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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9352933 No.9352933 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here has that? How did you achieve it?

>> No.9352950

140$ daily. Inheritance.

>> No.9353049

Yes. Own rentals

>> No.9353310

Staking shitcoins.

>> No.9353435

I make 50 dollars a day with my miners.

>> No.9353483

$40 on translation jobs

>> No.9353491

oh wait, that's not passive income, nvm

>> No.9353502

How big was your initial investment?

>> No.9353505 [DELETED] 

>open patreon
>start shit game with fetishes like futa and furry
>publish a demon and one more every 5 months
>cash rolls in
thank me later

>> No.9353508

In Upwork?

>> No.9353515

Hit $30 per day with 4 GPUs, now around $12.

>> No.9353532

Is it passive if it's technically a job but you do nothing?
I'm technically a manager, but I automated and delegated parts of my job for months until now I just exist to collect my paycheck.

Comes out to approximately €30 a day for one hour of work per month

>> No.9353564

If you actually have to show up to work and sit at your desk from 9 to 5 it's definitely not passive.

That's a big restriction on your personal freedom.

>> No.9353645

I invested in Bitcoin Trader

>> No.9353712

I work from home

>> No.9353720

0xbitcoin mining

you're welcome

>> No.9353735

I have a hard time believing that a company is going to pay you $30/day ($600/month?) for one hour of work per month but okay. Congrats if it's true. You better hope they don't find out that you're useless and fire you.

>> No.9353758

I said €30, not $30.
And I counted 7 days per week, not 5, since there's no real "off days" in what we do.

If they fire me, my automation and delegated jobs come with me, so they'll just have to hire someone else for the same price to do the same job, but worse.
But for that to even happen, the person in charge of hiring and firing would have to complain.

Too bad that's me.

>> No.9353876

What GPU's are you using now?

>> No.9353897

Honestly, a lot bigger than it should have been. It's definitely been more than a 20k+ investment, but presuming that ether holds its price, it will pay itself off in over a year. I lost a lot of money on buying a pair of RX56 Vegas when I could have bought eight GTX1060's for the same price, all while consuming less power pet hash and getting more overall hashrate.

>> No.9353942

I went all in on antshares at 3$. I make like .6-.7 gas a day

>> No.9353946

I make 0.01 btc a day from affiliates

>> No.9353981

tell us how anon

>> No.9354002

Learn to translate

>> No.9354053

This is my goal. I only have fucking 40 NEO.

>> No.9354080

I know how to.
But where can I get opportunity to translate for cash?

>> No.9354098

$200+ mostly passive (2 clicks per day at 12 hours intervals) per day on ethergoo
it can't last forever, but i'll milk it while i can

>> No.9354148
File: 2.40 MB, 800x450, phore.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Between $70-120 a day off PHR masternodes. In early January I was making like $600+ a day.

>> No.9354172

I’m currently at 30$/day… I think 50$ is ok - still working to get there. (land rental / mining / dividends ).

>> No.9354188

Interested as well

>> No.9354217

masternodes. was $80 last time i checked

>> No.9354246

DCR staking.
1,3 DCR = 100$ per day

>> No.9354271

look at this turd's account
he makes 2500 dollars per day 365 days by just writing shitty articles from his home

>> No.9354282

How does that work
Quick rundown?

>> No.9354318

What about bots, biztards? Does anyone using them? Is that legal & profitable stuff?

>> No.9354436


>> No.9354444

anyone telling you masternodes are good is either a shill or retard
don't fall for it

>> No.9354455


>> No.9354487

Got 168k linkies lined up for when staking goes live

>> No.9354528


>> No.9354533
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i've seen erotic game creators (even just interactive twine stories) get absurd amounts of money off of patreon for very little work, using cliché stories and webms from /gif/

as long as you cater to something sexual that's either obscure or original or in some way hard to find from regular mainstream porn, and you observe a minimum quality requirement (no spelling errors and all that) you can absolutely make a killing

>> No.9354579
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P3D Gives me about 100$ a day with 1000 tokens, i used to be earning like 600$ a day when it had more volume, but it's volume based passive income so...

They essentially just route all dev fees to the community as a token system, very unique, token is backed entirely by ethereum and all buys/sells are done via a smart contract. Went up to nearly 40$ a token a few months ago.

