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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 658 KB, 1125x2436, EAA20D91-92A1-405B-BBE4-C6040FBC3BD3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9399326 No.9399326 [Reply] [Original]

I was just banned from the TurtleCoin discord for asking questions.

>> No.9399330

that’s because it’s a scam

>> No.9399351
File: 7 KB, 207x243, A8ADE587-A9D3-4B82-B18C-9D052C47CDAD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The developer is a known serial shitcoin scammer who coordinates with whales to steal money from the “fun community”

>> No.9399360

this. if you have $ in scams you deserve to remain poor. who is in charge of turtle coin?

>> No.9399383
File: 39 KB, 244x300, 3CD7F13C-9B8C-4CF5-9421-F2749D24F6B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The team is totally anonymous. This coin has more red flags than any coin I’ve ever seen shilled here

>> No.9399391

Who is to say you aren't Mkidd trying to start things up again?

>> No.9399393

Bebop and Rocksteady are mkid. Old news.

>> No.9399409
File: 32 KB, 248x189, 52F98718-8038-4EED-A2C8-9286EA0C5555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would mkid come back? he’s a non-existent sock puppet of the devs. pump and dump scam coin confirmed.

>> No.9399412

Second or maybe third most. I remember Magnalis which was a later admitted outright scam. They were shilling it for a week or two and then stopped making threads with it in the title and starting shilling it in other threads because people were posting the proof of it being a scam in the threads and all they had for response was FUD and EVERYTHING IS A SCAM SO WHY NOT INVEST IN THIS?

Turtle is a scam but not the most obvious one.

>> No.9399423

I see tons of people shilling trtl coin here and mining it because its profitable. How is it a scam?

>> No.9399426

if the team is anonymous it’s probably a scam. malware?

>> No.9399435

They’re pumping for the next dump. Another whale totally unrelated to the devs (wink wink) will crash the market on newcomers.

Bebop and Rocksteady need fresh scam money.

>> No.9399446

not malware just shady developers who coordinate pump and dumps by pretending to be mean whales

>> No.9399449
File: 42 KB, 399x322, DA084F12-59B8-41AF-BF30-D20A44B33CC5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keylogger probably

>> No.9399461

Garlicoin came way after TRTL that anon is an idiot

>> No.9399467


If you start trying to out their scam you get banned. The developers of this coin are probably going to end up in jail for anonymous P&D schemes.

>> No.9399468

Idk, I was just trying to twist the tables on the.original argument. That's the tough thing about privacy coins.

>> No.9399485
File: 38 KB, 315x315, 38500914-276A-4829-911A-C08B901C8098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same dev

>> No.9399501

A privacy coin that believes in censorship. Definitely nothing scammy about this.

>> No.9399507

Clue me in anon, which garlic dev are you talking about?

>> No.9399511


>> No.9399523

Unironically selling. Fuck these scammers.

>> No.9399526

lol kev we know it's you. Come on man, don't you gotta work on your project that was the first to truly lay out how an algorithmic central reserve would work?

>> No.9399534

Definitely the most active community I have seen around a coin and by far one of the most active developments. Not seeing anything scammy about it so far.

>> No.9399535

you just don’t get it. censorship is fun! it’s a fun coin! the dev made it to have fun!

censorship is fun!

>> No.9399541

Want to sell for some doge? It'll at least off set your lack of balls.

>> No.9399543

Hey kev, I'm dissapointed that you didn't include me in the screen cap. Better hope you have your shit on lockdown. Sleep with one eye open motherfucker!

>> No.9399549

Nothing scammy about blatant censorship!

>> No.9399551

EOS dev getting itchy feet because turtle is stepping on their toes? Give it a rest lad, you lost.

>> No.9399554

Don't forget to grip your pillow tight kev...

>> No.9399563

keep crying kev. Are your eos buddies not helping you?

>> No.9399565

Spooky fake hackers. Please don’t put a deep web hit on me with your 1sat shitcoin.

>> No.9399580
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don't worry... we won't. Good luck with your OWL monies retard.

