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9398196 No.9398196 [Reply] [Original]

If you are not all in on XLM, you are really fucking up.

Benefits of Stellar:

- ICOs
- Smart-contracts
- IBM running the world-wide network nodes and shilling Stellar (https://dashboard.stellar.org/))
- Stellar consensus protocol: 1000s tx / second (global scale)
- Inflation distributed weekly to those who own XLM (https://lumenaut.net/))

Recent News:

- IBM Blockchain VP on XLM: https://medium.com/@kuipr/ama-with-the-head-of-ibm-blockchain-jesse-lund-64b8fe13ceba

Upcoming Events:

- (((Consensus))) 2018: May 14 w/ McCaleb
- Money2020 Europe: June 04 w/ Nestor

Recent Partnership:

- Keybase.io
- Blockdaemon.com

Overarching Goal of XLM (and why it could be worth a ton):

- XLM is Asset-to-Asset Bridge

The list below will be fully operational by year end, ask yourself the price of XLM by then:

>Central banks onboard
>Other assets trading on stellar (talks of reaching 1000 this year)
>FX across Asia
>Pure Stellar ICOs
>ICOs bailing on ETH for Stellar
>New IBM clients
>New uplifted SDEX interface
>Lightning near roll-out

How many times do I have to warn you nigger?

>> No.9398207

delicious pasta

>> No.9398336

get in before its too late goys

>> No.9398467

Now that was a tea cup chart
Up up up

>> No.9398486

Finally, fucking FINALLY I see one of these threads again. I was beginning to think all my fellow lumentalists had died of boredom. Can't wait for Jed to actually fucking release something

>> No.9398492

same, he shouldnt say neat shit getting released "soon" and 5 months go by with zero

>> No.9398676

Why is this pumping?

>> No.9398691

Volume is going interstellar
Started the day at .31

>> No.9398752

Everything is

>> No.9399246

a shitty whale PnD scammed a bunch of us on XYO.

was at 500 XLM, now i'm at 50 with 160 XYO -- a stupid ico coin that isn't gonna do shit for shat

>> No.9399329

It wasn’t boredom
Lumens was doing the wave offering
Went down buy
Up then down buy
Then up then down buy
Then the tea cup and it’s shot up
A lot of focus

>> No.9399347

Sorry to hear that
That sucks
Scammers suck

>> No.9399355
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this is the universal sign for xlm shitting the bed. makes me sad to see this pasta

>> No.9399384

dude, ICOs are scams, are you new to this?

>> No.9399416

Ok so what
Money is money
Stellar lumens as great foundation
You probably say that about Asian to as you drive down the road in a Honda

>> No.9399440

no shit -- but he was hyping a pump on the stellar exchange and I FOMO'd in on it bc I'm a degen gambler at times. Worst mistake of my foray into crypto, honestly.

>> No.9399489

How do like your green
It just jumped

>> No.9399505

We all do that
At .02
Then .10
We all do it
Buy and hold

>> No.9399528

This is were it gets good
I don’t know weather to buy more or
Wait to see if it comes down

>> No.9399592

lets hope the chinks do a buyfest over night

>> No.9399601

Here comes a dip
Hopefully get in at a good low

>> No.9399658

It look like it
Sometimes it goes south
Then North
It started at .31 today

>> No.9399789

There maybe a double top there at .38
Maybe wait until like 2:00 3:00 there’s always a sell off or buy

>> No.9399853

SJW coin.

>> No.9399891

Thanks, adding to my short.

>> No.9399945

price prediction by end of tomorrow?

>> No.9399948

Usually when stellar goes down sometimes Bitcoin follows it
Anyone see this before

>> No.9400044

It looks like it’s selling off then in the morning it pulls back up
Last couple days it drops .03 to .05 cents then pulls up during the day
There’s big money going in and out if you see the orders

>> No.9400107

is now a good time to buy?

>> No.9400135

One drop was to .3570
Then the next day .31
Today it hit .38
Then there’s the conference
Do buy the hype sell the conference
It’s a good coin a lot a big people backing it

>> No.9400214

What are looking for
A quick buy and sell
Hold for a couple years
Day trade

Some nights it drops really low
That’s when you want to get in

>> No.9400435

The stellar lumens is a great concept
The team is really on top of things
This is something you buy hold onto for 3 to 5 years
If you day trade it save some extra coins put in wallet and build them
You have to research the company it has a lot to offer

>> No.9400461

Why would XLM need lightning?

>> No.9400522

Probably to offer secure private transactions

>> No.9400551

If you're smart enough to ask this question you should be smart enough to deduce the answer
Hint: it is a massive buy signal

>> No.9400637

Eager to see the front end for SDEX revamped

>> No.9400651

It's a massive red flag. The point of alts like XLM is that they don't need the nigger rigging that bitcoin needs to work. If both bitcoin and Stellar need lightning, then I'd rather stick with the currency that's deflationary.

>> No.9400666

this shows a complete lack of thought depth
that argument fails even the most cursory logical tests
try again

>> No.9400682

>you're wrong because you're wrong

try again satan

>> No.9400692
File: 25 KB, 184x184, Guess_who.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't get it do you?
Listen to >>9400651 if you know what's good for you

>> No.9400725

Stellar using it to further build out their network. Ultimately, they want digitized assets trading on the network. Asian central bank currency being the first to come.

