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File: 133 KB, 1746x969, BlackHoleLTC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9354827 No.9354827 [Reply] [Original]

Probably the most hated coin on /biz/ but why?

>> No.9354876
File: 28 KB, 225x225, 7D047258-A7E6-4A89-BB30-917216C90179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw went all in at $310

>> No.9355068
File: 602 KB, 1600x1200, 1513863838328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The question is, why did you. I got in at $60. Unfortunately, I bought into WhaleBro's meme

>> No.9355371

Hodl tho

>> No.9355480

Most hated coin on biz is XRP big boss

>> No.9355498

Because Bcashies view it as a threat and fud it all the time.

>> No.9355531
File: 269 KB, 2048x1352, 1524499156404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No one views LTC as a threat to anything except to the intelligence of the people who purpose it.

Bitcoin Cash is quite literally the real Bitcoin and I'm not afraid of any shitcoin, be it XRP or BTC.

>> No.9355541



>> No.9355605
File: 37 KB, 400x400, ltc logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Probably the most hated coin on /biz/ but why?

As informed as /biz/ likes to pretend to be on the subject of cryptocurrency, when it comes to LTC, they got completely suckered on some of the most basic FUD around. The hatred of LTC on /biz/ stems almost entirely from Charlie Lee memes and "it's just a copy/paste of BTC" memes.

It's impossible to get people here to articulate any specific faults of the coin itself. Rather, discussions typically degenerate to "CHARLIE LEE SODL AT THE TOP XD DUMPED BAGS" It's the kind of celebrity-worship garbage that I would expect from normies, not the "informed" crowd that /biz/ likes to be. You would think that the people here would be the ones opposed to such irrelevant FUD by reminding people that LTC has been one of the most stable and consistently growing coins on the market; that LTC outperformed BTC even during its breakout year in 2017, and that it has a fantastic track record of growth. Instead, it just boils down to basic Charlie Lee memes.

>> No.9355630

or the fact that it's an utter shitcoin that does offers nothing new

>> No.9355727

Not most hated. One of the top tho.

Litecoin community is full of fags. Search #paywithlitecoin or #litecoinfam on Twitter and try not to kys.

Charlie Lee is a sack of shit who exit scammed at the top.

Not a trading pair.

Ctl+c ctl+v*2 of bitcoin. It’s a useless shitcoin only bought by low iq nor keys on Coinbase. Only on coinbase because coblee scammed it on there when he worked there.

Marius says it’ll be worth $1,483 a month ago so hang onto those lite coins guys

>> No.9355745

>s-s-shitcoin! It's a shitcoin!

That's all you have? You replied just to pathetically lob a generic insult? Thank you for proving my point.

>offers nothing new
This may be difficult for a January kiddie such as yourself to understand, but LTC has been around since 2011. Talking about it offering "nothing new" in 2018, as if it has something to prove when it has already been on the market for 7 years, is ridiculous. What do all of your 2017/2018-born ERC20 shit-tokens offer that is "new"?

But it turns out that you're still wrong, because LTC is still the front-runner when it comes to implementing and testing new tech (see SegWit), often tested on the LTC network before implementation into BTC

>> No.9355748


So imagine you have a revolutionary project. Something new, done from scratch, with hard work and genius vision. Something for the History books.

Then goes somebody, copy paste it, add a logo, speculate with it, and ask: "why is my coin hated"?

Dude, BCash, Litecoin, Bitcoin Diamond, etc. are all the same shit that deserves no money nor attention, just hate and/or being ignored. If you cannot understand it, then you are part of the problem.

>> No.9355750


>> No.9355765

Found the bag holder

>> No.9355833

Its the most boring coin

>> No.9355839

Continuing to prove my point about the brainlets who have an irrational hatred of LTC based entirely on memes and herd mentality. Thank you. Re-read my post here:
You can read it a couple of times if need be, and at a slower speed to make sure that you fully understand the post. You're seconding a post that does nothing but call it a "shitcoin" and spouting memes about bag holding. Do you have any actual, specific criticisms of the coin that you wish to articulate?

>> No.9355883

Rather than be a cunt about how awesome your bags are. Sell me on litecoin. Why should I invest. And drink some bleach.

