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9409624 No.9409624[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I spend $70 a month in personal appearance am I a faggot or what

>> No.9409633

Every month? Why?

>> No.9409640

Top kek. Beta males btfo

>> No.9409652

What do you spend it on?

I never buy branded trousers or shorts jackets etc, only branded sneakers.

I spend maybe $200 a year on clothing I still wear the same stuff I wore 10 years ago but I wear a uniform 5 days a week so my actual clothes don’t get much use

>> No.9409653

Well $40 for a fade and beard trim/line up and $30 for a eyebrow wax I think it was GSP who once said look good, feel good, do good and I just always went by that

>> No.9409663

>eyebrow wax

Ok I’ll bite, lay off the onions, for a male your eyebrows do not matter to anybody.

>> No.9409706

They have been ice breakers for sluts on more than one occasion

>> No.9409711

>eyebrow was
just buy a pair of tweezers if you need to do something to your eyebrows
you spent $70 a month on personal appearance and it's all on your fucking skull hair?

>> No.9409746


>> No.9409768
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>I'm scoring with sluts

>> No.9409790
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>> No.9409837

>spending $840 a year to impress sluts

>> No.9409911

How poor Are You guys? Spending 800/year is not that much.

>> No.9409932

Hahaha what a faggot. Do you get a perm too you bitch

>> No.9410113

>Spending 800/year is not that much.
That mindset is how you stay in the same spot financially, m8

>> No.9410162

It's all relative. If you make 100k a year, 800 is peanuts. If you make 20k however, 800 might dwindle your finances in the long term. You could make better use of that 800 to become wealthier

>> No.9410224

Not poor at all, not rich either I could comfortably spend what you do on clothes, just don’t need to. My personality carries me well enough with women.

>> No.9410240

White women sure are mad.

>> No.9410251

What's wrong with cargo pants ?
Is that an american meme ?

>> No.9410279

Lol there was a roastie mad enough to make that image.

>> No.9410285

I don't understand this retarded millenial hate for cargo shorts. I like cargo shorts.

>> No.9410296

Good job. You’re a role model for most people here

Do u even leave the house

Implying not every girl is a slut lmaoo nice cope

>> No.9410321
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>paying $30 to look like a faggot

>> No.9410372

simple clean white shirt and a good pair of jeans and your off to a good start, you need to be fit to rock it though

>> No.9410386

I make 150-200k/year at 23 yo with 700k in crypto/stocks and I have a decent apartment. I’m doing fine financially, thank you. I probably spend 2k/year on clothes and haircuts. I know a lot of (not poor) people who spend a lot more than that.

>> No.9410409

If it makes you happy then who gives a shit faggot?
Why do you need validation from strangers on a Mongolian fishing board?

>> No.9410462
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>150-200k/year at 23
what a larper

what job do you have?

think carefully before answering

>> No.9410482

I spend about 1% if my salary on appearance. I don’t really do it to impress women (I don’t wear anything flashy), I just feel comfortable in nice clothes. Also, I need to dress well for my work.

>> No.9410528

I work for Spencer Stuart.

>> No.9410529

Chef at Wendy's btw

>> No.9410565

Not impossible, sometimes you just have to be in the right place at the right time. I'm doing 100K EUR yearly at 25 years old, and I've got a friend at the same age who's recently moved to the bay area and is pulling 200K+ USD.

>> No.9410680
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>> No.9410918

honestly eyebrows can make a guy go from a 5/10 to a 8/10

Just get them threaded by some chink in the mall - tweezers fuck with your eyebrow hairs ability to grow back.

men with nice eyebrows = hot to most modern females

>> No.9410929


>wasting money on degenerate roasties

Good goy