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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9405603 No.9405603 [Reply] [Original]

What is /biz/ eating today? Pic related is my lunch

>> No.9405647
File: 80 KB, 640x640, 556A5DDF-ACB3-4AE7-97A9-B41FEDD09CD4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you eating dirt, anon

>> No.9405652

Aaaale bym buraczki opierdolił

>> No.9405670

Do you also drink from the toilet?

>> No.9405689

This is food from Latvia

>> No.9405724
File: 1.44 MB, 2160x2160, 20180513_150923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9406750

Mien nogger

>> No.9406766


>> No.9406972


So dirt

>> No.9406990

Your master piece deserves to be posted on /ck/

>> No.9407011

Looks a lot like food from Poland

>> No.9407040

I feel sorry for you

>> No.9407060

Holy shit broseph, I just cooked the same 2 hours ago! That's buckwheat, isn't it?

I made rissotto with buckwheat, jasmin rice and quinoa, corn, carrots and peas (topped with fresh parsley plus fried chicken breast (neighborhood butcher has great fresh chicken)

What's the ultra-healthy looking shit, is it grated beetroot?

>> No.9407113

enjoy eating burgers burger

>> No.9407132


Burgers are delicious, why would that be an insult?

>> No.9407305

lambo'ed rainbow pajeet chicken on litecoined rice, next to some bitcoined beer.

>> No.9407417

>burger cannot compute

>> No.9407442

Literally ate for 700usd with 7 ppl

>> No.9407468

did they palm the bill off onto the guy with big crypto gains?

>> No.9407563
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Might as well eat dirt

>> No.9407655

>he doesn't wash quinoa salad down with a tall glass of onions milk after lubing his bf
What are you straight? lmfao

>> No.9407675
File: 101 KB, 720x960, 32619153_2065428910383090_2078844938124001280_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9407698

based pajeet

>> No.9407709

>keczup na kaszy

>> No.9407767

no we just cultural appropriated pajeet food because they are half of our country

>> No.9407777

yum, except why put ketchup on it

>> No.9407791
File: 46 KB, 310x500, 51doUPiQvSL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to get some real food, this is all I've been eating today.

>> No.9407802

This is pajeet food

>> No.9407825

Lets see your rolls you fat fuck. load up on that sugar piggy, you'll have a 90% chance of diabetes eoy

truly life changing investment

>> No.9407835

About to have some ore workout then hit the gym. Gains don't stop

>> No.9407844



>> No.9407856

ketchup is basically just a pile of sugar

>> No.9407870
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>> No.9407873

why is a cracker sold in a milk carton?

>> No.9407875
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>What is /biz/ eating today?
pic related

>> No.9407887

singularity witnessed

>> No.9407916

Unironically second day of fasting and walked whole day. Still more work needed....

>> No.9407944
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>> No.9408029

Are you a fat american?

>> No.9408046

fat euro officeanon

>> No.9408085

actually not fat but nearing mid-thirties so systems need some maintenance.

>> No.9408110

You do this 3-4 times a day?

I never understood this. you litterally have a part time job just feeding yourself. just hire someone if you have the cash or eat quick plain stuff thats healthy. brown rice, stir fry, chicken, oats

>> No.9408118

Dude, i'm gonna type as sober as possible, that honestly looks fcking pathetic and digusting compared to my meal. and I'm being one hundred percent serious. Sorry we dont cook sht that was perviously in cans. you're a fuking joke dude, and im dead fuking serious. gert areal family that cooks good food, drinks beer and wine and winecoolers and has a good fuking time, and has a milliondollar house on the beach, im seriously.. dont eever potst your fuking poverty dinner on these forums ever the fuk again bro, and by bro i mean never my bro, fuking phaggot.

>> No.9408122
File: 2.39 MB, 4032x3024, B872F3B5-DA05-4B7B-AEFD-11F58656828B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9408132

I do omad, one meal a day, why would I do it 3-4 times a day lol
it's also a hobby for me

>> No.9408162

You eat one meal a day?

You need 3 or if your a full grown man probaly 4

>> No.9408188
File: 3.43 MB, 4032x3024, 1A54511E-8613-4336-9346-18B911B26729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And for dinner...

>> No.9408194

look up omad and intermittent fasting, you don't sound like someone who lifts, cuts and bulks

>> No.9408249

For breakfast I ate: 3 slices of thick cut bacon mixed with 4 eggs and two sausage patties.

>> No.9408253

If you eat 3 full meals a day and are not on physical job, by your mid thirties you are in trouble.

