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9409410 No.9409410 [Reply] [Original]

How do I marry a 16 year old /biz/? I am 22, tired of used goods running around here. I want a pure hearted girl to be the mother of my children, but its so fucking hard to find one that is not corrupted.

>> No.9409423
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>pure hearted girl
m8, all women are whores. Grow up already

>> No.9409436

Hi hello is this a meme? You're retarded.

>> No.9409448

>pure hearted
My sweet summer child.

>> No.9409453

>i can't attract any good women so i'm going to go after children

Improve yourself you freak, if you can only attract shit then you must be shit too

>> No.9409458

>year 2018 plus 0
>getting married
audible kek

>> No.9409465


>> No.9409474

Go live with the Amish they should have some pure girls.

>> No.9409475

Move to Austria. Shit's quasi legit here.

>> No.9409520
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The women you attract are a mirror of yourself, if you attract dumb sluts it's because you deserve them.

>> No.9409531


anon this is some serious storybook logic. God isn't out there rewarding you with nice things because you're nice. Actually, I find ruthless, cruel people get rewarded more often than nice ones.

Again, time to grow up and become an adult

>> No.9409545

>faps to trap porn and is attracted to children
>complains about purity
Honestly kys.

>> No.9409553
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There are millions of 16 year olds in the U.S. Statistically, even if only 1% of them are pure hearted. Thats hundreds of thousands. R-right?

>> No.9409557


Now you're bargaining.

>> No.9409575

I never said he should be nice, but he should improve himself instead of going after children like a mud person.

>> No.9409585


Get your shit together, anon. You are playing the victim, but in reality you are a cunt because you attracted cunts.

People never understand this. Whoever you date/marry is a reflection of yourself and often they blame it on the other.

Stop acting like a cunt and clean yourself up and you will attract those who are similar and be happy.

This is your fault and you did it to yourself, you deserved it.

But now it's time to change and grow and be happy. Work on yourself before jumping into another relationship. If you don't, the cycle will repeat itself until you do.

>> No.9409597


no, but 1% are so ugly that they can fake the pure-heartedness because they want some beta cock

>> No.9409611

you’re looking for them in the wrong places

go to a church somewhere in asia you faggot

>> No.9409636
File: 8 KB, 149x300, whydontyouhaveaseatrightoverthere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're 22 and looking for a 16 year old.

>> No.9409647

>tfw a lady at my church wants me to marry her daughter
>blonde, pure, sweet and extremely open to my views (1488 gas the skypes)
>tfw she’s turning 17 this week and I’m 22
>pre arranged marriage FTW

Gotta start making these a trend again. She’ll graduate HS and marry a stable older man who can provide and protect her. And I’ll get a pure and innocent wife who can raise my children properly. It’s how the world should work

>> No.9409673

>pure and innocent
>watches today's TV, movies, or uses the internet

Pick one

>> No.9409689

Convert to Islam so you can legally fuck 14 year olds

>> No.9409697
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whew those guys

>> No.9409731

She’s impressionable and holds christian values. That’s the only base you need. If you can’t lead a woman and teach her right from wrong, you’re not ready to be in a relationship or raise kids. Meaning if I say “yeah I don’t want to watch this show cuz it’s got gay/ anti white/ anti christian messages”, it doesn’t really matter what my reasoning is for it as long as she trusts my judgement. And once the JQ is fully understood, everything else will fall into place.

16 is legal age of consent in like half of US states and I bet just about every country in Europe. However, as a 22 year old, I personally wouldn’t entertain a girl younger than 18. Even in my situation nothing romantic is going to happen until then; I just have her parents blessing and they want me to be a part of their family. It’s really pure and heartwarming desu.

