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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 52 KB, 791x722, tiers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9388230 No.9388230 [Reply] [Original]

What are your current majors, /biz/?

Also, why is Architecture meh tier?

>> No.9388267

Electrical Computer Engineering here, should be above the unbelievable tier I guess=)

>> No.9388292

Currently Enrolled in Psychology but I plan on moving to Economics. Good decision ?

>> No.9388308 [DELETED] 

Suicide tier and I'm making 100k / year.

>> No.9388321

spotted the bus driver

>> No.9388322

How do you put science under engineering ya nigg

>> No.9388348

arch student here, there is so much i can rant about but the main issue is expectations - people who get in have no idea what it really is about and the lecturers who teach are most of the time not very good designers either

ask away if you're thinking of getting into arch and have questions

>> No.9388389

Bioengineering and physics here.

>> No.9388394

engineering is a better situation because of the fields it applies to, meaning aerospace and defense

t. electrical engineer

>> No.9388416

>art not in suicide tier
>architecture in meh tier

who the fuck made this

>> No.9388429

Seems like this was made by a socially awkward autist that doesn't know shit but math.

>> No.9388447

Electrical engineering

>> No.9388451

Didn't saw it is based on employment and salary. All good then

>> No.9388469


>> No.9388479
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>graduated as a chemical engineer (unbelievable tier lmao)
>couldnt find work for a long fucking time
>managed to get a job as a coal sampler only due to connections
>it has little to nothing to do with my degree

now, /biz/ always talks about getting JUSTed, but im convinced (as far as people with a bachelors degree) that no one here is getting JUSTed as hard as me

>> No.9388552

im telling you arch is in the tier of whatever film arts is in.

low barrier of entry, only the really good ones make it.

>> No.9388576

>my branch isn't on there

whew lad

>> No.9388578

>Philosophy not God tier

>> No.9388707

Mathematics and Comp Sci, is it a good choice idk?
Could it be worse, yes.

>> No.9388721
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>Also, why is Architecture meh tier?
architecture has been a meme ever since architects wanted to please stakeholders and their own wallets instead of God

>> No.9388725

Someone needs to remake this chart with cryptos

>> No.9388746

How does it feel to be irrelevant

>> No.9388917

OP this is super biased. Philosphy in shit tier? Nursing in God tier?

>> No.9388939

Imho architecture is pretty good but any anon correct me if I’m wrong, Econ major here my gf wants to enroll in architecture

>> No.9388959

it's a tier list made by an NEET with Masters in Engineering

>> No.9388962

read the *fine print

philosphy majors literally have no use in 2018, aside from the top 100 individuals. Unless you're more influential than Socrates don't talk

>> No.9388985
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Political Science + Military = Now going to medical school with no debt. I guess Shit Tier + Suicide Tier = God Tier?

>> No.9389000

I am a genius philosopher kek

>> No.9389002

Mechanical Engineer

Why the fuck is petrol in unbelievable tier?

>> No.9389103

no it’s actually Shit Tier x Suicide Tier = God Tier. Don’t you know two negative multiplied equal a positive?

>> No.9389128

they make an insane amount of money straight out

im guessing that it only gets better from that point onwards

>> No.9389158

Comp Engineer but now I just make website template and sold those.

So many fkn boomers that dont understand shits about tech, getting impressed by 1 hour work of CSS and javascript.

Sold those shits with some modification on the template for 5k a pop, easy money lol

>> No.9389203

It's shit
Put it in shit tier.

>> No.9389362

>tfw 2nd semester geology
What's the best career path?

>> No.9389399

it wont last long m8 10 years from now you'll have serious competition issues once oldfags dies and get replaced by more tech literate fags

>> No.9389497

>Computer Engy
>Software engy

The same fucking thing???

>> No.9389507

lol at god-, great- and good tier is filled with colleagues with autism and a shitty job filling out excel files and looking at pipes and whistles in a factory.

Work is what you spend most of your life doing, it should be enjoyable at the fucking least by having good company.

