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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9409710 No.9409710 [Reply] [Original]

skimpletongs mansplain why

skimpletongs not listen

not learn

but shhh



stop that red

red VIEN

just shhh


skimp not


but not late

for skomp learn

z love biz

biz is z z is oracle oracle is z z is biz

>> No.9409724
File: 525 KB, 2008x1346, jig ja ja ja.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9409732
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Not this faggot again

>> No.9409740

not hate type

>> No.9409777
File: 256 KB, 1280x1661, 1460414928322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do one for BTC for love god

>> No.9409798

Should we try to swing trade this to accumulate more Nuls?

>> No.9409821

I have 7 btc to spend, will nuls double in the next 4 weeks?
Otherwise I will just wait until consensus is over and btc goes up or crashes. Alts will be on sale either way.

>> No.9409823

Thanks for abandoning us while the market went down.

"Above 9k, non be ok"

>> No.9409830

z say buy nuls $2
ez money
thanks z

>> No.9409846

Where are you Oracle Nigger !!??
C'm'ere and Imma pump yo' ass to 20k nigger !!
Imma give you a hard power pump nigger !!
Where are you Oracle Nigger !!??
Show yourself and you feel the real pump nigger !

>> No.9409853


>> No.9409854

Z not abandon

z not need hold

non hand

below 9k non not okay

v obvious then

z not need hold non ween

Z not v off

on chart

Most important

z have lifes too

Z became too fame god

All biz say

all biz day

Z we Love

Z WE hate

Z is z

Z also very busy

Became too much time

But z always say hold which coins

And 2018 great year crypto

Z not need hand hold biz each

every week

Z love biz

Z show good coin

Z preach shh

Z help biz v much

But z life too

Some time shh must

Hold shh

In shh cult own heart

Not need z always come soothsay

Remember z not have save b8z many time

Z want help biz

>> No.9409862

how good is the brickblock ico?

>> No.9409870

Where are you Oracle Nigger !!!??
C'm'ere and Imma pump yo' ass to 20k nigger !!!!
Imma give you a hard power pump nigger !!!
Where are you Oracle Nigger !!??
Show yourself and you feel the real pump nigger !

>> No.9409894

shh and learn

>> No.9409924

learn and shh

z save biz


just shhbreathe







and shhhmoan out



>> No.9409947

Can you advice us where to sell to buy back lower? I got around 1,000 and want to double it to be able to stake.

>> No.9409969

Im hyperventilating because i sold my bitcoins at $8390 last night

>> No.9409978

non could try

try at handler base

but z
just hold EOY

>> No.9409989



NOT hyperventlbate

just breath


>> No.9410047

Crash 2018:
above 9k
non be ok

Post-crash 2018:
below 9k non not okay
v obvious then

Look, I like the positivity you're trying to bring to biz. The problem is that you disappeared after your calls went bad, and now you reappear pretending that you didn't make any mistakes.

>> No.9410082

post feet

>> No.9410115

Z been wrong before

Z admit when Z


Z not 100% right

But more right than 99%


Z just try help biz

Take z

Leave z

Now shh

>> No.9410130

Z gimme another coin dude

>> No.9410133
File: 184 KB, 900x900, bf2c7d6cd7c728059015673dcf0f2950fb6a866010497a2357723c607fd6b928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ty Z
been holding and buying.

welcome back
been hard but have learned lot from you


>> No.9410140

I have no idea what NULS is, still.

>> No.9410202
File: 6 KB, 311x162, oracle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking advice from pic related

>> No.9410218

Nuls is nothing

>> No.9410235

>the absolute state of /biz
When will you learn?

>> No.9410250

When moon? This month or hold until EOY?

>> No.9410492


I sold NULS and bought HOT.

HOT gave 4x

Should I sell HOT now and re-buy NULS?

(lots more NULS)

>> No.9410749

he's just gonna tell you that he's long on NULS and to buy and hold them until year end

>> No.9410799

Marius stop shitposting and go back to twitter

>> No.9410848

Anyone who listens to this retard is asking to lose money

>> No.9410869

i listened to him about nuls and put 15 eth into it and now i can sell them for over 30 eth. try again, pal

>> No.9410875

Oracle z dropping by to basically leave haejin charts. Thanks for nothing. If you're not a retard trading on margin you should be buying in the areas laddering in to around 7.8, btc will make new ATHs just be fucking patient and learn to take profit so you can buy the dips.

>> No.9410950

Z save biz with

Inverse head ahpulser

Of legend

Lead shh cult

From 7.5k to 11k

Bring Nuls $2

Trans-parents on own positions

Show all charts

Say take z

Or leave z

Stop hate type red vein


>> No.9410969

Let's see some proof of that buy you massive larp

>> No.9410971

And counting

Ja Ja

Z love Shh cult

>> No.9410985


Hestory z breads

Z bring Nuls

Long go

>> No.9410988


If you can actually own up to mistakes let's see proof of this call. If not you're just bullshitting biz without putting your money where your mouth is. Let's see it you obvious larper

>> No.9410995


>> No.9411675
File: 8 KB, 192x263, 1511564370592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not done with accumulating yet. what do?

>> No.9411709

Sold at 40k sats and fomo'd in again now I want to kill myself. I lost 300 NULS

>> No.9411719

finally :)! hello Z how are you
I asked last time how we will know if c&h was confirmed
thanks for posting
also do you have a tradingview account where you post your TA s?

