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9368584 No.9368584 [Reply] [Original]

>total supply doesn't matter
>market cap is a meme

>> No.9368593

>what is an order book

>> No.9368598
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>buy the dip

>> No.9368722

Supply doesn’t matter but market cap does. Supply is only useful when you need to calculate market cap

>> No.9368775

yes it does dumb fuck. you can work out a coins price potential with total supply. its literally the only objective piece of information a coin has

market cap tells you less than the supply does because its circulating supply x price. but price is way too dynamic to give any sort of a clear projection of a coins future

supply is the most important stat in crypto

>> No.9369303

comparing crypto value potential to fiat money in existence is fucking stupid. crypto will have its own value. stop containing yourselves and think bigger.

>> No.9369362

you're fucking retarded, percentage change is percentage change. A one penny coin going to a buck is the same as a 10 dollar coin going to 1k

>> No.9369363

>but price is way too dynamic to give any sort of a clear projection of a coins future
what did this faggot mean by this

>> No.9369375

one of the top ten dumbest things I've read on biz

>> No.9369449

price can change via a million different things completely unrelated to the crypto itself and when it does the market cap of your coin also changes because market cap is the circulating supply x the price

total supply is the only non dynamic piece of information regarding a coin and it tells you literally everything you need to know about a coins future long term and short.

what does this statement have to do with my post?

>> No.9369464

wow its crazy how dumb the average crypto trader is. the fact you cant wrap your head around such a simple concept

i bet you hold link

>> No.9369519

Your post:
>you can work out a coin's price potential with total supply

implies that the price per coin means something, when in fact it's fucking meaningless and all that matters is percentage appreciation. Market cap is a far better metric for assessing how far a coin could still theoretically pump. Supply is utterly meaningless

>> No.9369622

Math doesn't matter for investing. No really believe me. Math doesn't matter bro. I'm going to be millionaire Kay.

>> No.9369627


price, market cap and circulating supply are all dynamic pieces of information. they can change at any point, for example if the company decides to release some of their reserve all of your long term projections are then null and void

total supply is the only true piece of information and it literally tells you everything about a coins potential. market cap is only useful for very short term trades and people with high IQ dont ever even acknowledge marketcap. we use nothing but circulating supply and total supply and whole market pattern recognition to appraise our coins

>> No.9369701

mcap is all that matters, supply is utterly meaningless. You can buy a small amount of a rare coin, or a large amount of a cheap coin. If both moon 100%, you make the same amount of fucking money

mcap dictates growth potential, nothing at 100bn is gonna do a 10x, but something at 1 mil mcap possibly, regardless of o/s supply.

i refuse to believe you're not just trolling me. no one is this stupid

>> No.9369795

how come you mentioned total supply in your OP but now you're talking about circulating supply? stop changing the goal posts

>> No.9369806

if you're trying to appraise whether a coin is over priced or under priced market cap is only relevant in the immediate. if you're trying to appraise a coins overall potential for growth total supply is everything

its people like you who scream "link $1000 eoy" with out a shred of irony attached to it

>> No.9369825


>> No.9369827

If total supply is so important why are both extremely limited (BTC) and extremely common (XRP) coins both near the very top?

>> No.9369889

because market cap is circulating supply x price.......

ripple is actually a good example of what im saying. what do you think would happen if xrp decided to release another 30 million of their total supply?

do you think the market cap would stay the same... so why would a market cap be a good reference point if its completely dynamic and can change at any given moment

the only true measurements for a coins life is the total supply. its the only piece of information that cannot change

>> No.9369946

dont you mean total supply vs circulating supply?
total supply does not inherently hold enough information. you need to look at total supply vs circulating supply

and yes, that does have some significance depending on the company's policies and how they intend to release the non circulating supply in the future, but still has substantially less significance than the market cap.

