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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9356033 No.9356033 [Reply] [Original]

I'm about to be 24 and only make $20/hr should I kms

>> No.9356043


>> No.9356048


>> No.9356050

when will they learn

>> No.9356055

If you live with your parents and don't have to pay rent, utilities and food, then nah.

>> No.9356066


No. 26 and making $24/hour in CA serving the American """"people""" who constantly tell me I am overpaid and lazy despite being overworked and in the low income bracket where I am.

>> No.9356084

I’m 27 and make $22/hour. I have $112,000 in crypto but if that doesn’t hit a couple mil my life will be shit forever probably. The point is you still have time to make sure you don’t end up like me. $20 is fine for now, but you damn sure better bust your ass to make sure you’re making $30 min by 2-3 years. If you can’t hit that it’s over and you gotta end it.

>> No.9356089

I'm 5ft7in, does that mean I can have a 6ft1in girlfriend with big boogs?

>> No.9356126

I study politics/economics making £10 an hour wagecucking for my dad... That's why I'm here...luckily the good old government gives me some for studying and I pay no rent etc. I've earned more off crypto since January day trading than I've earned at work so no don't kill yourself unless you pay rent/car petrol, phone bill etc etc. I'm pretty comfy thinking about it actually,just got to put up with 2 more years of studying before starting my reich

>> No.9356142

A reich with NO CAPITAL GAINS TAX on crypto

>> No.9356156

I'm 26 and make $15 an hour. What do?

>> No.9356175
File: 128 KB, 767x956, im_too_tall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucker, you lied on the internet. He's actually 3ft7in.
How can I short myself 2ft to get a busty blonde?

>> No.9356197

>6ft average female height

>> No.9356201

Teach yourself a trade, marketable skill, or f you can afford it get education/paid training. If you have any intelligence you can get a career in IT with some pretty feasible self teaching.

What are you good at? Do you have any skills?

>> No.9356227

Depends on your career trajectory. My best friend is a chef who is in his 30's and makes about the same which is standard for that line of work. His plan is to continue building his resume and then get funding to open his own place.

If you're in banking after 3 years making $20/hr, then you're in trouble.

>> No.9356243

I'm 29 and unemployed but have made roughly $100/hour this year just buying shitcoins and playing video games

>> No.9356274


>> No.9356300

>50k in crypto
>80k in bank
>still lives at home
>no friends
>no gf
>spends free time posting on /biz/ and playing games i got bored with years ago

its like a bad dream

>> No.9356318

sounds pretty good to me

>> No.9356340
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I bet he can really climb inside her if you know what I mean

>> No.9356356

maybe, but im lonely af

would trade all my gains for someone that unironically cares about me

my parents hates me like the pest because i told them about my gains and now they are being kikes about everything i do

>> No.9356358

26 $19/hr but job is easy. Life is sffering

>> No.9356403

I'm a heavy equipment operator who was trained at my current job. What's the best way/time to ask for a raise?

>> No.9356408

back when I was your age, I made $16.50/hour, traveled 2 hours to work everyday, and liked it. Why? Because I was fucking employed. Get fucked "i" generation. Millennial masterrace

>> No.9356417
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Crist are you me?

>> No.9356439

you ever had a gf?
had a few when younger, glad theyre gone, not gotten laid in 7 or 8 months because i just cant be fucked to go out pleasing them wasting money on them, loneliness is where it's at, you can focus on things without some bitch blowing up your phone every day. Friends admittedly are a bit more important but i don't know what to say about that, got some i've had for 22 of my 25 years, i couldnt live without those goys i dont think, i definitely would need some pussy if they werent there

>> No.9356479

play me in aoe2 conquerors faggot

>> No.9356493

never had a gf, never recieved a text from a girl or had any kind of physical interaction, even though i try to reach out

even the girls i went to school with declines my facebook friend invites

>> No.9356524

Damn son, hobbies? Learn an instrument, go back into education or foreign language/cooking classes? sounds a bit gay but you meet people studying, even if they are boring fucks 9 times out of 10, its decent socialising if with fellow autists

>> No.9356553

Holy fuck listen to you guys complain. Im a fucking virgin, dropped out of college because my anxiety got so bad I couldnt look myself in the mirror, I live at home, and I make fucking $10 an hr at 23. My net worth is like 15k. It could always be worse.