>> No.9399594
File: 16 KB, 400x400, DA7D06D3-3853-4924-81B3-72D3EC2AFEEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

itt memecoin skids threaten me for drawing attention to being censored in their discord

>> No.9399608

Looks like the shills have arrived.
>Thread calling it out for the scam it is
>Suddenly several people appear at once and start calling someone what is apparently an in-community name and disregards the content of posts because they can't reasonably defend themselves

Reeks of scamming people and a TIDF.

>> No.9399611

very fun community. good buy.

>> No.9399633

lol no dude... you weren't in the chat, we bullied the OP of this thread and he decided to come cry to biz. So we followed him to laff here too.

>> No.9399637

Maybe you've never crossed paths with people like me before in your little safe space there snowflake, but I've put people into the fucking ground.

Good luck with your little faggot ico scam you piece of shit. Hope you paid your fucking taxes asshole. Audits are a hell of a thing.

>> No.9399638

Nothing to see here


Nobody buy this scam

>> No.9399656

Anybody saying TRTL is a scam clearly has not done their research.

>> No.9399657

I took out a million turtle loan to pay off my house. It's made of shells.

>> No.9399674

Calling attention to what, exactly? That the anon devs of trtl might possibly be the anon devs of garlic? Does that mean the anon devs of monero are also scammers?

>> No.9399679

Script kiddies? I was swatted 3 times in 2 weeks last year. You’re new and upset because I’m shining a light on this censorshipcoin. Fwiw I get bodied in taxes every year because I’m not a lazy NEET. Stay fuming though. You’re a disgruntled anonymous pseudohacker. Nice life.

Because of you my side gig is now making sure that nobody buys this censorshipcoin. Do your worst because it won’t be even remotely effective.

>> No.9399702

You bitches love your drama.

>> No.9399713


I took the time to actually find those threads. Luckily some anon was linking them in another thread so finding them was quite easy.

Magnalis was a scam and look how fervently the scammers defended it and the tactics they used. Now compare it to turtle.

>> No.9399726

Lol serial entrepreneur takes time out of his day to make sure no one buys turtle

>> No.9399747
File: 6 KB, 236x236, TEXTBOOK_FAGGOT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this face! Tell me this little cocksucker doesn't have AIDS and I'll call you a fucking liar.

This is the face of a person that has sucked so many dicks trying to get somewhere in life and all he's accomplished is a tweet in 2015 verifying himself because he is and will continue to be a nobody. Just some little faggot that cumswaps with other faggots to mention his joke of an ICO in their completely obscure blog that uses SEO to even get into a jewgle search.

You'll get the gas chamber first motherfucker.

>> No.9399760

I’ve lived on the internet since I was 12. I’m usually on 15 - 18 hours a day. I have time.

>> No.9399777

You seem mad. I’m sorry for telling people that I got banned from your censorshipcoin’s discord.

>> No.9399792

many similarities

>> No.9399802

So you’ve been on the internet for a total of one year? Because you act like a 13 year old

>> No.9399807

checked and trtl rekt

>> No.9399818

lel @ how fast the scam squad came racing in to rage at op

>> No.9399832

Common tactics

>> No.9399864

>1 post by this id

Nice try there samefag. Try another tactic that hasn't been done millions of times on 9gag

>> No.9399868

do you even need to ask?

>> No.9399886

or /biz/ isn’t falling for the literal turtle coin meme like you thought they would

>> No.9399892

100% lil kev is same fagging

>> No.9399915
File: 33 KB, 600x451, 58557353-457C-4AA0-A3FB-DBF83F994D3C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s not a meme it’s a scam. They’re even threatening to murder OP for talking about it. Solid project. Good team. Fun community.

>> No.9399958

I don’t need to samefag for people to be skeptical of a censorshipcoin. I can however start a gigantic ad campaign blanketing the crypto space about the potential dangers of TRTL if you would like.

>> No.9399997

Someone prove this isn’t a scam and I’ll buy bags

>> No.9400007

it’s a scam

>> No.9400010


>> No.9400011

kek what is even the point of damage control on a failed scamcoin past its prime? just move onto the next one fuckin amateurs

>> No.9400025

Do it retard. The fact you're this salty.. because you got banned. o i am laffin

>> No.9400047

pajeet can you fill us in?

>> No.9400055

That isn't going to happen. All they are going to say it is a privacy coin and you should mine it and buy it because it could be worth a lot in the future.

