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File: 892 KB, 1000x563, bitcoin crash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9354322 No.9354322 [Reply] [Original]

What happened to all of the people talking about how BTC is guaranteed to retrace to $3k? When will that happen? Is TA legitimate at all, or is it really just tea leaf reading?

>> No.9354341

Imagine being the type of dumbfuck who makes a thread like this.

>> No.9354356

You're an even bigger dumbfuck because you wasted everyone's time making this asinine reply

>> No.9354361

It will go to 12k and back to 3k.

Screencap this

>> No.9354382

Stay triggered, idiot.

>> No.9354399

It will. Doesn't have to go in a straight line.

>> No.9354421

I love how all those idiots think bitcoin will somehow go 3k while their shitcoins profit. Also it will never happen. 6k possible, 3k only a shill's wet dream.

>> No.9354433


>> No.9354438


>> No.9354605

I don't see how it could go to 3k to be honest, everyone would be climbing over each other to get them at that price which would just end up raising the price again no?

>> No.9354859

It absolutely will return to $3,000 (and probably quite a bit lower for a while, to be honest). It may take some time to get there, and there will be many failed rallies along the way (like this one).

Altcoins won't profit, either. A temporary relief rally doesn't change the fact that we're in a bear market, nor the fact that that bear market is likely to last another year or two.

>> No.9354905
File: 703 KB, 800x863, 1500510176269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TA is a yard stick.
It'll tell you how long your dick is, but it can't tell you if you're going to get hit by a car tomorrow.

It's an easy way to make best-guess trades around support and resistance levels, but you must structure your trades to mitigate the risk of your analysis decaying in the chaos.

>> No.9354949

Kek. 6k seller spotted. Still time to hop on for the next leg to 12k, anon.

>> No.9355560

>and there will be many failed rallies along the way (like this one).
it's been doing nothing but trudging along for over a month now, anon. When will we stop and go back to 3k? I am genuinely interested

>> No.9355920

TA doesn't work in a market where the price is driven by the farts of whales.

>> No.9356014


How can you be that sure? We're currently flooded with positive news regarding crypto and it's regulation, almost no ban fud, institutional interest, governments investing in blockchain projects. We didn't have those things in 2017 and the price surged like no tomorrow. Selling/tethering now would be the biggest mistake in your life if you don't need the money to life.

>> No.9356109

I like how no one seems to be recognize the possibility that the coin could actually increase in value

>> No.9356180

muh impossible cope

>> No.9356215

yea its gonna happen better watch out

>> No.9356231

Fundamentals don't matter in crypto, have a look at declining google searchs about crypto.

>> No.9356250

Ta derived from
Brainlets doesnt work. I did my own ta and got the bottom to be around 7-8k i was pretty much right

>> No.9356299


Who cares about normies searching for their coins? It's like in every other industry, they'll spend their pocket money for the last piece of the cake.

>> No.9356312

Yeah those were the guys that remortgaged their house and bought at the top.