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9389544 No.9389544 [Reply] [Original]

>Not even taking a day off if your kid dies

It's fucking unbelievable and disgusting that any human being would be so entirely devoted to a faceless piece of shit corporation.

Do they not feel how meaningless life is after endless 16 hour workdays?

Do they never get the urge to tell their coworkers and employers to fuck off and let them live?

>> No.9389795

I work un the main office for a Japanese car manufacturer with plants all over the west, it's common to see them asleep on their desks and in Japan this isn't seen as unacceptable

>> No.9389805

I work in*

>> No.9389840

Do you feel like they secretly despise the way society expects them to work? Or do they actually prefer doing what they're doing?

>> No.9389853
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Japan is one of the most fucked up countries on the planet, people hype it up as being this progressive society when really they are high tech third worlders, worse than pajeets

>> No.9389865

They love it, some of them stay on for an extra 6 hours unsupervised

>> No.9389871

They have lost all meaning and reason for their lives. What a pathetic cucked nation. They, like the other WW2 loser, have never recovered from the psychological beating they took.
A nation that devours its young has no future.

>> No.9389890

exceptions dont make the rule

just because one person is fucked, doesnt mean everyone is

>> No.9389922

Not surprising since most of the hate their kids. Haven't you ever see Neo Genesis Evangelion. That's a pretty normal father-son relationship.

>> No.9389937

*Not surprising since most of them hate their kids. Haven't you ever see Neo Genesis Evangelion? That's a pretty normal father-son relationship in Japan.

>> No.9389944

I used to work in Japan.

Japanese business people are the most spineless, unproductive and unimaginative people you'll ever have the misfortune of working alongside.

>> No.9389971


what do you mean by this?

>> No.9390103

In what ways are they unproductive and spineless?

>> No.9390134

I remember find his videos, I want his gf

>> No.9390169

I work for a Japanese international school. They truly take pride in doing pointless amounts of work. I’m attempting to break their stupid ways of working by showing that you can give yourself a break and still do your job well. But I’m probably coming off as a white collar duke nukem that’s fun to interact with. Can’t take the jap out of the jap, but at least they like me.

>> No.9390173


how much you getting paid?
I work at an international school in Chna

>> No.9390196

They are yes men and have a hard time bringing up new ideas that might rock the boat.

>> No.9390208

1. Negotiating against a Japanese person is a cakewalk. They do not stand up for themselves or their business position and will go out of their way to accommodate. Westerners know this and take advantage of it. Watching your colleagues and/or clients completely fold at even the slightest hint of resistance is maddening, especially when you KNOW the deal is unfair. I can't honestly think of any group of people who are easier to break.

2. Japanese are incredibly unproductive. They "work" very long hours, except that "work" isn't real work. Huge amounts of time are spent on pointless conference calls / meetings. Even larger chunks of the day are lost to them literally sitting around on their asses doing absolutely nothing so that they can preserve the real work for after hours and thus "look good" by breaking their backs at 9pm to get something out the door by midnight. This is infuriating as a westerner because you'd rather get your shit done and just go home. Ninety percent of my work came in at 5pm on the day before it needed doing, despite email chains clearly showing that my Japanese colleagues sat on the project for over a week.

3. Japanese people are just bad at stuff. Engineering wise they're getting their ass kicked by Koreans; finance investing wise they're getting their ass kicked by Westerners; etc. Yet they're still super racist and refuse to learn. They won't even do business with Chinese due to the racial superiority complex they have, which is badly, BADLY costing them. The Japanese economy is stagnating for a reason.

All of the above are generalizations. Obviously not every Japanese person, company or firm is like this. But this was the overall experience I had when I was there. Japan kicks ass in many departments - cheap, high quality food; hot, feminine women; awesome entertainment options; etc. - but business is NOT one of them.

>> No.9390227


Japan does not have cheap food...

>> No.9390229

Decent for Thailand (50k+ Baht) but on the low end for international schools. I will get a big raise once our school has more students. It just recently opened. How is it working in Ching Chang Chong? I know you fuckers make bank.

>> No.9390247


I save $2K CAD a month rather easily, 17 weeks vacation a year (holidays and all that shit). It's nice but China aint perfect that's for sure.

>> No.9390262

Even in major cities like Osaka and Tokyo the food is incredibly cheap compared to, say, New York City, San Francisco, etc. High quality sushi, for example, can be found for literally 50 cents a piece if you know where to look. I don't know if you're trolling, incredibly poor or just misinformed.

