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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.9373760
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>> No.9374607

This. No matter what REQtards think, price action is a huge indicator of the quality of a coin or token. If the actual smart investors and whales aren't buying it, shouldn't that tell you something?

>> No.9374638

Means they are accumulating

>> No.9374658
File: 5 KB, 227x222, reallym8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whales are accumulating

>> No.9374685

This time is true. Mostrar obvious than never

>> No.9374691

>Price action is the best indicator for quality


>> No.9374697


>> No.9375223

>price action is a huge indicator of what pnd shitcoin pajeets are fomoing into on that particular day
fixed that for you.

>> No.9375235

Yes we are.

>> No.9375308
File: 34 KB, 525x429, 1517163384107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck that random token burning outsourced developed shit coin. 100 better alternatives. The token is so shitty the founders should be in jail.

>> No.9375434

>price action is a huge indicator of the quality of a coin or token


Holy shit. This is one of the most retarded shit I've heard on /biz/ in a while.

>> No.9375478

i have more req than most whales. no larp. i’m done accumulating. it’s time for this shit to pump

>> No.9375503

So how it will interact with btc?

>> No.9375640

Like bitpay
Your request contains the btc payment address and you'll need to check that address to make sure payment was recieved

It's not ideal but chainlink has no solution yet
I'd consider this btc payments version 1

>> No.9375752

>Critical vulnerabilities will be >rewarded up to $20 000, while >major bugs will be rewarded up to >$15 000.

Is this a standard bug bounty reward?Or are they super cocky and sure of their code?

>> No.9375776

Well they have 32m from ICO AND the code has been audited so it's really not a big deal

>> No.9375800


bugs and vulnerabilities in financial systems are worth money relative to the amount in them. If someone found a critical vulnerability they could reward 100k and it would still be profitable. Look at the vulnerability that locked away 1% of eth.

>> No.9375827

that'll do it. T. 125k Reqtard

>> No.9375828

just bought another 25k reqies. so fucking comfy.

>> No.9375863

Let the cope. The majority hasn't sold when REQ was worth 1 Dollar. Only bagholders are left now and they will cope all day long.

>> No.9376053

Man I want to buy 30k REQ now but I don't have access to the phone my binance account is linked to. I swear if it pumps back up to $0.25 I'll go insane.

>> No.9376236

nows a good time to buy? it wont go down more?

>> No.9376275

It could always go down more but I know I’m gonna drop some more into it when I get home

>> No.9376281

Req could cure fucking cancer and it would remain at 29.9 cents

>> No.9376386

everything is down though, just wait till the market goes up again. req will moon hard, secret tip: jnt and tomo and man

>> No.9376437

the retardation on /biz/ is reaching new levels, i hope you are baiting..

>> No.9376438

Will i make it with 15k REQ?

>> No.9376457
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>i-it's just bait!
>don't look at the price guys, really!
>muh fundamentals! who cares if they aren't implementing fiat integration?

>> No.9376463

It's actually lower than some bug bounties, see: https://www.google.com/about/appsecurity/reward-program/

>> No.9376469

This is the most retarded meme. If the price fluctuated massively, sure, but if it's holding steady plus or minus a few percent, whales don't need to "accumulate." Millionaires aren't sitting there waiting for their paycheques to clear before they can buy $300 more worth of Req.

>> No.9376493

I Remember this post from when ETH dropped from $22 to $7 over a 6 month period and everyone fudded it due to the price dropping despite ETH getting better and better fundamentals.

Don't be retarded if you are here for the long run investing based on fundamentals will yield good results.

>> No.9376574

>coin dips in bear market
>this is incontrovertible evidence that said coin is not going to ever moon

>> No.9376606

>tfw 6k req
>10k link
>100 neo

I fell for the biz memes so fucking hard, cant believe these scams got me so good

>> No.9376658

im a noob, does this basically mean people can use request network to pay for things with those cryptos now?

>> No.9376689


>> No.9376887

KEK op got rekt

I really want to drop my req stack. It is absolute garbage
I've said this before brainlets. Good project on paper does NOT mean good performance

Req takes the cake for worst performing good project. Protip get something like icx and learn how to fucking trade

Guess who rode that mega moon last night? I was comfy holding that coin while it bled because I know what it can do. It always comes back with a bang unlike req

>> No.9376951

Yes. That's exactly right. And more ERC20 token are coming.

Also, believe in the same Eth and Antshares FUD pasta if you want, it's to your folly.

>> No.9376964
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wow just wow

>> No.9376978

You are a dumb coping faggot
Listen pajeet
I just mentioned a good coin with PERFORMANCE
Req is lacking that
Meaning even when btc recovers it has the weakest buyers in the market

And God for bid btc takes a dip, req will have no issue slicing through every support level instantly.

I hate copefags more than anything , I hope you stay stupid and lose your money. At least I admit I fell for a lame ass meme

>> No.9377062

Boring bonehead post. No more bonehead FUD

>> No.9377157

imagine if this coin had half of the marketing that tron had

we would be at 90 billion

>> No.9377179

keep chasing shitcoins then. REQ will succeed, no doubt about it

>> No.9377188

>bonehead fud
Actually kekked
But...the absolute state of req cope