>> No.9356577

my hobbies are crypto
i know how to cook and i speak 3 languages

cant see how learning to play flute will help me in anyway

tbqh i think its too late to reverse it now, anyone normal would have lost their virginity before they hit 20 and would have found their love of their life before mid 20's

im still working on getting my first hug

>> No.9356680

>27 in a few days
>making $5/hour
>living in a shithole country

>> No.9356717
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>6,25€ hour
>170cm (5'7'')
>24yo boomer

>> No.9356720

music is really good for relaxing and forgetting about things, but the first 3 years or so of learning are horrible. Try whores or something? even paying for sex is better than never getting any

>> No.9356767

> still working on getting my first hug
I know that khhv feel

>> No.9356809

i dont care about sex, i dont even masturbate anymore

i'd rather pay a whore to snuggle with me instead of fucking her, but that would still mean nothing without the emotions behind it

>> No.9356855

i can't empathise with that part im afraid, beginning to think im a sociopath because i just dgaf about anyone i've known less than 10 years and only really care for money etc atm because women and shit friends always held me back. sounds kinda the opposite to you if you do have all that money and those language skills, maybe you should take your money and go travelling/drinking and attempt to bone some foreign birds

>> No.9356905

I will be 24 next week and make only 10 dollars an hour

but I have 300k in crypto. Who wins?

>> No.9357090
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I'm about to be 24 and make $12 per hour. It fucking sucks but apparently my BSBA is worthless. I live right near the shipyards and I'm into cars and trade sort of stuff but everyone who works there gets cancer or dies or ruins their body and no longer enjoys doing their trade. No idea what to do

>> No.9357179

Let's go out in a blaze of glory brother

>> No.9357182

I'm 20 and I make 1000€ a month. DONT FUCKING COMPLAIN ABOUT 20\h YOU FUCKING IDIOTS.

>> No.9357203

This. I'm 27 in California with a master's in accounting working big-4 and after taxes I make $21/hr.

>> No.9357220


>> No.9357313

lol. my profits so far average out to 10k+ a month after being in the market for less than 18 months. At ATH my profits averaged out to 20-40k a month. And I started with <30k went all into LTC, and BTC this time last year. I can't wait to see what my avg returns per month will be after 2018-2019. I expect anywhere from 100-300k per month. This is more money than any college grad would make out of school and with 3+ years experience. I am thankful to the market and the whales that make this possible. Making it early in life really points out how cucked the system is. The evolution of slavery has went from the rich owning to slaves and keeping the money to slaves owning themselves and rich keeping the money. While creating systems like debt to keep slaves in place. The education system, the world governments, the media are in place to control the labor force to prevent that population from moving up in the world. The public school system has been taken over by liberals, and the elites have only gotten more and more power. Crypto is a way for all of us to beat the elites that control every aspect of our society through money, and influence.

>> No.9357339

Be happy with it, you'll probably be laid off and flipping burgers for 7.25/hour soon anyway and be reminiscing about how great 20/hour is.

>> No.9357368

>20, 5$/hr
>top 40% earners in my country

>> No.9357381

>If you have any intelligence you can get a career in IT with some pretty feasible self teaching.
What are the best options? The top option in my view is software development, but I hear things like Unix security and networking are good.

>> No.9357387


Depends on where you live. I would have killed to make that much at that age. I live in the middle of bumfuck and you can live a comfortable life on that much.

If you mean you want to not wagecuck for the rest of your life then yes. Your potential is already spent, you're gonna wagecuck and die.

>> No.9357407


Just learn how to code brainlet. Places don't care if you have a degree or not they care what you can do. If you have a decent portfolio of shit you've done you'll get the job.

>> No.9357414

Ok thanks

>> No.9357416

Learn a Web app framework like Django or Laravel, then move on to C++/Scala/Kotlin

>> No.9357417

Why the fuck is this even news? He looks like a child, he should already expect that people might confuse him for one. Sounds like just an excuse to get exposure in the media.

>> No.9357446

By the way, is that what you did? I'm 29, will they judge me based on my age? I have a babyface.

>> No.9357467

I am 25 and I make 5€/hour, my crypto stack is 6 figures

>> No.9357546


fuck both of you.