>> No.9390315

Doesn’t sound bad at all mate. In all of east/south east Asia you’re going to have problems. But I respect the chinks for how they live in some ways. I just hate the me-first dog-eat-dog attitude. I lived in Taiwan, so I got a dose of their ways. I like them. Thailand is rife with retards, but they’re endearing.

>> No.9390326

I don't know man, not that I give a shit, but dude if you were right, explain Sony.

>> No.9390330

itd be pretty rad if my dad gave me a giant robot for my 14th bday

>> No.9390359

>explain Sony

Are you asking why Sony is successful? I don't know, some Japanese companies are successful.
I used to work for a law firm when I was there, so I had experience with many different companies as clients. What I am saying is broadly applicable but, of course, there are always exceptions.

Are you asking why Sony is losing market relevance to, among others, Samsung? See my post.

Pointless comment.

>> No.9390391


>> No.9390411

Yeah. I only studied there for 4 months, but that's the image I got as well.
I have a jap gf in uni at the moment. And it's a joke. They are learning basic English even at 20yo. Don't even know when to use a or an, the difference between to and by. It is a shit uni but still a joke. A 10 year old Finnish is better in English than an English major Japanese uni student.
For overall traffic you could see people everywhere. Traffic signal turns green and they wave their baton. It turns red and they block pedestrians. That's their whole job. Low paying jobs are hard work, but a lot of pointless ones likes that.
Also paper everywhere. They still live in the 90s technology wise.

>> No.9390467

Hit the nail on the head. Just take a walk down the any street and you'll see like six construction people standing around doing literally nothing at each site you pass on the way. Excess shop attendants. Wait staff just... waiting.

Paperwork is INSANE. Try opening a bank account, transferring funds, paying tax. NIGHTMARE. Good luck using a credit card to pay for anything - cash only at 90% of the stores and restaurants, even if you have, as I did, a Japanese credit card. Everything needs doing in triplicate, and forms are outdated and full of dumb requirements like needing to use a hanko instead of simply being able to sign your name.

English is very different from Japanese so some of the difficulty in their learning it is understandable. However, it is very apparent to anyone who lives in Japan that a big part of why they're so bad at English is also attributable to the fact that they just don't care to learn it. Very insular culture, very unwilling to rock the boat, even when things aren't working.

>> No.9390568

what do most japs think about weirder musical styles like visual kei, where men dress as women

>> No.9390598

I don't know about that specifically, although most Japanese people are not as accepting of "deviant" things as weebs like to think they are. They allow these things in public because Japanese people live in bubbles and wear (metaphorical) masks wherever they go (so even being in public is paradoxically private), but if you asked your Japanese friend what they think about hentai or whatever they'd say it's weird. At least the guys I hung out with, who were admittedly pretty normie law and finance guys.

>> No.9390629

still, some of these bands manage to fill up concert halls, like the saitama arena. but it seems the vast majority of their fans are women

>> No.9390653

Japanese women are a lot more "public" than men, so that doesn't surprise me regardless of the content. Groups of girls are common in public, but groups of men aren't.

>> No.9390716

>explain Sony
Compare Sony to Samsung. Think about where those companies both were in the 80s, the 90s, and now. Think of which company is bigger now, and which has a reputation for innovation. Which is the more valuable global brand?


>> No.9390759

I'm in Japan right now traveling
I agree with many of the statements being made in this thread and I've only been here 20 days
I thought I was coming to a progressive, forward thinking place, but it's been quite the opposite experience
What baffles me the most is how some older Japanese people will bark at you in Japanese as if it sounds anything remotely similar to English.
I am always nice and courteous, and try my best to get what they're saying in a contextual way, but holy shit man, it does not sound like anything I've ever heard in my life
Also really fucking tired of all the formalities, wasteful packaging and general lack of care or interest in the environment
The beach here was one of the saddest sites I've ever seen

>> No.9390781

Based Japan.
Based ancap society

>> No.9390791

it's a sad moment in every weeb's life when they realize anime is just the fantasy of a middle aged japanese man

>> No.9390831

> The beach here was one of the saddest sites I've ever seen

Go to one of their zoos if you want to see something depressing.

>> No.9390852

There’s a lot of broads at SaaS companies who will be replying to emails just after their pathetic premature baby pops out like they’re fucking Marissa Meyer.

Then there’s chicks who come to work at my startup LITERALLY just to get knocked up in the first month so they can take a nice 3-6 months off while the company burns twice their salary just to keep them around (more the startup’s fault for enabling such lax policies).

>> No.9390874

How many kids do you have now?

>> No.9390881

Japan isnt bad. And as a westerner ure getting laid easy, but as every country it has its fair share of problems.

When I had an internship in Japan, a lot of old japanese guys were reading their emails 10 times to just pass the time.

