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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 14 KB, 522x291, ipexchange-ico-review-ipsx-should-you-buy-ipsx-tokens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9334811 No.9334811 [Reply] [Original]

Wen moon

>> No.9335769
File: 234 KB, 632x570, 1525828694518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Staking news will likely propel this past the sell walls crowding BTC pairing on Bibox which is likely to be dropped either this week or the next. From there I wouldn't be surprised if we test ATH.

Also only matter of time before exposure starts penetrating more forums, and it already looks like marketing campaign is gaining traction within Chinese circles.

>> No.9335793

Six months.

>> No.9336354

delet dis

>> No.9336861
File: 133 KB, 400x400, 1525830835600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will have mooned by then, granted it will probably continue to moon through rest of the year. Q3 is product launch, and FIAT pairing will likely be out well ahead of launch, perhaps this month even. CEO has confirmed their side of things is buttoned up, so in partner's court to unveil.

>> No.9337038

Soon as it dipped under ico again i put half my wagecuck check into it. Largest holding, its solid as fuck.

>> No.9337299
File: 548 KB, 547x482, ipsxkirby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow that's the meme I requested. Thanks to the meme man for making it, I love it.

>> No.9337421

It's too comfy about ipsx on biz. Somebody fud this asap.

>> No.9337533

It was a good idea fren. More to come.

>> No.9337618

Throwing more money into IPSX if there are going to be more Kirby memes

>> No.9337903

550k kirbys checking in. so comfy.

>> No.9337941
File: 15 KB, 164x211, ipsxlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

760k kirbys here.

I would have loved to have a million kirbys, but some things just aren't supposed to be.

>> No.9337991

430k Kirby. Really want to get it to 500k before staking is announced. Would self FUD but i can't think of any..

>> No.9338023

there there anon. you can buy a mansion with that in a year. things could be worse. chin up

>> No.9338055


Dude, you're taking this way too seriously.

This is a shitcoin. Don't put any major money into it.

>> No.9338313

fud this please. something more substantial than "this is a shitcoin". I'll be here waiting.

>> No.9338443

Sub $10M MC with a functional testnet and product launch this year in a virtually untapped market? Jeez anon you might be right, my money is better spent on vaporware projects with close to $1B MC.

>> No.9338729

Can someone help a brother out and tell me anything they’ve released about staking?

This is the first staking coin I’ve held so I’m relatively unfamiliar with the process.

I’m sitting on 590k and wouldn’t mind getting up to 1M if the staking rewards are tiered

>> No.9338779

>in a virtually untapped market

That's a funny way of saying there is no market for this.

It's a Romanian embezzlement scheme. I expect an exit scam in the next 1-2 months.

>> No.9338911

No details available as of yet though latest blog post mentions an announcement is likely either this week or the next.

Romanian embezzlement scheme, I like that. Creative play on the whole gypsy scam angle. Thanks for keeping the FUD fresh anon.

>> No.9338913

retarded. it's multi billion dollar market and you know that.
>muh romanians
go and look at the teams linkedin profiles rather than making useless generalizations

>> No.9338995

what are some use cases for this that wont cause isps and big companies to try banning this?

>> No.9339121

B2B IP targeting for advertising and marketing agencies, targeted data mining with clusters of specialized IPs, providing IPs to devices to support IoT, are a few that come to mind.

>> No.9339413

thanks fren

>> No.9339467
File: 162 KB, 489x859, 2-21-2018 3-34-12 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual conversation with Admin on telegram. This is all the proof you need to see that this is a scam

>> No.9339615 [DELETED] 

This is a bit concerning
I only have 50k so it's not a crippling loss for me if it's scam or anything

>> No.9339641

Never seen that admin before on the IPExchange telegram

>> No.9339664

Sounds way too fucking obvious.

Proof of this and not just your Nip friend practicing his larping?

>> No.9339758
File: 207 KB, 1080x1278, 20180509_124100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This retarded FUD again... This has been debunked so many times, pic related.

>> No.9339839


>> No.9339959

Thanks homie.

Seriously considering doubling my stack as this looks like a guaranteed 3x with tons more room to grow. Publicity alone with the announcement will cause a 2x but I’ll definitely hold on to 500k or so depending on staking requirements

>> No.9340096