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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9346731 No.9346731 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck do you guys not suicide from living so frugally?

>live with parents
>work 7 Days a week
>live in shitty (cheap) midwestern town
>drive a 10 year old car
>wear old clothes all the time
>eat peasant shit like rice and beans all the time
>4 year old broken phone
>no vacations

I mean sure I contribute 35k each year to my portfolio but what’s the point? It’s all just numbers on a screen. I’m still living like a poorfag peasant compared to my friends who are out having fun. I broke down yesterday and bought two nice shirts for $93 total and felt guilty. Anons on here need to be careful that their greed doesn’t enslave them. Money should serve you; not vice versa.

When does it end? When do I cash out? What’s the point if you just eternally live like a poorfag?

>> No.9346822

>$150K in crypto
>$50 on all my bank accounts combined
Gonna wait for the next bullrun and them cash out $50K

>> No.9346838

>broke down yesterday and bought two nice shirts for $93 total and felt guilty
OP, if you work 7 days a week and live frugally, occasionally spending money on things you like isn't something to feel so guilty about. Keep saving money and invest in effort to retire much sooner than your peers.

>> No.9346861
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This thread again

>> No.9346868

set milestones and cash out 10% when you hit them. spend enough to not suicide before you can spend your bigger gains.

>> No.9346869

Remember to have fun and don't neglect your health, though. It's not worth saving a couple of dollars per day/week to eat like shit or never going out.

>> No.9346875

You're a god damn idiot.

Make some of that money a reality and put it into your bank account you fucking mugwump.

Take out $5000 at the very least.

>> No.9347043
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My dad texted me about this shit and i just ignored him lmao.
Fucking boomers, they know this house is mine anyway when they're dead

>> No.9347066

Better to suffer for a few years now than spend the rest of your life being a wagie

>> No.9347126

Why would I?

I'm just using my credit card for now. Credit card interest rate is lower than what crypto grows.

>> No.9347136

Dude you can suck cock for a little extra cash on the side.

>> No.9347153

oh fuk my dad did this shit all the time. One time he was yelling at mom (again) and went to smack her, so I punched him. Broke his nose. He didn't speak to me for 2 years.

>> No.9347163

How is your relationship with your dad that bad that he would say this?

>> No.9347174
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>> No.9347185

Better options than a CC for short term cash.
Form an LLC for a hundo, open a business bank account, put some cash in and then go to Kabbage dot com and take out a 6-12 month loan. Half the rate (or less if you give them a call) than a CC.
You’re welcome biz

>> No.9347189
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Dont lose yourself in material things anon, life is a test. Not to say that acquiring wealth is bad, its not if you don't lose yourself to it. The test is to live your life and die believing Jesus Christ is god, you pass the test you get eternal life. Don't fail the test anon, nothing in our reality is permanent.

>> No.9347254

Don't know, don't really care. I think it started when he asked me to pay some of the bills, which I refused. They have pension money anyway.

I just go to my room after work and come down to eat when they're asleep.
Nope, I won't hit my dad. Although if h ever tries his shit to me I would

>> No.9347263

So you work, why not pay rent so he shuts up?

>> No.9347272

>eternally live like a poorfag

You're Doing It Wrong

Budget for the life you want and then live it. Live with goals in mind and work towards. At the same time you have to take the time to enjoy your goals when you reach them. You aren't going to live forever so you better figure this shit out sooner than later.

>> No.9347310

Just think about smug you will be when you retire at 45 and your peers will work until death

>> No.9347317

My money. Mine alone.
As I have said they have pension money, they're not spending it anyway

>> No.9347327

>spending $93 on two pieces of cotton
not gonna make it sorry

>> No.9347359

Fyi this is fake and old

>> No.9347679

dude get a hold of your self
Stop thinking of 'making it'
That shit may very well be gone
It could be this market we are in for a while
with gains here and there
Pull some fucking money out and treat your self
Keep the rest in

>> No.9347753

Well it sounds like you're just a lazy asshole that doesn't support his family. Pension or not, you live in their house. it's your duty to support your household. If you ever want to make it in the real world, you're going to have to grow up one day.

>> No.9347807
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>they know this house is mine anyway when they're dead
We'll see.

>> No.9347811

Because we can see the peak of the summit, so we still climb

>> No.9347849

>that's your choice
>Spends all time working, lack of balance
>Drives 10 year old car...and?
>Wear old clothes all the time - Then treat yourself a little? It's not even being frugal, having good quality, well fitted clothes could be seen as an investment..
>Lacks cooking ability, a good pallet. >Not being able to cook great meals for $5 a day (especially if buying in bulk)
>get a new phone? Can literally buy phones for 2/3 days worth of work.
>No vacations - not seeing world, not having time off...

