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9385401 No.9385401 [Reply] [Original]

>make it in crypto
>retire in Thailand to live like a King
>see this
wat do

>> No.9385434


poop in water.
bathe in small porcelain bathtub.
flee country before you get caned.

>> No.9385441

ima retile that

i liek the setup tho

>> No.9385582

what the fuck is with that yellow section with the pasta strainer in it? I assume the thing on the right is a shit-n-squat.

>> No.9385741

they have western toilets in thailand, in fact you would be hard pressed to find one of the stand up ones. maybe out in the provinces but your not going to be moving out there anyways

>> No.9385765

thats to flush the toilet. You scoop up water and pour it in the toilet so it goes down the drain. *I used to live in thailand only the $5 a night places out in the jungle have these*

>> No.9385782
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I don't know, I'm still trying to figure this out.

>> No.9385788

what even is that

>> No.9385835

how the f*ck do you wash your anus?

>> No.9385850

>he doesn't know how to use the seashells

>> No.9385880
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>> No.9385907

Don't tell people you don't know how to use the sea shells. It's embarrassing for all of us.

>> No.9386072

>go to asian, everytime you take a shit you clog up the toilet with your big western shit.

Its a fucking nightmare i tell ya

>> No.9386096

Install a real toilet because I’ve made it and can afford it

>> No.9386151

Everybody uses the same seashells, that doesn't seem sanitary.

>> No.9386152

>retire in Thailand
>live like a king
These are mutually exclusive

>> No.9386160

maybe try getting a place that cost at least $500 USD
I rented a place for $300 and it have western style bathrooms

>> No.9386188

if you make enough to retire in Thailand but cant afford a place with a real toilet, did you really make enough?

>> No.9386225

With the same water haha

>> No.9386254
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>make it in crypto
>retire in India to live like a King
>see this
wat do

>> No.9386268

>western style bathrooms
so basically not an unpaved street

>> No.9386281

There are no seashells. Just shit in there ffs

>> No.9386297

Don’t do that anon. Too many farangues here stinking up the place and taking all the women.

>> No.9386407

What do you mean? How do you wipe?

>> No.9386416
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>> No.9386451

man my western shits barley fit in a western toilet.

>> No.9386461

Thats a small bathtub

>> No.9386487

if you made it you wouldn't have to live in a jungle gook country

>> No.9386515

I have to admit- those are some high-quality shit nuggets

>> No.9386535

Go to the next stall in the gas station toilet.

t.Lived in Thailand for 5 years.

>> No.9386825

>making it
>living in a shithole just because its cheap

>> No.9386859

its, warm, sunny, cheap, and most importantly the people aren't anal as fuck as in europe or most of america

>> No.9387287

Wtf, you don't use em like that

>> No.9387297


doody stains all up in that grout.

>> No.9387314

>imagining the cholera in that water

>> No.9387352
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what the actual fuck? Savages...

>> No.9387576

install toilet because you made it

>> No.9387873

i'm in thailand now and only seen these once at some local bar area i was in. they still had stand up urinals. you can stay in legit condo with gym and pool for $200/mo easily. great place to stay if you can work online and make $2k/mo and put the rest into crypto.

>> No.9387908

where did you live ? share

>> No.9387945

>and put the rest into crypto.

thats fuckin stupid

where you from?

>> No.9387947

What were your living expenses total? That sounds extremely fucking tempting.

>> No.9387953


>> No.9388057


>> No.9388166

anywhere on the BTS line.. On Nut, Ekkamai, Victory Monument all have decent places for 5000 baht a month. Helps to make friend with local Thai's to help negotiate for you

>> No.9388207

note: you have to leave country every 30-90 days depending on the visa you get. flights are $50 roundtrip if you buy early enough or cheaper. i usually just buy one way tickets for $30-50 to make my travel more flexible

i spend $1000-1500/mo personally but i don't keep a tight budget. most meals i have are 100-150 baht but sometimes i spend up to 350 baht at a nicer place (30-35 baht = $1 usd) you can get great food for 35-50 baht a dish in food courts at the malls (way better than american food courts) like pad thai, etc

>> No.9388218

> flights are $50 roundtrip

(meaning flights to cambodia, vietnam, malaysia to get out of the country for a bit when your visa is expiring)

>> No.9388229

if you want a really nice place you can pay 10k-20k baht a month but you can get some good deals, lots of accomodation readily availble. chiang mai is more my style than bangkok but i enjoy both places. koh phangan is nice if you want to live on an island just depends what you are looking for

>> No.9388253

pooing in the beach water seems sort of natural but why the rubbish for fuck sake?

>> No.9388264

Appreciated. Think I'm going to give this a go at the latest 18 months from now, hopefully as a reasonably wealthy and fit man.

>> No.9388274

I mean yeah I would try out those tiny ugly women but live there? no thanks.

>> No.9388300

Brah, I spent a whole week(Chinese New Year) in a small village. Lots of food, and only squatters. Held it the whole week. JUST HODL.

>> No.9388323

r/solotravel on reddit has some good info to get started just search for thailand

>> No.9388341
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>> No.9388471


>> No.9388801
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>Solid poops
India Internet Defense Force out in full effect tonight

>> No.9389420

Uncle can you stop shitposting and take care of your kids for once you fat fuck.

>> No.9389464

Shit in the ocean, or hold it. I chose to hold my shit for most of the 17 days I spent in Thailand, including my time in jail.

>> No.9389619

don't listen to that guy, your living expenses will be at least 1000-1500/month. I actually spent the same living in Thailand that I do in Scandinavia

>> No.9389636

nevermind saw the other post saying he does spend 1000-1500, you can do less but then you live like a poorfag in a poorfag country

>> No.9389676

>he doesn't scrape the shit off his asshole with a metal seashell

>> No.9389722

I bet a ton of people take rolls of tp with them and now the whole beach is eternally covered in shitty toilet paper

wonder how many pajeets are hiding out in the bushes jerkin it to girls poopin

>> No.9389767

>Takes tp
>doesn't let the water wash your anus
I am deeply inclined to request that clarification be made about the posited condition wherein I find out if the people reading this actually perform the task outlined above.

>> No.9389775
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>> No.9390637

bangkok is actually pretty nice. the chaos grew on me after being there like 3-4 times.

i like thailand a lot. would love to live there someday.

toilets arent that bad, but maybe i just got used to it

>> No.9390720

if your going to make it why not singapore or HK. Bangkok is nice yes, but as a westerner those two have more to offer