>> No.9390893

Yes, America is much better. Stupid Japanese just need to import a bunch of niggers.

>> No.9390897

The only real expensive thing in Japan is housing and that applies only to big cities

>> No.9390945

Go live there faggot. It takes less than 2 years to master Japanese if you really try.
You'll see how a based honorary aryan society operates

>> No.9390952

Weeb who doesn't know shit about Japan detected.

>> No.9390974

I'm learning Japanese. Do you think it'd come in handy?
Is Japan a good place for working in biotech or something similar?

>> No.9390975

It's not as unacceptable because "asleep at work" means "he's working so hard he's sleeping from exhaustion"

>> No.9391013

>the absolute state of wagecucking

>> No.9391025

> And as a westerner ure getting laid easy,
since when is women being whores a good thing for the society

>> No.9391073

I don't know anything about biotech, although I can tell you you are almost certainly more likely to be better paid in, e.g., America.

Japanese is a useless language unless you are living in Japan. Even then you do not need to know it to get by.

>> No.9391081

What a complete non-word. It's just as dumb to devote yourself to someone with a face too. That said Japan is amazing, fuck off

>> No.9391087

>Do they not feel how meaningless life is after endless 16 hour workdays
They do. That's why there are so many NEETs there.

>> No.9391097

At least wagecucks in western countries still get to enjoy life for a bit, this shit in japan just looks like willed slavery

>start at 8am and end at 9pm
>after work you have to go out for "recommended" socialisation with your cuck coworkers and (((boss)))
>come back home 12-1am everyday and never get to be there for your kids
>repeat for 50 years

>> No.9391137

Why don't people put more effort into learning the correct pronounciation of the moras and just bruteforce it with they native pronounciation. Well, I know why, but it still makes me sad.

>> No.9391139

just moved here. what should i do?

>> No.9391155

you're a brainlet. Faceless in this context obviously means an absence of ideals or personality. Its pretty pathetic to devote yourself to a company without your interests at heart.

Also i bet youre a fucking weaboo faggot

>> No.9391165
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>no natural resources
>has to rely on value-added exports
>China moving up the export value chain at the sole expense of Japan (and to a lesser extent, US)
Japan is basically fucked.

>> No.9391178
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How long does it take to learn Japanese so I can move there and enjoy my life to the fullest?
Btw I'm from India. Can I also get laid like you westerners? Do they respect us too if we know their language?

>> No.9391189

Whoever said that the food here is expensive hasn't ever visited Japan, or has eaten mainly at shitty tourist traps. It's crazy cheap compared to most first world nations.

Especially if you don't fall for the Tokyo meme and live in smaller, but still big enough cities. Osaka, Kobe, Fukuoka, Hiroshima and Sapporo are all good choices. Kobe and Fukuoka might be my favorite places in Japan for living. Kyoto is a shithole due to the swarms of tourists roaming around, unliveable.

Japanese chicks, however, are one of most dumb/shallow people I've ever seen. Jesus Christ they're so boring. The ones who aren't try their best to fuck off somewhere overseas and achieve something. It's really bad. Yeah, they're cute, but it gets old fast.

>> No.9391226

what do they do that makes them boring and shallow?

>> No.9391242

Did you do any research on Japan before you left?

Did you try to learn any Japanese?

Did you actually believe anime was real?

Did you learn anything about culture? Literally 1600 years ago Japan was a bunch of savages, they have eternally hated Korea and China, and they are all intermixed, what do you think some white guy who comes to Japan expecting it to change their lives when "old Japanese" were flying themselves into white people ships and vowing to their emperor to exterminate them before being invaded and subjugated will say? They think about us like whites think about Muslims.

But of course they are polite and do their best until they lose their rag at the gaijin piggu.

>> No.9391254

Imagine a person whose only interests include shopping, eating and sleeping. Only this. There, I just described 98% of the Japanese girls.

Oh, and add pouting if they don't get what they want + extreme passive aggressiveness.

Chinese chicks or even koreans in Japan are way better and more interesting if you're yellow feverish. Western girls are mainly trash around here, but the ones who take care of themselves AND want to do something with their life are top notch. Easier to score too as Japanese men are usually afraid of women who aren't an air-headed, retarded 10 y.o. in the body of a 20+ y.o. girl.

The more interesting Japanese girls are bomb too, though. Just very hard to find them.

>> No.9391291

Oh, and if you thought western women are gold diggers...The Japanese chicks will prove you wrong on several magnitudes. Money is literally everything here. At least the Chinese are honest with that, Japanese try to pretend it's not but it's the main drive for literally everything.

