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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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934211 No.934211 [Reply] [Original]

what did you do today to improve your worth?

>> No.934212

Made exactly $15 trading futures

>> No.934348

Currently buying more property, fam.

>> No.934360

got my dad to pay for lunch and a coffee

saved $20

>> No.934499

Procrastinated another entire day.

Literally did nothing except listen to chill ass slowcore music and watch a documentary about gambling.

>> No.934501

Chopped six cars. Maybe a few k. Also made 1200 in the markets.

>> No.934506

the fuck?

why are you even on 4chan

>> No.934512

It is night time. Time to unwind from the stressful days, baby on the way, mad bills to pay. so I just smoke a wee bit off weed since I don't drink.

>> No.934539

sucked some cock and lost 650$ in the market

>> No.934563

Worked on my web design agency's home page and read a book on sales.

I start selling monday and this is my first business wish me luck /biz/ bros.

>> No.934583

Sell shit on ebay. Old shit on ebay. Buy the things i need used. Since wealth is relative, aquiring wealth requires contraian thinking and action. Buying shit used and selling your old shit is very contraian in this uber consumerist society we live in.

>> No.935250

Opened a TFSA, applied to an online brokerage so I can start stocking, laid plans to chat with a guy with a bachelor of commerce specialty in financing that apparently knows a bunch about everything but never acts on it so I can hopefully avoid some big screw ups.

>> No.935254


Made $100 in cash in 3 hours.

>> No.935271

god you're a bunch of cunts

>> No.935280

Debugged an AJAX kanban that processes a raw text file I store my to-do list in. I can now both edit it by hand and have the system edit it automatically.

Looking to follow it up with automatic allocation of daily / weekly / biweekly / monthly / quarterly goals based on an calculated intrinsic priority to each task, on top of user-designated daily routine tasks.

Hoping to hook that all up with a script that currently tracks how many tasks (and of what weight) I should set in a given time frame based on my performance each cycle, incrementally adjusting accordingly. Other scripts in this repertoire also statistically analyze my performance in given cycles to assess what time periods I'm most productive in conjunction with a demand or lack thereof of my social / familial / employment obligations.

Hoping to take less weight off my own back with respect to micromanagement of my todo list, so I can focus on doing the tasks at hand.

God willing, I'll then use this entire software system (and more) as a cheap backbone for more efficiently managing the operations for a consulting and R&D business I'm looking to start in the near future. I'd say I might even market it, but it might be preferable to publish as an open source project.

I also went to work.


>> No.935281

I masturbated earlier to some anime shit

>> No.935469

Born not a beaner

>> No.935483

made about tree fiddy on amazon earnings. Did Pullups.

>> No.935484

Sold some of my worthless young adult books for $5 each, made $75 today.

>> No.935490

Got promoted

>> No.935503

me too bro

>> No.935507
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gl bro, bespoke web design sounds hard

>> No.935527
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Ate a delicious pizza, watched margin call, watched a louis theroux documentary and masturbated 3 times: twice to facialabuse videos, once to a lesbian cuck video(best tbh).

>> No.935554

who kno this feel?

>> No.935577

I do

>> No.935580

did you do all of those?

the pizza was the best shit ever tbqh.

>> No.935672

Worked on my comission a bit lol.