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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 4 KB, 200x200, cpöz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9395482 No.9395482 [Reply] [Original]

Colx, low mcap, private, debit card comming soon!

Grab all you can

>> No.9395519
File: 41 KB, 808x805, 1526140652248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't buy the dip

>> No.9396170

This is one of the few legit coins not in the top 100 that is going to be in the next few weeks

>> No.9396193

I just downloaded the wallet and have it set for staking. Should I start obfuscation or is that unimportant?

>> No.9396212


Kill yourself pajeet.

>> No.9396217

important, but god damn isn't the wallet so much better then wraith?

>> No.9396226

oh dear, someone missed the dip

>> No.9396228

i meant not important
i'm deff white America here

>> No.9396238

If this 100x ohhhhhhh

>> No.9396272



>> No.9396277

lol faggot this is a chad white mans coin..stay poor cuck

>> No.9396317

Ok thanks, one more question: When i click "File - receiving addresses" i'm presented with 6 different addresses to receive coins. But when I click "Receive" and then "Request payment" I'm presented with another address to receive. Which one do I go with?

>> No.9396344

lmao these pajeet pnd shill threads are hilarious. they're like 4-5 colx shills holding bags of a total shitcoin trying to unload on you guys. get in and get fucking JUSTed

>> No.9396353

i mean... when has anon ever been wrong?

>> No.9396366

use the one they gave you last

>> No.9396371

You idiot this isn't a pnd. Not everything shilled on 4chan is a pnd you autist

>> No.9396385

go back to fucking reddit bitch.

these guys made me money for shilling holo colx and 0x

>> No.9396390
File: 1019 KB, 450x360, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> invested in colx
> calling someone an autist

>> No.9396417

Brainlett didn't do his research

>> No.9396421


>> No.9396439

What's your point? Shilling isn't a pnd

>> No.9397047
File: 90 KB, 774x960, street shit rape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not buying your bags, you fucking pajeets. Tough luck for the guy who fomo'd in at 52 sats.

>> No.9397104
File: 1.24 MB, 1338x944, uhoh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the shill is real

>> No.9397132

yo will colx pay for shilling? i could use a side gig, make a little ching

>> No.9397146

might be shilling
but all you need to do is browse biz to make money.

>> No.9397413

>mfw when this is the dip

>> No.9397754

>isn't a pnd
>moves up 30 sats then drops 20 in just a few days of hard street shitting
Tell me more, pajeet.

>> No.9397819

Where you gonna spend that debit card? Target accept it? What about the liquor store?

>> No.9397825

Every coin dropped you brainlett

>> No.9397889

This scam was stupid three days ago.

>> No.9397939
File: 45 KB, 540x540, Beyonce-sips-tea[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you did your research, why would you choose now, at nearly the top of an artificial peak created by non-stop streetshitters like yourself, to buy now into a three-times rebranded reboot of a shitcoin that's still down 90% from its January high?

Those bags get heavy, don't they?

>> No.9397962

How stupid can you be? Everyone is buying now because the scam exchange is done selling all the coins that made it crash to begin with. It's like you don't do any research on coins and call people pajeets for shilling literally anything

>> No.9398415

This is wrong. But it’s okay to be wrong. Someone has to be.

>> No.9398448

Every scam Pajeet coin claims that having a card meme LOL look at centra, Monaco, life, complete Pajeet buzzword.
When debit card sirs need toilet for mud hut

>> No.9398533

COLX is legit. Stay poor, I guess. The fact that you're ignorant as to why it's gaining steam does not mean it's a shitcoin. Do some research and come back with some proper FUD.

>> No.9398571

Another wrong statement. Colx does not pretend to have a debit card. They do. They partnered with polispay, who will be making the cards for colx. Beta testing begins at the end of this month for the cards.

These fudders seriously have no clue, or are just purposely trying to drive the price down so they can get in lower.