Dude you're burnt out. and you'll end up age 35 with a million $ portfolio with no life experience, likely attachment issues, and likely will be depressed because of it.

If you're wagecucking, which I presume you are if working 7 days a week, then you're probably being ineffecient with your time. Taking a couple months off to learn coding, or design, or any 10000 other options available to you right now will probably pay off better over the next 5 years financially, and you'll have more freedom with that too.

You need to assess what you actually want from life. And then make a list of what else.

Live a little whilst you can. Drop a day or two a week and pickup a hobby. Budget yourself a little money for luxuries, activities and stop eating rice and beans. have more self respect sir.

I wouldn't spend a year of my life working for 35k and little else. Essentially you're trading one year of your time for 35k. You really value your time that much?

>> No.9347918 [DELETED] 


Don't suicide because I'm not risking my eternal fate, I'll tough it out and living frugally isn't a burden for me. Anyways this will be at most like 80 years before death but eternal life with God that's forever.

> 25
> Live at home with loving family
> Live frugally with ease
> Most hobbies are inexpensive; video games, browsing the internet, hiking, etc.
> Closest to splurging is usually dropping like $9 on a video game
> Save money fairly easily, sadly didn't invest in BTC, ETH, or LTC back in mid 2017

>> No.9347938

Enhanced future consumption. Stupid faggot.

>> No.9347953

how much can you get? also what if you have shit credit? this is unironically a very good idea anon, wish i had thought of this shit a few months ago.

>> No.9347990



>> No.9348070


Don't suicide OP, believe in Jesus Christ. He died on the cross to pay for our sins to save us from eternal damnation. He rose 3 days later, conquering death. Believe upon/in Him for He is the way to salvation.

I don't suicide because God wouldn't want me to do that plus I'm not risking my eternal fate. Living frugally isn't a burden for me. Anyways this will be at most like 80 years before death but eternal life with God that's forever.

> Christian
> 25
> Live at home with loving family
> Live frugally with ease
> Most hobbies are inexpensive; video games, browsing the internet, hiking, etc.
> Closest to splurging is usually dropping like $9 on a video game
> Save money fairly easily, sadly didn't invest in BTC, ETH, or LTC back in mid 2017

>> No.9348080

Depends on how much is in your bank account. Kabbage also looks at the volume of social media content and other linked accounts that don’t have to do with money to determine how much they’ll give you.
They gave me a $15K limit after I connected an account with $5K in it. My friend that owns a bar was offered north of $30K, he took it and built a kitchen hehe

>> No.9348087

my life flashed before my eyes when i read this post..... same situation here, except i dont live with my parents (you fag lol) and i am married.
me grand pappy always said "invest your money.... save everything you can..... blah blah blah".... but what stuck out the most was "PEOPLE WILL LAUGH AT YOU, AND CALL YOU NAMES LIKE CHEAP PUSSY FAGGOT BITCH......... but it is YOU who will be laughing.... IN RETIREMENT".
whenever RETIREMENT is.... is up to YOU anon.

>> No.9348090

I'm fairly frugal, but I like to enjoy my life as well. No point in money just sitting under your mattress forever.

I have an uncle who is extremely cheap. He's in his 60's, recently retired (was a janitor his whole life), and has millions in the bank from saving so much money over the decades. He doesn't have cable tv. He has been on just one vacation in the last 25 years. He cuts his own hair. You get the idea. Honestly, I think its no way to live

It's best to just set financial goals for yourself and follow plans to achieve them, rather than obsessing over saving every single cent you can.

>> No.9348099

My credit wasn’t great when I signed up, didn’t matter. They’re looking at your business checking account

>> No.9348129

I also live with my parents and I live on 25$ a week for food. Most of my clothes are pretty expensive by normie standards but I don't have many of them. A few decent outfits for all occasions. I eat 2-3 proper meals a day with fruit/veg/nuts etc. How the fuck can people not know how to eat decent food for cheap? Unless you're the typical burger who cant cook and gets take out every day, otherwise it's hotpockets and mt. dew.

Stop being a fucking retard and learn to manage your income better. If you work 7 days a week you should be strapped for cash, especially if you can afford to put 35k into crypto.

No one is this fucking autistic, right? This must be a larp.

>> No.9348224

I'd be happy with 35 currently desu
I think i have the inability to find out what i want from life. And it is starting to drive me mad

i'm 27
Work 3-4 days a week
Dropped out of college
Have no aspirations
3k in shit coins
Help me

>> No.9348237

Sometimes you gotta live life like this in order to make it big OP

>> No.9348251

same dont listen to the nocoiners lmfaooo the future is ours

>> No.9348267

Taking LSD made me want to start a small business. In reality superstars are experiencing life as everyone else. But everyone wants to be them. Shit, some superstars wish they could be "normal".
Now I'm money hungry again, thirsty for more life. I wish I could be happy working a small business and have my life end at a blink of an eye. Time.

