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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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9373218 No.9373218 [Reply] [Original]

You idiots thought you could cheat at life and make money from sitting in your basements didn’t you? Well guess what in the real world we get real
Jobs and feed into real investments like 401k’s and the S&P 500. Glad your little shit show is over.

>> No.9373944

It's funny he lost his little show thanks to politics.

All that hard work, such a rare opportunity, pulling in great ratings, gone because someone with connections knew the score.

>> No.9374125
File: 115 KB, 1080x1080, 1523005973131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Virtue signalling at its finest.

>> No.9374391

even without trading and after this dip i made 5 eth of profit = $3500 playing ethergoo over the last month, which means essentially ten clicks a day at this point
go ahead and tell me about your wonderful wagecuck life when you make $20k a month, go on expensive company trips and fuck escorts
for me $3500 is 6 months of expense, freedom to browse the internet, go on walks, read books and see my girlfriend, which is all i want from life

>> No.9374632

Yea telling basement dwelling losers who play with imaginary internet money looking for making an easy buck with 0 work ethic to become contributing members of society is virtue signaling, you losers deserve to lose all your money gambling.

>> No.9374667

Boomer cope

>> No.9374753

>even without trading and after this dip i made 5 eth of profit = $3500 playing ethergoo over the last month
How does that work?

>> No.9374800

sign the pledge, NEETs

>> No.9374889

i got in right at launch, invested a few eth, made the right moves, reinvested dividends and now i collect pure profit every day
at this point getting in is harder
the optimal strategy is to invest 2+ eth in piggies and buying goo from players, then dump your daily goo into the pot and collect dividends from both sources
alternatively, wait for item raffles to end and flip it hot potato style. items start at 0.5 eth and no item has settled below 9.5 eth so far, so there's profit to be made for the bold

>> No.9375011


What a load of burger drivel that "pledge" is, and that guy looks he he's going to rape a hobo or something. Neck yourself OP. Besides, I'm shorting, why would I need to wagecuck because BTC is doing what it always does? It goes up, it goes down. Enough faggotry OP.

>> No.9375022


Heh, nice. This guy gets it.

>> No.9375084


>> No.9375222

get a load of this wagecuck. sorry wagie. most of us cashed out at least 30 years worth of expenses. it's way too early for you to wave your imaginary victory flag where you get excited because there are more slaves. you should be happy about us. we don't have to compete in the labor market anymore so that benefits you directly.

>> No.9375290

Personally I am happy for you. Anyone who isn't is generally just jealous. Enjoy your life, peopel should be working to live anyway. Don't ever live to work.

Oh, and job satisfaction and feeling accomplished? I don't need a job to do that. I don't need a pat on the head from my boss to make me feel like I got something done.