>> No.9408267

Just raw buddy?

>> No.9408274

By the way, I love Kasha. A friend from Poland brought some years ago. Amazing stuff.

>> No.9408286

Just give 3 hours a week to weights.
I hate looking at people who's body's havn't been developed by training. they look soft and frail, undeveloped. such a easy solution

>> No.9408328

>theyre so fat they have to force themselves to live a shit life by eating one meal a day and fast
if you went 100% plant based you wouldnt have to do this stupid shit, retards. I eat 3000-5000 calories a day, eat whenever i want and i will always be healthier, fitter, and leaner than you meat eating fags.

>> No.9408343

I'm at ~13bf%, are you retarded?

>> No.9408370

Haha no, putting a spice rub on and will seer and broil in garlic herb butter

>> No.9408371

Your post contradicts you. You sound like you have fucked up your brain chemistry with only plant based food.

>> No.9408377

good for you. youre still gonna have heart disease and/or cancer by the time youre 60. faggot.

>> No.9408394

Cool story. I eat red meat every day.

>> No.9408402

i eat what I want and look like a god. just train hard with a 3 day split and you just keep getting better and better each year.

even if you lose all the wieght you still look athletic. fat people are pretty much drug addicts, they binge eat empty foods like junk food.

They need rehab not a diet.

>> No.9408406

How the fuck can you eat 3000 calories a day while vegan do you just dump olive oil by the gallon in your mouth

>> No.9408424

vegan shill propaganda please go
you guys have room temperature iq

>> No.9408437

i dont eat oil you degenerate faggot.

it's called potatoes, pasta, and bread retard.

>> No.9408455

>I eat red meat every day.

No one cares.

>> No.9408463

Everyones getting cancer because of the atmospheric testing from all the countries when they discovered nuclear bombs. they let off a huge number of nukes into the atmosphere and it just floats around now killing people

Are you an idiot? you think all these lions are dying of cancer from eating meat?

Are you fat free faggot too? low test problems? onions boy?

>> No.9408464

Nice meme chap

>> No.9408473

Holy fuck....you will be so fucked as time goes by eating like this...

>> No.9408491


>> No.9408498
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>> No.9408500

>he thinks unrefined starches and grains will make you fat and unhealthy
ok retard

>> No.9408501


>> No.9408507


>> No.9408516

basically this is what mold wants you to eat. enjoy the yeast setting in mate.

>> No.9408531
File: 3.59 MB, 4608x2592, DSC_0240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy lunch

>> No.9408537

nothing, i dont have money for food

>> No.9408539

Id rather starve on an empty stomach

>> No.9408554

>the nukes are causing us cancer not what we put in our bodies
>lions dont have different digestion process compared to humans
>le low test s.o.y boy

>> No.9408556


Depends on what kind of bread and pasta he's eating.

>> No.9408612


why are meatfags so easily triggered when other people don't eat like them?

Also, enjoy your cancer


>> No.9408615

Main men, i like quinoa too... everyday, is kinda expensive here anyways

>> No.9408645

megalolz at the fat disgusting yankees looking at a picture of kasha and red cabbage without a fucking clue what it is. that's the stuff that makes white men big and strong, fgts. "aw dude our food is so fancy and expensive", you are the gayest, fattest softest bastards on this planet.

>> No.9408675
File: 107 KB, 700x734, 1522977160611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>s*y boy claims "he" eats 1k-3k extra calories a day and is leaner and fitter than actual men here who eat meat
>poz faggit goes on to then say he heats potatoes, pasta, and bread
>claims you get lean by eating 1k-3k extra calories, a day, over what your body consumes
you have no fucking clue what you are talking about nigger
actual /fit/izens here know you are full of shit

fucking leave and never come back nigger

>> No.9408750

quinoa boosts test boysoys

>> No.9408762

>he clogs his arteries with a high fat diet but thinks he's fit based on his appearance
ok retard

>> No.9408783
File: 12 KB, 258x245, 354deaa3770912621bb816da070346ab--the-frog-united-states.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actual /fit/izens here know you are full of shit

>open /fit/
>First page:
>Dicklet Discussion
>Guys eats Raw Organs
>The difference between incel and Chad is just 2-3 millimeters
>Ever 'mired an animal?
>gf is fat. pls help
>Post "thank you based fruit of testosterone" in this thread and you will be blessed with high test and juicy gains.
>think I can fuck up a tiger with bare hands
>Where do you go to meet women?

