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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9389904 No.9389904 [Reply] [Original]

What's the next LINK guys? A buddy of mine picked up 80 LINK for 500 dollars a pop in early 2019 and now he's fucking 10/10s in his Maserati since he's running a node that bringsthe him 0.02BTC a month.

Looking for lowcap projects (<10 billion mcap)

>> No.9389980

>gambling with sub 10 billion market cap trash
Buy REQ, mate.
>Amazon uses it
>Coinbase uses it
>Fucking partnered with LINK and OMG
>Only 1000 tokens left

>> No.9390152

>mfw hodl since ico
>dump while stack at 100

>> No.9390206


Can't believe the run NANO has had to $10K
What's the next NANO?

>> No.9390228

Yeah I know it's playing the roulette but entering REQ at 1.8 trillion market cap is kinda weak, 3x in the coming months at most

>> No.9390254

Bitcoin Max is the real Bitcoin. Bitcoin Star is a fucking bullshit coin with the most deluded fanbase I've ever seen.

>> No.9390266

Who got into COSS early? I’m getting 0.005 a week in BTC alone with 1000. Any oldfags have any advice for me? Will it dip to $23 any time soon?

>> No.9390268

Buy espers on yobit

>> No.9390270

buy one20three coin (1t3) unless you want to be a poor fag forever. I'm gonna buy one of bentley's bikeleys when they come out in 2022

>> No.9390272

Kek, EOS fell out of top100 again

>> No.9390280

this could be a good thread but you just had to ruin it with yet another link larp

>> No.9390305
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>> No.9390309
File: 43 KB, 600x885, 5CA32EF2-9B85-437D-8073-7C8B5C714B6E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw sold all my Link at $100 because /biz/ said it would crash

>> No.9390316

I cant believe bitconnect made a comeback to 100k, absolutely insane. Wish I hadnt sold back in May 2018.

>> No.9390347

hey guys what is the best recipe to cook a rat? dont have a stove in my cardboard though.

>> No.9390372

why aren't you in zandroniem, anon? under $100m marketcap, you only need 8000 gwei to own 0.1% of the total supply

>> No.9390378

That's what happens when a coin still hasn't transitioned to a main net over 3 years after the devs said it would.

>> No.9390390

Boycott RebuildAmerican Coin. It's controlled opposition by Russia to let em never stand on their own feet again.

>> No.9390399

Man i really wish i didn't buy REQ at 1$ back in 2017. Could have 2x'ed my stack by now that its reached 2$ a pop

>> No.9390412

What these threads really need is a future version of Grug but I can't draw for shit.

>> No.9390415

>Boycott RebuildAmerican Coin. It's controlled opposition by Russia to let em never stand on their own feet again.
/pol/ would buy this coin

>> No.9390419

ITT: We pretend to be newfags in 2030

What's the next 1T3 coin guys? A buddy of mine picked up 80 1T3 for 500 dollars a pop in early 2021 and now he's fucking 10/10s in his Maserati since he's running a node that bringsthe him 0.02BTC a month.

Looking for lowcap projects (<10 trillion mcap)

>> No.9390424

Hah Im so lucky that I was able to swoop some Tether at 1$ in 2018 before the bubble popped and crypto died

>> No.9390445

Hydro!! I’ve been looking for the ultimate shitcoin with low mcap, here it is
It already went 2x and keep rising
You don’t want to miss that free money anon! At least another 3x by next two weeks

>> No.9390457

200k holder here. we can dream bro

>> No.9390461

>he fell for the 2018 COSS a dead FUD
We all bought 10k at $3 anon. Get on our level.

>> No.9390474

Honostly NYSE is such a trashy exchange. only has 20 trillion daily volume

>> No.9390533

I don't know how you guys live with yourselves. LINK is such a shitty ERC20 token but the memes will never stop.

I'm so sorry.

>> No.9390592

I need to cashout everything to pay for my wife's son's yearly uni fees but it seems that I can get 1mil off my 10mil crypto networth.

Why am I getting taxed so little? Who should I call to confirm the accuracy of my rate?

>> No.9390603

getting dbc vibes from this

>> No.9390627

Ah I remember the dec 17 shills. Those were the days

>> No.9390643


>> No.9390645

>Not all in on Bitcoin hyper
You're just not going to make it friend

>> No.9390648

judt buy apollo already last day before the price goes up

>> No.9390661

Is anyone going to see Jason Parser the movie this weekend? Pretty funny that a bunch of Uber rich oldfags made so much off of Link that they are releasing an actual Hollywood movie featuring Matt Damon as Jason Parser and Tom Cruise as Sergey Nazarov...

>> No.9390674

$100,000 Link defeats the entire purpose of the token

>> No.9390685


What is your opinion on trustless smart contracts?

>> No.9390703

More like 1000 dollars

>> No.9390738

You mean the backbone of the socioeconomic world since 2020? Seems pretty important to me...but I live in a secluded bubble since Link has shot my net worth above $750MM

>> No.9390739

If I could go back in time, I'd have fucking bought NYC while it was still nearly worthless. Just need to go back to October 2019, right before the spike.

It's only worth a few bucks now, but my friend bought it when it was a fraction of a penny. He's got two homes now. It'll probably never go up again.

What are you guys investing in? Chase coins seem to be pretty strong in the market right now.

>> No.9390757

omg just in, the Winklebogs caused that huge FacebookCoin dump, Zuck on suicide watch, can't do anything since the Tyler became SEC chair this fall

>> No.9390760

>Link is going to crash from $45,000/token to $1000
>Every company on earth that hasn’t adopted ChainLink has or is failing

>> No.9390774

I can’t believe eos hit $1000 it’s a fucking erc20 token scam

>> No.9390822


>> No.9390860

Tron is going to reach 1$ guys!!

>> No.9390887

FBC was and always will be pure shit. That said, I wish normal people would have been allowed to buy in at ICO.

Good to see it crashing. Burn in hell, President Zuck!

>> No.9391214


>> No.9391247
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This is link over the last 3 months. Try as I might, I can't believe in this. I'm going long on Sky.

>> No.9391417

Did you see the expose on Cruise bulking up to play Sergey? Just Big Mac after Big Mac after Big Mac. His dedication to understanding Sergey and his motivation will make this movie incredible.

>> No.9391491
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still cant believe they made pic related into a damn movie

>> No.9391796
File: 7 KB, 275x183, whylive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It sure is refreshing to see green candles after that horrific 3 year bear market. Who would have guessed 2017 was the absolute top for every single crypto!?

>> No.9391908

We're early adopters

>> No.9392040

Remember all those coins, from years ago, people thought were actual investments. Here we are and BTC still is the king.

Really makes you think how many people had no idea what they were doing back then, but has anything actually changed in that regard, now?