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9364636 No.9364636 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody else here feel like Universal Basic Income will become a real thing JUST 1 year after you die?

>> No.9364672

Don't worry, you get boomer bux when you turn 65.

>> No.9364685

Social security will be insolvent before then.

>> No.9364688

we're going to have open borders and UBI in the US by 2025 and (You) will pay for it, assuming you are American

>> No.9364695

Blue haired dike.

>> No.9364731

We need to become millionaires to escape this nigger planet. Everything will go to shit in the next decades

>> No.9364737

Universal Basic Income is for pathetic faggots. Stop holding your hands up little bitch.

>> No.9364748

And this is true, this planet will be full of dumb niggers ruled by an upper class of jews and asians. There is no white home country anymore in 50 years, time to gtfo.

>> No.9364749
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>ID: x9 UltraCoin Kid

>> No.9364771

Social security is insolvent now. Government is just playing a shell game with funds until the whole fiat ponzi collapses.

>> No.9364809

Why do you think UBI would ever be a thing rather than the price of goods and services continuing to drop as they have for hundreds of years?

>> No.9364842
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>> No.9364845

>implying you wouldn't fuck

>> No.9364853


>> No.9364877
File: 559 KB, 1824x1438, Screen Shot 2018-05-10 at 5.58.01 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lazy faggot.

>> No.9364879

Maxine from Linus Tech Tips. She's pretty fat now.

>> No.9365308

Why not eliminate the FED and all Taxation under 5 million Annual?

>> No.9365328

what were the conclusions? didn't follow up on that

>> No.9365348
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This girl is not asian

>> No.9365362

one of the stupidest ideas ever, its like a lazy mans communism.

You fucking idiot millennials need to stop expecting ANYTHING for free. the world DOES NOT owe you anything.

>> No.9365382

It was massively insolvent
First rule of accounting
Debits = credits

Ubi is a non starter unless that gets solved
(It won't)

>> No.9365403

As long as I don't have to pay any taxes to fund it, UBI is fine.

>> No.9365418

I wanna watch her push out a big, fat turd right there.

>> No.9365421

nope, never gave it a second thought. who tf wants to be a poorfag handout cocklicker?

>> No.9365458
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>Unironically believing this in 2018


>> No.9365466

UBI is fucking retarded

We need to end central banks instead.

>> No.9365558

No, of course not, anon. It will just be free money!

>> No.9365629

There is a fear that with basic income they would just stay at home and play computer games.”
>2,000 randomly chosen unemployed people received monthly stipends of 560 euros ($685) that they could spend as they wished.

This may be the main reason that basic income has lost momentum in Finland: It is effectively redundant.
Health care is furnished by the state. University education is free. Jobless people draw generous unemployment benefits and have access to some of the most effective training programs on earth.
“In a sense,” said Mr. Hiilamo, the social policy professor, “Finland already has basic income.”

>> No.9365764


It's the first step more than lazy mans. Similar to medical marijuana, no one ever actually gave a shit about it, it was just a means of getting a foot in the door for further policy moves.

>> No.9365836

fuck off socialist scum, that's faggot victim bullshit, beta loser.

>> No.9366014

This. Universal basic income would be an absolute DISASTER. If you support it you are not a real man and you should be gassed (of course roasties might support it but roasties by and large are lazy, useless parasites, so no surprise there).

>> No.9366110

no ubi
no boomer bux
no mercy
only magic internet money

>> No.9366235

If a UBI is implemented it'll mean the end of 'free' healthcare and other 'perks'. There won't be enough money in the economy to support any other types of indirect welfare (disability services, healthcare, child care etc) so essentially you'll be back where you started. It's just a fancy way of moving money around, but it won't really help anyone at the bottom who already have access to 'free' money anyway (in the form of services) All that will happen is dumb fuckers will spend all their UBI and then be dependent on charity

>> No.9367203

don't you get it?
we don't get to have nice things.

>> No.9367489

i think it will happen sooner than expected.

>> No.9367490

Bullshit, read the article.

>> No.9367521

Fuck UBI. I worked my ass off to get to where I am today. It's shitty enough that I'm paying $800 in taxes every WEEK.

>> No.9367560

I do believe UBI will happen, but when I think about the B I'm thinking about very crowded hyenas in a cage in the zoo.

>> No.9368251

Do you realize how incredibly unlikeable you sound?

>> No.9368395

I hope I'm not alive to see Universe 25, Weimerica is bad enough.

>> No.9368487

When robots can learn to do anything a human can do UBI has to happen. Retards just need to get over the idea of building their whole identity around their work. When these retards have been wiped out(they will propably start a war vs advancing tech just to save their precious jobs, imagine being that fucking retarded lol) we can build a world focused on advancing tech instead of ensuring people have jobs.

>> No.9368539

UBI might not ever be a thing in the way people imagine in, at least not in the way of free money handouts. The only thing that might happen is some kind of subsidized living expenses such as food and shelter. Especially as automation becomes more widespread. Even farther into the future everything will probably become "free", because the cost of production for most "stuff" will be next to zero. Unless someone comes up with a better solution, unfortunately until then most people are stuck with zero hour contracts and minimum wage.