>> No.9411741

Wait for

Break over res

Don't knife catch bottom

Handler is safest

>> No.9411874

what is TP when c&h is confirmed?

>> No.9412512

shouldn't day trade promising projects. hodling is only a meme if it's a shitcoin

>> No.9412595

is this a 1d chart?

>> No.9412659

hey oracle! haven't seen you in a while!
I remember last time you were here. You talked about how btc was about to go on a bullrun!

I sold my fucking god damn rolex and bought btc.
I still haven't broke even on that shit you rat nigger peice of shit fuck you

>> No.9412669


>> No.9412680

>it's your fault that i listened to you

>> No.9412711

i have 2 rolexes.
i even made a video of me driving off to sell it. I remember setting it on the bed and thinking I should just hold on.

checked /biz/ one last time, shhoracle was on fire and it looked good. said fuck it and sold that bad boy.

just warning other anons.
it's no big deal because i want money in crypto but this sock and sandal wearing fuck is full of shit

>> No.9412736

Binary of simple mind

Non trader non

1. 100 percentages right
2. Shit inside sandal socks

>> No.9412747

shut your ass

>> No.9412748

You do know this is the guy who got laughed out of /v/ because he was acting retarded there and forgot to take off his trip. Nowadays I just laugh at all oracle cultist for believing someone so stupid.

>> No.9412753

Z make biz much


Z just offer help

Follow z to T

Up much money

How Z know?

Z up much money

And 2 rolexers


>> No.9412765

Lol where

Non cult JA JA

Now we see red veins

Stay strong shh

We still love you skimpletongs

Not too late lewrn

>> No.9412816

So where is bitcoin going from here? Show your BTC TA Z

>> No.9412892

I have no doubt in my mind that this is true. The shtick is absolutely pathetic, even by /biz/ standards

>> No.9413013

Was this the phaggot wit the knee high sock fetish?

>> No.9413046

time to go home, nigger

>> No.9413078

Thanks Z, went heavy on Nuls at $2 because of you. What do you think I should do from here? Hodl and sell at mainnet to buy back later? Or keep hodling till EOY?

>> No.9413081

Time to gtfo, kike

>> No.9413082


>> No.9413120

>went heavy
Stay poor

>> No.9413140

skimpletongs so mad

skimpletongs not have cult

not make biz better

skimp on redveins

>> No.9413141

back in the closet or back to plebbit
dont fucking signal your shit here you lonely little bitch

>> No.9413153

NUL also $5

shhcult +150%

in market downs

>> No.9413165

stop hate type

>> No.9413166

what's your issue here pal? also knee high socks are a top tier fetish. in fact, thigh highs are even better

>> No.9413167

You don't have a cult either, you retarded attention seeking faggot. Already busted for being a fag in /v/, kys

>> No.9413194

>you lonely little bitch
>literally just got off the phone with my booty call
Stay salty, poorfag

>> No.9413219



>> No.9413221

>he doesn’t have ankle cut sock fetish
You’re not gonna make it

>> No.9413224

>trying this hard
classic misc
alright senpai, cheers

>> No.9413238

Oracle you recommending any of the coins that have a presentation tomorrow?

>> No.9413239

Z unironic

not ever visit v

even one

ja ja

>not care mention if attractive
>met on cruise


>> No.9413254

qtum is one of his picks

>> No.9413262

SONM look little


>> No.9413264

skimpletongs demand btc TA

>> No.9413276

V this

V so this is!

but not so nice

to Z

>> No.9413288

>alright senpai, cheers
Stay cucked, delusional poorfag brainlet

>> No.9413306

misc tho

>> No.9413358

Idgaf, phaggot

>> No.9413370

you seem to :^)

>> No.9413411

we did it for the nuls

>> No.9413497

sop hate type

two nons>>9413306

>> No.9414231

almost 5.06


>> No.9414252

This pump is incredible

>> No.9414280

Oracle this pump will certainly correct right? Any idea of how high we're going here?

>> No.9414423

Z not care for


Z hold EOY

same at $2

Same is now

>> No.9414511

Hey Oracle, welcome back. :)

>> No.9415098

Hi non

Z ramp

Back up


>> No.9415357

Ah fuck this fags back

>> No.9415379

5.15 ;)

Shhcult 1

Skimptongs: 0


>> No.9415654

how do i report u for spam?

>> No.9415997

Literally the same faggot who only was right during the btc bounce up to 12k listening to this faggot is confirmed going to lose you money. Listen to me this shit is going sub 6k

>> No.9416230
File: 285 KB, 1839x904, omega.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9416270

i just wish they would announce when they will convert from ERC-20. i have them on MEW and it sketches me out a little bit

>> No.9416368


Lol now youre back? Now im convinced youre the same person as oracle

>> No.9416833

look at btc go lads baka fell for the shh fag again

>> No.9417077

muh TA

>> No.9417125


>> No.9417324

oh my goosh

omegle wanker

just not ever rigt

so come try

make oracle

look like

omegle wanker

but oracle not omegle wanker

oracle always v right

omgle just no

>> No.9417350
File: 305 KB, 2722x1140, goosh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nuls reject cup handler

break right over


look for retest

ress as support

if then bounce

to buy if want buy

but $2 is when real buy


hard tell when good enter

nuls real move fast up

if have hold

if not have

wait patient

for good buy

not fomo


nuls v good project though

still not need fomo