>> No.9348299

This is spot on.

Money is great. But it isn't everything. What's so great about being a millionaire if every other aspect of your life sucks?

I currently have about 10k saved. I also am 25 and have only had sex once, with a hooker. I'm seriously thinking about quitting my job and living off the savings for a few months, during which time I will invest all my energy into getting better at picking up chicks and having sex with as many girls as I can.

Yeah, I'll blow through my savings pretty quick and will eventually be broke and have to start working again. But think about the awesome experiences and the confidence I will gain with this adventure. You can't put a price on that.

>> No.9348346
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Just go to thrift stores and find $100 shirts for $3 each. Happens to me all the damn time.

>> No.9348371

Ignore these retards
The sooner you can retire the sooner you can be freed from wageslavery

>> No.9348423

Yeah have fun getting hot, 20 year old girls to sleep with you when you're in your 50's.

Besides, wageslaving is not the torture that /biz/ makes it out to be. I was a NEET for 2 years and it was pure hell. Total boredom. Extreme loneliness. No purpose in life. It was definitely worse than wageslaving.

>> No.9348472

wow the delusion. if you're 25 and have only had sex once with a hooker what makes you think you'll be some PUA champ banging chicks left and right? 10k will be burnt though fast as hell if you're going out every night.

>> No.9348501
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Easy, by not being a shallow materialistic millennial shitbag who has to have new things every 10 minutes.

>> No.9348514

>Yeah have fun getting hot, 20 year old girls to sleep with you when you're in your 50's.
This. Whatever you fucking do, don't plan to live out your 20s when you're in your 30s or 40s.

>> No.9348540

It's obviously not going to happen overnight. But I could see some significant improvement over the course of a few months. No doubt about that

>> No.9348682

im close... ive busted my ass working and dumping money into crypto and other investments and only have 300k networth to show for it and i am extremely miserable and get angry extremely easily now
im waiting for the next bullrun *fingers crossed* and then quitting my job that i fucking hate and going to chill in another state for bit to clear my head

>> No.9348721

similar to OP

all I do is work, and its a shit job that I hate (manual labor in a production plant)

no friends, no life, no hope. Every day I think about life passing me by and FOMO hard. I want to go back to school Im 25

>> No.9348811
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>live with parents
>NEET since I graduated highschool
>drive my moms 14yo car
>5yo phone
>wearing old 10yo jeans
>haven't been outside in 4 months

>> No.9348833

what do your parents think about you being a NEET for 9 years?

>> No.9348872

I'm a new fag here. Can you please give me the hanjob on what a NEET is?

>> No.9348877

thats nothing my brother is 31 neet with one son, my dad is pissed off af....

>> No.9348905

they accepted my fate

>> No.9348921

I was born of the dirt and the mud. I rose from the depths, bubbled up to the surface where I began the climb i am on now.
"Street rat"
These words mean nothing to me now. I know who I am, and I know where I will be in 10 year's time. Being poor is but a game to me.

If being poor makes you depressed, perhaps you lack vision of a better future?
Perhaps you don't truly believe in yourself.

>> No.9348981

Someone who is not working or in school

NEET = Not in Education, Employment, or Training

Basically, someone who isn't doing jack shit with their life

>> No.9348996

but how long has he been a NEET for?

>> No.9349007


Im 22 with 400k saved up, and am a NEET. My friends wagecuck all day whille i chill and watch my shitcoins grow, have sex with random chicks, and do whatever I want while building mysef up

NEET isnt always a loser, senpai

>> No.9349008

Use your money to increase your income, rather than just keeping it in your bank account where it does nothing.

>> No.9349010
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Dont fall for the wagie propaganda, here is what it means to be a neet.

>> No.9349013

You think a 10 year old car is something whine about? The fucking entitlement.

>> No.9349014


You're a massive faggot, you deserve to shit on the streets.

>> No.9349035

That's true. I should have left out the last sentence I wrote

How'd you accumulate all that wealth? I assume most of it came from crypto gains, but where did you get the starting capital?

>> No.9349040

get out of here grandpa

>> No.9349046

An alternative veiw on living frugal


>> No.9349063

kys retard

>> No.9349069

Wageslaving is better than being a student for most of the pointless degrees that are out there nowadays.