>> No.9389531

Got my Great Tier master last yeat. No I'm in between great and god tier, depending what my current task is

>> No.9389536

Relying on your degree makes you shit tier

If you have any degree that isn't art related you can get a job in most fields if you're competent and good at socializing

>> No.9389552

apparently whoever made that list is in the suicide tier

>> No.9389571

just dont expect to make big bucks in arch, and the novelty of decorating a building will wear off someday.

as pretentious as it may sound you have to have a somewhat philosophy oriented mind or else you'll never be able to tell a good story to sell.

think about it: there are so many architects out there, why would developers want to pay you big bucks specifically to design a building? Design is subjective, what makes your "taste" superior than the others?

Whole thing is a shit show. You can only make it if you're really insightful and can contribute new way of thinking and designing but stuffs like this are usually limited to a person's natural capacity for """deep thought""". Architecture tends to attract those hippie creative leftists that wants to do arts but settles for something more realistic. However the truth is those types of people will never be able to create a thoughtfully designed building.

>> No.9389667

I studied History and philosophy. Although they are both invaluable for growth and understanding, they belong in suicide tier being utterly useless for ones career. No one could give a flying fuck if I comprehend the Tao te Ching and parasitic nature of shekelstinians. Treat University like you would treat a trade school.

>> No.9389708

(pls let me continue my rant I'm autistic this way) architecture is much more about project management than it is about designing. Designing is reserved for the best, and the best are always pretty smart people that can think both "philosophically" and in detail about issues. You need to have a knack for the ""big ideas"" while still be autistic enough to obsess over the little things.

Otherwise you'll have to take over the role of project management (still big money if you can do it right) and be the person that get things done and make things work.

>> No.9389731

look at rocks idk

>> No.9389737

Double good tier.

>> No.9389743

> what is hardware

>> No.9389747

Civil engineering? Kek

>> No.9389756

Do something which helps reconstruct past climate. The modelers need people who can read rocks which are several million years old

>> No.9389757

Engineering is such a loose term...

>> No.9389769

comp eng is usually a bizarre mix of something else and electrical eng

software eng is by itself

>> No.9389793


Take military out of suicide tier.

K-12 Education has failed men. The military rectifies this failure.

>> No.9389804

That's why architecture can be shit/suicide tier at worst because schools are usually painting a false narrative to lure in naive students, only for the students to realise it isnt what they were told and they've wasted money and time. However if you're lucky and genuinely find all aspects of architecture profession interesting, in addition to being good at it, then the good news is that you'll be able to fly quite high before you hit the celing. Genuinely good architects are like good programmers or good film directors.

>> No.9389830

Get out of psychology asap. Wasted 4 years of my life.

>> No.9389894


>hurrdurr humanities are shit

Why are STEMfags so autistic?

The harder STEM gets pushed the more often there is demand for humanities degrees.

Plus I'd rather spend years learning something I actually care about

>> No.9389948


Nah you're just too dumb to know how to sell yourself in the job market

>> No.9390251
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>Needing a degree to make money

>> No.9390283

I study computer science atm, but isn't wagecucking shit tier in general?

>> No.9390453

>not elder god tier
This is why you will you be a poor NEET forever.

>> No.9390497

Is that how you justify getting a 4 year degree that is worth toilet paper?

>> No.9390561

Info tech - so can maybe get UNBELIEVABLE tier Systems Admin job.

400k/yr AT&T
1 mill/yr after 15+ years

>> No.9390832

So where does "Molecular Biology" fit in?

>> No.9391810

Virgin . Thinking his eve degree will put you above any chad. You will still be an anti social virgin neet

>> No.9391847

How lucrative is it?
Is it true its mostly dominated by stinking Jews?

>> No.9391869

shit list, all my friends that did electrical eng now work in software developer roles

>> No.9391994

>law enforcement/nursing same tier as info tech and cyber security
If you think wiping asses and dealing with niggers all day is the same tier as info sys or cyber security you are literally a retard. Clearly this was made by some sort of engineering uni student in his second year because in the real world a sales chad or some business major who winds up being in upper management cucks every one of those professions from good tier up.

>> No.9392063
File: 39 KB, 610x203, Backtothefuture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Engineering for Renewable Energy

>> No.9392151

Tooth doctor here

>> No.9392228

All forms of engineering are overrated because nobody ever got rich from it. You can get into fields with ~98% employment and not bust your ass as hard like Cyber Security at my college boasts a 97-2% doing further education, worst thing you have to take is Calculus 1. Network Systems is pretty close to guaranteed job.

Engineering is like work as hard as a med school student for half the pay.

