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9399522 No.9399522 [Reply] [Original]

If you were able to get ONLY these coins...which would you invest in the most and why?
1.- BTC
2.- ETH
3.- XRP
4.- LTC
5.- BCH

>> No.9399542

1. ETH
2. BCH
3. BTC
4. XRP
5. LTC

>> No.9399555

btcmarkets / aus?

>> No.9399576

All equally because diversify

>> No.9399602

BCH, the others just can't compete

>> No.9399630

only btc and eth

>> No.9399634
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I appreciate your answers...but why? I don't want to be sponfeed, but I would really like to read opinions other than "because its shit" or "muh gains"...if it's not too much to ask

>> No.9399668

The rest are garbage

>> No.9399694

Jesus Christ look at the shape of that thing.

>> No.9399716


1) eth if you wanna research icos, seems the decent ones all go 5x+ on release, the earlier you stack eth the more gains you'll get
2) ltc should be steady gains that follows btc and performs slightly better with possible moons every now and then

>> No.9399723

Sauce to full set

>> No.9399848

I don't have the full set, but she's Aya Kawasaki

Thank you for your replies guys, guess I will stick with what the other guy told me: diversify, and I guess Ill go with BCH this month.

>> No.9399878


>> No.9399889

>Ask for advice
Kys cashie scum

>> No.9399894


>> No.9399897

Thanks, anon

>> No.9399930

sorry senpai, sometimes I don't know what I'm typing. Go on then, give me your opinion instead of calling me a cashie scum.

>> No.9399947

This butt is too classy for brap posting anon.

>> No.9400465

Probably BTC since you know you can't lose long term. Unless you're looking for short to mid term plays, BTC will (to the dismay of many) continue to be king

BCH is the worst option long term. ETH is a very strong choice. LTC and XRP seem somewhere in middle.

>> No.9400477

why is BCH the worst long term option?

>> No.9400490


i would obviously only buy BTC and ETH


nothing against litecoin but it doesn't differentiate itself enough from bitcoin

>> No.9400506


it's a shitcoin that with no scaling roadmap

>> No.9400519

Bch, it is a heir to the Bitcoin crown, lots of exciting tech developments, lots of Bitcoin oldfags backing it. Also lightning can't scale so it is just a matter of time before btc fails.

>> No.9400527

I would sit and wait to see which Bitcoin wins and then all in on that, because money. ETH is fuel to be used as needed, not money, and XRP and LTC are memes.

>> No.9400549


>lightning can't scale
>water is not wet

>> No.9400552

Big blocks is scaling faggot.

1. Demand is a S curve not exponential.
2. The biggest concern with big blocks is the uxto set requiring lots of memory and there are already proposals to reduce footprint by 75%.

>> No.9400555


>> No.9400560


>thinking onchain transactions that are .00000001% of $0.01 are possible on bcash (lol)

>> No.9400561

all in bch
makes the rest redundant
has the same promoters as early btc

>> No.9400608

1. Bch will have its own second layer micropayment network called teechain. Except that it is designed as a complete graph instead of a retard mesh like lightning. Aka it will succeed where lightning fails.
2. It takes two hours and two onchain trx to even get lightning going. Who the fuck would bother? Also good luck if everyone suddenly needs to close their channels, it would be a mempool shoah.

>> No.9400615

70% BTC, 30% ETH

>> No.9400624



god you guys are fucking brain dead

>> No.9400676

so bch is bitcoin 8 years ago...
Would you use an 8 year old pc to game on?
would you buy an 8 year old cell phone to use today?
Would you buy an 8 year old car and drive it exclusively?

Why the fuck would you willingly purchase old tech like bch when Bitcoin exists. the only reason bch has the same promoters as early btc is because those fucking dinosaurs can't let go of the past and move forward. So move forward, and buy BTC. Off chain scaling is more efficient.

>> No.9400686

no one said anything about micropenis payments. For affordable and reliable everyday TX though, BCH will be king

>> No.9400702

Satoshis vision was always both onchain and offchain scaling, you don't know this because you're a complete fucking retard who somehow doesn't know bch has a roadmap.

>> No.9400705

No, you fucking retard. Satoshi said that second layer stuff was fine however that doesn't mean crippling the first layer so miners stop investing in hardware. Satoshi said that large block scaling was the way forward from day one. You can do other shit on top including colored coins. The problem with btc is disabling opcodes, calling usage of the network "spam" and artificially restricting block size so they can force you onto their secondary network that generates fees for them instead of the miners.

>> No.9400708


>micropayments isn't exactly what scaling is all about

like i said. you are all brain dead

>> No.9400716


>satoshi's vision is now onchain and offchain scaling

wait why do you not like BTC then?

>> No.9400718

because it doesn't do either

>> No.9400727


so fuck off with your alt coin and stop bothering us then? nobody cares

>> No.9400728

>Satoshis vision was always both onchain and offchain scaling
Not whatever you just wrote
>wait why do you not like BTC then?
Oh did s2x go through last year and I didn't notice?

>> No.9400735


and bch does? lel

>> No.9400757


so you are ideologically opposed to 1mb blocks?

smart guy

>> No.9400779

>calling literal spam "spam"
how dare they

>> No.9400812

Brrrraaapppppppp!!!! Pthththththhhhhh..!hhhhhhhtthhthth...! Sniiiiiifffffff sniiiiiffffff! Mmm! Mmm!! Roast duck! Snnniiiiffff! bathed in Spicey sou sauce....black pepper crab and...snnnnnniiiiiiffffff...sweet bean curd and jello! Yes so delicious mmm!!!

>> No.9400824

underage out

>> No.9400844


this correlates with age? kek somebody is bum blasted

>> No.9400854

OP is from etoro lol

>> No.9400856

>talks like underage
>knowledge of underage
>arguments of underage

>> No.9400883
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I'm sorry i'm 32 and you have been BTFO in every aspect of this conversation sir

fucking bcashies literally have zero brains

>> No.9400887

nah, im just using the first five that came to my mind (and the ones I have invested in the most)

>> No.9400949

If someone is paying for it then it isn't spam, it is a transaction. Your central planning is shit.