>> No.9400072
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>> No.9400075

lulz not if the devs keep dumping it after each announcement

>> No.9400089

Nah 564 Upper Guinea google me and do something skid

>> No.9400120

“if you say anything negative about our scam we will dox and threaten you” -turtlecoin

>> No.9400121

My fucking sides. Trying to threaten a guy with death over him asking fucking questions about a scam on said scams discord.

This is the fucking shit right here.

>> No.9400138
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>> No.9400140

It’s cool. They have the wrong address. I posted my real one. I’m not afraid of pretend hackers. The address I posted is where I actually currently reside and this can be cross-referenced in public databases.

>> No.9400150


>> No.9400162

Why waste their time? These clowns aren’t going to do anything to even slightly annoy me. If they manage to I’ll kill the project with a heavy awareness campaign to protect potential victims of what appears to quite possibly be a scam.

>> No.9400186

Not really sure where the scam fud came from, it's not even an ICO or anything

Turtlecoin is about as community driven as it gets

>> No.9400194

>A community which will threaten you with death if you ask questions and try to dox you
Quite the driven community there 1 post by this ID man.

>> No.9400199

dev orchestrated p&d

>> No.9400219

Shame I left the TRTL discord weeks ago. I'd have loved to call them all faggots to their face for not keeping their niggers on a leash.

I'm also glad I dumped my tiny bags of just a few million on all you faggots at at 20 sats.

>> No.9400226
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>> No.9400261


>> No.9400298

>admits to owning trtl for any reason

>> No.9400324

Seems like a great community.

>> No.9400335

this. where do i sign up to get scammed and then threatened with death if i tell anybody?

>> No.9400368
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>> No.9400390
File: 122 KB, 600x600, 1521904674691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is TRTLCOIN a scam?

Next up:
>Is earth round or perhaps a tetrahedron?

>> No.9400396
File: 95 KB, 435x653, 0293740232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This, I've been in enough telegram groups to understand the actions of scamcoins when someone asks good questions without even shitposting.

>> No.9400397

But that reason was profit? Made about a thousand bucks mining a shitcon back when you could pull down a million a night mining with a graphing calculator, then dumped it all (like the devs did) when idiots started buying it up as fast as they could when it hit the first shit exchange. I even bought that jewcoin Cripple and rode it to a nice little profit before dumping it too.

I guess the meme is true. Some of you faggots actually do hate money.

>> No.9400463


>> No.9400467
File: 206 KB, 917x625, saltynocoinersgetrekt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit, these FUD assholes must be from the /biz/cord all assmad nobody will join their joke of a group.

>> No.9400488

>Implying Rocksteady has enough money to list his scam on Bittrex without scamming early adopters.

This piece of shit will never be on a real exchange and the total supply is too damn high.

>> No.9400542
File: 76 KB, 906x984, 81112477-9B96-4644-B867-40A239A4A8BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TRTL hit ATH during bear market and dumped their coins through a proxy fake identify named “mkid”

TRTL is still down 80% from ATH and will never recover or end up on a real exchange without the devs pumping and dumping again.

This coin is horrible and the community is filled mostly with retarded autistic losers who are poor and will remain so.

>> No.9400550

>m-muh supply
>muh marketcap

>> No.9400573
File: 54 KB, 399x385, 8D1D65FA-C227-43F6-98AF-B35C2EA5BD15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they should rebrand as a financial domination fetish coin. at least that way people know they’re getting fucked out of money when they buy this obvious scamcoin.

>> No.9400602

I’d pay 0.1 ETH for this. Devs confirm rebrand?

>> No.9400619
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>> No.9400635

Brainlet here. Is this FUD or do people really get banned for no reason? I thought this looked like maybe a good coin in the future.

>> No.9400698

>good coin

>> No.9400730
File: 46 KB, 655x527, CE57B1F8-045B-487E-8313-BC9519FCA4A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tl;dr op got banned for no reason and then turtlecoin devs or their friends doxed him and threatened to murder him for talking about it

>> No.9400740

Screen shotted and will post whenever turtlescam is mentioned

>> No.9400784

Is water wet?

>> No.9400872

No but turtles are. This thread is samefag fud. The devs are anonymous but they’re trustworthy. Join us. OP was banned for trolling.

