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File: 13 KB, 350x200, privacyCoins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9349461 No.9349461 [Reply] [Original]

Including low cap coins such as COLX or XSH, what are your thoughts on the potential strengths and weaknesses for the vast selection of privacy coins for the year?

>> No.9349470

COLX is literally a better version of Verge in every way.

>> No.9349521

>no mention of masari, haven, dero, sumo

try again

>> No.9349549


but tbqh these privacy coins will be illegal soon enough

>> No.9349610

First off, its just a stock image. I'm not going to gather the logos for every damn coin. And in the post I said "such as", not "these are the only ones I want discussed". I want peoples opinions on every privacy coins potential, so yes, shill your mentions please.

>> No.9349667


I dont have the highest hopes, OP. Of course I was burned badly in my nono square by XSPEC so that could be highly biased.

>> No.9349675


Top 3 anonymous coins

>> No.9349748

Turtle coin

>> No.9349765
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Masari. DYOR.

Dero has a major purpose than being a privacy coin. Maybe the private ethereum.

>> No.9349772

I have not gone into privacy coins as of yet, but looking for some good jumping off points. So any questions I have are not meant as fud. Do you base that on the popularity or tech?

>> No.9349803

I am into BTCP. Can shill you if you want, otherwise screencap this (etc...)

>> No.9349811


Most privacy coins are just re-using the same 3 technologies

RSA accumulators(Zcoin)
Coinjoin+ring signatures(monero)

Monero and Zcoin both have great devs and regular updates. Zencash is iffy but it doesn't have the shitty developers Zcash has. It's sort of a social media platform by itself.

Komodo does similiar things to zencash but it's a DEX

>> No.9349819

My intention is dyor after I narrow the massive selection down a bit. I'm sure going further into it would reveal most of what I would need to know, but do you have a quick summary as to why you believe in Masari?

>> No.9349826

Shill away, its what I want to see. Anything to spark interest in one over the others will prompt more research.

>> No.9349849

So far I've been leaning to Monero, and now looking into the Masari fork, but only because Monero is the only one I know a damn about.

>> No.9349987

Its the only privacy coin aimed at normies.
Verge, Monero etc are weird and creepy even to crypto geeks. No one wants to buy socks with the coin from that pornhub ad.
Zcash doesnt know wtf they're doing, their branding is garbage.
It has 2mb blocks every 2.5 mins so its already faster than btc, and lightning is coming.
Uses zksnarks, which is regarded as probably the strongest privacy tech.
The roadmap looks amazing but there are big questionmarks over the dev teams competancy, which will only be answered by delivering results.
Biz still treats it as a garbage joke coin, which is what I look for in an investment.

>> No.9350003

The XMR fork that have more conditions to be for Monero what Litecoin is for Bitcoin. No premine, good community, good devs, some good differences of Monero, like the default minimum RingCT size of 12, one best DAA implemented, and pretends to implement some new things in the future, like uncle mining and block tree.

>> No.9350081

What about enigma?

>> No.9350446

Buy BCN, wait for it get listed on a new exchange, then dommmp eeeeet.

>> No.9350705

No sumokoin?


>> No.9350712

Peepcoin. It's the same as buying COLX or Electra at 2 sats.

>> No.9350814
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No low cap privacy coin has as much growth potential as Masari. Dev intends to push upstream to Monero whenever possible and--as >>9350003 mentions--is committed to scaling through sharding/creation of a "blocktree."

If you're looking at it as an investment it's only pumped really hard once and has been finding a floor over the past few days. No premine and only ~ five million mined thus far.

>> No.9350826

monero is the only real privacy coin but I've been buying colx bags for the summer

>> No.9350858

COLX !Buy while that shit is cheap!

>> No.9350895

Did anyone else buy the dip on Bytecoin? I bought 10k when it hit one cent. inb4 scam

>> No.9351798
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Well, i'd definitely go for Colx then, considering it's the only one really differentiating itself from the rest with the development of their Grid. If the devs can deliver on their promises, it's going to be a top-20 project before the end of next year.

>> No.9351804


Enigma isn't a privacy coin. It's a blockchain agnostic protocol with tons of actual functionalities. Is going to be huge tho.

