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9362046 No.9362046 [Reply] [Original]

What are some ways to make money that don't involve having to talk to or interact with people in any way?

>> No.9362059

just be homeless and make your own rules

>> No.9362067


>> No.9362069


>> No.9362079

I would have to see people every day if I was homeless.

>> No.9362102

Why don’t you wan wanna interact with people, buddy?

>> No.9362105

If you have any money to start with you should learn to trade crypto. If you're poor you're fucked.

>> No.9362106

Counterfeit what?

>> No.9362122

Because humans are all pieces of shit, every single one of them, and I can't stand being around them anymore.

>> No.9362143


>> No.9362197
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Sounds like you should go outside and get some exercise, friend, have a nice walk and then think about it again.

>> No.9362270

I don't need to think about it. I'm fed up with modern society's bullshit. All I want out of life is to be able to sit at home, live as cheaply as possible and play video games all day. Is that too much to ask for?

>> No.9362301

You’ve just gotta find your tribe, friend. Good people are out there, but you’ve just gotta find them. I’m currently in /cocoonmode/, I have zero friends. I’m slowly making myself a better man each and every day- I study hard, work out, and learn new things all day. One day I’ll venture out into the world with open arms when I’m comfortable with who I am. My confidence has never been higher, and my social skills have never been better. Just work on yourself, do nofap, be productive, and practice being social. Also, watch this: https://youtu.be/5tSTk1083VY

>> No.9362321

NEETbux and ponzi schemes, as long as you get out before everybody else....

Hmmmm, guess you could try to git gud at some specific vidja and play that professionally?

>> No.9362347

make something to sell. or find something.

>> No.9362354

Fuck that shit. All of those things are arbitrary goals that you're only working toward so that you can be accepted by society one day and get a girlfriend. I don't give a shit about society and I care even less about women. The only thing that makes me happy is consuming entertainment in solitude.

>> No.9362379

cocoonmode is the biggest meme and retardation in history

>> No.9362395

learn to trade penny stocks professionally .

have to really be passionate about it or youll never make it

>> No.9362412

The only thing I'm passionate about is video games, and I would be doing game dev if it was still possible to make money from it, but that ship sailed a long time ago.

>> No.9362435
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Well then work as a gravedigger or a night janitor. You could also go collect recycling for cans and electronics out of the garbage like the bums around here.

>> No.9362475
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The guy that made Stardew Valley did it by himself over several years and is now reaping the benefits, maybe learn a trade?

>> No.9362476

Fug, havent heard that used in forever.

>> No.9362494

>play video games all day.

ugh fag

>> No.9362520

He did it before the market became saturated with literally millions of games. He started promoting it while he was working on it back in like 2012 and gained a following that grew from there.

>> No.9362534

Bro, you are the piece of shit. Just go and KYS

>> No.9362546

Yea, we dont like you either. Maybe move to a cabin deep in the woods and go fust yourself

>> No.9362550


You have a lot of bottled up resentment for humanity and that is extremely unhealthy, have you considered talking to a psychologist? It may help a whole lot.

>> No.9362551


>> No.9362563

Stop consuming so much media, it’s a waste of your time bud, there’s so much more to life. You can make it if you try

It’s working for me. I ended a bad relationship, cut off toxic friendships and been focusing on myself the last few months, and becoming comfortable being alone. Never been better.

>> No.9362564

You're just making excuses you fat piece of useless fuck. God, useless cucks like you don't deserve help or pity, just die.

>> No.9362570

I never claimed I wan't a piece of shit as well. I said all humans are and that includes me.

>> No.9362589

>there’s so much more to life
Like what?

>> No.9362592

how do you feel about talking to shrimp

>> No.9362609


The least you could do is not make it worse for yourself and others anymore than it already is, resentment can lead you down a dark path, you'll be in hell before you know it and this is how we get school shooter types.

>> No.9362652
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If you think everyone around you is an asshole, OP, that means YOU'RE the asshole, not them. Get some help, I still believe in you.

>> No.9362659

Do humanity a favor and KILL YOURSELF!

>> No.9362677

>it has to be either one or the other

>> No.9362693

Shrimp farming.

>> No.9362789
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No excuse mate, maybe it's all you do but I don't think you're as passionate about it as you seem to think, you sound a bit bored.

>> No.9362818

Sorry, for the different ID, I just left the gym’s WiFi.

There’s a YouTuber you should check out called Aaron Clarey- his advice is gold, and you should watch his stuff: https://www.youtube.com/user/AaronClarey.. Something he says a lot is that people are the absolute scum of the earth... but they’re also the only things that matter. Yes the vast majority of people are garbage, but everyone once in a while you come across one who is absolute gold, and you build friendships that are truly special. Be 100% yourself, and invest in yourself, and you’ll find them.

Life is about having experiences- as many as you can before you die. Making love to a beautiful women you care about, building incredible friendships, seeing and doing amazing things, that’s what life is. It’s not meant to be spent in front of a TV. Get off your ass and work on yourself, friend. You can make it.

>> No.9362834

Unironically truck driving. You pretty much live out of your truck, and what minimal human interaction that is required of you is mostly transactional.

>> No.9362848

It's not anon but you need to live crypto 24/7 to make your dream come true.

>> No.9362940

Yeah I'm bored because I realize that it's all futile and nothing really matters.

Fuck off with that political garbage. There's literally no difference between your party/ideology and that of your "enemy".