I make 15 an hour and I'm 29 in CA.

50k in Funfair is all my life is worth =\

>> No.9357553

>50k in Funfair is all my life is worth =\
Nice, stick with it and you'll have a fair sum there to help you out before the year is through, assuming Bitcoin doesn't make any huge moves

>> No.9357631


Nah, they don't care about age or creed (unless you're like a grandpa) and even then if you have a ridiculous portfolio of work/experience then they won't care. Half the trick is the interview questions, some places have good interview questions some have banal bordering ridiculous questions that are meant to be tricky but come off as stupid. I'll get a wave of "le reddit" posts but seriously, go to reddit. There are a lot of good subs that will help lead the way and get you prepared.

I entered in at $60,000 at the age of 32 with no prior experience. I was kind of lucky so don't expect the offer to be that high, $40,000 is closer to entry.

>> No.9357712

Thank you for the advice, I truly appreciate it. I do have some experience with development but it's quite basic. I spent about two months learning and I know the basics: variables, loops, functions, basic OOP/inheritance. I have a passing familiarity with time complexity and I think I could learn a passable amount about it by the time I need to apply somewhere. I've checked out cscareerquestions in the past and it seemed to be mostly young kids saying "lol good luck without an Ivy League education" so I got discouraged.

But tl;dr: I can write a simple mobile app that pulls data from a json API and displays it in a user-friendly manner in accordance with the design guidelines of the respective system (Android, iOS).

Can you sort of ballpark how far I am from where I need to be to get a real job in the field? Keep in mind that I'm a NEET and my "work history" consists of gambling on shitcoins. I'm smart but basically unemployable in the traditional sense according to Reddit types... which is incredibly disheartening.

I do have the funds for an education, I've just put off getting one because they seem like a waste of time and money when I can do it on my own, all else equal.

>> No.9357822

>But tl;dr: I can write a simple mobile app that pulls data from a json API and displays it in a user-friendly manner in accordance with the design guidelines of the respective system (Android, iOS).

Sounds like you have enough familiarity to freelance. Start with that. There are dozens of freelance sites where you can set your price by project or hour. If you're serious about wanting experience to become employed and you want it as fast as possible then I suggest you work for peanuts until you have a sizable portfolio.

I had some luck on https://www.upwork.com/o/jobs/browse/c/web-mobile-software-dev/ before I was employed.
Didn't charge more than $10 per hour. I did take some jobs pro bono (Most left it at that, some paid regardless.)

Good luck anon.

>> No.9357885

>I had some luck on https://www.upwork.com/o/jobs/browse/c/web-mobile-software-dev/ before I was employed.
I view this purely as something to pad out my experience and portfolio and I don't really need the money, but nonetheless when I checked out upwork, I didn't find much that basically wouldn't amount to working for free.

I can afford to work for free, so that's not exactly a deal-breaker... but is that really a sensible route?

In other words, if I have a few simple projects that I completed pro-bono on my resume within the last 6 or so months, will a company take a look at me despite the fact that I'm going to be 30 soon and have no real qualifications otherwise?

Also, do you have any tips regarding finding good starter projects on upwork? I view being unable to provide assets (art, etc.) as a major disadvantage, as most projects seem to expect something complete, whereas I'd be focusing just on development.

>> No.9357920

20$/hr is pretty good, shit is rough out there.

>> No.9357959


If you can afford to work for free then why don't you find some interesting open source projects and push commits for a while?

At least that way you'll only have to focus on code, you'll get to choose work you might enjoy, and it will also show prospective employers that you know how to use github and that you can refactor other peoples shitty code (which is what you'll be doing 90% of the time at work anyway)

>> No.9357983

I hadn't considered that, thanks for the suggestion. I do wonder how my resume would look with just a bunch of open source contributions, though. I thought about working on independent open source projects in which case I'd have a project-driven portfolio, but how would I list contributions? Just "refactored features x for project y" or similar?

>> No.9357987
File: 333 KB, 438x362, steveplease.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that guy getting his tiny 3 inch dick sucked by bombshell blond with double D's while you anon is still lonely fucking basement dweller
>just let this settle in your brain

>> No.9358019

>being jealous of a dude fucking a test beast
Are you jealous of gay dudes getting blown by other dudes?

