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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 134 KB, 443x603, Griffith_Portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
934607 No.934607 [Reply] [Original]

Who /ambition/ here?

What are you dreaming of? Who is your /ambition/ role model?

>> No.934610

one day i won't be sucking dick behind tescos 1 pound a pop

>> No.935073
File: 63 KB, 960x540, south-park-s19e05c11-in-my-safe-space_16x9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you want to kill all your friends to build a safespace.

>> No.935098

>What are you dreaming of? Who is your /ambition/ role model?

I want to make my parents and everyone who thought i was retarded jealous of my success.

>> No.935115
File: 68 KB, 736x981, dfaeada6416040168346fc5785588f52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nikola Telsa, Elon musk, you get the gist.

>> No.935290

Did he really said this?

>> No.935297
File: 245 KB, 396x554, 1443379809980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats your pic from op?

I'm dreaming of financial freedom...one day.

>> No.935312

If you're a genius you're probably anti-social but that doesn't mean you're a genius if you're anti social

>> No.935316

Berserk, read it, it's great

Griffiths a faget

Gats wuz here

>> No.935359

Bill Ackamn, I want to be like him yet I dont know anything about investing or stocks but i am an accounting student. I just picked up the book, The Intelligent Investor. How would you guys say I should go about being an investor?

Also my dream is to one day be a hedge fund manager or work for any type of capital investment firm. I'm open to any criticism here

>> No.935422


Dreaming is becoming a Senator & Cabinet Minister, getting a PhD then Professorship, becoming a discreet billionaire, and fucking pornstars for pay on the regular (ain't got time for foreplay)

Politics: Andrew Wilkie
Business: Peter Thiel

Things are looking good so far. I'm working as an advisor at a minister's office, I have 30k saved up, fuck prostitutes once in a while and I'm in grad school.

Great thread OP. I'm sick of all the unambitious losers in the world. It's okay to be pathetic, it's not okay to aspire to anything but greatness.

I wish there was some kind of club for us in real life, except I guess it's too broad and people are rarely intelligent enough to think that abstractly. And no, secret societies aren't those clubs. Believe me, I've infiltrated or got others to infiltrate most of them and their pieces of shit.

>> No.935437


>> No.935707
File: 24 KB, 299x375, TED2023-featured-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have 7 more years


>> No.935729

>Also my dream is to one day be a hedge fund manager or work for any type of capital investment firm. I'm open to any criticism here

Wrong direction. The intelligent investor is about turning wealth into more wealth long-term. Won't be that useful if you're a student. If you want to trade stocks, learn technical analysis.

>> No.935736

>technical analysis

I mean, do you want him to lose money?

>> No.935746

You can first consider immigrating first. Thank you very much.

>> No.935747


My dream is to make enough money to retire early ($100K/yr passive) from the insecurities of SJW's and the ilk. I find them to be loathsome and obnoxious so instead of raging I try and find ways to exploit their idiocy for personal gain.

My role models are Thomas Sowell, Gino Strada, Charlie Bell and Chuck Feeney

>> No.935819

Daily reminder that Griffith did nothing wrong and never considered then friends.

>> No.935824

Role models: Alexander, Napoleon, Hektor of Troy, Joshua, Judas Maccabee, Charlemagne, Genghis Khan

>> No.935898

On my 30th birthday I got up and went to my shitty job at a tech support call center. I worked my usual mandatory unpaid overtime because I was a big pushover.

I tried to call my son but his mom (my ex) wouldn't let me talk to him and instead just bitched to me about wanting more child support and threatened to withhold visitation again.

I came home to a good intentioned birthday party hosted by my weed dealer and DJ roommate. There were a good dozen or so people, ravers and casual acquaintances. So that was nice. We drank beer and smoked weed and listened to drum and bass. People slowly excused themselves. My roommate got a page and needed to go deliver a bag of weed and the remaining guests left with him.

Leaving me alone by 8pm on my 30th birthday.

I stared at my beer and made a promise that by my 40th birthday I'd be making $100,000 a year in a respected position, and with a good relationship with my son, and with a positive circle of friends.

I was laid off a year later and struggled to get new work. By 2009 I was still at the same salary but I met an awesome new girl and she somehow made me remind myself of my promise to myself.

I went from $45k a year at a research company to $45k a year for a non-profit and having way more responsibility. From there I got a contract gig at IBM for $60k then got brought on as permanent FTE at $75k. Quit and went to Home Depot merchandising services for $89k. Then a telecom company for $94,016. Fuck. So fucking close.

We did our taxes last year though and with her income we're actually well over, at about $125k.

We have two kids together and she's an amazing partner. Loyal as fuck. Intelligent. Incredibly ethical.

She helped me barrel through all the barriers put up by my shitty ex wife and my relationship with my first born is incredible.

All of my friends are true friends not drinking buddies and I have a big circle of support.