The three 高い (high) rule: high income, high university achievements, tall body. That's the rule for most of them here.

>> No.9391339

jesus, that sounds like hell. If there's one thing I cant stand, its mediocre people with no personality

>> No.9391375

I think other anons noted before me, but in this regard, Japan can be very depressing. The time for innovation and business decision making here stopped sometime around the early 90s. Some people try to fight against the grain, but groupthink and pretend-to-work-while-doing-nothing is a national cultural trait.

If you're INSIDE the system, it's a sure ticket to depression.

But, if you have your own business or don't enter inside their system, you can live a comfy life here. Just harder to connect with people and most of the really driven ones you meet will be expats.

Usually the interesting Japanese people I've met are somewhat of social outcasts. Including people who didn't enter universities, lost their parents, have a 'shady' past etc. They can be very cool.

Food is crazy good, though. Lots of things to eat, always clean and cheap, even the 'low level' restaurants are above what a Western restaurant would look like.

>> No.9391382

lol, you will be detested even more than the Koreans and Chinks.

>> No.9391439

What do you mean? That's racist bro.

>> No.9391442
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How long you been here, fellow expat anon?
(Can vouch that almost everything this guy says is pretty spot on, except the women being a little ditzy is good IMO. If you want to have a real conversation, find a man.)

>> No.9391463
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I've always dreamed of joining the Yakuza. Any chance I could do that as a foreigner? What kind of business do they do, and how could I provide value to them?

Is it true that lots of Japs don't use smartphones, and stick with flip phones?

Also, what stops people from just starting businesses that run more efficiently? Don't use paper for everything? Market forces ought to dictate that these old ass Japanese firms get BTFO sooner rather than later, right?

>> No.9391469

What are the taxes like in Japan?
Can I move there after my link has booked?

>> No.9391482


'sup anon. 4 years here already...not sure when they passed. The ditzy thing didn't bother me for the first 2 or so years, but after that it got increasingly irritating. Right now I outright despise it, though I try this not to influence me too much when meeting new people.

Don't see myself staying here for more than one year, though. Stagnation is real. Thinking of trying to hit South Korea, but the shallow consumerism there seems even more disgusting. I've actually met a few Koreans who came here to escape from it lol.

What about you anon?

>> No.9391481

I find it so ironic that weebs think of Japan as some sort of noble, honourable, society. If you hate consumerism in the west, if you hate brand consciousness, if you hate gold-diggers, if you hate sheep-mindedness, then Japan is a hellhole.
It's a million times worse in Japan than even the wealthiest parts of Europe/US.

>> No.9391511

You'd be surprised how many companies and people here don't really care about the ((outside world)). The term gaikoku (=abroad) is often used as a huge demarkation line between Japan <--> rest of the world. Remember that Japan is still a pretty big market in itself...

That's why a lot of weaboos break down in their first year here and return back home. Luckily for me, I didn't have any weeb glasses on and faced Japan for what it was - just another country. There are some noble and cool things about Japan, but not everyday life, not at all.

>> No.9391518

Old people stick with flip phones, iPhone is king here. The cliche is New Balance sneakers + iPhone.

Also, no chance of joining the yaks imho. But if you're interested, Kobe and Fukuoka have a lot of them.

>> No.9391522

I visited the ueno zoo in tokyo when I was there 10 years ago. It's absolute garbage, small cages, dirty.

>> No.9391543
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>You'd be surprised how many companies and people here don't really care about the ((outside world)). The term gaikoku (=abroad) is often used as a huge demarkation line between Japan <--> rest of the world. Remember that Japan is still a pretty big market in itself...
but this doesn't mean that a domestic company couldn't just beast it out and force other companies to adapt or die. Hell, couldn't my buddies and I find ~20 expats, start a company in Japan with our sick cunt work ethic + efficiency and have a significant advantage just based on working more efficiently?

What do you do in Nipland again? Finance or law shit?

Also what does the Yakuza actually DO? I've been an MMA fan for a long time, so my main exposure to them was when they ran PRIDE FC, and managed to scam the Fertitta Bros (aka American mafia) into buying PRIDE and getting none of the contracts out of it.

>> No.9391559

Walking into Ueno zoo dissolved my last shred of hope that Japan was anything other than China with a bit of money and more boring people. Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.9391577
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Weeb living in Japan. If you hate it so much just get the fuck out you bitter fat expat faggots. Nobody likes you anyway. LMAOing at your lives right now.

>> No.9391586

Starting a company in Japan can be bureaucratic hell, especially considering how many things you have to do in Japanese. It's a retarded process that has forced a lot of domestic companies to just register in Southeast Asia/Singapore/HK instead. As a foreigner, you'll have it twice as hard.