>> No.9358077

Fucking kek

>> No.9358111

I think generally employers are looking for either savant-level talent, or someone with coding ability and decent social skills so they can get on with the rest of the team/don't cause major headaches for HR.

Plus if you're contributing mainly to open source projects it shows that your interest in coding isn't purely motivated by money. Unless you're wicked at UI design then yeah i'd play it humble.

>> No.9358170

I'm not exactly a social butterfly—I'm very introverted in general—but I'm friendly and capable of basically niceties without sperging out. I can generally get the gist of what people really mean when they describe a problem ("normie" language -> actual first step of troubleshooting or project development). Beyond that I'm not sure

I definitely don't have savant-level talent.

I've just spent the last few months thinking it was pretty much hopeless for me so I've been fairly pessimistic due to that.

Would you suggest going to meet-ups? I can't find many relevant (to my current skills—basically Android development) meetups in my area and I'm not really sure what I'd be doing there (making small talk about my own projects with strangers?) so I haven't bothered thus far

When you say play it humble, what do you mean exactly? Keep my resume pitch simple and honest and hope for the best?

>> No.9358453

$20/hour is a pretty respectable wage where I'm from. You guys must live in really expensive areas.

>> No.9358511

holy shit people still play this? feels. I can't remember the name of the program, but I did play AOE2 and Empire Earth on this program that would host old games several years ago. There would only be like 20 people online though, so it was really hard to get one going.

>> No.9358538


>> No.9358614

> "lol good luck without an Ivy League education" so I got discouraged.

Damn you're me. I also spent about 1-2 months coding (only on SWIFT though). Then I went on Indeed and saw you needed atleast 5 years of experience.

Me being a 29 year old NEET, I figure I didn't have a chance against the college kids who were CS majors. But then again, I guess if I was discouraged enough, maybe it wasn't for me anyway.

If you really enjoy it and can see yourself doing it, then keep it going. Go on YouTube and look up life of programmer videos and such. See if you can see yourself doing that.

Nah wasn't that. Oh well. I do miss AOE2 and Empire Earth. Dem middle school feels.

>> No.9358652

Damn, your situation sounds virtually identical to mine. Any chance you want to get in touch (throwaway email is fine) just to chat, exchange info, etc.? Seems like we could help each other out and I know it'd be a morale boost for me to know someone else out there is in the same spot.

no problem if you're not interested

>> No.9358694

Introverted is fine. How easily you fit in will be down to the culture of the company, but introverts are always preferred over whiney assholes. I only recently became a developer myself at the age of 30 with no degrees or certifications and only a few scraps of code, but i'd been in IT operations for the previous 4 years and demonstrated that i had enough of the soft skills required to get along with a team of developers.

Meet-ups probably aren't a bad idea. It's definitely something you could put on your resume. Extra-curricular community involvement shows again that you take coding fairly seriously, you'll probably learn some useful stuff along the way, you can get a feel for the sort of people you might end up working with, and it's a good way to network as well. You might even come across employment opportunities.

I'd also learn a bit about different project management methodologies. If you land an interview and you can demonstrate that you understand the basics of things like Agile/Scrum, there's less chance of you immediately being written off when you walk out the door. And yeah simple + honest is the best, especially if you actually tailor your resume to the company you're applying for and explain why you think you'd be a good candidate. If you make your resume big and flashy and fill it with junk they will see right through it. This is just my experience though, YMMV

>> No.9358739

Thanks for the tips. Would you say that my outlook on getting a degree—that it'd offer a poor return on my time and money relative to the alternative of self-study—is correct?

>> No.9358753

You going to suck his dick??

>> No.9358764

I just want a dev buddy

>> No.9358810

I’m 27 and only make 18 an hour if you break down my salary. My jobs easy as fuck, I get my own office and personal bathroom, have a 15 min commute and my side hustle brings in another 20-35k a year tho so I’m more than happy.

>> No.9358874

Living the life. What do you do?

>> No.9358932

Again I can only speak from personal experience but half of the devs i work with don't hold degrees. And over the years i've worked with plenty of CS majors who never managed to get out of entry level service desk or desktop support roles. In the corporate world they care mostly about practical certifications for specific technologies. CS is pretty broad...more useful if you're going to become a researcher or something, not so much if you're just writing scripts and manipulating databases.

