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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9364743 No.9364743 [Reply] [Original]

im considering giving a try to websites like patreon or steemit for collecting some crypto besides mining or trading, what other alternative does biz/ have???
(patreon isnt for crypto but counts as an earnind option)

>> No.9364960
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Patreon is difficult to make work. Steemit, you can, but there is a steep learning curve.

Basically you are lookin' for passive income... but all passive income needs hard work BEFORE it becomes passive.
I'm doing loans & then I shill Acorns to friends & family (they give a $500 to $1000 bonus monthly). Besides that some freelancing and then some "passive income". The freelancing earns the most, then the payday lending/Acorns and the passive income comes last.

Do you have any startup money? The only advice I'd give you is to NOT do dropshipping. It's oversaturated. Kindle publishing is a big hype too, but might still have growth potential, but you need money for a professional cover designer and editor (just listing the most popular "passive" income venues of the moment).

I personally like Merch by Amazon, but it's also getting flooded. It's the big hype after dropshipping and Kindle.

>> No.9365057

Cool, I might see what acorns is... This is interesting, hopefully biz/ has some ideas too.

>> No.9365086

i´ve seen some pages about farming things or shit related and thats kind of what im looking for, obviously not trying to make a living from them but just adding some more to my stack... thanks btw

>> No.9365119

Don't sign up without a referral link, 'cuz they give you a free $5 to use one. Ask a friend,
or use mine https://acorns.com/invite/BV2FXE (thank you <3)
or a rando's https://acorns.com/invite/7ALV9N

Not sure what you mean about farming, frankly. But if you're just looking for beermoney, I thought yesterday's thread about breeding crickets was cool.

>> No.9365229

there were some games about buying animals and breeding them, i dont know what thread from yesterday are you talking about i just saw some retarded bedbug thread, maybe the thing you are talking about works on a similar way than the kind of websites im looking for, if you have a link to that web i might give it a try, also im going to use that acorns with your referal. cYA

>> No.9365376
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Yeah, I didn't bookmark it. But crickets/grasshoppers/mice/goldfish can sell for a little bit because they are used as pet food. Oh, and a specific kind of larvae as well. Forgot the name.

The mice don't return as much until you are large scale. Goldfish are even worse.
Insects are solid, but cleanliness is an issue. Even my university had issues with parasites spreading. Fungus can also be an issue if you're a noob.

Imho, it sounds like too much work. I rather fiddle around with stuff like loans or writing articles. But those only give you immediate cash if you do it freelance. If I want immediate cash, I'd probably use a service like Rover or Wag and take a dog on my runs.

On the other hand, there's a thousand more options. Just gotta find out what's your thing. Maybe you're the type to do those crappy survey sites.

>> No.9365419

Shrimp farming is the future boi.

>> No.9365454



Trading bot that just went live with the internal exchange yesterday. Website is built by fucking pajeets I know, but the bot itself works fine. And yeah, I mirrored it's trades, they do have a bot.

Also profittrailer. I get 1% per day with my strategy. Between that and the Arb bot I'm pretty comfy.

And buy masternodes with some potential, and some PoS coins.

>> No.9365626

Op here, shitty web design but hopefully it will make sme beercash as other anon said

>> No.9365825

Sell custom meal plans to fitness freaks

>> No.9366785

I find stuff on Aliexpress and use ebay to sell it at a 50% markup. Makes a few hundred month with minimal work and no investment in stock.

>> No.9367178
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When did you start? I mentioned it here >>9364960 as being oversaturated, so it'd be cool to know from someone who does it successfully.

>> No.9367573

Even if it is oversaturated, what I do still costs me nothing other than time in product research.
I just looked up some products of TV shows and Games since people are so invested in fandoms. It took a few whole days finding products to list, but it paid off when I found items no one else was listing.
There is a maximum you can list on ebay, but if you sell products over time, Ebay will increase the amount you can sell with a free account.

>> No.9367615

How do shill hard enough to get $500/1000 monthly. Isnt like 5 or 15 for referal bonuses on acorns

>> No.9367965

There's a promotion rn where 12 referrals get you 1k.

Has anyone here done kindle publishing? I feel like I could be pretty good at it and I probably have enough startup capital.

>> No.9368405

Thanks, sounds like you put a lot of effort into finding the right product.
I use people who I've done favor for so they owe me (a lot still refuse), which might not be your personal situation. You could also do content marketing, which is tough to do well successfully. You can bribe strangers, which some are doing (for example paying folks on reddit $15 to sign up). I probably couldn't have done it out of the blue, but experimented with a few types of marketing before I discovered acorns. The obvious first step is also just friends/family but that well runs dry quickly. Then there's stuff like Facebook ads, but I lost money on it so not doing that right now.
Many options, it's hard when you start out, easy when you find what fits your style. Kinda like your ebay stuff, I guess but it takes weeks to find instead of days, lol.

There's a lot of authors blogging or redditing about there success stories.