>> No.9400750

isn't biz supposed to have at least some smart people?
think about why the exchange currency in the top 100 that has the fastest transmission rates and lowest transaction cost would need a lightning network
do you remember when/why lightning for xlm was announced?

>> No.9400794
File: 802 KB, 2434x1373, 117017FD-6D96-4A0D-B00C-C63C1966A374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need it in as how ?
Global market
Banks pay companies they pay employees
Disaster portable phone stations
Stops what they call a bottle neck
Water food transportation portable shelters medicine haven this assembled at nature’s notice is very hard.
You can send to ships, were ever there is a internet connection gps WiFi landlines
Privet key public key
Sometimes humanity makes a choice that choice is usually so we humans can live on.
Not everything is for profit and not everything can be used for destruction.
Passion for human survival can lead to the biggest rewards

In any conflict between humanity and technology, humanity will win.

Albert Einstein

>> No.9400800
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There are nothing but mongs here.
Think about where you are.

>> No.9400819

i really shouldn't be this nice but
go one step further
whats the only legit fud against XLM as an investment
not the africa airdrop tard shit
but the real high end investor fud that gets dropped here from time to time with respect to determining the value of XLM?
if you know that you know what is going on behind the scenes and what lightning means for future price action

>> No.9400904

the inflation?

>> No.9400938

I think you need that
It’s what makes this crypto currencies appealing

>> No.9400940

1% inflation until total token distribution is, if anything a positive
so no

>> No.9400964

i know why lightning can have benefits on paper but can't recall the high end investor FUD.

>> No.9400983

The dips
Like every night it has been dipping

>> No.9400995

last hint
re-read the chainlink larps
there is a post in there which hints at one of the larpers being real in that he gives a high level theoretic framework as to why an asset may have value
specifically he explains why btcs slow transmission rates and at the time high fees are actually bullish for its price
with that understanding, why would a rapidly transacting asset that is about to bridge large resting value stores need a lightning network?
what does this imply about passive income on the network?
what does this imply about future pricing of XLM?
if you don't get it now you don't deserve to make money

>> No.9401029

Stellar has goals they meet
It’s just not about saying we’re looking to do this
I think in time years from now it will pay off

>> No.9401056

atomic swaps with btc means more demand for xlm? you're a smart dude and i appreciate these questions but sadly xlm is one of the assets i have not followed closely

>> No.9401232

It’s a good one to follow
It moves up and down
Last night it dipped and tonight it’s up
Get in on the low your ok
You can see the chart how it moves

>> No.9401296
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So it's pumped +28% over the past 3 months.

Whoop'dee doo (fuck how do you say that)

>> No.9401325

It still hasn't reached its Jan ATH.
Which is good for anyone who is planning to enter

>> No.9401467

I don’t know
Maybe we’re not seeing the same thing
It was at .19 to .21 went to .48
Then in between there were .02 to .05 dips and ups
If you look at the chart
Say you put in xxxx at .20 held it
Then used xxx for the dips up and down your not going to get everyone
Say you sold at .45 your xxxx now you bought back in on the dip to .31 and are using xxx on the dips
How do you see 28%

>> No.9401550

I'm too much brainlet to figure this out. Is he saying stellar will be performing such insane volume of transactions that it's current speed would be severely degraded without lightning?

>> No.9401678

I don’t know
I waiting to see if there is another dip tonight like last night it dipped twice down to .31

>> No.9401984
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Ignore buzzword posts. Any idea worth investing into can be explained in a simple sentence, no matter how complex the underlying tech is
Electric cars
Slick phones
Computer parts

And the rest is up exclusively to market timing, good decision making and good teams. In the case of btc, the
>Digital, secure, non-government owned money
is a great idea being hindered by poor management and decision-making. In the case of stellar, it's worth investing into because it's decently backed by a large company, has reasonable goals (looking at you chainlink), and has the overall posture of an actual working company

>> No.9401998


>private key can literally be stolen by a bunch of nig nogs with wrenches

so secure

>> No.9402133
File: 13 KB, 511x288, images-139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're up to securing it properly, and that entails risk because you're used to having the bank keep your money safe for you and aren't used to the idea of doing it yourself. If blockchain catches on, better systems for safekeeping keys like hardware wallets will also become usual day-to-day tools

>> No.9402211

Let me give you a reason to FOMO in

>> No.9402222

actually yeah, stellar appears to be leading the market

>> No.9402311

That was the purpose of the crypto currency
A type of currency besides paper & metals
A form of currency to be use with technology.
Yes the laws and regulations have come to.
We’re there is a resource there is some form of government.
What ever crypto currency you own buy sell like dislike it is the beginning of a paradigm shift.
I think Jeb understands this and has the leadership to bring this as far as it will go plus there is no gender race bearers he has a strong team.

>> No.9402328
File: 25 KB, 400x799, reviewbrah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, just bought 100k Lumens.

>> No.9402329

For now that night dip comes sometimes
You get caught off guard
Sometimes it doesn’t come

>> No.9402350
File: 157 KB, 636x932, AA46EADB-3451-4132-A70F-0EA553736E2A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold those for the long run
Stellar Lumens is still on the launch pad when it takes off is going to go

>> No.9402436

Can't wait to dump my bags on all of you turdheads, pump it to the great yonder!

>> No.9402520

Foolish manchild

>> No.9402615

Everyone knows it’s going to dump
It does it every night
But it is about accumulating and holding it for a couple years.
When bitcoin was in the pennies it dumped went up then dumped the whole time.

>> No.9402633

A lot of volume tonight