>> No.9358980

Well that's reassuring, I suppose my only lingering concerns are related to me having no 'official' work history. Hopefully open source contributions and personal projects can overcome that to some extent.

>> No.9359005

$20 an hour is like $50k a year isn't it? I'd say it's pretty good.

>> No.9359206

It won't be easy but it's not impossible. Do some open source stuff for a while then cruise the meetups in your area and talk to people, be friendly and interested in what they have to say, share some cool and whacky stories about yourself (you can stretch the truth here, just sound like you're a fun guy lol) and then ask them for opinions/advice when their defence is down ;D. Oh don't forget to add them on LinkedIn too, i'm sure that helps. It'll be a big hustle but just keep going until you finally land that first job. Good luck anon :)

>> No.9359224

Thanks anon

>> No.9359627

twf 20 and 0€/hour

>> No.9359754


>> No.9359953

>A reich with NO CAPITAL GAINS TAX on crypto

>> No.9360869

You'd have to renounce your citizenship btw

>> No.9360987

>assuming Bitcoin doesn't make any huge moves
ROFL, good one

(Yeah buddy, hold funfair, it's not a worthless scam token)

>> No.9361013

Are you predicting $3k soon, friend? And can you explain why FunFair is a worthless scam token in your opinion?

>> No.9361103

>tbqh i think its too late to reverse it now, anyone normal would have lost their virginity before they hit 20 and would have found their love of their life before mid 20's
This is sort of true but there's always hope to turn things around At least until mid 30's maybe read books on how to soicalize or go to meetups of other boards that you post on

>> No.9361140

>go to meetups of other boards that you post on
Do these happen?

>> No.9361226

fake blonde look at her eyebrows


>> No.9361289

I'm genuinely interested in your input on this matter

>> No.9361306
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>> No.9361329

>the frog plush meme
whoever sold these is a great /biz/ness man

>> No.9361341

i'm 28. $11/hour. life's not that bad fren.

>> No.9361373

I don't make an hourly wage because i run a lot of passive income stuff, but if i broke it down its probably like 40-70$ an hour? 29, that good? Also muh cryptoz

>> No.9361442

Invest in a startup
Take a vacation
Fuck a prostitute
Get a hobby? IDK man it's your life. You're in charge.

Ask yourself what you really want in life. Though maybe your issue is that you are comfortable.

>> No.9361567

>still live at home
>no friends
>fiancee who has stuck by me through thick and thin despite my consistent failure to deliver
>has nothing but free time and spends it F5ing 4chan and laying in bed
We seem to be a weird inverse of one another in some ways.

I think I might be depressed.

>> No.9361591

Learning to play the flute will make you staunch as fuck you wee prick.

>> No.9361595

27, make $17 an hour, but I'm only part time - went back to school

>> No.9361630

No one ever cares anon

>> No.9361651

>my parents hates me like the pest because i told them about my gains and now they are being kikes about everything i do
big mistake

what do you do?

>> No.9361744
File: 65 KB, 966x422, Dcw3EwdX4AA8_5Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is /biz/ full of low quality bait of late?

>> No.9362015

except for you, who cared enough to reply <3

>> No.9362017

28 years old with pension and benefits .... 43 an hour and 46 an hour depending on residential or industrial.

Diploma in fire protection and safety as well as a red seal journeyman sprinkler fitter.

Hard work but satisfying. Worth it so far for sure

>> No.9362080

Youre either military or GS, which means you have fucking incredible benefits most of the country would not be able to realize themselves until they became wealthy. Stop bitching.

>> No.9362191

How can I get into that? Does it destroy your body?

>> No.9362411

I'm 24 and I make nearly $200/h. I consult ceo's in manufacturing operation optimization. Easy af. But wagies don't seem to understand what works and what doesn't. MBA's doesn't either. They should really bulldoze every business school. We need thinking people not shills. It feels so fucking nice to go home, watch anime and to not have a gf. I don't spend money and I have more money than I could spend.

>> No.9362465

Don't know where you live but $20/hr is decent where I'm at. Have you already graduated? Do you have any plan to make more money? If you answered both to both of those I'd say hold off on killing yourself until 30. If you're not in a career at 30 just end it.