>> No.9392271

i did electrical and if i could go back in time i would just straight up do computer science or even take some IT courses and land a niche position without having to go through 4 years of bullshit

>> No.9392395

God tier: Anything you actually enjoy and you would anyway even if it didn't pay, doesn't seem like work
Shit tier: Wagecuking for decades, grinding out enough money to retire and do what you could have just done your whole life.

>> No.9392456

Just graduated in Civil engineering, starting @ 85k w/ 6k bonus and pension. Don't know why civil is only "great" tier thou. Not as difficult as electrical engineering, but good money can be made after school. It's also a very stable market, the world will always need turd herders.

>> No.9392489

What scripting languages should I learn to be a systems Admin?

>> No.9392502

You young ones are funny. Your major doesn't matter. Just go to the best University you can get into. And start figuring out what you want to do with your life early. Don't get played by the system.

>> No.9392510

Seeing as biochemistry is in great tier twice, I'd say it's been a good choice.
What's your view on job opportunities? I have a hard time envisioning specifically what a person with our set of skills ends up doing. Tbh I'm contemplating wasting a couple more years going for a PhD.

>> No.9392517

for example, my major falls somewhere between Shit Tier and Suicide Tier and I make mid to high 6 figures a year right now. I'm 29.

>> No.9392540

I'm an astronaut.

>> No.9392552

Finished my electrical engineering bachelor's in 2014. Will finish my masters in business administration at the end of the year. Starting salary was 62k am now making 94,530. Still, I hate being a wagie

>> No.9392593

Soils. Become a geotech/env consultant. Its stable and straightforward

>> No.9392630

Maybe for brainlets like you. I really did find it all too challenging

>> No.9392839

>Also, why is Architecture meh tier?
Because I know like 3 restaurant managers who are trained architects

But really why is military at the bottom tier?
Maybe careerwise I guess, but you can make connections, learn how to work hard and gets lots of sundry benefits from the military, at least in America.
I think it could be upgraded to at least the shit tier

>> No.9392933

lol engineers implying they're better than physicists, engineers literally just do algebra and linear algebra for their entire degrees.

>> No.9392946

where is shrimp farming?

>> No.9392969

work for 5 years and set up your own construction company. Outsource all the work to pajeet subcontractors.

>> No.9393006
File: 560 KB, 740x974, 1514984811619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aerospace engineering is a trash degree.
I work with 3 guys with that degree and none of them could get jobs as an engineer.
They work on the shop floor alongside us blue collar guys.
They make a little more money, but they spent like 70K on collage.

>> No.9393146

>chemistry "god tier"

only if you're a computational chemist.

analytical chem will be fully automated in <20 years.

only way to make good money with a chem degree is to get into process and transition into engineering OR specialize in computational chem.

love from, a chem BSc CS MSc

>> No.9393218

Thinking about Economics with a foreign language and a statistics minor.
Is this good or is finance a better alternative?

>> No.9393225

Above godlike is Information Systems (Business + IT)

>> No.9393254


>> No.9393274

Could history be a good degree if you're not retarded and actually like history, with the intention of getting a Phd and teaching?

>> No.9393295

What do you guys think about International Business?

Im also going to get IT certs on my own time outside of school to go with it.

>> No.9393797

If you aren't born rich, it doesn't really matter what you graduate in. You will always belong in the rat race. I don't really care how much money I will make if I don't get rich from crypto

>> No.9393855

Bioengineering is the humanities degree of engineering

>> No.9393900

urban planning/ real estate
literally buffed architechture

>> No.9393938

desu I called Engineering overrated but that job seems like one of the best, know this one guy in Colorado he spends 25% of his time in a sweet government provided Jeep looking at rivers and streams, its also a manly job and you can be proud of yourself.

I admit I loathe math, I work in libraries.

>> No.9393953

Second year software engineering. Its the best program at my uni.

>> No.9393957


Fuck no it's not a good degree!

With the way educational politics are now, the only History PhDs getting hired for tenure track positions are focused in very niche SJW-style fields like African American studies, Women's studies, or the history of Latin America, Asia, Africa, etc.

If you're a white male who did not get your PhD from an Ivy League school with insane connections and a book deal before you finish school, you'll never get a job above shitty adjunct temp work.

Hope you like grading essays at community colleges for $1500 a class per semester, anon.