So that's where I am today

>> No.935908

I told my wife about my goal to make $100k on our honeymoon. She laughed and thought it was too ambitious. She's since realized I'm beyond capable of way more.

I intend to be at a quarter million a year by 50. In a Senior Director or VP spot for a globally active business.

I intend to hold that spot for about 5 years, learning the realities of running a business, and networking.

By 55 or 60 I'm going to start a small business, automating the development of data warehousing objects and standard reporting templates. I'm going to sell the software to small and midsized businesses as a business intelligence tool for companies ignored by the bigger consultants.

I'll have a division that focuses on consulting, customization and support, but for the most part it will be a standalone tool that users can customize for themselves.

I'm going to run this for a few years, a decade at the most, then sell it to someone like Google, Microsoft or Amazon for several million dollars. I'll stay on in an advisory role collecting a modest salary. Quarter million or so.

Then I'm going to travel. Take my wife all over the world and all over the nation.

She laughed when I told her about the $100k. Now she's just patiently waiting for the next big thing and can see the potential for this to happen.

>> No.935923

You sound like a faggot

>> No.935926


how nice it must be to get so fucking lucky

>> No.935932

> lucky

I've forged an awesome career in the data sciences from scratch. You don't get here by luck. You get here by studying hard and working your ass off. This career is the quickest to isolate and shun the bullshitters.

You sound ... unmotivated. Eager to blame others for placing hurdles in front of you instead of thinking about how to overcome them.

You sound like you belong in /r9k/. From one brief post, you sound like this.

Go away. This is the business board. Not the "OMFG TEH STOCK MARKET GONNA CRASH BUY BITCOIN" board

>> No.935947


Role model? No, not for me. The biggest I'd dream is a piece of land, a small house, and enough cash to keep me stocked with liquor until I pass away.

I'm well on my way. All debts are gone. Making average bread right now (around 50), but I'm not a consumerist shill so it's more than enough to work with for me. I intend to purchase a home next year, pay it off by 2020, then start putting money toward a piece of land out in the country. Once I get the land, build a home and can move in, ideally I'll rent out my first and do side jobs until I can get away from most people and become a semi-hermit.

>> No.935954


How lucky you must be to chance upon "an awesome girl" and "amazing partner".

How lucky you must be to chance upon "true friends" and a "circle of support".

I could give two shits about your faggot "data sciences". Bully for you to have an extra couple of zeros in your bank account. Sure, it'd be nice to have, but I'd have nothing to spend it on expect fancier threads with bigger names, faster, bigger electronic screens that beep and boop with more fidelity, and fancier food with more colors and accented names.

I don't give a shit what I sound like either. I just wanted to tell you how nice it must be to draw such a fortunate lot in life.

>> No.935962
File: 81 KB, 600x316, Nemo_h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want a submarine like captain nemo in the league of extraordinary gentlemen

well a guy can dream

>> No.935966

What you sound like is a real faggot

>> No.936050

What else should i learn?

>> No.936091
File: 117 KB, 780x585, Eat+something+reinhard+sama_e11ff0_5247027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.936204

you should learn that anyone that tells you to learn technical analysis is a moron, and that technical analysis is the equivalent of casting goats' entrails or reading tarot cards.

>> No.936353


what would suggest I learn?

>> No.936382
File: 218 KB, 1680x709, golden_age_i_cap6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just my own kingdom bruh

>> No.936477
File: 91 KB, 640x414, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This movie always makes me want to succeed and also drives my ambition up too high.

>> No.936480
File: 65 KB, 500x579, 1432277511395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's okay. and that's why it sucks. if consumerists spend money on things that don't matter, then you're spending time on a life that doesn't matter. you look down from that imaginary tower you've built for yourself and that makes the big people smaller. each brick you laid from one misfortune or another. at least consumerists try to fill a void, while you just sit there and pretend the hunger pangs aren't real.

there is no love or hope in you. but there is anger. and you are taking the wrong direction in letting it sit there. anger is a symptom of discontent, and all your posts reek of it. you even took the time to post in this thread on ambition, so eager to express your counterculture of modesty.

stop kidding yourself. you might as well be dead now if that's all you're living for. but you didn't do it. you're still here. ask yourself why, you little shit, or get off this board.

>> No.936541
File: 2.37 MB, 500x281, 1cc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dream that one day I will get off my ass and do something productive.

>> No.936542
File: 59 KB, 621x350, pepebehelit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying femto is griffith

>> No.936547

>the insecurities of SJW's and the ilk. I find them to be loathsome and obnoxious so instead of raging I try and find ways to exploit their idiocy for personal gain.
this is a petty distraction tbh

you are right, they are stupid, but then there are a fuckton of other stupid people in the world as well, if you are going to give them an ounce of attention then by that logic you would have to be an angel to the rest of the world as well