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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 10 KB, 236x236, 8c6b6e1b63d59d7e842ab5e6f04720b7--golden-life-golden-retrievers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9388588 No.9388588 [Reply] [Original]

How happy are you right now /biz/?

I'll start....4/10

>> No.9388606

5/10 but remain unphased by the market atm

>> No.9388655

Also a 4/10. Would be 7/10 if not for the market this week.

>> No.9388675

Btc $1k eoy

>> No.9388683

Managed to keep my money at 6000-8000 back and forth for almost 5 months while coins 2x without any improvement. Happiness 1/10

>> No.9388693

3/10 normally, im drunk atm so its probably a 5/10

btw has anyone here used ubereats before?

>> No.9388713

Maybe 3/10 saw my gf looking at pictures of topless men feelsbadman

>> No.9388755


>> No.9388779

>crossed 1BTC for the 1st time
>Thinking its too late

>> No.9388807


The only thing missing in my life is a nice car.

>> No.9388811


sorry to hear bro

>> No.9388812
File: 90 KB, 466x374, 622-809-608-699-71067-m575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm getting long-dicked by HR at work over my stupid fucking ex. I am so goddamn pissed off. I should have never worked for a god damn University. Fuck this fucking gay piece of shit earth and all the fucking social justice warrior shit heads on it. Fuck the lesbo HR lady who is acting like a completely biased bitch and purposely slanting her god damn report so I can get fucked at a maximum capacity. Fuck all the assholes in the higher administration that allow this bullshit and are willing to completely fuck an innocent man for life over nothing more than to brag about their aggression towards fake harassment in the workforce. And fuck my fucking god damn ex, that fucking lying vapid whore of a women. Fuck every god damn inch of her body. Fuck her family. Fuck her god damn fucking troglodyte friends who fucking support her piece of shit personality and what she is doing to me. Fuck everyone who doesn't believe me while she fucking flaunts her god damn false rape accusations like it's a god damn battle wound. Fuck her lying piece of shit god damn ugly face. Fuck every single feminazi bitch in the world. I hope they all get some type of fucking super aids and die a slow and horrible death. I fucking hate all these god damn lesbo troglodyte bitches. GOD FUCKING DAMNIT! FUCK THIS FUCKING BULLSHIT!

>> No.9388833

All I have is a nice car

>> No.9388840

Nice blog

>> No.9388845

2/10 think im addicted to crypto, when the market crashes im in such a bad mood

>> No.9388878


how can they fuck you if it's baseless? that's awful, was the law involved?

>> No.9388932

I was cleared of all charges (she reported all these harassment charges on me after breaking up). She even tried to get a (baseless) restraining order to fuck me and massively failed. HR doesn't give a shit, they're a University. They are legit making shit up and cherry picking my side of the story to harm me. I'm legit gonna have to spend a ton of money suing them. I'm so fucking done with education. Fuck this sjw one-sided crap.

>> No.9388970


I hope you win brother

>> No.9388976

1/10 until I get what I want: A shitload of pumpmoney

>> No.9389005
File: 75 KB, 602x900, 36000489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon. You bumped me up to like 1.5/10 because of your wholesomeness.

>> No.9389089

why are u sad then? place some shorts if youre so sure

>> No.9389092


>> No.9389105


I'm a 4.5 now :)
Thanks to you as well

>> No.9389109

9/10 on a log scale

>> No.9389159
File: 215 KB, 759x1012, IMG_20180512_032806-759x1012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About as happy as my dog

>> No.9389238


he looks happy tired and sad

>> No.9389287

I think that's what normies call "content"

>> No.9389316

11/10 just done some coke, lets go boys all in

>> No.9389338

its because I tried to wake her up for the photo.

>> No.9389344


that fucked me up, thanks

>> No.9389352


ah let the dog sleep my friend.
I used to have a golden. Would love seeing them in that cute position and then I'd gently lower their head and give them a kiss. I miss my dog

>> No.9389400

I've sold half of my BCH stack at the bottom.

>> No.9389411

I feel you man. You need to take that anger and refocus it on jews.

