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File: 64 KB, 281x289, 48390309834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9355046 No.9355046 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck do 50% of you take more than 4 seconds to fit this puzzle piece? Or is this just psyops to make people feel better about themselves?

>> No.9355114

Are you fucking dumb?

>> No.9355124

Wow~ monster eats the image

>> No.9355156

It's all the asians who suck at basic puzzles. Try squinting really hard while doing this and you'll know what I mean.

>> No.9355177

>Or is this just psyops to make people feel better about themselves?
probably this, I was wondering the same, I'm always better than 99% or sth

>> No.9355180

you do realize that not everyone obsesses over every little thing in life, right anon?

sometimes im listening to music, doing homework, and decide to fire up binance for a quick check in

>> No.9355237


What do you expect

>> No.9355252

funds are eaten by the monster

>> No.9355265

Wow~ monster eats the image
Wow~ monster eats the image
Wow~ monster eats the image
Wow~ monster eats the image
Wow~ monster eats the image

>> No.9355273

Skewed endresults cause some are busy with other things at the same time. These captchas are also used on millions of faucet sites, skewing the results even more.

>> No.9355300

I didn't even realize until you posted this that it was a percentile score of how fast people solved it. I think the lowest I've ever gotten was like 80 after fucking it up a couple times then going real slow.

>> No.9355310

next time the monster eats my fucking image its gonna eat my fucking dick.

>> No.9355326

I thought the same until I had my waifu log me in once, she needs like 5 secs and then the monster hits cause she's so accurate

>> No.9355356

>what are laptops
>what are touchpads

>> No.9355699

think of how many people are trading absolutely shitfaced
there's your answer

>> No.9355714

you are now aware just how stupid your trading competition is.

>> No.9355734

I purposely take 20 seconds to drag that little fucker across the screen just to fuck with the statistics

>> No.9355789

>hehe got'em

>> No.9355791


>> No.9355798
File: 129 KB, 402x481, 20180510_090731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw always 70%

>> No.9355801

What’re you gonna do about it, fag?

>> No.9356099

what's that?
I don't recall seeing that.

>> No.9356115
File: 1.02 MB, 600x338, 2a6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you realize that 99% of login attempts are actually bots trying to brute force the puzzle system it all makes sense.

>> No.9356130


>> No.9356179

I solve them pretty quickly.

I just don't recall any of that text or whatever it is.

>> No.9356320

exactly. you're too slow. if you do it quickly enough, you'll see it

>> No.9356366

If you solve it too fast it thinks you're a bot and gives >>9355265, so I always take an extra few seconds

>> No.9356384

honestly, the monster eats the image message is what made me decide to mainly use Binance

it's cute

>> No.9356420

I'm doing it in less than 2s, and I'm not even trying.

>> No.9356492

What did they mean by this?

>> No.9356562

read the thread

>> No.9356703


>Try to withdraw 25 XRP from Binance to another account only to receive 5 XRP

I need help guys. Why is my 20 XRP held hostage?