. crypto is infested with paid shills, and vechain is no exception. also stop pretending like u know everything when u know u don't. it's annoying. and at least learn btc's price movement 1st before hodling onto shitcoins. btc moves the entire market no exception.

>> No.9416832

You must not have noticed when BTC goes down, VEN gains sats. Pay attention.

>> No.9416884

oh look another overconfident venfag suffering from delusion of grandeur. y is it that every coin has fallen from jan atm then recovered a bit along with btc then?

>> No.9416923

>It’s bigger than ETH lol its gonna be so fun to see the real world FOMO into crypto because of VEN
u are a big piece of dumbshit

>> No.9417542

Damn I thought the other guy was retarded as hell then you entered this thread

>> No.9417634

I sold at rebrand and you’re still bag holding. Who’s the retard?

>> No.9418055
File: 28 KB, 488x463, 724572345625467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are clearly the retard for posting the most in a thread about a coin you don't own. i can't imagine being this much of a retarded faggot. kys.

>> No.9418080

u can’t read and lack any real mom-lizard brain cognitive ability if you can’t see

>> No.9418086

stinkey pajeets shilling stinkey coins

nothing much changes around here huh