>> No.9351949
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since there is no way to stop them from being used even when the banks and other financial institutions will cuck us you can still just "wash" it with other (((proper))) crypto like BTC and all will be good - oi any problem IRS? future is privacy and money laundering suck ass Iran sanctions kek

>> No.9352177

>but tbqh these privacy coins will be illegal soon enough
You realize it is illegal to use non-privacy coins in the health care industry, legal industries, internet industries, and finance right? That's literally half the economy. Enjoy watching your children get raped by pedophiles with knowledge of blockchain analysis who use that knowledge to pinpoint when and where your kids are alone.

>> No.9352207

>Uses zksnarks, which is regarded as probably the strongest privacy tech.
Except the fact that you can't stop someone from infinitely inflating the coin if they find a bug. Zk-snarks are the privacy coin for low intelligence people. Only the Zerocoin protocol can offer full zero-knowledge without the risk of a hacker becoming the most powerful man in the world.

>> No.9352262

If you are looking for "hidden gems" (do your own research)
Masari, Sumokoin, Dero, Keep

Another project I like is Enigma

>> No.9352283

Uh, first of all, Zk-Snarks algo is not prone to a “bug”. The algorithm itself is well established in mathematics and does not provide its own pathway to an innate vulnerability.
What kind of example can you provide to support this claim? A supposed “hacker” can’t just enter and change the work of a cryptocurrency. If such bug or control were even possible, then that vulnerability is not limited to Zk-snarks coin. It can literally happen to anything.

>> No.9352295
File: 19 KB, 400x400, Vivo redesign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my lowkey pic

>> No.9352328

LUX is the best privacy coin but you retards still wont buy it at 80k sats

>> No.9352359

>Uh, first of all, Zk-Snarks algo is not prone to a “bug”
The point is not that a bug is currently known, the point is that you never know if a bug occurs. The way zk-snarks works is that it just proves that a program was executed, nothing else. So if a bug exists that allows for duplication of coins, it is impossible to tell since all the zk-snarks tell you is that the program was executed. So if a bug exists that allows for the duplication of coins on the shielded addresses, since no information is given about the balances of these shielded addresses, the bug will never be discovered.

>What kind of example can you provide to support this claim?
Zooko Wilcox talks about it from time to time, like he does here.

> A supposed “hacker” can’t just enter and change the work of a cryptocurrency. If such bug or control were even possible, then that vulnerability is not limited to Zk-snarks coin. It can literally happen to anything.
You literally just made this part up, with the Zerocoin protocol the total number of coins on the network is always known, meaning if a bug exists that causes coin duplication it is immediately seen. Just so you know every Zerocoin coin has had duplication bugs just as Bitcoin had duplication bugs, these bugs are somewhat rare, but many coins have had them. ZCash may have already had this bug and you'd never know. What's worse is that the creators of ZCash could have colluded with their initial ceremony and there is literally nothing to stop them from already having done this. Please research your coins you fucking idiot.

>> No.9352433

Also another massive issue with ZCash is you can't do retail transactions using the privacy features. It takes like 2 minutes to send a private transaction. With Zerocoin you do it instantly. So Zerocoin coins (most notable ZCoin and PIVX) can do instant transactions for retail purchases with no danger of a hacker becoming the most powerful person in the world. ZCash, ZenCash, and all the zk-snark coins cannot.

>> No.9352489

My XMR stack is much bigger, but I'm partial to Sumokoin.
Same privacy features but the 'camel' coin distribution is much fairer than most other cryptos.
Those who get in early (first few years) aren't super ahead.
The fastest coin rewards don't happen for a few years still, gives years for everyone to get in -then- starts decreasing coin rewards.

>> No.9352790

Zcoin is complicated and confusing. Also Zcash has major speed upgrades coming this year

>> No.9352866

It's a normal public blockchain by default and when you want to delete a trace where you got the coins from, you use the mint function.
The GUI could be more intuitive, but it will be fixed by the time the tech is ready for mainstream adoption.

>> No.9352874
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>> No.9352887

maybe or masby

>> No.9352904

ZEN is my favourite of the lot. Followed by XZC.

>> No.9352921

Worth keeping an eye on, I doubt they will improve the ux that much but who knows. Theyve already had healthy price action though

>> No.9352968


Sumo is my pick too. their BC compression and fast wallets will make the coin truly scalable. while Biz jerk off's too pull made by masari of their harmonic algo on Monero's git, which by the way is not even their work, i will be accumulating sumo.