It's kinda a meme coin, but they're releasing an extension to it like this week or the next they call "Fomo3d" which people are speculating is going to become the new hot-shit dapp and anyone owning p3d gets paid from it with the dev fees, so it's really cool.

Just don't buy into literally anything else that says its the same model, there's a criminal group who copy/pasted the concept and use it as the new pump-and-dump scheme fleecing unknowing players out of tons of money.

>> No.9354937

I make about $60/day doing phone tech support for 3 small businesses around town.

>> No.9354960
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Do NOT do this.
Upwork, Gengo, all of these "Job platform" sites are fucking scams.
You're working for less than a sixth of the market rate for that kind of job, you're earning no references or actual clients, and NOTHING of what you're doing will count as "work experience" when you're 30 and you'll have to explain a massive void from your 20s onwards.

Go into interpreting, tourist guide jobs, game or published material, ANYTHING but those scam sites.
You're wasting hours, days and weeks of your life for meagre amounts of money with returns lower than panhandling, without getting any experience, training, or real world references from it.

>> No.9354985

Which programs?

>> No.9355145
File: 23 KB, 489x423, 1515102317825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone help a brainlet out.
Which coins have masternodes and how do I start one?
In desperate need of spoonfeeding

>> No.9355319

How do I get the game to start? I click play now and nothing happens

>> No.9355375

what the fuck is this?

>> No.9355430

PFR has trust nodes. 10k minimum needed.

>> No.9355441

I do from my syscoin masternode. It's pretty nice to have a passive income.

>> No.9355488

You buy DCR and stake them.
You enable the ticket buyer in the wallet that buys tickets for you which vote on blocks. You get the price of the ticket back + a reward (1,3 DCR at the moment).
With 2k DCR that's about 20 tickets that I have. about 50% of all tickets in the ticket pool get chosen each month, and with ticket rebuying about 30 tickets from me get a reward each month. So there you go, 100$ each day.

>> No.9355673

you need metamask, it's a game on ethereum

competitive idle game
but i'll warn you right away, without extensive research, initial investment and optimal moves there's very little chance of making money off this

>> No.9355707
File: 633 KB, 1020x550, who dis.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon. advice taken.

>> No.9356104
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Powh3d has been giving me over 20$ a day during this down trend. Back when the markets were going down and p3d up I was making wayyy more

>> No.9356127
File: 873 KB, 666x958, pepetrader.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9356165

I'm a student translator and looking for some work on the side too, Upwork is fucking shit indeed, takes 20% off your gains lmao
Do you have any recommendations on where I could do some translating on the side?

>> No.9356765

Absolute mastermind

>> No.9356821


How do I git gud? I'm willing to toss a few ETH into this.

>> No.9356888


>> No.9356976

Holding 2 Walton Guardian Masternodes (amongst other things), at current prices netted me around 70$ per day calculated on a daily basis (payout is actually only twice a year). I will start mining after token swap so it will be more then and if the price goes up of course.

>> No.9357502

buy proof of trevon james tewkens. collect passive income every day. profit.

>> No.9357514

Most bizlets under 25 don't even realize real estate is the true redpill for moneymaking.

>> No.9357981

I make about $30 per day from 5 masternodes. These are mature MNs, having completed their initial dump and stabilized prices for a few weeks. Total invested is about $2k

>> No.9358390

Very nice. Is that post-tax? What's the principal?

>> No.9358422

It's not exactly passive (which I don't mind), but RE really does seem like a good opportunity. Any tips? I've been looking at houses but I've been shifting my outlook a bit and thinking about trying to get an investment property rather than a regular first home for myself. I can't get a mortgage but I do have about 100k in capital right now, which is what a cheap house in my area costs (very low COL but safe area in the Midwest).

Not sure what the best course of action would be. I assume it's probably to get to a point where I can secure multiple mortgages and get multiple properties, renting them out. I've also been looking at duplexes which seem good—I'd love to live in half and rent out the other half.

>> No.9358435

30-40 year roi, truly a great investment.

>> No.9358451

dont buy property now

>> No.9358461

>dont buy property now
Seems like half of everyone says it's gonna crash and the other half say it'll keep going up for at least another decade. What's your opinion and can you give me any advice?