>> No.9349103

My dad is nothing but a drunk and literally the only reason I'm living with him is because he begged me to stay because he can't do a single dam thing. He's literally fucking illiterate and can't do basic math. The moment he tries to kick me out will be the happiest day of my life. For now I'm just making 30k a year putting it all on crypto. I only work 20 hours a week so I'm living life for fun saving up money and mooching off parents.

>> No.9349134

Are you fucking retarded

>> No.9349144

One fag to another tanks you. 4chan newb here, spent last 12 hours on the site. Can't stop. I'm gonna go blind. Wish I had a audio reader so I can get stoned more.

>> No.9349159

The shit I give to goodwill is all the shrunken misshapen crap I’ve worn a thousand times and destroyed in the wash. Can’t imagine who buys it but I don’t want to just throw it out

>> No.9349192

HAPPENED TO ME! Fucker died and left me with 35k on that house

>> No.9349213

Hits so close to home. Thanks anon.

>> No.9349302
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>Makes enough money per year to put 35k into savings

Move out you soi boy faggot Jesus fuck! Muh blood pressure! I took the bait, but if you're being unironic, you're a wimpy fucking asshole. A majority of the country wishes they could invest 35k a year, and most millennials are so fucking retarded, they don't invest jack shit, and they will die poor and alone.

>> No.9349365

Yeah but he works 7 days a week, as opposed to the average person who works about 5. And he lives very frugally and lives with his parents, which eliminates a rent/mortgage expense (something that is most people's largest monthly bill). You can't say that OP hasn't made big sacrifices in order to put away 35k a year

He didn't say how many hours he works a week though...

>> No.9349417

Unless he lives in Jew york or Kikefornia, Rent's around $1,000 dollaridoos, and even less if he lives in a shit hole. That's around $12,000. a year, which is not nearly as much as he's putting into investments, and even then, once he moves out, he can marry a bitch and split the cost. and spend even less.

>> No.9349446
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>mfw forex trader/crypto investor ubermensch

>> No.9349464

>mfw 100% allinlinker god-emperor race

>> No.9349590
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>> No.9349942
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>> No.9349974

How's it feeling having that BBC (Big Boomer Cock) inside you, son?

>> No.9350020


>shilling the kike meme of getting out and paying shekels to some slumlord instead of the way the rest of the world does, at home, keeping the money in the family and spending time with your parents and those close to you before they die.

jesus christ, i knew bizraelis were selfish but damn.

>> No.9350052
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bro set a percentage to save of your income, and then the rest is yours for your expenses, and luxuries. Save 15%, or 20%, or maybe even 30%., something like that. You don't need to go hard saving %50+ because of fear/greed. That is not balanced living. I know what that's like, to want to save more and more and cut back on your expenses just to save more to invest. This is not balance. We must find balance in our savings, our living expenses, and the abundance of our lifestyle.

>> No.9350094

I agree with this

>> No.9350118


Idk it depends on the person

I'm comfy saving 50%

>> No.9350135

find a way to create
you have unique life experience
you have something that people need, something that can bring value to others
spend time by yourself thinking about it and reflecting
and then start creating and focus on providing value for others

>> No.9350185

>two nice shirts for $93 total
Why are rich people so stupid? How the hell is a shirt worth $50? Shit's just a bunch of cotton bound together. Even if I was a millionaire, I probably wouldn't pay more than $20 for a shirt I found to be very nice. I dunno what price they were originally, but my two of my most comfortable shirts were on sale at Old Navy for like $5 each. Another one of my best shirts, I got from a marketing company for free. It's got their logo on it, but it's small and the shirt is comfy as hell so I don't give a shit.

>> No.9350214

I rarely cop clothes, clothes last forever. And when I do, it's from a thrift store. So rarely do I buy new clothing. Can't remember last time I did. Maybe it was shoes or something.

>> No.9350251

I live lavish as fuck cuz I already made you goyim peasant batha fodder

>> No.9350285

because some people don't like to dress like a child

>> No.9350331

>list of things I could easily change
>fuck that ill just shit post on biz
the absolute state of biz

>> No.9350339

being so new you dont recognize bait when you see it

>> No.9350630

Tshirts are standard attire. Just don't have any stupid graphics on them and there's nothing childish about it.

>> No.9351135
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because material things are boring and the only thing money is good for is escaping wage slavery

money = time

the more money you have the less time you have to spend doing stuff you don't like

I would spend money on some more nutritious food though - can't put a price on your health

>> No.9351222

>Be me when 26
>Literal NEET with $20 to his name
>Virgin Incel
>BTC is mentioned on TV (2009) but it's referred as a pyramid/Ponzi so I didn't do research
>no car. Old clothes. No phone.
>Play ps2 and jerk off daily

You had it much better fren