Nah, I did some freelancing (design). You have to have a % of your income based on work for Japanese clients if you want to stay on a self-employed visa. Can't say I enjoy working with 40% workload for a Japanese client, but w/e...

Not sure about the yaks, man. All I know is that if you're in debt to them you get royally fucked in the ass. They also organize some community events, take care of local stuff. Not all is them being shitheads.

>> No.9391589

How many close Japanese friends have you met while living there?

>> No.9391599

Their mobile and entertainment divisions are a complete shitshow

>> No.9391623

I have 4 I meet regularly, 5 if you count my gym buddy. Dozens more I meet semi-regularly but not that close. Pretty much the same as back home. I speak fluent Japanese though, you won't get far with just english and N5 tier Japanese.

>> No.9391636


>> No.9391651

You think I'll be set for life if I go to Japan with N1 tier Japanese?
Is it easy to find jobs there?

>> No.9391675

No. You can't just come here and expect everyone to suck your dick. In most cases you have to have a position secured before you even arrive (good luck with that) or get admitted into a Japanese university and look for a job before graduating. Or you could go the English teacher route and move on from there if you have any actual qualifications. Speaking Japanese obviously will help a lot, but it's not enough by itself for most people

>> No.9391687

>only interests include shopping, eating and sleeping. Only this.
>I just described 98% of the Japanese girls.
you described 98% of all girls

>> No.9391693

>Hell, couldn't my buddies and I find ~20 expats, start a company in Japan with our sick cunt work ethic + efficiency and have a significant advantage just based on working more efficiently?

You could be better than the competition by 100x but good luck getting japs to use your gaijin company over a japanese one. Did you get anything from this thread?

>> No.9391705

Fair enough, everyone I knew there barely talked to any Japanese. You're obviously doing something right.

>> No.9391710

Not even if we could provide faster services. or lower costs, or something like that?
idk man there's no way Japan can just be immune to market perfection

>> No.9391731
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Been here for almost a decade. Recently made it in crypto and am preparing to gtfo because even though the US is a basket case I think I will legitimately go insane if I spend another decade here. Still, met a shitload of interesting people and learned a lot so no regrets. It's just time to go back.
Curious how you self-sponsored your visa? Do you work under an overseas entity that you registered? Were I to stay here longer, I'd probably be able to make use of information like that, but maybe someone else here is also curious.
Haha, I've been to the Beijing Zoo and Ueno Zoo and know exactly what you mean. Ugh.

>> No.9391748

I mean, I just try to understand that people in other cultures are different and try to appreciate that as much as possible. What I've noticed is that most westerners here expect Japanese to act like them and get pissed when they don't, and Japanese for their part do not try to change their behavior in front of Westerners at all (nor would they know how to do so). Basically if you want to be accepted here you'll have to show that you understand and appreciate the culture (which is not as difficult as it sounds at all, Japanese culture is ultimately based on rationality with a few silly quirks thrown in) while still maintaining your "differentness". But it's astounding how few people manage to do that. Which is probably why Japanese people will absolutely love you if you're one of those rare few, I'm almost confused by how well I get along with people here.

>> No.9391818
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You are doing it right, young expat anon! Too many Westerners here try and pretend they're just like the Japanese or they embody the insular gaijin stereotype. Sounds like you've found the golden medium where you meet the nips halfway.

>> No.9391979

You can do that, yeah. Honestly, the whole system is a clusterfuck so I went to speak with a lawyer and an accountant to understand things. Imho Japan is pretty tough for self-employed visas/freelancing just because it's so complicated.

Haven't you considered going to somewhere in Europe, or trying Taiwan/SK etc? If you really made it it's really up to you. I've heard Taiwan gives you a permanent visa if you invest more than 160k there...Buying an apartment, living there until you get bored and then selling it might be viable, for example.

I'd really hit Central Europe or Taiwan/SK for a while if I made it. Getting tired of design work desu. With only 19K in crypto though, doesn't seem like I'll get a lot.

Anon, I also have quite a few Japanese friends. Most of them don't know English so I know there's no eigo bandit stuff involved either.

Doesn't mean that things are good here. The young people are the most apathetic bunch I've ever seen, they only care about consumption and mindless working. It pains me to see this, as a lot of other things are so neat here.

It's changing slowly, of course, but it's still depressing.

>> No.9391990

This. By the time Nips even had writing the Greeks time had already passed and the Roman Empire was in decline. They were tribal savages who couldn't even invent it themselves and had to steal it from China, then spent hundreds of years aping the Chinese.