>> No.9400875

kys bagholder

>> No.9400886
File: 60 KB, 400x400, 7319A4E5-8F75-4396-A344-7A70E08B5F22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. trtl will moon because of strong community support and active devs.

>> No.9400897

Strong fundamentals brainlet. OP is salty he got banned for trolling. TurtleCoin is one of the few hidden gems of /biz/

>> No.9400898

And any thread that praises or bashes trtl. All news is good news.

>> No.9400905

>anonymous devs
I'm sure this will end well

>> No.9400912

strong pump and dump fundamentals, you mean. you guys are fucking greedy for trying to pump this shitcoin again, once was not enough?

>> No.9400937
File: 11 KB, 226x250, 4C347143-334D-4C71-B6F1-36B116C5F0C0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my turtle stays super fertile 1000x EOY

>> No.9400953

stay poor. obvious fud thread op didn’t even get banned he’s lying

>> No.9400966

lmao you're the one staying poor backing up this shitcoin

>> No.9400972

>Devs have been quietly working away for months
>Guy comes in claiming all sorts of shit
Asked by devs to provide proof of his claims
He can't
>Gives that as an "apology" then gets laughed out of the discord
>Cry's to biz
Time after time there's fud threads yet nobody can provide any evidence at all, it's getting old

>> No.9400973
File: 68 KB, 1280x960, D18343A4-7666-4661-B26E-3E296B723925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. If you learn anything from this thread it’s that TRTL is a moon mission prepped to go parabolic. OP is accumulating.

>> No.9400997
File: 220 KB, 393x302, 2444BC04-BC1D-4EA1-84EE-3E58233D9EBF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. OP is lying about everything. He didn’t really get banned.

You have 2 options biz

1. Join us
2. Stay poor

>> No.9401006

Haha I like that

The devs aren’t anonymous. They attend crypto conventions and are lining up partnerships.

Last chance for this moon mission.

>> No.9401034

where can i buy? is $10k enough and will it really 1000x EOY?

>> No.9401042

salty notrtl spotted. sage

>> No.9401055

Oh really? Will “Bebop” and “Rocksteady” be at Consensus? Fuck off pajeet.

Not sure if pajeet but for anyone reading: do NOT do that.

>> No.9401103

100% solid project and good fundamentals. binance incoming?

>> No.9401124

It’s truly the best scam on /biz/ I hope to make the devs very rich when they dump again.

>> No.9401172
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>> No.9401203
File: 27 KB, 300x215, 20FD55AA-B19E-4525-94FA-B1B0F202B90F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How greedy and retarded do you have to be to try to pump and dump a dead scam coin twice? People who try to doublescam /biz/ with confirmed scams should be banned and kys

>> No.9401208

HA! What the fuck is that? Some brony convention where nerd vergins in TURTLEnecks rub their little weiners together?

Do me a favor and shill me your shitcoin so I can fuck it up.

>> No.9401230
File: 70 KB, 1280x720, EDD22A0B-BAB2-4EAC-B22F-196BA5FECA01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It’s bad to sell coins when a price is rising just because you’re a dev

Catch me when me and my squad rollin’ around in pic related. Got my hater blockers on. Fuck all of you losers TRTL is bigger than /biz/ and we most assuredly don’t need you to help me pump.


>> No.9401249 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9401263
File: 237 KB, 1200x1564, ECAEBF01-2536-4AB3-AEF3-8D067E26B0F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice dev team you’ve got here...

>> No.9401276
File: 209 KB, 1125x826, 30F52395-117E-4C5C-95A4-1DA5CD258AC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute state of shitcoins

>> No.9401292


>> No.9401308

Because you got pumped and dumped before? Go get drunk and cry about "being good little turtles" in your dicksucking community.
Piece of shit scammer. Have fun dumping your bags on these brainlets that drank your koolaid.

>> No.9401383

Turtle isn't a scam, OP is a fag. You go into the discord and accuse them of being shills and in with garlic. Of course they been you for trolling. I'm going to check the log and tip whoever banned you.

I'm not saying invest in turtle, it's a memecoin and will likely never be worth anything, but it isn't a scan and OP is a vapid cunt.

