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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9404994 No.9404994 [Reply] [Original]

Haven't see one of these in a while.
LTC destroys Bcash in every way.
Price predictions?
How much you holding?

>> No.9405025

Holding a nice round 5.0
Waiting for lighting man. It's gonna be big.
Can't wait for a new roadmap. Should get the pot stiring.

>> No.9405035

I had 9 but I lost them though some dumb trades. Holding a measly 4 right now.
Nice to see some biztards have some sense in them.

>> No.9405045

You always have time to accumulate. I'm just going to hold this 5 and wait a few years. Got them at $30.

>> No.9405191

Yeah I'm set on just waiting. Trades just lose me money.

>> No.9405203

I too don't enjoy losing money.

>> No.9405220

Still holding 100, this shitcoin is going to moon during the next bull run simply because it's on coinbase and is so cheap compared to the other big coins. Easily .08 BTC in the next run

>> No.9405235
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>NANO renders this coin useless in a month

>> No.9405246

holding 60 for half a year... bored af wanting a moon mission, hopefully charlee lee isn't a cuck at the event during the week

>> No.9405250

What's the use case for this coin?

>> No.9405283

Wish I had enough to do that. Long-term I'm seeing 0.15-0.25 on BTC.

>> No.9405290

Nano renders itself useless. Shitcoin that's what it is.

>> No.9405313

Didn't know about an event. What's happening?

>> No.9405326

It's meant to be a faster cheaper to use bitcoin. It's meant to run alongside bitcoin too instead of compete against it.

>> No.9405332


>> No.9405339

LTC and BCash are both garbage, as are all currency coins- VISA and mastercard outscale them all in transactions by far
only hope for crypto is smart contracts and dapps

>> No.9405386

Visa and mastercard take higher fees dumbass

>> No.9405431

Seeing this being shilled here unironically makes me want to sell my LTC

>> No.9405433

60 as collateral and 140 long
a bit underwater, but my body is ready

>> No.9405437

Litecoin is what Bcash wants to be. Visa is outdated technology.

>> No.9405447

Some of us can make smart decisions. We're not all retarded. Remember some of us bought ether when it was dirt cheap... Not me lol.

>> No.9405456
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creator dumped his coins at ATH, told you that he did, and you still follow this garbage

>> No.9405511

Why is he dedicating the next 10 years to it's development of he didn't believe in the project? He made a smart move and stuck by it. You would have done the same you're just salty you didn't smell the bears.

>> No.9405646

I'd rather he doesn't have LTC. Shows he's not in it for the money but his passion for the project.

>> No.9405680

I love this meme because it shows how serious the entire operation is. They most likely partnered with somebody big (Google is my guess) who realized he could make a fortune off of manipulating the price with good news and knowing when to buy/sell, part of the contract HAD to be for him to sell everything

>> No.9405798

Only reason I have 1ltc. It was cheap just to have as insurance.

>> No.9406060

Good idea. 5 ltc is my insurance. It's just that I know i would kill myself if I didn't have atleast 5 when it moons.

>> No.9406141

It would b a good idea to have 2. That way when the moon happens you can sell half and still have a whole litecoin for later.

>> No.9406158

I have 18 LTC so far, slowly accumulating more.

>> No.9406222

My typa lad. Keep up the good work. I hope we all get rich together.

>> No.9406559

checked, buying 2 more as we speak to round off to 20.

>> No.9406611
File: 987 KB, 229x176, 1524797920170.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not in it for the money
Ahahhahahhahhhhahahhhahajahahhahahajahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahah u fucking brainlet

>> No.9406646

Lol I think this type of delusion borders on chainlink levels of retardation.

Having said that, anyone referring to Bitcoin(BCH) by Blocksteam's propaganda slight ought to get their head out of the sand. BTC is trash and LTC is absolute shit with no use case.

>> No.9407340

$3000 by 2020
im holding 102.8 LTC

>> No.9407436

2-10k by eoy. marketcap will outgrow bcash. none of the nonbelievers will get any time to enter while it's cheap. everyone who loled at it will buy it causing it to moon to 20k.

>> No.9407484

nigga ripple gonna be $1k by 2020 for sure LTC can do better, i predict $13k

>> No.9407551

I still have some.
But I need to gather more before eoy.

Most of the time /biz don't like LTC threads...
It's a stable coin with potential use, but not a "become rich fast" coin.

>> No.9407606

But it's one of the only cryptos that's actually used anon...

>> No.9407614

holy shit the pure delusion of the ltc cult. you guys should just off yourselves and get it over with.

>> No.9407627
File: 68 KB, 597x499, LTCisScam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LTC destroys Bcash in every way.

>> No.9407631

FLASH will destroy LTC

>> No.9407952

My comfiest hold.

Holding just under 7, aiming for 10.

>> No.9408020

I have a little over 1, Id buy more if I wasn't poor but I think I'll make something off it. I bought it at $130

>> No.9408078

Fuck Litecoin

>> No.9408112

Anyone who says Bitcoin(BCH) is beyond deluded and needs to be exterminated.
I generally do the opposite of what you faggots say.
Also anyone notice how the Bcash shilling comes in waves.
Just think about it.

>> No.9408397

No one on here has a clue. Its all gambling based on which logo looks cool.

>> No.9408592
File: 36 KB, 650x350, 1523368052944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ltc is shit, DGB out performs it in everyway, even NAV is better IMO

Think about it, before conbase listed it, it was worthless.One day the normies are goin to get raped. Do you honest think (((they))) will let normies buying coins on coinbase make it?

>> No.9409382

i whish I had bougth more ETH back in mid Decemeber with my LTC....

That 2 exchange ratio was to fuckin good to be true. and I didnt even sold 25% of my LTC. that could have been the trade of my life.

>> No.9409421



You'll never make it anon, you're listening to other people and not thinking for yourself. You're a fucking idiot.

Bitcoin Cash is unironically the real Bitcoin and it will retake #1 sooner or later.

>> No.9409466


true man, i did that with XMR, it was a little bit better smth. of 1,8.
anyway someday XMR and LTC also were equal in price, I currently bougth some LTC with my XMR 1 week ago, hopefully the LTC XMR ratio goes back to 1 to upper my stack in both currencys.

>> No.9409576
File: 1.83 MB, 3264x2448, 2777D602-8F88-4890-BB05-95FADB748A0D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am also waiting for that to happen, If I would sell my ETh back to LTC now I would have had 160% more LTC then before. Just think about if the ratio goes back to 12 as it already was last year, then I would have had +600% LTC.
So I will continue to HODL this shit, and wait a few months how it plays out if it reaches 10 I will defenitely sell all ETH to LTC and buy back at probably 5 or something.

Its a fuckin joke, how easy that is.
Just buy the lowest fuckin not possible point and wait a few weeks or month.

If you dont mess around and just play with the big 5 there cant go anything wrong you only need the ability to chill and wait wait and wait until your baby is where it needs to be.