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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9386412 No.9386412 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9386431

Jokes on you. That's his fetish. Chad Larimer is new king

>> No.9386443


>unironically buying a coin made by pedophiles

>> No.9386589

eos lost so much south korean volume

fucking fire sale boys dollar cost average to the floor and hodl. last chance

>> No.9386841
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I don't want to be a community member

>> No.9386847

Adoption will make speculation look small

>> No.9386881

bought at 12.30$. how fuccked am I?

>> No.9387201

piece of shitcoin

>> No.9387217

Bought the dip. Stay poor, faggots.

>> No.9387325

i bought at $6 and considering bailing... what the fuck is this... i cant imagine what the people that bought at 20+ are feeling

>> No.9387347

>tfw when one of your predictions comes true (eos revisiting 13$)


>> No.9387387
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>> No.9387514


You guys are funny with your BAT lowball price predictions. $15-$30 is the low end. It’s going over $40 in the next 2 years if there aren’t any delays. I feel like the majority of people look at coins and tokens as stock shares which are absolutely different. The price is going to start to gradually go up once ads roll out. Some of the concerned people will stop freaking out and actually hodl. The people who are committed to hodling now will continue to do so. Might get some people here and there that dump bat for profits, but not enough to beat out the demand for advertisers having to go through bat to have ads posted. I believe brave will hodl the percentage of bat they receive or at least not completely dump it. Who knows, we might even get a price spike because a big time advertiser may feel it is a great investment to purchase bat ahead of time to hodl for future advertising. Bottom line, the demand will be higher than the people selling, which increases bat value gradually. Will get whales dumping every once in a while, but bat will recover each time. People think $15-$30 is ridiculous, but I think $100+ is even possible. I just put $40+ to be more realistic. I’m not sure why people keep trying to compare market caps to Advertising revenues. Taking a percentage of advertising share doesn’t equal the same percentage of what bat should be worth. That’s ridiculous. To make it simple, I will give an example to the extreme. Say bat takes off and shows how dominant it is. We get 90% of the bat held by people who are long term now because bat is so hot. Higher demands to be able to advertise and less bats available equals a rise in bat value. It’s not costing the advertisers more to advertise. Just instead of having to buy 100 bat for $1000, they are purchasing 10 bat for $1000. The price of bat isn’t going to matter to the advertiser as they get the same value for their ads in either situation.

>> No.9387950

Larimer's dad worked at lockheed and northrop grumman. This shit is straight up cabal coin.

>> No.9388006

>Just instead of having to buy 100 bat for $1000, they are purchasing 10 bat for $1000. The price of bat isn’t going to matter to the advertiser as they get the same value for their ads in either situation.
Wait really? Because the current market value of the token is what will dictate how much ad dollars they're spending?

>> No.9388031
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>he didn't sell at $18
>he's not going to buy the dip