>> No.9401436

you seem to be putting in a lot of effort to defend a meme coin. surely another p&d isn’t around the corner.

>> No.9401450

Fake Rocksteady is fake. He never cared about the price (even told people not to buy, but mine instead)

>> No.9401468

There is just so much bullshit here. Look, it's not a good investment, is a fucking meme coin, but it definitely isn't an organized scam. I'm not defending it, I'm calling out the bs.

>> No.9401480

yes because the devs make alt accounts of people who don’t exist. they take the blame when the dump happens and no price talk is allowed or you get banned.

smart scam honestly but only the devs benefit. they should have done an ico because nobody is falling for their crap this time.

>> No.9401483

of course its a scam you moron

>> No.9401661

tig if brue

>> No.9401687

BWAHAHAHA! Who the fuck is anyone gonna dump on? Someone going to add another billion turtles to the 1 sat wall?

This entire thread is full of FUDDERS that are pissed that the price isn't higher so they can buy. /biz/lets have no concept of buying something at the absolute rock bottom. Don't worry Kev. I'm sure eventually someone will come along and pump the price up so you can buy high.

>> No.9401706

Do you admit it’s a money laundering operation for wannabe tough guys

>> No.9401736

did your parents have any children that survived? who the fuck is going to launder money through a coin that has a daily volume of $200? shitty dealers? Terrorists waiting a week to start their insurgency? Man you fuckers are some of the dumbest jackasses oxygen thieves I've seen. congratulations on posting the dumbest thing I've read all day. Really man, you should be proud.

>> No.9401760

literal retard, hope you've moved out so your parents dont need to see what a disappointment you've become

>> No.9401763

you should go back to larping having a body count and being scary. that was more up my alley pussy. fake hacker fake shooter.

>> No.9401834

are u ok anon? does APRyWS/k have a gun to your head and a dick in your mouth?

>> No.9401869

If you don’t support this scam apparently you will be killed

>> No.9402426

Lessons learned from this thread:

1)There are no small coins, only small minds
2)There is no such thing as bad publicity.
3) The only girls on the internet are found here on /biz

>> No.9402501
File: 121 KB, 1024x576, Brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if your opinion is different with people, they use their number to overwhelm y instead of having a good debate with actual knowledge.
Such an amazing community this is exactly what a crypto space needed. A fucking toxic brainlet community which had no ideal what they doing and screamming at other when someone made a question kek.
Just bought 100k tks.

>> No.9402833

I am happy you posted this.. I went ahead and forwarded your messages regarding your ar15 and bump stock to your local authorities.

>> No.9402865

I don't see a question in your screenshot.

>> No.9403330
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>> No.9403638
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Turtle is a future of cryptocurrency!

>> No.9403733

oh fuck the TRTL community is some hard ass niggas

>> No.9403808

>Bigger than /biz/
Yet your faggot Discord spams here constantly.

>> No.9404300
File: 290 KB, 600x542, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've been banned because you're an annoying faggot FUDder.

>> No.9404322

I mined 10M of these shitters back when the pool was only around 30 miners or so.

Arey they worth something?

>> No.9404382

About $800

>> No.9404434
File: 206 KB, 888x847, 1515809871755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biz is filled to the brim with retards. How are you surprised that you got booted from the discord?
Trtl coin is literally a community driven decentralized privacy coin. No one here would tell you to buy it yet, because you can fucking mine it and get zillions of the fuckers.

>> No.9404435

Just overflought the thread. Kek, thanks for opening this, OP. It's hilarious what's going on here and there's no such thing as bad publicity for TurtleCoin. Let us hope that Rocksteady & Bebop successfully implement their scheme for hiring contract killers. This is the best TurtleCoin thread, so far.

>> No.9404762

>being rude
>why ban
Nice fud.

>> No.9405323

Why is turtlecoin a scam? I only see bold claims without any kind of proof.

>> No.9405410

I bought into turtle coin :) made good profits too it goes up and down on mood swings

>> No.9405552

i agree sirs turtlecoin is very good buy at 1 sats i made many rupees trading this :) ^^ XD

>> No.9405593

pajeet get ye gone trtl is an AMERICAN coin

>> No.9405593,1 [INTERNAL] 

Who is Mkidd and how can I find information about it? Internet not showing results. Thanks