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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 39 KB, 656x755, KPgRaqe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9355814 No.9355814 [Reply] [Original]

I won't be able to stake my 300K linkies unles I'm a big business?

>> No.9355867

I really wonder how some of you all remember to breathe.

>> No.9356063

No, he’s wrong. And by the way, he’s an exam0e of someone who was really smart, but was making terrible crypto calls.

>> No.9356106

He had the dumbest shit to say about bitcoin.

>> No.9356107

If you own LINK, then you have bigger problems than falling short of the required staking minimum.

>> No.9356161
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>> No.9356362
File: 11 KB, 328x154, 1525301110566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the network wouldnt be decentralized if a random NEET like you would not be able to take part in it
don't take random FUD this seriously

>> No.9356573

The whole “industry coin” narrative was from assblaster. That pajeet just took that and ran with it and he has an extreme case of dunning-Krueger. Yes it will save companies lots of money but the overall scope of chainlink is much much much bigger than that anon. If successful LINK could literally be the match that lit the blockchain revolution of the traditional pillars of industry. Will there be private api’s that you won’t have access to? Absolutely. But the api economy in general is still nascent and we won’t know what it will look like. For institutions they may not necessarily want to run their own nodes but subcontract access to their api’s to “certified” businesses that are “chainlink node operators”. There are also millions of public apis. There will also be a need for nodes that verify data from other blockchains. That anon from yesterday was a total fucking brainlet with no understanding of LINK, crypto, technology, capital markets or global economics. Don’t worry fren we will all be making it

>> No.9356619
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>> No.9356626 [DELETED] 

it's a matter of time, they will forget to do it one day and it's over

>> No.9356867

I'm the anon that asked him about the confidence interval ranges.

>For institutions they may not necessarily want to run their own nodes but subcontract access to their api’s to “certified” businesses that are “chainlink node operators”. There are also millions of public apis. There will also be a need for nodes that verify data from other blockchains. That anon from yesterday was a total fucking brainlet with no understanding of LINK, crypto, technology, capital markets or global economics. Don’t worry fren we will all be making it.

I do think anon above is right. Institutions could only accept node operators with intel sgx to protect their data and everyday normal neets could take jobs from less critical (or private data) data retrieval tasks that developers require for their uses.

As for you not being able to stake big boy corporations data, I think linkpool could take care of that for a 20% slash on your profits (fair considering that running a node is not really passive).

>> No.9356902

Where and how are the NEETS going to get their data?

>> No.9356981

From their API's of course!
Read PDS2 open banking initiative.

>> No.9356985
File: 29 KB, 1281x310, Linkpool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Running your own node is difficult and requires time to set up and maintain. Its much easier to just use Linkpool.
Remember to join the crowdsale to be able to stake from the very beginning, see picture.

>> No.9357078


>> No.9357118

When do you think mainnet will be available?
Do you think people who didn't participate in the crowdsale will be able to stake soon after release?

>> No.9357168

Best case for mainnet is late August/September, but there is a really good chance it will happen in 2018.
Linkpool mentioned that they give priority to A) crowdsale contributors and B) People that registered on Linkpool a while ago (registration is closed since 2 month or so).
I think if you don't fall into A or B you might have ti wait a few weeks or so, also depending on how many Links you want to stake on the pool.

>> No.9357232

Thanks for responding.
Good info, I too think that mainnet release will be on September and we will see some price action until mid October.

>> No.9357244

Well, even if you can't stack your 300k linkies, you can just sell them instead and live off interest. If link reaches $100, you would have 30 million. That could generate around a million per year.

>> No.9357249

Guy from yesterday, yes big businesses will essentially centralize the decentralized oracle system, picking and choosing their oracles and data providers thus making the decentralized system fucking pointless.

Do you get it now?

>> No.9357367

Maybe this is good. Brainlet here, can someone elaborate on how Link's will be stored while being staked? Like if Link goes as big as everybody here wants it to then the security ramifications of Linkpool/staking would be immense. Would we have to trust them exchange style? Now many exchanges are pretty secure, but there is always still the risk. Is a couple random dudes at Linkpool really going to be able to pull of the security needed to be in possession of that much Link?

>> No.9357410

Im so mad when i see people talk about 300k link like its nothing

>> No.9357441

To add to my comment from before. (T. Chad banker here call LARP or whatever) running an oracle node for your company’s data is often times not a core competency. This will require institutions to create new teams and hire more people just for the upkeep and management of running a full node. That’s just idiotic. It’s much more cost and time efficient to sell a subscription access of your data to certified operators at a fixed fee to have stable cash flows. Let the volatility of the token price be put on the subcontract and have them manage the upkeep, security, etc

>> No.9357491
File: 266 KB, 851x849, Linkpool Security.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic from their whitepaper.

>> No.9357590

Lol you guys believe fucking anything. If that was the case then why fuck around with LINK, theyd be using oracles already.

The whole selling point of LINK is decentralisation, just like any crypto project.

>> No.9357678

I was honestly baffled when I saw 9/10 people actually even respond to the FUD seriously. If the world is so full of brainlets why the fuck am I so poor :(

>> No.9357724

I didn't say corporations would centralize the system. I said that maybe they could put some requirements for handling the sensitive data (like intel sgx). As for how they would know which operators are using trusted software i do not know, maybe a combination of permissioned Oracles (Microsoft Bletchey Cryplets) and decentralized independent operators could be used.

>> No.9357825

patience my pajeet

>> No.9358165


I made good money off ETH/NEO early 2017.

>> No.9358236

What is linkpool you dumb nigger

>> No.9358243


I don't want to pool with you pajeets.

>> No.9358596

Do you understand how ethereum contracts? If not you really have no business buying link tokens at all.