>> No.9409735
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Girls past puberty arent just "children" anymore.
So are you saying I should pay some poor family?
I have good intentions anon, I will treat her with respect, raise her well. She doesnt even have to work. All i want is a beautiful innocent wife taking care of my children. I think thats what all men want but dont act upon it.
I am thinking about it
Fuck off

>> No.9409741

Make a thread giving away 100 LINK and you'll undoubtedly get the 16 year old faggots who hold it queuing up to suck your cock

>> No.9409761

Why do you think you deserve anyone who is "pure hearted", you 4chan visiting faggot

>> No.9409795

listen to me, most of the advice in this thread sucks
the only reason you think you can't is that women say you can't
all of women's words are a shit test
if you can do the following you can have anything you want from women:
be a man who is not afraid of women, a man who knows if the woman he is around walks away, he can find more
be a man who is unashamed for his well thought out perspective on women
if you can look women in the eye and say you want a strong relationship without divorce or distrust and that the basis of that is a young innocent wife, you will not only be allowed it, you will be given it
stop being a coward

>> No.9409817

With that advice OP will be the next school shooter

>> No.9409844

Why do you even need a family? You clearly should not reproduce.

>> No.9409879

this is incorrect
incels are men scared of women who find them foreign
i am advocating he become familiar with women, have options, know how to handle shit tests
and then cause the worlds biggest shit test to be given to him
denying his own natural sexual desires
and then passing that test
which is what all true men do

>> No.9409907

having a family is the greatest joy a human can achieve
it has been this way since the beginning of time
there is much mindfuck out there to try and convince men to do things that are not in their interest
how strong you are as a man is determined by how well you resist these lies

>> No.9409933

No pure heart is going to settle with your soul full of sin, posting memes on the internet and masturbating to traps. Fucking fix yourself first

>> No.9410077

kill yourself

>> No.9410280

Could be legal depending where he lives, not everyone lives in California or Florida where the aoc is 18. The majority of states have it at 16.

>> No.9410338

Sure but just wait untill she wants to have sex with someone else ;)

>> No.9410381

Hehehehehe I’m 19 and my gf is 16 it’s awesome she lets me nurture her to be a great wife in the future

>> No.9410437


16 year old girl?

- delusional
- unreliable
- can't even do housework
- can't cook
- can't handle dt or dp
- bitchy

Fucking useless.

>> No.9410452

>tfw 21 years old.
>dating qt3.14 17 year old girl.
>we were both KHVs when we started dating.
>going to get married next year.
>90% of guys in the modern age will never have the pleasure of being their gfs/wives only sexual partner.
>tfw our marriage has an extremely high success rate, because we're each other's only sexual partner, and we're both from wealthy families.

Feelsgoodman, if you ever plan on dating or getting married don't marry a whore, jesus Christ I'd say that's one of the biggest reasons for an unhappy relationship. But sadly most of biz will probably fall for some used girl with a "wild" past then get all their linkies stolen once she becomes bored of you.

>> No.9410567

women can really only be happy with the first man they have sex with
harsh but true

>> No.9410568

You think just maybe she might get bored of you when she's 25, after 7 years of marriage? People change, especially in their 20s.

>> No.9410624

strong work anon
how did you swing it, give tips for OP

>> No.9411122

sleeping with only one woman in your entire life is gayer than aids. i've taken 4 girls virginitys. totally overrated. I much prefer older more sexually experienced women. but then again i'm not an insecure beta with a small weiner.

>> No.9411159
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>they’re a reflection of their shitty self!

>> No.9411178
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23 here me too, wymyn are a lost cause in my generation now. There are a lot more of us that think women are fucked. Lolis it is then.

>> No.9411184

You have no idea do you? Nice people get rewarded much more(not nice virgins, you shits have no place in this world). Nice and cute guys get 10x than bad-mannered and cute guys get.

>> No.9411333

unironically true
anyone who bitches about just world fallacy confuses cynicism for intelligence
you were born male, you have agency, you either build yourself up to be the kind of man good women are attracted to or you complain endlessly about things out of your control

>> No.9411357

>sour grapes, the post
just because you will never experience love doesn't mean you have to sperg out and call everyone beta

>> No.9411362

Are you pure hearted? If you're not pure hearted, stop throwing rocks in a glass house

>> No.9411395
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>Business and Finance

>> No.9411396


That's the most beta thing I read today and it's already 22:24.

>> No.9411545

>16 year old

Women are women, no matter how old.

>> No.9411638

maybe wait for them to actually be mature. rarely are 16 year old mature mentally theyre not ready. they havent developed even if they are virgins. they mentally are niave. kinda makes me nervous that youre dating a girl in her teens 6 years younger then you that arent v mentally ready to even have a serious relationship but as long as youre good to them and they are consenting i wont go into it. she isnt ready and you are so maybe get someone mature and serious instead of dating someone how on average isnt.

