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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9365490 No.9365490 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9365511

Shiiieet, is he saying he wears a unicorn shirt to seem less threatening?

>> No.9365519


>> No.9365523

Faction A

>> No.9365529
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>> No.9365539

pham is losing it

>> No.9365551
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they both such good choice

>> No.9365557

He really looks like Tom Brady

>> No.9365563

Last time Vitalik was slighted largest cryptocurrency in the world. Now that he has all the money he could want, what the fuck do you think he will do to those that try to slight him again?

>> No.9365594
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Faction A

>> No.9365627

Fucking autist skelly Tom Brady

>> No.9365649
File: 2.21 MB, 10000x10000, 10x10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


btc is worst coin. it is the coin idiot it is the coin smell. btc can go live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,satoshi will never forgeve you. vitalik rascal FUck but fuck asshole shitcoin stink soros sqhipere shqipare.. btc genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead btc..ahahahahah KIKES WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget mtgox .xrp return to your precious israel….hahahahaha idiot btc and xrp smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE 1MB LIMIT FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. bch+xmr+doge+etc=kill kikes…

satoshi alive in bcash, satoshi making global currency of bcash . fast trensfers satoshi bcash. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of satoshi… satoshi alive numbr one #1 in bcash ….fuck the doge ,..FUCKk ashol shitcoins no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur whitepaper and blockchain. satoshi aliv and real strong wizard kill all the coin farm aminal with sick gains now we the bcash rule .ape of the zoo sergay fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and link wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. bcash greattst crypto

>> No.9365679

>suppose you are dropped on an alien planet

>> No.9365728

Fucking hell how is Vitalik such a boss

>> No.9365786

>that was a boss comment
are you a beta incel

>> No.9365802

god damn hes gotten somewhat aesthetic.

>> No.9365805

You're reddit, so what's your point?

>> No.9365822

you have to go back

>> No.9365828

does vitalik have bodyguards? i hope he can defend himself if need be

>> No.9365833
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>he thinks vitalik is aesthetic
TAS of mETHheads

>> No.9365861

Observation: CEOs of competing corporations don't order assassinations on one another.

>> No.9365863
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no body guard can protect him from this guy though

>> No.9365875

Vitalik is a stelth chad. If onky he fixed his ears and his hair and ate more than once every 13 days.

>> No.9365884

It's hardly a threat.

>> No.9365893

I would never say it but hes handsome af there. Maybe Im just used to his face.

>> No.9365894

stupid fk Norris #1

>> No.9365928

His sharp jaw can be used as a sword, based skelly is safe.

>> No.9365946


no its his gang colors mang. he's head of the unicorns gang.

>> No.9366144

Based Money Skelly

>> No.9366195

it's probably because he's standing next to that
pre-evolution ogre

>> No.9366269

BTC needs to die, holy shit what a retarded tweet.

>> No.9366304
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>> No.9366336

Still that's alpha to call out the fuck-tard issuing threats.

>> No.9366583
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>> No.9366607

he has a warrior skull shape, just needs to get some more lifting into his schedule. i mean i know hes a rich autist so vanity isn't appealing, but there's more benefits to lifting than just appeasing others. when i look at him with that weak body i just see wasted potential, not that he's wasted his, but that he could be 10x better.

>> No.9366625
File: 29 KB, 640x640, 1513132383403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do all Russians have gray eyes like that?

>Muh peculiar mutations

>> No.9366645

Same, I'd love to teach him how to lift actually, he is a good guy

>> No.9366646

>siding with the nobody twitter troll who tries to sound intimidating over the autistic genius leading a billion dollar crypto, hanging out without bodyguards and making fun of death threats
terminal corecuck syndrome

>> No.9366686

kevin pham is legitimately autistic

>> No.9366690

>thinking the term incel started on reddit
Was not siding with anybody, Vitalkis reply is just homo and childish
>dancing with unicorns and alpacas

>> No.9366703
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>dancing alpacas and unicorns

>> No.9366713

Faction A, because B would be killed in the inevitable war and sold as boipussy slaves.

>> No.9366724

>not wanted to be a boipussy slave

>> No.9366738

>the autism levels of that tweet

>> No.9366740
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Muh death threats

>> No.9366747

Most of them do yeah, it can be pretty cute on the girls

>> No.9366759
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>> No.9366773

Core always uses death threats, i say bring it on we need just one good fuck up to bring you down quicker

>> No.9366777

his acne is clearing up nicely but that jaw is deadly

>> No.9366830

This is the only chad and possible answer, faction B is a bunch of degenerates under the effect of drugs

>> No.9366932

>chads making sure their monetary system doesn't fall to another faction
Which faction do you join, biz?

>> No.9366954

/biz/ auto filters le onions now?

>> No.9367018

this kevin guy's such a fag

>> No.9367125

A, they're the ones that care enough to be in charge.

>> No.9367804

just 99% of the cryptospace wants the 1# spot kek

>> No.9367986

couldn't have said it better although I don't give a fuck about core or cash, ethereum is the superior platform

>> No.9368010

I think it is site wide except the cooking board

>> No.9368011
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>Vitalik should take some edgelord twitter faggot """death threat"""" seriously and that would make him look mature


>> No.9368126

dude shutup ck has recently received an influx of retarded lately, don't know if it's because of summer or what but the board has become essentially intolerable with idiotic arguments about food from picky eaters

>> No.9368157
File: 241 KB, 634x930, ChadBrady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tom Chady's autistic brother maybe