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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9377095 No.9377095 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9377119

Been swing trading and added 10% to my stack yesterday. Waiting to see where to re-enter today.

>> No.9377148
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wasa wasa wasa


>> No.9377193

Long way to go down yet, hype has died and devs aren't interested in exchanges so I'd wait until the low 100's

>> No.9377254

Just remember that EOS was at 50c for a month before it started its climb. People don't understand new tech and it takes awhile for people to catch on.

Also if we get caught in a channel try day trading it. Worst case scenario you get left with Holo or ETH.

Yesterday you could set a sell at 218 and a buy at 207 and it got hit 4 times.

>> No.9377617

Please do not give good advice to /biz/ they would rather get chinked, pajeeted and blacked than do their own research on this

>> No.9377687

Is this shit ever going to get listed on binance? This is the only way I will ever touch this shitcoin and the only way it ever has a chance to 100x.

>> No.9377732
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no. binance (the exchange, not just bnb token) will get listed on holochain

>> No.9377925


Probably not but who cares. It will get on enough to move the price.

>> No.9377958

good project but why the fuck devs doesnt want any exchange to touch it?

what the fuck

>> No.9377983

member raiblocks?

>> No.9378017
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They are anti crypto, anti speculation, anti whales, anti capitalism and anti deodorant

>> No.9378110
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Because its a token designed to exchanged for "fuel" that will have a stable value with the devs trying to flood the market if the price gets too high or desperately trying to pump the price if it gets too low (which won't work) so no one will want to speculate on it.
>inb4: the """stable""" price will be higher than its current price!!!
That's entirely at the mercy of the fat slobs in charge. They aren't even sure because they will just set the price based on some shit ass C++ code they have to "benchmark the system" which isn't even done and you can see on their site.

Look into the other attempts to make coins with a stable value, look at the fact that they didn't even finish their own whitepaper, look at the shit-ass "twitter" clone they made, look at the fact that hey have been around for a decade and accomplished essentially nothing and then ask yourself if the "hype" for this "new tech" is legitimate.

>> No.9378233

Finally some real FUD even though you don't get technical about it. I am still on the fence about there security issues and I don't see Holo being the "one" to make eth, eos, etc all go obsolete.

They have a low amount of dapp ideas in mind for Holo. It cost $1,000 for a Holoport. They have a "culture" coordinator or whatever the fuck that is. Way more philosophy students than tech and blockchain ones.

Thing is the code is really good and the main ideas for it are rather interesting. If they can bring 100+ developers of major companies to build on it, this will keep rising. It took them 10 years and they are still in early stages? Bitcoin was in full force in 2010. It didn't scale and it was still in the dark, but it worked.

Just because something is superior in all regards doesn't mean it gets picked to be used.

>> No.9378275

> They have a "culture" coordinator or whatever the fuck that is.

I think it's just HR + Office Mom

>> No.9378320

How couldn't it make them obsolete. That FUD is for people that don't understand how it works at all.

It's an instant and free currency with a redundant ledger, it has on network storage, it has on network computation, it's customized to the hApps preference.
Latency now doesn't matter
No Blockchain bloat
Scales infinitely
Nodes are so lightweight that any device could run them
Proven data structure, smarter data retrieval developed by the team

It does everything blockchain 3.0 does but more efficiently and doesn't sacrifice anything. If you bought ETH because it did everything btc did and more you made money. If you bought EOS because it did everything ETH did and more you made money and now you can buy HOT which will do everything that these other structures do but better.

It's not that hard to figure out people.

>> No.9378334

The project has been around for 10 years, not holo itself.

>> No.9378344

>Just because something is superior in all regards
But it is now, Holochain has a different use case. Things like a decentralise exchange are impossible in Holochain without making a slow and insecure chaotic mess.

>> No.9378358

CEPTR and Metacurrency Project if you brainlets learn how to use google

>> No.9378382

Dude holy shit no that wouldn't be impossible. Or slow or insecure.

Actual dev here tell me why that would be the case and I will prove you wrong.

>> No.9378438

I'm just a brainlet but building an exchange with Holochain seems pretty simple to me. It would just need to be like a match-making service, then trades could happen agent-to-agent because there's no central ledger to deal with.

>> No.9378523

u forgot anti socks

>> No.9378538

Anti-socks extra pizza

>> No.9378696
