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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 34 KB, 253x382, Screen Shot 2018-05-11 at 11.02.23 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9378050 No.9378050 [Reply] [Original]

u guise said it will "dump on you faggits" and its not doing that why? is my monies not gud for u?

>> No.9378090


All the ICO holders that wanted a quick flip have sold already, this is pretty much the bottom, nobody is going to sell much wys for those prices. The market will reflect this as the price continues to climb. This is early adopter phase for this coin.

>> No.9378103

dump this you fucking faggots. my 10eth buy order needs to get filled

>> No.9378107
File: 17 KB, 433x349, wtff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know anything about this shitcoin, mind enlightening me on why there's a fucking 60% spread on the order books? this looks like a scam. If you buy from a sell order, you're immediately massively in the red..

>> No.9378119

>those tiny ass orders

no one has dumped because the volume doesn't allow it

just wait till it picks up pace and buy orders comes racking in

>> No.9378127

kek there isnt even a 10 eth buy order on the books,now I'm really suspicious that this is a coordinated shillcoin. beware anons

>> No.9378133

Because you're showing the order book, not the history

>> No.9378149

it very obviously is lmfao. but sadly the same retards that fell for holotoken will fall for this

>> No.9378166


Nobody besides biz knows about it, liquidity is low, hence the spread. Buys are slowly moving up, if you bought last week you’d be at 1x already. LINK was the same way right after ICO dump

>> No.9378169

Piece of shit Pajeet. Fuck off.

>> No.9378170

that's what I assumed. now OP will disappear only to spam more wys threads. fuckin /biz/ needs new mods.

>> No.9378199

>nobody besides biz knows about it
this is NOT a reason for there to be a spread that ridiculous. Only scam tokens or dead projects see spreads like that. I know you only want more buy orders to dump but you won't find them here.
Smart anons will always expose you, since all the evidence is on the order books.

>> No.9378257


You haven’t been in the game long I can tell so I understand your naïveté. Buying unknown coins under $5m market cap is all I do to stack my BTC and eth holdings, buy shitcoins with 100m MC or more is where you inevitably get fucked, but ok, get on with your biz conspiracy theory.

>> No.9378317

>ask why there is a 60% spread on the orderbook
>"you must be new here"
anon you're fucking retarded, I don't give a shit if this has a 100 dollar mcap. The spread is massive and newfags will get fucked if they buy this absolute shit.

but I'm glad to hear you'll lose all your btc "investing" in shit like this, more for me and the rest.

>> No.9378351


kek anon, the spread was the same 2 weeks ago, price is still twices as high tho... not understanding your point, but dont mind me im just another anon who makes $ off of cheap shitcoins.

>> No.9378373

Go ahead and sell at a loss then. there's literally no buy orders because like I said, this is an obvious scamcoin. legit coins have buy orders STACKED, BEGGING to get in early. fucking retard.

>> No.9378392

actually, post your buy history so I can laugh at the fact that you can't sell.

>> No.9378394

Why do you care ? Fuck off Then.

>> No.9378407


Hehehe, you’ve never made any gains have you Anon? Which is the reason you’re so salty, it’s obvious emotional projection, you’re a failure so you instinctively must try and hurt others on an emotional level.

Typical retard cope.

>> No.9378529
File: 41 KB, 499x499, 1461707042720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've already made it, just burning time by exposing pajeet scams on /biz/. I love destroying your only opportunities at money, since the real market is too difficult for you. Feelsgoodman, also
>50% of the buy orders disappeared since my post
Feelscomfyman. stay poor.

>> No.9378604
File: 39 KB, 339x211, Screen Shot 2018-05-11 at 11.33.45 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol faggot

you see, most of you retards don't understand how it works. its not about making HUGE GAINS every trade. I have 45 positions, over 60 outstanding buy/sell orders on ForkDelta alone totaling about 30 ETH. I've ONLY deposited about .75 ETH to EtherDelta about 6 months ago. This is all fucking gains from shitcoin trading. Its literally like passive income, but alot of you cannot comprehend or have the patience to do it right. I buy all my coins when you dumb fucks start screaming "Pajeet Scamcoin" and then unironically sell them to you months later at 10x the price. Happens literally every fucking time. Stay dumb anons, stay dumb.

>> No.9378618

are you literally comparing the 5 mln volume for 1 week to this shitcoin?

>> No.9378679


Haha I like your wash sales to give the price a boost and bring some attention to the coin. Retards think it’s just a “fat finger”. Oh how I love DEX trading, you don’t have to be a whale to manipulate the minds of idiots.

>> No.9378725


dumbass, there are actually new orders since your post, not less. this coin will be trading with higher liquidity and 10x the price in 6 months. just watch how it plays out.

>> No.9378980

Nice try pajeet
All those coins go to shit in this market
I'd rather be safer with more solid coins that recover
You just want your bags pumped
how can you feel good taking down biz bros

>> No.9379106


im sorry but 99% of biz wouldnt know a good buy if it fell in their lap.

>> No.9379120

Is this the crypto version of the navy seals pasta? XD

>> No.9379300

You make me want to be out.

You make me want to be in.