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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9391083 No.9391083 [Reply] [Original]

Made this thread the other day. I shitpost a lot here, plenty of lul threads and meme's. But I get banned for this topic, mfw I triggered some onions latent MOD.

Anyways, I will repost as this is business and finance related. The topic of conversation was that we are all motivated by one factor and that is pussy. Everything we do from innovation to produce is for pussy.

Now, I also made the point that in africa they still in many parts just live in huts and a much simpler life. Is it possible that because there sexual energy isn't as repressed as it is in the west they have no need to have big houses, cars etc etc. It is only in the west that you must live up to the status quo for, wait for it, pussy.