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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9362417 No.9362417 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9362430

>fake code

>> No.9362959

Nothing. You bought in, then got dumped on. Welcome to the first day of the rest of your bags

>> No.9362996

But anon I've made 10% just dicking around with day trades and it's consolidating for a another pu--- oh right.... uhh... careful sirs! Please avoid!

>> No.9363008

>being so new to /biz/ you buy the PnD flavor of the month then get confused when you're dumped on.
Welcome to the board newfriend.

>> No.9363026

whats everyone complaining about? its above 200 vitaliks? Most people bought in before 100...

>> No.9363045

Nothing, It went 10x and is stable, now we fuel for the next 10x.

If you are smart you are trading like >>9362996 and I are right now.

>> No.9363131

warning to newfriends, don't fall for the scammers, this flashy piece of vaporware exists solely to make the boomer developers and discord pump and dumpers rich

>> No.9363341

;) for sure anon. There's certainly no potential for growth with this coin.

>> No.9363421

How's that BNTY treating you?

>> No.9363795

>dude it like solves all of crypto's problems by like letting everyone control their own data and like host their own data and like run their own apps
>but like dude, everyone has access to it and can change it and its like crypto but not crypto!

Amazing how vaporware can get so much money based purely on normie stupidity. Really makes me want to reconsider my investment strategy. Maybe I'll all-in tron and iota.

>> No.9363868

>normie stupidity

You think normies have any idea wtf hot or hash graph is? Where the fuck would normies hear about this trash?

>> No.9363904


>> No.9363932

everyday faggots keep claiming it's dumping when it's simply going sideways

>> No.9363940
File: 20 KB, 486x515, xs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9363967
File: 51 KB, 474x659, holo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HODL until Q4 (weak hands)

>> No.9364000

bagholder confirmed

>> No.9364006

Its been shilled like crazy for the past week. I imagine by now some Redditors have dragged it over there if it didn't come from there to begin with.

>> No.9364083

Normies are the guys that only go on YouTube, Facebook, and instagram

>> No.9364134
File: 255 KB, 300x243, 1525900097306.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found the redditor normie

>> No.9364196

oh boy pajeet that reverse psychology is really tempting me into buying you're vaporshitcoin. You deserve an extra rubee for your work today

>> No.9364343

Reddit fuckin' hated HOLO. The hype is organic. watch HOLO videos and interviews, then come back and say it's anything less than good tech.

>> No.9364453

I've watched them. The tech is never concretely explained.

>> No.9364496


older, longer version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBA1LZL4MK0&t=655s

much older, much longer version before they made holochain into a smaller incremental part of Ceptr: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9ZhswdOm14

>> No.9364546

Price has been between 250-200 for a week after spending a week slow climbing from 40-200.

It's been averaging 210-220 price for the last 7 days. The only people who would be complaining are idiots who sold at any point. Otherwise everyone should be pretty comfy.

>> No.9364564


>> No.9364570

Geez anon just looks like some pajeets working on vaporware to me... /s

>> No.9364585

They are aryan gods. Apologize.

>> No.9364589

holochain is already in alpha. proof-of-concept apps already work, and third-party apps are already being built.

>> No.9364605

oh didn't see the /s

yes, exactly, vaporware /s

>> No.9364608

>holding steady after doing x10
>what went wrong

biz is shit scared of this coin huh

>> No.9364623


I’m starting to think some of them actually didn’t buy in when they were warned

>> No.9364678

All you need to be comfy is to read and understand the greenpaper, then go look at the benchmarks. Of course most of you won't, but you'll realize eventually.

>> No.9364738
File: 1000 KB, 1920x1345, holo meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your team

>> No.9364764

weak fud
see >>9364496 to understand why

>> No.9364786

>green paper
This really is a special snow flake coin isn’t it?

>> No.9364814

No it's just so ground breaking that they have to explain each piece in a different technical document. It's some endgame shit like EOS.