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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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9401171 No.9401171 [Reply] [Original]

Honestly I’ve seen all the dumb fud, and who cares if this stays at 1 sat, the community is honestly the best in the game right now.

>> No.9401189

Fuck you and fuck the community

>> No.9401201

I will always allocate money each month for trtl. The devs have been great the past month and the recent marketing tactics have been fun to read.

>> No.9401224

Shill me on this shitcoin

>> No.9401247

Pump and dump scam coin with like $400 volume and no buy orders at any price, basically in death throws
t. Someone dumb enough to be involved with it from early on

>> No.9401284

I wish mods were more active on biz, trtlscammers need to be purged

>> No.9401435

I unironically love this coin. I doubt it'll ever be worth anything but it's a fun coin. Reminds me of the early days of doge.

>Its a scam!
How can an open source mineable coin with very active devs and an active community be a scan? Shit FUD is shit. No premine, no icon, community driven, American devs.

>But much shills
Every coin has shills. Its a shitty thing with crypto but it is what it is.

>> No.9401457
File: 78 KB, 447x447, JESUS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do read avalable information:
as it:
total supply
current supply
mining schedule
with price 1sat PAJEET-PANSUN market cap is 1000000BTC, its to many!
the logic: coin for money laundring but you can buy it for 2sat and sell only for 1sat
it will be denominated or delisted

>> No.9401481

You know you are retarded when you invest in shitcoins for the community.

>> No.9401490

Good little turtle. Make those devs rich when they dump (again)

>> No.9401506

shitty scamcoin

garbage goes in all fields

>> No.9401527

I've never bought any turtle and never will. I also suggest none of you buy it. This isn't some new tech coin and it isn't sold as such. Its a community coin, a for fun coin, it literally says that on the site. This isn't an investment and shouldn't be treated as such. What part of that do you not understand?

>> No.9401538

>literal scam coin
you one retarded retard

>> No.9401544
File: 209 KB, 1113x834, 1B679B97-7655-48ED-B4EC-C57E70992BEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when the developer of this shitcoin had a nervous breakdown and insulted everyone with lambos 20 minutes ago?

>> No.9401566

Some anon said their planning to fork to golang to add smart contracts, if this is true, expect it to go under 1 satoshi quick. Idiots either unironically think google is privacy friendly or are just stealing code from dero.

>> No.9401595

You just posted that in the other thread. This is your post, you pretending to be Rock. Pathetic lol

>> No.9401634

Oh you guys give him a nickname? Cute. Right, what are the chances of the “Turtle Coin” dev being extremely mentally ill?

Shill harder pajeet

>> No.9401649

t. your own scamcoin cult leader goes insane on 4chan and ruins the ponzi

>> No.9401762

I'm literally saying don't but it. You're try hard FUD is so obvious lol

>> No.9401809

This is why the SEC hates scam ICOs like turtlecoin. “Don’t buy it! It’s just a joke!”

Price 40% lower than ICO. Plus the owner is crazy and posts ninja turtle lambos on biz.


>> No.9401810
File: 46 KB, 636x382, 4B58A4A500000578-0-image-a-50_1524217478471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You again.
Like I told you last time, this is an English speaking board for English speakers. Form your thoughts into cogent language, or fuck off back to the roach infested hole you crawled out of.

>> No.9401872

Try harder. A minable coin, no icon.

>> No.9401884

Premined scam whatever. Dev is insane irl.

>> No.9401917
File: 23 KB, 378x389, images (57).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If one fud fails, roll out the next. Next try is keyloggers right?

>> No.9402080


>being this new

so you have been in crypto since November?

Cute kid.