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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9375513 No.9375513 [Reply] [Original]

>run a "digital media agency"
>set yourself up selling websites, providing socialmedia marketing, SEO, and all sorts of other digital services to local businesses
>outsource the gigs to fiverr fags for 1000000% profit
>rinse and repeat

why the fuck are you not doing this

>> No.9375773

okay, stay poor

>> No.9375796

Lots of ppl do that. It's pretty shit job. Personally I make passive income with SEO and jewtube. Way better. No need to deal with clients and I still outsource all the work.

>> No.9375813


That's a dude

>> No.9375835

Post more

>> No.9375838

who cares. would marry.

>> No.9375849

She was actually a woman, before she was a dude

>> No.9375862

>Personally I make passive income with SEO and jewtube.
I run my own actual "digital media agency" for web development, graphic design, freelance programming, and SEO, and I just realized one day that I could be outsourcing all of it and focus purely on sales and client acquisition, which is pretty much what this is.

>> No.9375869

Yeah, sure. As if I can't tell by your Pajeet made website that you're only a scammer and nothing more. Get outta here.

>> No.9375955


Ummm....I am doing that though. I coded everything myself for a while, now I just get pajeets and check their work. Made $250k from that last year. I'm focusing more on expanding into releasing my own SaaS platform now though. Want to retire next year.

>> No.9375996

because i'm not a normalfag
if i were, why wouldn't i just screw people the normal corporate way
why do you people even come on /biz/
not under any delusion this is "muh secret club", i just don't see the appeal when there's facebook and reddit and just about every other community for you

>> No.9376007
File: 178 KB, 750x1334, IMG_0004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You literally stole this pajeet nobody is doing this

>> No.9376025
File: 202 KB, 750x1334, IMG_0006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ducking hope you die

>> No.9376081

Are you me? Just made 200k running marketing agency. I get college interns interested in marketing to call all day or to service work. I transitioned into blockchain community management because it's a lot more fun for me. I dont have to worry about sales because I automated it through LinkedIn bots and scaled sales team to 5.

>> No.9376172

that WAS me, anon

>> No.9376190

>I get college interns interested in marketing to call all day or to service work
haha that's funny - I AM a college student. My hustle isn't as big as yours(yet) but holy fuck is it easy money.

>> No.9376243

pls explain jewtube, what exactly do you do?

>> No.9376249


Interesting. I'm in the process of setting up a sort of PR agency for blockchain/fintech. There's so many decent coins that could be amazing with just basic English on their website, crap output, crap statements, crap updates, crap press releases.

I already do it freelance.

But I've got a trumpcard that will set my firm aside.

>> No.9376262

how/where did you acquire jobs when you were doing the marketing work? my girlfriend is thinking about getting into this, at least for a little while, but doesn't have a great inbound channel yet

>> No.9376277

>There's so many decent coins that could be amazing with just basic English on their website, crap output, crap statements, crap updates, crap press releases.
And you think that Pajeets on Fiverr are going to provide you with that level of professinalism? Lol.

>> No.9376295

Just want to re-iterate that that actually was me posting last night at like 2 or 3ish AM, if there's a way I can prove that is me I'll do it lol

>> No.9376302


>> No.9376324


No no, sorry anon didn't explain. I would be doing the work myself along with several, British degree and post graduate degree educated level professionals with many years of marketing experience. I'm talking a tailored PR and media/content marketing & delivery firm.

>> No.9376411

I am too. That's why I getting students is so easy. They look up to me and are confused to how someone in college can handle such a work load. It's also why college has taken more than 7 years to finish.

>> No.9376453

where do you find new clients? do you advertise locally?

>> No.9376497

nice larp

>> No.9376529


I got fired from my own SaaS enterprise company I Cofounded for not hitting milestones I stated. I leveraged it and got a sales professional to partner up with me. We went to startup grind and landed 6 clients and 3 are 1 year contracts. Which made us profitable in the first three weeks. Then I use shapr, LinkedIn automation, FB lead form ads, and having a cofounder that only does sales and trains out sales team. The first month of every deal I take is strictly business consulting. I'm not doing marketing services unless they reduce their copy to less than 5 words on their website. You'll be surprised at how many people dont even understand their own business they have made. Think of it as starting a new company daily.

>> No.9376598

Shapr, networking events, LinkedIn automation and referrals.

Offer services other marketing agencies can upsell to their existing clients. I.e I found an seo agency that doesnt guest post or a design agency that doesnt provide branding/copy to clients.

Also i pay a fat referral commission of 30% and pay sales team of up to 50% per deal. I'm using the life insurance model for sales team. Minimum deal I take is $750 a month for 3 months max and that's basic social media posting w/ engagement on two platforms. SEO starts at $1500 and that's keyword research and blog optimization only.

>> No.9376631

derp, i make 6 figures doing ICOs and smart contract audits, i'm just tired of being the only one supporting us

thanks, this is new info, i'll forward this to her

>> No.9376655

Because only poorfags that think they "made it" sell seo services. If you actually knew seo you'd have your own sites making 10x more than you do now.

>> No.9376681

how did you learn to do all these things yourself before outsourcing?

>> No.9376736

>i make 6 figures doing ICOs and smart contract audits
ever nicer larp

>> No.9376739

I also reached out to weworks and host a startup pitch contest which provided me with a shit ton of free leads. Reach out to Amazon and you can get $5000 AWS vouchers to give away to winners of pitch event

I have three websites that generate passive income with SEO that are buyers guides. Only use amazon affiliates. I actually leverage these websites as case studies to close deals.

1. smart clothing
2. Smart home appliances/allergy remedies
3. Pet related products

I hire students from local universities to write 3000 word articles with my formatting for $150 each article.

>> No.9376781

I believe you senpai

>> No.9376815

Its me again that was asking you in the other thread.

Thanks bro, get me out of woolworths please. My soul dies a little bit everyday I go in there but I need crypto money

fuck it, here's a throw away email if you want to stay in contact.


>> No.9376842

>I have three websites that generate passive income with SEO that are buyers guides
do you need to focus on one niche or can you make it more general and still be succesful?

t. someone who made a website doing buyers guides but more in the general/everything category and not sure if I should continue working on it or not

>> No.9376923


I've done general too but it was my less successful projects. It can be done, just be very specific with every article you write. Also switching to large orange buttons increased conversion rate by 4%. Went from 3% to 7%.

My general buyers guide website took 1 year to see any results while my niche specific took 4 to 6 months. Getting backlinks for niche specific websites is easier too. You need to account for how many hours a day you waste being distracted with a non niche specific website.

>> No.9377141
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No retard, your clients will take note of your shitty job and stop coming back to you. Not only that, but you'll have to explain some in-depth job to a pajeet with a room temperature IQ, which will take more time to do than just the job at hand.

>> No.9377259

that makes sense, thanks! now just need to find a niche that is not completely oversaturated

>> No.9377310

What wrong with fiver gigs?

You can get revisions anyway,? Just tell them you’ll refund if they srn’t satisfied

>> No.9377324

I put 1 gumtree add up and in 1 hour i got a job offer locally

Website designed + content creation

>> No.9377607

SEO is a meme and can be learned in one day.

Hurr put keywords in meta tag, durr use alt tags, herp make long articles with relevant content, derp post backlinks


>> No.9377626

Specific instructions, decent pay, and review system should keep fiverr pajeets in line for the most part. I'm liking this idea, might just use it for simple things.

>> No.9377736

im a new designer. hire me then to your agency ill show you great work

>> No.9377858

are you pajeet?
I probaly can't afford you

>> No.9378021

still would tho.