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File: 5 KB, 400x400, DAOstack-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9357112 No.9357112 [Reply] [Original]

This shit wicked to 0.0022 before dumping and now its being supressed. Gst the fuck in on the new IDEX gain train coin. $GEN. Still no CMC listing and twitter influencers still havent shilled yet.

GEN is an aragorn competitor which is at 120 mill market cap meanwhile GEN is only 48 million

>> No.9357173

This thing is going to take off... it's incredibly undervalued

>> No.9357194

You also forgot to mention Aragon has no product but DAOstacks has a MVP and will have a fully working product before Aragon. This almost guarantees they will surpase Aragon in market cap. At the very minimum it can 2.5x from current price but can go much higher. Whales are suppressing this hard.

>> No.9357214

tfw in on presale but only with fucking 1.5% of my portfolio, fml. I didn't even know what it was.

>> No.9357219

The massive shilling will begin everywhere once the walls are lifted

>> No.9357305

The one thing I'm worried about, is where is the FUD? Normally a moon is preceeded by a FUD campaign, along with the price suppression. But there is no FUD...

NEXO had it, they all have it. But nothing for DAO.

Also, are you sure about the market cap?

>> No.9357334

> DAOstack active users: 0


>> No.9357351

48m market seems right, also I see some random guy in every DAOstack thread fudding. Give it time and they'll come.

>> No.9357413

this shit is the next holo.

have you checked the team? how the fuck i didnt see this during the ico...

>> No.9357459

well it was ico price after it exchanges, I shilled it here before it hit IDEX and everyone called it a shitcoin

>> No.9357474

classic /biz/ if someone shills a coin that they don't have its automatically a shitcoin.

>> No.9357484

Still not on blockfolio, if this isnt a bullish sign, idk what is.

>> No.9357493

Maybe the shill levels aren't so high yet for the fud to come in.

>> No.9357500

I saw that and couldn't be bothered to use a dex...guess I hate gains. How high can we go in a week?

>> No.9357543

2-3x imo. Depends on how long the suppression continues.

>> No.9357547

It's on Delta. no longer a bullshit sign?

>> No.9357564

Its a little refreshing to see a project with solid marketing right out of the gate. Just thew a few eth into it. Don't let me down anon.

>> No.9357573

no longer a bullish sign? lol autocorrect

>> No.9357609

Actually I was in the DAOstacks telegram group yesterday when a team member from Blockfolio said the team had problems adding DAOstacks on the app because theres another token that has the same ticker as DAOstacks token,

>> No.9357672

wtf are u on about? are people selling their ico bags now called "supression"?

>> No.9357691

Putting up hundreds of eth in walls is suppression. If they wanted to sell they would shill the shit out of it and dump it on 2-3x.

>> No.9357732
File: 85 KB, 1034x836, 1524091075124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is it guys, I'm going all in

>> No.9357784
File: 16 KB, 609x219, HOT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this mean i should buy holo token?

>> No.9357811

this is the nexto HOLO/NEXO biz do not miss the train again

>> No.9357821

Dude the whales put put up a 100+ ETH sell wall up and then buy all the tokens below the sell wall, when they have nothing else to buy and instead people start chiping away at the whales sell wall, the whale instantly cancels the sell wall and put up again at a slightly higher price and then contines to buy below the sell wall.

Happened at 0.0014 then 0.0015 and then 0.00167 and nit its happeneing at 0.00177

>> No.9357855

Holo is dumping

>> No.9357870
File: 241 KB, 1862x654, Screen Shot 2018-05-10 at 12.26.38 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure why you guys are shitting on >>9357691

There's +70 ETH and +100ETH worth of sell walls.

>> No.9357871

how long do you think it'll continue? about to fomo in but I don't want to get fucked

>> No.9357878

Maybe, I don't know. Holo has gone what 5x already on idex or something like that while daostack is up only 30-40% or so.

>> No.9357897

Yesterday there were even more walls. Some get eaten some get removed.

>> No.9357933
File: 45 KB, 1151x543, holo dumping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but you just said huge sell walls are asign of artificial suppression so these 750 eth sell walls should be a good sign, right? genuinely asking
also, i've been hearing "holo dumping" alot lately and didn't quite get a chance to buy the dip yet. is it about to take off without my buy order getting filled? you guys gonna make me fomo

>> No.9357934

Well all day today it has continued to slowly go up and it will continue to go up, so it's better to buy it ASAP. I shilled it earlier today and then an hour later price increased 10-15%.

>> No.9357953

Anyone know how long till some bigger exchange?

Gonna moon hard

>> No.9357975
File: 146 KB, 554x439, 1525704040981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought in, it's money I can afford to lose anyway. Best advice for everyone dabbling in DEXes & Cryptopia tokens is to treat each buys as a complete (100%) write off.

If you can't bear those losses you put in too much.

>> No.9357977

>not sure
read again then. anon told me big sell walls were a good sign even though i thought it's a bad sign. if it was a good sign then the fkin 1500 ETH wall at 225 should mean holo's about to moon or am i missing something?

>> No.9358004

I have been holding holo since ico. Sold too much on the way up. I can see that holo is being shilled like crazy. Considering it is almost 10x from ico now I would say it is too risky to buy in. On the other hand I won't be selling either because I am in for the long term. If you believe in the project then buy all you want, but I wouldn't buy for quick gains or for fomo because a lot of the multipliers are already in the price.

>> No.9358010
File: 52 KB, 657x527, 1525911712413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're not missing anything friend
whales put in huge sell walls
people think "oh shit, that wall will never get eaten up, that's the top"
people sell below sell wall
whale buys whatever is posted below sale wall
repeat until whale is no longer hungry

>> No.9358024
File: 49 KB, 498x573, 1525788087513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's never a surefire thing. These guys can cancel their sell orders before they're filled (spoof orders). Spoofing happens very commonly btw across all tokens.


Just go with the facts and decide whether it's within your risk tolerance.

>> No.9358065
File: 61 KB, 1000x800, 1523048991853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ty frens i'm just gonna watch from the sidelines then

>> No.9358394

There was a 300 ETH sell wall on GEN earlier but I think it got pulled

>> No.9358437

If you want quick gains I would look at Daostack though. I bought it with around 15% of my portfolio value yesterday at the dip. Ravencoin also has a good chart but the opportunity might be gone soon. Be careful when buying into fomo and shills and don't get rekt.