>> No.9363022


With these negative responses you keep giving people who actually want to help you, do you think they would want someone like you to "make it"? I hope you get better anon, but hopefully you stay indoors for the rest of your life and don't turn to crime/murder otherwise.

>> No.9363052

My question was how I can make money in a way that I don't have to interact with people. I wasn't asking for advice on how I should live my life.

>> No.9363080

Then I don't know what to tell you, find something that gets you excited and spend your time doing it, don't ask me what or how. If it's all futile and it doesn't matter, then those are your options so don't look for one with meaning, but look for one.

>> No.9363108

I've already figured that out. That's why I said I would be happy if I could spend the rest of my life just playing or making video games. But I need money to be able to live.

>> No.9363117

? Not quite sure what you mean. I hope you find your way, friend.

>> No.9363165

Any job is going to require "some" human interaction in some capacity. Is it retail and sales you're trying to avoid?
There are definitely jobs with less interaction, but generally the trade off is if you're not interacting with customers, you'll be interacting with supervisors and management.
Do you game? You could try streaming, at least in that way your interaction has a virtual barrier and you're at least communicating with viewers in a fun sense and not trying to sell them something. Issue IMO with streaming now is everyone is trying to do it and it's a bit oversaturated.

>> No.9363231

That still involves interacting with a lot of people. I don't have the kind of personality that anybody would want to watch anyway.

>> No.9363259

OP, what the hell
You keep calling all of humanity trash and people are all pieces of shit, but have you once thought that it might be (You), the guy who only wants to sit around and consume meaningless media and not even better himself, who is the piece of shit?

>> No.9363276

see >>9362570

>> No.9363300

Hm, very well.
Why not unironically kill yourself then?

>> No.9363429

Don’t be mean to him, he’s just trying to find a way to live the life he wants.

OP, we’re going to need more info: age, education level, job experience, interests other than vidya, etc? Btw my grandpa was a truck driver, and they make bank. Interaction is pretty minimal, but you still have coworkers, and a possible partner you ride with.

>> No.9363428

What types of games? Do you know 3DS Max, Maya, C++, or, C# ?

>> No.9363749

That's the point, you need money to live and you need money to spend the rest of your life playing videogames. But without no money man that shit's a dream. So you unless you want to create your own money, you have to find someone who wants to give it to you. One option is wagecucking, doesn't sound like something you want to do. There was this guy who said truck driver, it sounds lonely, but it still has interaction involved even if you spend most of the time inside your wheel box because you need to pay attention to other wheeled boxes around you. You also can do something where you're your own boss, but you also need to find a way to receive money from someone and probably also some starting capital. With all this e-world shit going around, you can find something where you skip hearing someone's voice, like I don't know, buying something on a black market and reselling it on ebay but you still need people on both sides. Or designing jewelry, I don't know man. I understand the struggle and I'm very sympathetic to it but you need a new swindle or an old swindle. That's what you need to get money, which is completely useless unless you can find someone you can interact with that will take it from you.

>> No.9363801

Ironically DLT/blockchain is going to put this industry put of its misery soon.

>> No.9364610


Why would a shitty asshole person like me and everyone else in this thread give you what you actually want?

>> No.9364615


>> No.9364662

Good question

>> No.9365007


>> No.9365061

because it's parasitic behavior and fucks with the psyche of people that are self conscious and have deep morality complexes.

>> No.9365219

Dude, the more people I know the more I like my doggo

>> No.9365431

loool wtf you literally have to constantly interact with people

>> No.9365445

poker on the internet, friend

>> No.9365470

I feel like thats statistically wrong.

>> No.9365485

only part 1 of 4

basically this guy has spent the last 40 years alone and now people actually seek him out to bug the shit out of him.

good luck getting away from the world, perhaps suicide is a solution for you.

>> No.9365504

yeah that wont get dull after a few weeks...., nope not at all.

>> No.9365516

He chooses to publicize himself by doing interviews with the media. He's not really a recluse, just an attention whore.

>> No.9365559

There's more good games that exist than you can play in an entire lifetime. If you add movies, tv shows, and books, you have endless entertainment that can last thousands of years.

>> No.9365707

they sought him out, not the other way around.

>> No.9365730
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>completely wasting your life doing shit that couldn’t matter less

You need to get some hobbies and go outside.

>> No.9365889

giving blowjobs

>> No.9366068

One day you will care about those things. It might take ten years for you to work it out. When you realise you've permanently locked yourself away from them through the choices you've made you will regret everything mate.

>> No.9366137

I'm 30, so I'm pretty sure my opinion isn't going to change on any of those things.

>> No.9366158

Janitor, unironically.

>> No.9366216
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>Tfw trying to Kys your self but Bogs activate quantum immortality every time

>> No.9366408

why so bitter?

>> No.9366545

Anyone who disagrees with this has never worked in a customer service role before. Imagine the most evil, fucked up, idiotic person you can, now imagine that person barking orders at you and whining like a spoiled child, now imagine having superiors who will passive-aggressively punish you for saying anything but "yes sir, sorry ma'am" to these scum customers, now imagine dealing with that 8 hrs a day, 5 days a week, forever. What you'll learn is humans are all pieces of shit, every single one of them.

>> No.9366572

Sounds like (((they))) have control of you

>> No.9366651

Are there no exceptions

>> No.9366768

Why hasn’t anyone said stocks with dividends yet? How do you think retirees live? Also unironically welfare.

>> No.9367486

Kek unironically kill your self
No point for you in the world