>> No.9389414

Times flying on me I'll be 24 in 2 months pretty much a goddam boomer over the hill

>> No.9389416

I get anxiety sometimes when I pet her or play with her, I worry how I'm going to take it when she gets old. Its stupid, I try to wave it off, but time passes.

>> No.9389429

Join /fit/

>> No.9389437

I was actually going to say this, because it perfectly fits the situation, but I was thinking "this isn't /pol/'

Speaking of which, I gave out about $500 in $10 increments of bitcoin to random anons on /pol/ starting a few months before the run up last year. Basically what I'm saying is I probably slightly influenced this board's culture by adding a load of /pol/ posters to it.

>> No.9389449

After seeing your puppers pic, I'm up to about 7/10. Miss my childhood pups.
Life is pregood right now. Just gotta make a bit more on shit-coins and find a qt who will gib me 5 kids and not stab me in the back ever, and I'm pretty set.
Hope I can make it in time to visit gramps one last time tho :/

>> No.9389518

>Hope I can make it in time to visit gramps one last time tho
God speed

>> No.9389527

Ya, maybe it's not the right place, but it's better to become bitter against jews than to be bitter against all women. (Not that he was really suggesting that, but he was complaining about the system of feminism in his university screwing him for no reason other than he's a man.)

>> No.9389532

Do you not look at pictures of topless women? Get your ass to the gym and satisfy your girl dude. At the same time always be cautious and look for changes in her attitude and behaviour.

>> No.9389537
File: 112 KB, 600x800, 1526085772473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's actually a problem, what's the opposite of bi-polar?

>> No.9389543

Maybe I should just say "sjws" instead.

>> No.9389572

monopolar depression, but its not actually the psychological inverse of bipolar which is actually closer to just not having a personality.

>> No.9389579
File: 1.13 MB, 1932x2576, DDAF424C-1410-4C0E-8528-844DF0552619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s my special child. I’m a solid 7 right now. Was at 9 until the SEC fud kick started a week of dump

>> No.9389600


The pain you will feel is worth the happiness you have. Your dog loves you too, and one day their time must come. Just be strong for them when the day comes :)

>> No.9389618


haha nice one, thanks.

I'm a 5 now

>> No.9389634

I'm not religious, but I believe in the afterlife just so I can reconcile how short dogs lives are.

>> No.9389671

pretty much the same

>> No.9389682
File: 31 KB, 472x461, pepe coke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you listen to /biz/ you stay poor. If you want people who have been trading for years and know what to look for in coins, you go to discord. just paste without the blanks but put "discord" before the "W"s and the gg / XvykAba. If you can't figure out how to work that link, I don't want you on that server. it's the pajeet test

>> No.9389753
File: 18 KB, 269x211, 0677C32F-52EE-4E9D-A784-9A566FF8F7D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let this be a lesson learned, anon. Be calm. It doesn’t help to react aggressively or even show negative emotions. Be stoic, you got that? Walk around like you have the biggest set of testicles and stand your fucking ground like a man until you have no other choice. Prove your innocence the best you can and enjoy what you enjoy most. Suffering is the best form of growth. It sucks, but when you overcome you will be stronger. Fuck those vapid cunts and show no fear.

>> No.9389774
File: 68 KB, 699x485, 1493625552583[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these miserable people calling me a dumb wagecuck

>> No.9389782

All my cons are in zrx/10

>> No.9389787

solid advice, when my school came at me over something similar, this is what I did, and I was able to work it so they graduated me early instead of expelling me.

>> No.9389829

Islam cant come soon enough

>> No.9390062

Strawpoll for which coin will next be added to Coinbase


>> No.9390562
File: 105 KB, 509x501, Jagex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Everything is going right now
Just need to get my car fixed and I'll be back to 9/10

Had unprotected sex four days ago for first time

feeling a little weird.
Gonna get tested Monday & hope I don't drop to 4/10.

>> No.9390693


how you feeling specifically?

>> No.9390755


>> No.9390982
File: 131 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been there done that, the easiest thing is to say she lies and get an other nicer gf.

Time will proof she is an unstable psycho bitch.

Don't do something stupid, take care