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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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9401771 No.9401771 [Reply] [Original]


>muh ethereum killer
>muh mainnet pump
>muh ethereum war chest to dump and pump eos price >muh 10,000 tpx
>muh 1 billion dollar dapp funding

Oh my God I can't believe you bought the American hustle LMFAO. Daniel larimer abandoned steemit and bitshares and now hes abandoning eos.


I'm personally investing in cardano because they are actually a legitimate project and light years ahead of the eos scam. Enjoy staying poor faggots. I bought in at $5 and sold $20 thanks for the free money I can use to pump my cardano bags HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHSHSHSHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAHA

Stay poor biz. Remember buy high sell low

>> No.9401792

let us know when cardano has smart contracts and sets a launch date before 2020

>> No.9401794
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>> No.9401797

>I bought in at $5 and sold $20
I doubt anyone who hates EOS this much would be able to buy at $5 which is the literal fucking bottom. Nice LARP cardano fag.

>> No.9401818


you're right, emotional faggots won't make it here

>> No.9401819

I really think there 20s block times with fees at launch are going to bring people in

>> No.9401833

Lets be real here, EOS is one of the most obviously bullshit coins on the market. It is on par with TRON and nano. Anyone buying this crap deserves to lose money.

>> No.9401839

I bought at $5.75 and dumped them at $18.

Moved my gains to other profitabile coins. Saw this bleed out coming a mile away.

>> No.9401852

You knew upbit was going to get raided?

The Ethereum killer launches in less than a month

>> No.9401861

Keep buying Link, braindead faggot.

>> No.9401862

>You knew upbit was going to get raided?

>> No.9401881
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>> No.9401901

both are scam shitcoins

>> No.9401926

how can i get in on this 1 billion dapp funding?

>> No.9401928

You think that’s why EOS is bleeding out...lol

Have you seen the sell orders the past few days

>> No.9401940

>unironically posting the meme chart in 2018

wew lad

>> No.9401976

>Daniel larimer [..] abandoning eos.
It smells of fud, but if I had to bet I would give a 3% chance of being real
post source

>> No.9402145

>Coping this hard

Wee lad

>> No.9402307

eos bottom was 60 cents and it lasted for months, newfag

but yeah, selling a scam for another scam is pretty dumb op
just go with ZIL if for some reason you really hate money too much to stick with ETH

>> No.9402610

EOS is actually ethereum done right, just look at the code.

>> No.9402619

Or just choose Aion and enjoy your 50-100x in a max few months

>> No.9402691

People keep saying this, but I never hear a reason why. It's almost like people are just repeating things they've heard without understanding the meaning.........

>> No.9402709

EOS project is fine, but recent price action was because of wash trading by bitfinex whales

>> No.9402737

How do you know this?

>> No.9402856

quite enough evidence they are doing some shady stuff, which isn't limited to tether. have you heard of spoofy and other personas who are operating on bitfinex? also you can watch richlist wallets on bitinfocharts, you can make a bit of research and find out that during crashes wallets of bittrex and other exchanges decrease amount of BTC, at the same time bitfinex wallet gets thousands of new btc exactly during crashes. coincidence? you can also add here EOSfinex announcement

as well, I guess everyone knows that market is completely manipulated by coordinated whales, and since finex is one of biggest exchanges which is well known for some questionable things, you can put pieces of puzzle together and come out with quite clear picture of who was interested in this obvious pump
I personally didn't say any mega hype before mainnet or any other news which could result in 125% price increase of huge coin from top10 with very big marketcap

can't say anything about larimer himself involved in this as beneficiary, in my opinion he's just tech guy who doesn't care that much of price. what I know he's focused on delivering and working his ass off, because he already has decent projects and now he's fully dedicated to making his FINAL platform, because he stated he will not make any new projects since too much effort was put in EOS and he wants it to be as solid as possible in order to not start everything from the scratch and just build on EOS if he will have any other ideas he want to implement. if he will want to make any other projects he will build on top of EOS, this is why he wants to finally put it in production and have some relief and take some rest

I could be wrong, but there is enough evidence that it wasn't organic price growth without any major players involved

>> No.9402930

This thoughtful analysis is why I just bought 800k. Thanks fren.