>> No.9362528

>should I kms
Relax anon, we're all going to die eventually.

>> No.9362567

I feel bad for how bad mutts get screwed on wages. I waited tables a little while ago for 23 AUD (17 USD) /hr. Currently cucking for 27 AUD.

The downside is the Australian property market is pants on head retarded so if you don't live at home everything gets pissed away on rent.

>> No.9362571
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i know that feel bro
I'm 18 and only make $17.50 an hour should I kms? :/

>> No.9362731

yeah but houses there are millions of dollars whereas here I can buy a respectable starter home for $100k in a safe area

>> No.9362817

well, you commiefornians wanted communism so enjoy

>> No.9362862
File: 32 KB, 960x720, B1F55270-7E7B-43A5-BBDF-9F6E300FA636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my reich
tell us more, anon

>> No.9362879


haha im 25 and unemployed haha

>> No.9363070

I'm gonna he 23 and start comp sci college, should I kms

No, because I'm gonna work hard and get a nice job, deapite people calling it a meme

>> No.9363378

70k in cash
200k in crypto
80k in retirement accounts (IRA / 401k)

quit REALLY good / $80k/yr job last year w/ crypto gains.
Completely burn bridges with company (they hate me after I quit and it's been my only job out of college)

thought I would figure out a cool career path after moving in with my successful girlfriend (she works in finance and makes bank)

>we start fighting constantly cause i'm a lazy piece of shit and she hates that I dont get out of bed until 1pm
>i get kicked out

now i live at home in my moms basement, have absolutely no job prospects, no professional references, and also have deluded myself into thinking I may never need to work again (crypto will keep gaining, stock market will propel retirement accounts, I'll get some sort-of inheritance at some point in the next 10 years, etc etc.)

I'm fucked.
I ruined my chances.

>> No.9363427

No way in hell that guy is 5' 8".

>> No.9363437

Fuck the commies. I will gladly sacrifice myself to the lavagods if it means a quake takes this shithole into the Pacific.

>> No.9363451

Dunno why my ID changed. I'm the big4 guy.

>> No.9364028

incels btfo

>> No.9364078

>a dwarf if 5ft 8in
If I didn't know any better I'd say it was a meme

>> No.9364096

>6' average girl

>> No.9364253

Its tough on your body man. I see old fitters who are pretty gimped, but if you eat right work out and work smart you can last just fine.

Its very physical as im carrying pipe that can weigh up 120lbs and is 21' long up and down ladders all day.

You get used to it though and the benefits help. 950 bucks for massage a year plus 950 for chiro so if you're smart and diligent you wont be wrecked.

>> No.9364285

Look online for first year sprinkler fitter jobs( starts at 23 bucks an hour)

The best advice i can give is to call companys up once a week until they say yes. It feels like youre hassling them but it works.

>> No.9365056


In a 40/hr work week it comes out to about almost 40K...38,5K but that's gross and with out taxes added. Honestly with my crazy low living costs, I could save 25-28K annually so I wouldn't complain in the slighest but its honestly not amazing all things considered. I mean hell 51% of US makes less than 30K annually so its all perspective I guess.

>> No.9365262

How the fuck do you live on less than $50k/year these days holy shit.

>> No.9365318

>"in crypto"

I might not make a lot of money but at least I was smart enough to realize Bitcoin is the only crypto and bought early, often, and never sold.

>> No.9365744


>> No.9366443

you make plenty of money to be investing wisely with it. you can really make a huge difference if you just go in on chainlink

>> No.9366906

20/hr wagie, 27, with 100k fun, 15k req. We gonna make it

>> No.9367080

Why are you still wagecucking? Cash out 100k and trade full time.

>> No.9367123

I'd rather colour in than make conversation desu

>> No.9367370

>lives at home
>has friends
>no job, small portfolio
>stand to inherit about 500k when my dad dies

its a mixed bag

>> No.9367397

Same lad. Livin' in Socal near LA sucks.

>> No.9367807

Yup. Irvine here. At least it's not LA

>> No.9367833

I would totally fuck that slam pig. Is she actually dating that dwarf?

>> No.9367896

I'm 29 and never had a job. I have 70k in crypto.

Should I kill myself?