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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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9408688 No.9408688 [Reply] [Original]

how do you cope when you fomo into a low volume coin and the price drops by 50%?
do I just forget about the markets for a month and come back later?
it's half of my 1k portfolio I'm trying to get back up to 20k
what do?
I need constant advice and validation from nigerian 419 bulletins

>> No.9408730

what coin?

>> No.9408774


>> No.9408777
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I don't know if you want advice or you're projecting or if you want to insult someone. If you've really gone with half your folio into a low volume coin, you better have a great reason to get in in the first place.

>> No.9408802

id cut losses at this point, if it's half your portfolio. Put it on a good project or wait the market to shit the bed again.

>> No.9408884

It's been out for like 9 days, you may have tried to buy the bottom too soon. Devs look chill and the roadmap doesn't look like a scam. Can they pull it? When? IDK.

>> No.9408896
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>> No.9408962

I actually want advice but I genuinely think 0xCATE is a good project
the 'next big thing' in crypto will be mineable ERC20s
miners are some of the biggest market movers aside from wales and when they start to realise that mining top 40 coins isn't that profitable anymore I think they'll move to 0xBTC and then 0xCATE when they start to gain traction
0xBTC yes has the upside of not being premined but then it's still limited to a simple store of value which eth already is
0xCATE on the other hand is literally the first proof of use token in existence and will make gas prices astronomically small and eventually free
a free to use DEX would be a fucking revelation

>tried to buy the bottom too soon
I think you're right, I've never been this early on a project before
it's unchartered territory for me

>> No.9409011
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When you finally find an individual who can see past the meme for the economic potential this has.

>> No.9409038

Don't sell the coin but with the remaining money go to bitmex

>> No.9409069
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Just learn to short LMAO

>> No.9409071

already fell for the leverage meme and lost 3k
never again thanks

>> No.9409187

Can you buy this anywhere or just mine?

>> No.9409417

It's a lot of risk, Do you want to increase now that it's cheaper? Then maybe reduce. That test works much better when you aren't so deep, buy with a plan. You could be fine just doing nothing but you're probably going to need more than a month to see the results you want if you get them.

>> No.9409609


>> No.9410159

are you fucking retarded? lmao you will never get your money back for falling to 0xcate

>> No.9410815

>buy with a plan
as in have a set exit point and stoploss?
I usually just sell 60% of my stack at +100% and let the rest ride

it's a risk I'm prepared to take because the potential is huge and I'm in at the ground floor
you can keep your top 10 safe-bets bucko
when your portfolio is this small, high risk/reward projects are your only hope

>> No.9410840

the absolute state of biztards

>> No.9410859

bruh. this is even worse than falling for turtlecoin
wait a recoup and cut your losses, there are much better opportunities out there

>> No.9410925

such as?
my other 50% is with hot at 100, shoot me
I mean ori looks good but it's already up like 7x, I doubled my money near the end of the pump and got out before it crashed

>> No.9411318
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You assign how much you want to put in and you do it over a period of time. Maybe sometime more, maybe all the months the same, maybe only on dips, whatever. For holdings, if you want to do something else, you can do it differently but most of us are not usually here doubling every month. With a bigger portfolio you can also do it differently because if losing 1K means losing 1%, then you can leave it there and who cares if you bought high. You may take an extra on fees depending on the exchange and without much you can only do it in like 3/4 turns, I don't know. But you can cultivate some good habits and you can start deciding with a clearer head without needing to worry so much about what's going to happen next because whatever happens you have an idea about how you're going to act in advance. You can do it all in one trade too if you want but I think there's something here you don't want to repeat.

Your situation:
> Trade
> Observe
> Decide

What I'm telling you
> Decide
> Observe
> Trade

And then you can do it again and buy again or take profits or whatever you want. That's not a guarantee either but I think it will leave you in a better place.