Anyone who goes there for any kind of advice should kill themselves.

>> No.9408789

>he doesnt know the difference in types of fats
>he doesnt know that fats are incredibly important in bodybuilding
ok nigger

>> No.9408791

>he thinks calories in/calories out applies to those who eat clean, pure, natural plant based
haha fag

>> No.9408809

>these calories are different from these other calories because I said so
haha nigger

>> No.9408842

>"calories from potato chips are the same as caloires from a boiled potato"
haha fag

>> No.9408843

thank you based fruit of testosterone

>> No.9408894
File: 35 KB, 640x425, burger-king-399-whopper-jr-meal-deal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate and hate

I'm built like a twig so I can eat this and not give a shit

>> No.9408907

>still does not understand the unit of measurement, a calorie, is the same across any food group

>> No.9408920
File: 208 KB, 1280x853, 1497439097075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ew not waste decent steak like that!
just put tiny bit of salt on both sides then let air out for few hours in fridge

no need for herbs!!

>> No.9408927

*fake ketchup*
Make it yourself, do it right.

>> No.9408933

The absolute state of /biz/

>> No.9408950


cant cook kobe like regular american steak. Seared american prime with some herbs like rosmary and basted with garlic butter in a scorching hot pan is the way to do it.

With kobe/matsuzaka/etc. the more simple the better because the steak is 10000x the quality of any steak you have outside of japan.

>> No.9409016
File: 2.95 MB, 4032x3024, 94147809-FB9E-46AF-B5AA-D8805280CFE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My steak is American wagyu.

I pretty much cook all my steak as described. Have a great rub from the butcher and a butter they make. It’s really sexy. See attached from last night.

>> No.9409018
File: 54 KB, 532x250, 85355CE4-BCEB-4946-B812-97B59880721C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They actually taste pretty good

>> No.9409026

Is you Trollin?

>> No.9409053

no he is just that stupid

>> No.9409054

>he's a retard
ya we know. you think any excess calorie in the body is converted to fat without regarding the source of that calorie. retard.

>> No.9409057

u fucking burned it u dumb cunt l2cook faggot

>> No.9409062

Tho it tastes like shit

>> No.9409084
File: 2.63 MB, 4032x3024, 499EE44A-0B86-4048-AB1B-ADF436507231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the leftovers

>> No.9409087


Filthy vegan, get off my /biz/

>> No.9409094
File: 46 KB, 764x800, flat,800x800,075,f.u6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Imagine you're in a jungle trying to survive where would you find mock chicken patties made with mushroom protein like your pic related

pic related is vegans

>> No.9409122

Are you in US?

>> No.9409124

It's fucking RAW

>> No.9409141

lololololol look at the picture of your "lunch". that's literally 3 spoonfuls of food. hahahaha you eat like a bitch and you wanna give nutrition advice.

real men dont count calories faggot

hahahahaha that faggy lunch of yours hahahahahaahahahahahaha

>> No.9409149

shhhh dont tell him that, he thinks its rare...

>> No.9409158

>he eats like a woman

>> No.9409159
File: 659 KB, 1716x1460, IMG_1298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This desu

>> No.9409179

Jesus christ why are you letting yourself suffer this much? Learn to fucking cook, healthy doesn't mean bland and shitty

>> No.9409181

Imagine you're in a jungle trying to survive, where would you find a gun?

You wouldn't, but it would be better suited for your survival than a sharp stick you find on the jungle floor.

>> No.9409196

Lmao, vegans BTFO because you can't argue with this logic

>> No.9409204

Seared about 3 minutes then broiled for 3. The fat is really soft from these cows so that’ll melt it throughout, but it resolidifies when refrigerated.

I actually eat 12 grade raw, sliced like prosciutto. But I only treat myself to that a few times per year.

>> No.9409205

I’m sorry I’ll have them dubs coming right up

>> No.9409210

>he thinks all vegans eat the same

>> No.9409215


Burnt and almost 100% raw

>> No.9409229

Is that liver?

>> No.9409233

Kekt and rekt

>> No.9409265

Here’s the dubs table 7 ordered chef , I’m sorry chef

>> No.9409266


Is an extra lean beef escalope steak opposite of rare.


I just think functionally.

>> No.9409293

Wtf are you even talking about? order dubs? are you fucking retarded son?

>> No.9409327

I’m sorry chef did they order trips instead?

>> No.9409362

jedyne co to nwm po chuj ten keczup tam

>> No.9409381
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>> No.9409411


what is the sauce?