>> No.9394011


This is sadly true. So your "god tier" engineering degrees makes you $100-200k (after 5-10 years) IF you pack up and move to wherever the industry hub is (otherwise you'll make half that). And you have <1% chance of randomly joining a company during a growth phase and being promoted to executive level and make $400year maximum. Oh yeah, and enjoy that 40%+ effective tax in that income range.

Except even at 6 figures you a still a peasant in the modern neofeudalist world. A rich man will make more money than you from his passive investments and actually be able to live 90% of his life instead of waging to make other people rich. Plus he'll pay probably half the effective tax rate of someone who actually works for him money.

>> No.9394021

Also, why is petroleum engg above mech? Mech is far more versatile. Second highest demand where I go, behind software.

>> No.9394078

where does Cog-Sci fit in all this?

>> No.9394258

>anthropology is meh tier
Overrated, it is literally the least valuable degree in terms of ROI

>> No.9394286

Protip for my fellow IT bros who aren't great at programming: even mediocre sysadmins and infosec dudes are rolling in job offers. Learn some cloud computing stuff (AWS or Azure) and you'll make dad proud by getting a solid job quickly.

>> No.9394298

Why is biology two tiers above zoology and on the same tier as biochemistry and other biomedical sciences???

>> No.9394370

Biology is also above the vets somehow. Vets are either rich kids who have a dozen horses or nice but sensitive girls who you'd usually think are vegan but end up having to work on farms and kill animals for a living. Either way they work way harder than almost any other subject from what I've seen.

>> No.9394372
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>tfw law school
Goinna make it brehs

>> No.9394385

>going to college only based on what makes you money
perfect way to be miserable

>> No.9394597

Anthropology, Social Work, Art higher than History, Philosophy, Poli. Sci.? Who made this a garbage man?

>> No.9394606

I'm about to finish my biochem degree and have an accounting position lined up. From what I can tell, doing a PhD isn't something you can do just to waste time, even if that is probably what it'll end up being, or at least a worthwhile one. Are you sold on the idea of a career in science? I know a guy who says he's doing he's PhD because he didn't know what to do but it looks kinda pathetic, like you need to be strung along in school for another 3 years. Also pay is shit and getting postdoc positions after means you might be changing where you live every few years so settling down with a family might be a little more difficult, or maybe that's because I kinda want a family pretty young too.

>> No.9394676

Graduating civil engineering next year, gf graduating actuarial science same time as me.

We're going to be wagecucks but pretty well off. Easy 200k/yr combined in a few years

>> No.9394677

Theoretical chemistry here, planning to do a PhD with a pharma company. Good money and drugs design and applied theoretical chemistry is interesting as fuck.

Will probably just work 15-20 hours per week because crypto gains and I'd rather not work that much.

>> No.9394733

Fellow comp chemist here.

Currently doing a project about benchmarking force field electrostatics by using linear-scalling CC methods (DEC and DLPNO).

>> No.9394845

>ywn be as rich as these dudes
>therefore neet it up or gamble on shitcoins, dont bother with career
is this what you're saying anon?

>> No.9394865

I don't see anything wrong with that. Sure we might be in the neofeudalist age but what is there too do, best you can is save up money and use it to get the next crypto, or give it to your kids and they can be next Bill Gates, being well off is the best 99% can hope for.

Law school is really something, I want to do it but I don't want too more. It gnaws away at me and I keep thinking "I want to study for my GMAT".

This actually sounds fucking dope good call anon I looked it up and USC has a really great dual degree in this.

>> No.9394876


>> No.9394950

not everyone is a bugman like you. There is more to life than money.

>> No.9394955

How much can you make starting with an accounting degree from a good state school and your CPA?

>> No.9395045

>psychology is shit tier

Maybe if you niggers went to see a psychotherapist with your crypto gains you wouldnt be whining and depressed all the time.

>> No.9395053
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It's not like wagecucking is our only option. We have crypto, I've been learning to daytrade penny stocks for over 2 years now so I have that as well to make some extra pocket changd.

I've been slowly red pilling her over the past 3 years in terms of money. We've talked it over and we both don't want to work until 65. The goal is to be as anti-materialistic as possible in order to retire asap, basically the exact opposite of your average millenial.
The goal is 2.5 mil in dividend paying stocks, gives us about 50k a year to live off of after taxes. We'll get there pretty fast. I also got her into crypto back in June 2017, she made her own coinbase account and bought her own eth and bitcoin.