>> No.9411706

Teenage girls in the west are some of the most vapid, amoral, self-centered and narcissistic people on the planet. They will not be loyal to you, they will have zero ability to empathize with your needs, they don't know what integrity is, and they will ditch you the moment the spark begins to fade. Half of them have already become familiar with Jamal's dick.

>> No.9411775

i keep saying, you neets condemning every girl that will have sex with literally anyone but your acne-scarred ass as roasties and unironically pining for "pure" and "unsullied" girls will inevitably expose itself as pedophilia one way or another, if it hasn't already. i'd honestly be surprised if you faggots don't already have tor installed for those especially frustrating hours
oh and enjoy your future cambodian holidays with those "perfect" asian girls of questionable age
creepy fucks

>> No.9411815

Honestly m8 you sound like you're projecting.

>> No.9411847

don't get defensive, i didn't implicate you directly.
im just saying, in general, guys weirdly aggressive in their pursuit of "pure" girls are heading down a strange road.

>> No.9411940
File: 284 KB, 1110x982, womenvanity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you say that? Purity is something that every sexually healthy man desires in a woman to some degree. Virgins are not sought after just by NEETS on vietnamese chili cooking image boards. The virgin bride has been a common theme throughout history and in every culture.

What's the alternative? You want a girl who's loose and "experienced", who will never have her first anything with you, who will never look up to you as wise, and who will never be able to bond with you on an emotional level because she's got too much baggage from her first, second or third broken heart?

Don't get me wrong, you won't find that in a teenager any more than a 30 year old as far as western city girls go, but don't act like it's an abnormal desire or some form of repressed pedophilia. It's not.

>> No.9412017

>What's the alternative? You want a girl who's loose and "experienced", who will never have her first anything with you, who will never look up to you as wise, and who will never be able to bond with you on an emotional level because she's got too much baggage from her first, second or third broken heart?
How much life experience do you even have to back up this bit of poetry, anon? Like, I'm really sorry you were too socially fucked in HS to rub your smelly little penis into your girlfriend's jelly roll and do all kinds of special, life-impacting things that would totally change your life and make you a better person (totally!), but hyperfocusing on this abstraction of what you think you're missing out on is just gonna make you neurotic in the long run. Maybe earlier if you're a burger. Screencap this and check back in 5-10 years. GL, anon, you're gonna need it.

>> No.9412020
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Also pic related. Pair bonding is a real thing, and it becomes progressively less likely to happen the more miles of dick a woman has taken.

>> No.9412035

>spends time studying charts on why he can't get laid instead of working on getting laid

>> No.9412041

>How much life experience do you even have to back up this bit of poetry, anon?
I'm 31 anon, I've had many girlfriends and lots of time to think about all this. Again, you're just projecting your own insecurities which is why you're so hostile.

>> No.9412050

Everything has to be the other person "projecting" if it cuts too close, anon. Everything's wrong with everyone else but you.

>> No.9412079
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>16 year old

begone modern man

>> No.9412085
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I mean you haven't actually disputed anything I've said. You're just shit flinging because you don't like what I have to say. Starting to think you might just be a roastie. There's more to life than getting your dick wet on the first STD ridden whore who spreads her legs for you. I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt, but it doesn't sound like you're nearly mature or self-aware enough to have this conversation. Have a nice day.

>> No.9412110

Hopefully your virgin child bride will be mature and self-aware enough to understand why you chose her. Have a nice day yourself, anon! <3

>> No.9412125


Women never become self aware

>> No.9412155

What's worse, AI becoming self-aware, or women?

>> No.9412305

I'm dating a KHV(untill me), I honestly prefer sluts. They're just better at sex.

>> No.9412536

HAHA okay enjoy wagecucking until you die to support your ungrateful family providing they don't die from heat stress first.

>> No.9412561
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Look at all these normalfag ass bitches talking about 3d whores

You have to go back. Seriously you are devolved and need a reality check

>> No.9412809

your so much of a faggot in this thread lmao

>> No.9413114

>tfw insecure because you're dick isn't the best she's ever had.

>> No.9413116
File: 41 KB, 436x414, 1509752343512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw a 13yo girl is hitting on me
>I'm 29