>> No.9409416

Do you hold link?

>> No.9409432
File: 109 KB, 960x540, mdy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being a bachelor sucks move back home or put a bitch in your so someone can cook for you buying food sucks and is depressing

>> No.9409441

Apricot Chutney my guess

>> No.9409449

Fuck you

>> No.9409463

That shit actually looks good

>> No.9409500
File: 82 KB, 714x960, a mans meal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true biz meal

>> No.9409505

give me ingredients you use for that dere noodles please, looks good teach me senpai

>> No.9409509

keep counting calories fag you dont want too much food on that plate huh. dont want to eat too much honey. it goes to your hips baby hahahahaahahahahhahaa
>literally eats like a fag

>> No.9409547
File: 118 KB, 714x960, trinisundayl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why spend all week hustling if you cant feast on a sunday

>> No.9409571
File: 18 KB, 300x263, 314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then sit back and enjoy some goodies to start the hustle all over again

>> No.9409584

>being a bachelor sucks
bro gained like 10kg of fat alone since he started living with his then gf now wife, she got another chin too

>> No.9409596


What drugs do you take desu? I haven't taken drugs in years but wouldn't mind a whisky and weed session or even a small amount of mdma.

>> No.9409646

was going to the beach "LIVING IN THE CARIBBEAN SO BEACH IS 10 MINS AWAY " after my gf cooked and do some mdma but ill stay home smoke some joints and chill

>> No.9409667
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me no clue really
most expensive steak ever had from fancy section @ H.E.B

>> No.9409668
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Fasting, but drinking pic related.

>> No.9409722

fug, now I want to sip their Cola but the nearest source is 20m away and I can't be bothered

>> No.9409739
File: 2.89 MB, 3648x2736, IMG_3860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9409753

there is an app that deliver shit to you say it on that faggot philip defranco show

>> No.9409780


Sounds like a good life.

>> No.9409807

this so much

>> No.9409863

I bet you weight your food too like my sister hahahahahahahaha
fucking faggot

>> No.9410288

Cherry or curious one? They both are tasty.

>> No.9410341

The top two items look like cat throw-up. The brown log looks like a sick persons shit. The thing on the right looks like a knuckle bone or some disposable part of a vegetable that most people would throw in the trash. The cut up meat appears to be at least 20% pieces of bone. What the ever loving fuck.

>> No.9410382

yeah i went to a middle eastern bufffet one day and the bone was in everything, like wtf? im trying to eat and i have to work

>> No.9410396

>two items
>brown log
>knuckle bone

>> No.9410429

Lads, along with day-trading and long hodls, does it make sense to invest £100 a month into BTC regardless of the price?

I'm thinking about trying that as a new strategy.

also just had a Large pepperoni pizza with the gf, but it would have been better if it was a Papa's.

>> No.9410445


If you can trade well enough you won't need to buy btc.

>> No.9410450

fucking Kek'd. thx

>> No.9410476

Бoмжихa eбaнaя, хвaтит этo хpючeвo cюдa пocтить, yeбaн.

>> No.9410538

ITT: bomb ass food that looks like utter crap

enjoy, brobeans.

>> No.9410616
File: 796 KB, 540x960, today's-epic-pizza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

celebrating today's gains made from Oyster Shell coin with this pizza i made hehe

>> No.9410663

bruh Oyster is down like 10% today which gains u talkin about, also that pizza looks like ass

>> No.9410681

oh fuck I can't trade well enough, no. so that's a yes on the gradual btc accumulation?

>> No.9410697
File: 2 KB, 398x32, oystermoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking a culinary genius invests in anything but oyster SHELL

>> No.9410716

is that ketchup? jesus christ

>> No.9410728


If the prices of btc continue to tank for next while I would slam a bunch of money into it and wait if I were you.

>> No.9410757

yeah this is ketchup its how we eat it in savoca, traditional family recipe that goes back centuries

>> No.9410772

okay, thank you m80

>> No.9410777
File: 2.79 MB, 2240x3968, IMG_20180513_153952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beets and only beets anons.

>> No.9410835

are you nuts? Buckwheat is considered one of the super-foods, based on overall nutritional value, you weirdo

>> No.9411476

>The wifebeater special

>> No.9411633

Let me fix that for you.


>> No.9411643

Amerifats dont even know what buckwheat is, i've never seen it at their grocery stores

>> No.9411656

Trips confirmed beets are NEET stappe food

>> No.9411877
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>> No.9411966

>I;m thinking about Thos Beets