>> No.9355957

Here why I think it’s shit

1. Nothing revolutionary. Literally copypasta of bitcoin and test net for bitcoin. Why the fuck would I invest in a beta product?
2. Not a trading pair.
3. Litepay fuck up. How can anyone trust litecoin foundation after that disaster
4. Charlie lee personally reached out to know n scammed Marius Landman and invited him to private lunch. Great due diligence Charlie.
5. Charlie hypes other projects on Twitter. Litecoin better off if he left.

It’s a shitcoin.

>> No.9355984

You tell me to drink bleach and then want me to sell you on Litecoin? Clearly you haven't read my posts, but sure, I'll spoonfeed you from what I have already posted in this thread

>LTC has been one of the most stable and consistently growing coins on the market; that LTC outperformed BTC even during its breakout year in 2017, and that it has a fantastic track record of growth.
>LTC is still the front-runner when it comes to implementing and testing new tech (see SegWit), often tested on the LTC network before implementation into BTC

>> No.9356095
File: 80 KB, 1600x1026, ltc vs btc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1. Nothing revolutionary. Literally copypasta of bitcoin and test net for bitcoin. Why the fuck would I invest in a beta product?
>Literally copypasta
Objectively wrong. See pic

>Nothing revolutionary
See my above post. Try and keep up with the discussion.

There is also great value in being the front-runner of new tech and getting it before BTC

>2. Not a trading pair.
Like most other coins? It's still one of the most commonly used coins to transfer wealth between exchanges

>3. Litepay fuck up. How can anyone trust litecoin foundation after that disaster
Yep. Litepay was a mistake, but it's one that they have owned up to and have moved on from. There's already another payment processing project in the works to make up for what was lost with Litepay

>4. Charlie lee personally reached out to know n scammed Marius Landman and invited him to private lunch. Great due diligence Charlie.
First, he's not a "known scammer" just because he's not popular on /biz/ and doesn't have the greatest track record. Like him or not, (and I'm not a fan of his either) Marius is still a prominent figure in the crypto community. As such, there is nothing wrong with Charlie meeting him for lunch, especially since he is clearly bullish (to a fault) on LTC

>5. Charlie hypes other projects on Twitter. Litecoin better off if he left.
Hypes? No. Talks about? Yes. It's obvious from just a passing glance that Charlie's Twitter is entirely devoted to LTC. The man is Tweeting about it literally everyday
>It’s a shitcoin.
Nah. You're shit

>> No.9356178
File: 41 KB, 680x453, 1465277_10152057572652008_1818969107_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Objectively wrong. See pic
Changed 3 parameters, making the coin even worse.
>See my above post. Try and keep up with the discussion.
We saw it, it was trash. If anything, it reiterates why LTC is a complete trashcoin that should be worth 0
>Like most other coins? It's still one of the most commonly used coins to transfer wealth between exchanges
ETH and BCH have trading pairs now, so nobody needs LTC except for retards who listen to /r/bitcoin fud about these two objectively better coins
>Yep. Litepay was a mistake, but it's one that they have owned up to and have moved on from.
Bernie Madoff also owned up to his scam, how does that make things better, kek
> There's already another payment processing project in the works to make up for what was lost with Litepay
Litepal? It was promised for April 1st. Or maybe a third one that will also never see the light of day?
>First, he's not a "known scammer" just because he's not popular on /biz/ and doesn't have the greatest track record. Like him or not, (and I'm not a fan of his either) Marius is still a prominent figure in the crypto community. As such, there is nothing wrong with Charlie meeting him for lunch, especially since he is clearly bullish (to a fault) on LTC
Idk if he's a scammer or a retard, but his price predictions were laughable before the date he set for them, and they're especially laughable today. He'll dump his bags eventually, just like Charlie Lee did
>Hypes? No. Talks about? Yes. It's obvious from just a passing glance that Charlie's Twitter is entirely devoted to LTC. The man is Tweeting about it literally everyday
>entirely devoted
I mean he made millions out of the people who he dumped on, might as well post a few tweets to make it look like he cares about his bagholders. Words speak louder than actions for LTC bagholders, but then again, the average IQ over there is sub 70

>> No.9356409
File: 43 KB, 470x470, 357C0C27-2F8D-4420-8408-B950086C54DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9356581


bcash is waging a war on btc/ltc. most paid shills of any coin, their pockets are extremely deep

ltc performance has been outstanding last 18 months or so. i think theres a high probability we see some ridiculous move to $1k+ in the next 6 months. a worst case scenario is it only follows btc and ends up at like a stable $300-400(with btc around 30k).