>> No.9402994

If EOS dies then there wont be anything in worthwhile again in the crypto space for years. It will all be limited to ponzi schemes and pump and dumps.

It will be over 30 bucks in June. There is literally no other fucking coin on the market worth a shit right now other than EOS.

>> No.9403045

I am officially taking screenshots of haters to have fun in public in the next few months.

>> No.9403126

TRX will pump at the same time
ZIL as well

but I agree EOS will see the biggest pump of all

>> No.9403138

EOS good
Everything else bad

>> No.9403143

what do you think the price will be in a few months?

>> No.9403185

The are not so much haters but desperate people in hopes they can get on board as cheap as possible.

There are also people who are absolutely BTFO right now and in ultra mega cope mode.

>> No.9403201

$50-75 by christmas

>> No.9403225

Just like anons were doing with BitConnect doubters

>> No.9403303

Impossible to say, but EOS is taking #3 for sure.

There are a lot of haters, basically from holders of all top15 coins, but the coin will flip in June and some eyes will be open.

Excellent comparison, you must be a really smart and successful person.

>> No.9403400
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Pic related, all you need to know

>> No.9403717

zilliqa is already better, people keep it silent until they accumulate enough because everyone that read into zilliqa knows it's the actual eth killer.
i'm seriously want to help you guys, dyor

>> No.9403776

All you need to know about tech that could disrupt eth is a 15 minute chart? wut?

>> No.9403845

exit scammed? how

>> No.9403900

Ziliqa has problems with its consensus model, it's pretty much worthless. They assume that at least 2/3 nodes are going to be honest just because. I guess it's better than eos because they at least tried to be decentralized. They mentioned PoS so I guess it's possible they fix that at some point.
The hard problem with sharding is not just distributing computation, that's trivial, but ensuring that there's no fraud.
I like the easily parallelizable contract language from the start, although that's perfectly implementable in ethereum.
Ethereum's development is slow as a snail, but so far they're the only platform coin that takes the development of a secure decentralized platform seriously, rather than bullshitting hard parts hoping everything works long enough to cash out a fortune. I guess they know that which is why it grows with the speed of a hobby open source project now, no competition equals no pressure.

Eos and eg. neo throw away decentralization completely hoping for the 'blockchain' hype to carry them, which makes them a different category entirely - that of a borderline scam.

>> No.9403974

Ziliqa is also proof of work right? Not investing in old tech/philosophy.

>> No.9403983

Implying anyone gives a single fuck about tech and/or fundamentals in this market.

What if I told you the real value of cryptos is zero?

>> No.9404061
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I have to thank whichever anon posted the graph that showed the amount of people that had to close their positions on it and explained it would crash the price.

>> No.9404074

They use both and can switch to any completely.
The reason they use PoW is to attract miners in the early stages of the mainnet, then it’s very likely Zilliqa will become PoS only or it might remain hybrid with PoW playing a very small role and satisfying those that believe PoW gives intrinsic value to the chain or whatever the fuck.

>> No.9404127

Sort of, in a very weird way. They use proof of work to try to ensure that all nodes are owned by separate entities. To become a node you have to solve a PoW puzzle, so to try to fake more nodes you would need more mining power. First n nodes that solve the puzzle get to process transactions.
The premise that it prevents sybil attacks is absurd. If I had an incentive to attack the network I would rent gpus on the cloud and manufacture lots of 'separate' nodes.

Ethereum is doing sharding the only currently possible way, by requiring nodes to lock staked eth. If they commit fraud and it's detected by someone, ~90% of their deposit gets deleted and rest goes to the entity that uncovered the fraud.
There's no security deposit of any kind in ziliqa, there are no repercussions for lying.

Another factor with ziliqa's attempt is that it gives a massive advantage to asic farms (they use ethash). It's very likely bitmain could get ~100% of nodes in ziliqa.