>> No.9358480

>30-40 year roi, truly a great investment.
But you have equity, so anything over cost is profit starting immediately

>> No.9358486

very hard to get on the real estate ladder as a normal under 25 year old, unless you live in america or other third world countries

>> No.9358535


My roi on my rental is 1year

>>9352933 (OP) #
10$/day from rental
5$/day from my trade bot
+ An insignificant amount from boomer dividends

Currently working on getting the bot up to 10$/d and then probably another rental. I'd really like to get started on the dividends but the other methods are faster for me currently

>> No.9358543

>My roi on my rental is 1year
What the fuck

>> No.9358545

house prices are basically a function of interest rates, don't be a retard

>> No.9358548

Buy property that cash flows. Real estate is not an asset. It is a liability until paid off. Cash flow is king and will save you.

>> No.9358550

So your point is what exactly? Rates aren't going down. Why don't you elaborate a bit?

>> No.9358558

Cloud meadow

>> No.9358562

How's that different from any tangible investment or commodity etc?

>> No.9358573

>Rates aren't going down.
exactly, so house prices are going to go down even if they don't crash (they will crash, houses in the US, UK, CAN, AUS are in a massive bubble)

>> No.9358578

U r gay

>> No.9358595

>exactly, so house prices are going to go down even if they don't crash (they will crash, houses in the US, UK, CAN, AUS are in a massive bubble)
And what is your projected time frame? Houses in my area have practically doubled in price since the '08 crash, but they're still relatively affordable

>> No.9358601


Here's a different perspective, buy now or buy decades from now

No we are not at the market lows but there's no threat of crash on the horizon. With the rising fed rates you could very easily be looking at twice the interest in the next 5 years. So unless you are planning to buy cash it'll be cheaper to buy now

>> No.9358631


I rent it out for about x2 the mortgage so I make the equivalent of my down payment every year in profit

>> No.9358646

2 years max much more likely 6 months to a year, don't get me wrong - im also buying property but im doing it first by buying gold first then the property later. Don't make big financial decisions like this without educating yourself even just basically on macro econ. Buy gold instead and buy a whole load more rental property later.

>> No.9358670


>> No.9358678

Fucking devilish

>> No.9358682

Because your Kim Kardashians panty collection and coffee are not going to be tied substantially to market swings.

>> No.9358690

I will do my own research, but can you give me the rundown on why you're buying gold right now? It's also at a similar high to RE. Are you expecting it to maintain value during the downturn and planning on rolling that into RE?

>> No.9358804

no im planning on it increaseing in value at least five fold, I don't know what re is but im buying gold right now becasue what ever happens its the best play. If the economy keeps expanding and markets keep making new highs inflation is going to explode (this won't happen though, but this is the worst case senario, and gold does well as a hedge against inflation) or rising rates are going to small a recession (like has happened every time in history when rates increase) but becasue of the extreamly high levels of debt at the moment its going to cause a massive deleveraging that will make 2008 seem like a meme, and the only thing that stopped 2008 becomeing like the great depression was central bank medling (10 years of 0% interest, 4 rounds of qe, etc) what the fuck are they going to do now? drop rates? there already at 0.5% in my country (uk) at the end of the economic cycle. More QE? if they do any more qe they will basically own every company in the us, the dollar would go more to shit etc. A massive crash is coming, and nothing can be done this time to kick the can down the road. Gold will massivly increase in value whilst everything falls meaning im going to be picking up loads of bargin properties.

>> No.9358806

what trade bot?

>> No.9358841

>Gold will massivly increase in value whilst everything falls meaning im going to be picking up loads of bargin properties.
A cursory search reveals that gold rallied during the recession around 2008, so I guess what you're saying seems at least plausible. How much of your portfolio is comprised of gold?

>> No.9358847

Real estate is localized so getting advice from a guy in Australia is not going to help much if you're in USA, advice from someone in LA or NY will differ from someone in the Midwest

Would recommend searching Google for your areas chief economist. They should have some sort of monthly data that'll give a good picture where things are heading

>> No.9358851

99.95% not including half a house I own but can't sell

>> No.9358860

thanks for the heads up
why can't you sell it? and holy shit, that's insane
no crypto?

>> No.9358895


I use pt but there is a bunch that work good. The setup is much more important than the brand of bot. Would recommend choosing something other than pt, I bought earlier when it was a better deal, kinda expensive for what it is now

>> No.9358906

yeah I have crypto thats the small percentage, I only have like 2k in crypto. I can't sell the house becasue I inherited it and someone is still living in it and I can't sell it until they have died (not that I would kick them out even if that wasn't in the clause) but yeah thats why

>> No.9358935

bot is for crytpo or stocks?