literally cant lose on this coin

>> No.9356674

Why? You think his post
was any better than yours? You're both retards

>Changed 3 parameters, making the coin even worse.
Are we playing spot the differences? You might have missed a few in that picture. Oops! Practice on the one I have provided. Also, can you explain why you believe the differences make the coin "worse"?
>We saw it, it was trash. If anything, it reiterates why LTC is a complete trashcoin that should be worth 0
No, it doesn't. LTC is 7 years old now and still gets new tech first.
>ETH and BCH have trading pairs now, so nobody needs LTC except for retards who listen to /r/bitcoin fud about these two objectively better coins
You didn't even address the point. Why is LTC still one of the most commonly used coins to transfer wealth between exchanges?
>Litepal? It was promised for April 1st. Or maybe a third one that will also never see the light of day?
Litepal has already launched. Oops! And it was actually slated to launch in February, which it did. Double Oops! Stay uninformed, jackass
>Idk if he's a scammer or a retard, but his price predictions were laughable before the date he set for them, and they're especially laughable today. He'll dump his bags eventually, just like Charlie Lee did
Yeah, I already said that Marius is bullish to a fault. I don't like him. You don't like him. /biz/ doesn't like him. That's fine, but he's still a prominent figure and there's nothing wrong with Charlie at least meeting with him for lunch.
>I mean he made millions out of the people who he dumped on, might as well post a few tweets to make it look like he cares about his bagholders. Words speak louder than actions for LTC bagholders, but then again, the average IQ over there is sub 70
>blah blah charlie lee hurrrrrrrr durrrrrrrr dumped bags durrrrrr JUST SODL XD hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrr bagholders
You LTC fudders can't go 10 minutes without your Charlie Lee memes

>> No.9356689
File: 50 KB, 329x329, spot_the_difference_bigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your pic. See if you can find all of the differences

>> No.9356739

Its also a blatant copy/paste of the Lakers logo.

>> No.9356858
File: 182 KB, 420x420, 1524445385111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Also, can you explain why you believe the differences make the coin "worse"?
2.5 average block time raises the risk of orphans/collisions without bringing any benefit.
SHA256 uses Boneh-Franklin Encoding for bi-linear parring and might even end up being quantum resistant. Scrypt is just a shitty hashing algo.
Halvening time is not changed (just adjusted to block time)
>No, it doesn't. LTC is 7 years old now and still gets new tech first.
Ropsten still gets new tech faster than eth killer attempts and it costs $0. Which is exactly how much testnet coins are worth
>You didn't even address the point. Why is LTC still one of the most commonly used coins to transfer wealth between exchanges?
Because of /r/bitcoin fud on better coins? It's still more expensive than BCH and has nowhere near the ETH pairings, so it makes 0 sense to actually use it for inter-exchange transfer over BCH and ETH
>Litepal has already launched. Oops! And it was actually slated to launch in February, which it did. Double Oops! Stay uninformed, jackass
Sorry, last time I checked it said "24 hour maintenance" and it did so for a week. Almost as reliable as BTC, kek.
Btw, is Litepaid still linked from the LTC website. They exit scammed and don't even pay for the domain name anymore...
>Yeah, I already said that Marius is bullish to a fault. I don't like him. You don't like him. /biz/ doesn't like him. That's fine, but he's still a prominent figure and there's nothing wrong with Charlie at least meeting with him for lunch.
Ok, so he gave brainlets some false promise, which is why we don't like him. Any reason why we SHOULD like him, has he achieved anything? (srs question btw, I haven't researched him cause I don't care, but there must be SOME reason why he's popular)
>You LTC fudders can't go 10 minutes without your Charlie Lee memes
Well, LTC is Charlie Lee's scam, and he kinda owns it. With him it's an obvious scam, without him there's no-one to copy+paste code from core repos

>> No.9357633

The only reason why this coin is worth anything is that somehow it got listed on Coinbase. That's it.

>> No.9357809

Nah, it's just useless. Forget that its creator sold ATH it doesn't really matter because he explained it and let it be. The coin by itself has some advantages such as fast transactions, being known for quite some time, and anyone can purchase it on coinbase. But after thinking a minute you will realize that this thing is already outdated or will be in near future. Lightning network, more coins on coinbase and variety of different projects gonna destroy it.

>> No.9357880

>that does offers nothing
Nailed it