Don't listen to all these anti female losers who will remain alone forever. Just have to find the right one with good strong morals. Mine would rather be traditional and a stay at home mom if possible. Plus she is absolutely banging, easy 8.5/10.

>> No.9395061


>> No.9395153

How did you end up at accounting? I don't see myself working in science for an extended period of time, but have no clue how to identify other prospects I may have.
I'm considering getting into molecular dynamics just so I can be more broadly valuable working in modeling.

>> No.9395192

i am all the majors op. rich neets have time to do this. hail the super unbelievable tear.

>> No.9395195

> Med school master race reporting in

Who wouldn't want an education where you have to shove your finger up someone's ass and take night shifts during the weekend knowing that you have to at least get a PhD and complete your recidency to before any employer treats you like a human

>> No.9395209

Mathmatics and Economics

>> No.9395324

Just remember to keep emotionally pleasing her dude

>> No.9395329

mid-$50k/yr starting to $70k or $80k/year starting depending on the city's cost of living/taxes

>> No.9395387

Also a lot more room for growth than engineering. If you work in public accounting at first, and grind out the hard work, you can then move to private and get a job at a higher level like a controller or CFO at a comfy private company

>> No.9396017
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currently geology, switching to comp sci next semester because i want a job

>> No.9396090
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>education pre-school to high school

okay. i have a job i like and make 90k net. not a single boring day in the year.

>computer programming
pic related is OP.

>> No.9396122


Computer engineer, actually.

>> No.9396188

Maths Bsc.
I'd add Biological engineering to the top tier as it will soon be the biggest thing to happen in mankind history, allowing it to rewrite itself.

>> No.9396434

I graduated Mechanical Engineering w/ Aerospace Engineering Minor.
I spent 2 years without a career job (I kept working the janitor job I was working throughout school).

Finally I took a job as a tech writing intern for a small business and was able to work my way into an engineering job through a year at my company. Now I’m working for one of the big DoD contractors as a Systems Engineer.

Hang in there man. Just keep working at it and build all the connections you can. Ultimately those are what will get you opportunities.

>> No.9396475
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Disagree with the military and law enforcement. That should be great tier. Especially since Trump is in officer. Their pensions are fucking insane and the amount of shit you can get away with is insane.

>> No.9396637

uh, to an autist that is good company

>> No.9397232

mathematics graduate here. making 60k usd at a fortune 100 company. i am confident i will receive a promotion at the end of the year making it 75k. i graduated 2 years ago. i work on a team that supports an application with a massive financial database. it is my job to maintain the integrity of that data. ama

>> No.9397280
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so graduates. what's next for you in life?

t. graduate in accounting + business+ finance who has no idea what the hell to do now.

>> No.9397361


got a job in medical lab without certification bc connections

nursing should be god teir btw. good grades + a few years ICU experience + masters in nurse anesthesia = /comfy/ for life regardless of what happens in cryptoland

>> No.9397438

physics student.
it, like mathematics, should be in unbelievable tier, as well as computer science and even applied math.

astrophysics, geophysics, medicine, even chemisty is cucked from math perspective, and math is the single most important thing.

>> No.9397898

All majors!?
Or dual and a minor?

>> No.9398020

astrophysics should be suicide tier, what retard made this. zero job prospects unless you’re good enough for tenure-track, and even then it will be unrewarding.

t. six-figure power electronics engineer

>> No.9398035

+1. Only good prospect is head guy of pbs space time show

>> No.9398042

Mechanical engineering bachelor after finish thinkin about a master nuclear fusion technology

>> No.9398068
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C-could you elaborate senpai?

>> No.9398098

I did EE and am now a trader and working on my trading algorithm. Suck it bitches.

>> No.9398115

Explain the red pill process please

>> No.9398412

Petroleum engineering is actually the trash of engineering. If oil is low you can't even get a job in normal engineering fields because you skill set is too niche. It's only good if oil is booming which doesn't say much as truck drivers with missing teeth can make the 100k in a boom as well.

>> No.9398440

Literally every answer you got condemns you to poverty and being some phd' s bitch. Oil is over 70. Get a job as a mudlogger/ wellsite geologist. Make like 1k a week when on site then when oil crashes move over into grad school and study seismic strat and move into exploration.