>> No.9358941

How'd you come to these conclusions? Other than the obvious "it's common sense, DYOR retard"-type stuff, can you give me any additional info? Do you frequent any boards that discuss this in detail and share your outlook? I realize it means nothing, but MSM in general still seems to be super bullish on the world economy (granted that that might be a red flag on its own)

But you don't hear many people suggest going 100% on gold nowadays, so if you have any suggestions as far as resources go, I'd love to hear them

>> No.9358979


I use it for crypto but there is some bots that do both

>> No.9358990

Im an econ student but if you look into any of the personalities/celbrities/economists from the austrian school they are all saying the same thing. If I was to suggest just one book to read to get a better grasp on the economy it would be mise's theory of money and credit, and actually the austrian business cycle theory too, if you read and understand them you will no more than 99% of the population (including professional keynesian econcucks)

>> No.9359002

thx anon

>> No.9359051

Over last 15 years I've laddered Certificate of Deposits at various interest rates.

Interest rates are shit, but it adds up, simple for example:

> Buy 3 CDs, 12month, 18month 24th month.
> When the 12 month expires, take the cashout and buy another 24 month.
> Repeat for 10 years.

You're welcome.

>> No.9359079


>> No.9359152

I run a crypto signals discord and it's completely auto pilot now.

Initially I was working hard inviting people, but now it's self fulfilling because there's an incentive for users to spam, in order to get free membership.

So I'm in a position now that everything runs smoothly automated and the users grow the community.

>> No.9359173

You still give signals or is it a bot that does that?

>> No.9359183

i make 2-6 dollars per day with my youtube channel (some days i make much more if i get view spikes or a video starts gaining traction). I basically just post whatever I feel like making, and occasionally I'll put up videos on topics that I think get a lot of views (snippets from speeches, political commentary, etc). I plan to keep posting videos until I have hundreds on my channel, each collecting a handful of views per day.

>> No.9359247

The signals are scraped from other sources. We just aggregrate.

>> No.9359302

Fucken checked!
Quads of truth.

>> No.9359893

What is your rate? Chances are you're not even beating inflation with a CD

>> No.9360015

as a starting point, you want to get your hands on all the data you can, make your own spreadsheets and calculations. keep an eye on the discord for new changes affecting the balance
if you want a quick getting started guide:
take a 2.5 ETH investment as a starting point
buy 0.5 eth worth of goo on emoon (p2p marketplace)
buy a few pigs with it, then buy all the upgrades for them up to the 10th (that will cost you about 2 eth)
spend all your remaining goo in pig units
this will put you at around 20-25m of production per second right off the bat, which is 0.4% of global prod
from that point you can grow your pig army to catch up to global production, put your goo in the goo deposit box to get ETH back faster, or a mix of the two
it's likely there will be a new production unit released soon, so the optimal strategy right this moment could be to get acquainted with the rules and numbers without actually making a move. once the new unit is released, crunch the numbers to see if it's an even better investment than pigs, then make a decision

>> No.9360799

That's not passive you autistic polygot

>> No.9360814


>> No.9360870


self-published novels. Have a sci fi series and a fantasy series, hobby. Just pay a bit for cursory editing and cover art. Have also written some erotica under a pen name. Not easy and a lot of work, but nets me about 20k a year after expenses.

>> No.9360914


>> No.9361201

Melt it down and mold it into a big throbbing cock

>> No.9361241


Invest in Proof of Rare Pepe http://porp.online

>> No.9361398

Buy silver now, wait for the fucking meltdown, sell when it hits 50, then buy property at that time
This is extremely hard to fuk up guys

>> No.9361426

$30 a day from a search engine evaluation job that I hire a pajeet to do

>> No.9361484

elaborate, you're hired as QA and outsource it to a pajeet?

>> No.9361605

ha nice trips fag

>> No.9361733

why are they bad?

>> No.9361784
File: 82 KB, 800x600, 558ea1_523045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's easy. Just make a sign and sit on a street corner all day. Guaranteed $150/day in a place like NYC.

>> No.9361811

Who dis??

>> No.9362002

I make around $9k/month with my masternodes

>> No.9362112

kudos. whats the job?