>> No.9369950

fact remains there are plenty of cheap (high supply) and rare (low supply) coins in the top 20. Supply is fucking irrelevant but have fun trading your own way I guess

>> No.9369962


Correct answer.


fuck I hope this is bait

>> No.9369970

market cap tells you nothing it is a completely meaningless number
a $10 billion market cap does not mean if you owned the entire supply you could sell it for $10 billion
it doesn't tell you anything about the potential for price

>> No.9369979

only in the absolute immediate. idont even look at market cap period. i look at total supply, price and circulating supply and do the rest of the math in my head

t. link bag holder

>> No.9370000

t. link bag holder

>> No.9370012

>only in the absolute immediate
then you are doing it wrong

>> No.9370031

If something has a large supply and over a billion mcap you can use it to tell potential future price

>> No.9370042

nah my iq is likely significantly higher than yours. half of the retards on this board cant even legitimately appraise coins they've been invested in for 6-7 months

thats why we see a "link 1000$ eoy" thread on this piece of shit every day. reality is there isnt a single coin with a total supply higher than 100m with a price higher than $100

I guarantee you you're a link a bagholder

>> No.9370061

Total supply doesn't matter because speculators don't care about it. Do you think the people buying Verge or Holo or Ripple give a fuck about it? No, they just want cheap coins.
Market cap is a meme because it doens't take into account staking or nodes or anything. You could have a billion tokens but only 100 mil circulating (cough, LINK, cough).

>> No.9370070

coins being in nodes doesnt remove them from circulating supply dumby

>> No.9370074

I can't even comprehend the magnitude of your inability to separate variables

>> No.9370096

people in this thread are the kind of people that believe printing tether props up the price of btc

>> No.9370125

do you realize that with a low market cap coin you need to spend significantly less money to own significant portion of its circulating supply than you would if it had a high market cap?

for example if a coin has a 3 million dollar market cap. you only need to spend 1 million dollars to own a third of its total circulating supply. And if its a promising project, then you will become the richest man in crypto one day.

But if it has a 1 billion dollar market cap, then you would need to spend 100 million dollars (which is a lot of money) to own 10% of its circulating supply.
and with that i just proved my IQ to be higher than yours.

>> No.9370177

and how is that relevant at all to predicting a coins future prospects?

pro tip: it isnt. by using the total supply and the whole market as a reference point you can objectively predict not only a coins future value but actually the price intentions of the people who designed the coin in the first place

market cap is too dynamic to be used as an accurate reference. btc can dip right now and you just lost a significant portion of your market cap

market cap is a completely immediate piece of information

>> No.9370226

When did people start arguing over IQ, how removed are you people. Only thing that matters is social IQ, being intelligent is meaningless unless it’s putting money in your pocket but even then your probably unattractive and socially awkward ex vitalik

>> No.9370230

if a coin has a low market cap and its new and has good fundamentals, it means you might have the opportunity to own a reasonable percentage of its supply (assuming circulating supply=total supply which is the case for most coins) at a low price.

>> No.9370274

when i realized im superior to link bag holders

>(assuming circulating supply=total supply which is the case for most coins

you just admitted im right

>> No.9370316

you only brought circulating vs total supply into the argument later on in the thread. at the beginning you were saying total supply is important without referencing it to circulating supply

its still less significant than the market cap though

>> No.9370329

the fact that a coin can go up and down in market cap over a fucking news article tells you just how pointless market cap is

its not a clear indicator of really anything bar whats happening within the market at that immediate moment. total supply is not subjective, it cannot change, its literally the dna of a coin

>> No.9370405

If anyone thinks supply matters and not MC then anyone want me to slice a pizza a million times and another don't and tell me if there is a difference if I give you half of the unsliced pizza?

>> No.9370434

why do you think random sub 100 million market cap coins regularly have 100% moons? i can guarantee you its not because of total vs circulating supply.

>> No.9370505

People focused on supply are bagholders of obscure alts.

>> No.9370539

how is that even relevant to this discussion?

>> No.9370570

because if you want a moon (which i'm assuming you do) then you probably want to check out the market cap of a coin, dawg.

>> No.9370599

and then bogdanoff makes one phone call to the press and they release bad news on your pizza and literally all of your marketcap based projections about its price become irrelevant

meanwhile your total supply of pizza never changes and the market history and its current is sitting right there infront of you as a reference point to indicate both short and long term price projections for your two pizzas

>> No.9370719

using your logic coinmarketcap.com should be a moon order from 100 down to btc

the market cap literally has nothing do with moon potential because its based on subjective news and market swings and one phone call, one btc run, one reserve release, one news article, one bogdanoff fart can literally dip the whole market and crush not only your coins market cap but all of your projections based around it

only a very deluded mind could believe something so subjective could be used to indicate the place in which a coin fits into a market

>> No.9370934

it doesn't take much money or people to make a 5 mil market cap to go to 10 mil, fag. that's why it's an easy 2x