>> No.9362358

About $50-100 give or take a day. Amazon FBA

>> No.9362360

how does one go about setting up a master node

>> No.9362602

Wait which crypto is this? Power Ledger? It seems interesting

>> No.9362618


How many do you have staked?

>> No.9362702

>$6/day PoS staking
>$5/day real estate managed by property manager
>$1/day in crypto streaming video ads off earncrypto

>> No.9362920

what shitcoins you recommend?

>> No.9362955

thanks anon

>> No.9362989

why silver over gold?

>> No.9363011

But was there ever a time when austrian economists weren't saying that the global economy would collapse ?

>> No.9363048

If they can prove you created the automation scripts/programs while on the clock then legally it's the property of the company and they can sue you for them

>> No.9363069


How/where did you sell the erotica?

>> No.9363073

Redpill me on PayFair. It seems like a great, easy way for passive income especially when most of my day is occupied wageslaving. I know 10k is the trust node mark but what is the likelihood PFR succeeds as an exchange?

>> No.9363112

Not if he used his own machine to code it from home.

>> No.9363243


Also interested in this, would appreciate

>> No.9363281
File: 124 KB, 640x480, IMG_2773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eight 1060's wouldnt get you 4k h/s on cryptonight you dumb nigger.
And I hope you are mining sumo instead of shithereum with those babies

>> No.9363284


Self-publish through Amazon and ibooks, google play, other places. Read some in the genre to get an idea of what the old ladies want and go for it.

>> No.9363339

I've been making about 10usd selling cbd to boomers through an affiliate site. It's an mlm which I didn't like much but the company has been legit

Had some cbd and got it to some boomers and they kept bothering me for more

calmcbd.myctfocbd.com is the url. Doing surprisingly well. Lots of aching boomers

>> No.9363388

That's garbage for return lol. Like $200000 invested and you only pull 100 a day

>> No.9363414

for real? I can source huge amounts of cbd wholesale I just didn't know there was that much of a demand....hmmmm.

>> No.9363483

Sure, CD ladders are cool. But why would you do this with CDs and not treasuries?

Skip SALT, better liquidity, same level of safety.

>> No.9363526

Yeah they can't keep it on the shelf at my local Coop. I just started selling the vit b12 cbd to them. That site gets you products at wholesale too.

Pretty cool

>> No.9363542

Because it's cheaper. Way more satisfying to have $1000 worth of silver bars than one measly ounce of silver. Same type of exposure with precious metals. Also arguably has better industrial applications than gold.

>> No.9363551

Damn really? What state are you in if you don't mind me asking. Good shit anon..

>> No.9363598

Ohio. Newly medical. That site ships to all states but Kansas lol

>> No.9363619

DeviantCoin, get in early still...just stake in wallet

>> No.9363628

i rent two art galleries, breaks down to ~160 daily
yes, inheritance

>> No.9363691

Wacking off and trading crypto, faggot.

>> No.9363715


>> No.9363761

It's like a doctor looking at an obese guy at McDonald's and saying he'll have a heart attack. It's obvious he's going to have that heart attack but who can say when? That's also assuming he doesn't die from cancer first.

>> No.9363798

Thanks man, is there a community forum for this yet?

>> No.9363825


Well its easy anon. I got 21.000 ARK giving me 5.8 ARK a day from staking in DPOS. And thats with current prices (lol)

>> No.9363834


Ohio anon here, I'm going to check that out...I'm in the Northeastern area

>> No.9363862


>> No.9363908

Hes a larp

>> No.9364146

Holy shit you actually believed the meme

>> No.9364164

Thx fren. Reach out through the site if you want. Pretty excited about it 2bh

>> No.9364166
File: 1.08 MB, 658x1256, 1515704537711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coinsave.io referral system is lit

>> No.9364631

Managing teams for a pay site
I won't say anything further because I know for a fact some of my underlings are *channers

Even if they could prove that, they would have to discover they exist in the first place.
And even if they got them, they're spaghetti code that only works for the extremely specific conditions on my system, so they're completely useless aside for YLYL threads on /g/

>> No.9365010

invested 10k usd in ltc when it was 330usd, now i got 200 ltc, all through a telegram bot

>> No.9365216

You only need 1M dollars for 3k dollars passive income.

>> No.9365235


>> No.9365506 [DELETED] 

My wife.

You can look but you can't touch.

>> No.9365518

Stock with 4% dividend.