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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9333670 No.9333670 [Reply] [Original]

Why is there no thread up? Has everyone lost hope or something?

What's up even when we dropped From $1 to $0.13 people weren't so pessimistic. Now we went from $0.13 to $0.26 in a couple of weeks and people are acting like they hate REQ.

What the fuck is happening?

>> No.9333694

Its just not worth holding this anymore, itll pump in the future but there are better short term gain coins atm, its a good coin to trade if you know what youre doing though

>> No.9333697

Capitulation. This was the exact same feeling before we shot up to $1

>> No.9333739

tfw don't really care have my stack of REQ for long term holding already anyway.

>> No.9333746

People are crying that it dipped a few percent while basically every other coin did as well. Fudders gonna Fud

>> No.9333752

sold all my stack yesterday, prepare for big pump

>> No.9333761

It was near a dollar and look at it now. We're absolutely bfto. Imagine everyone who bought at a dollar and expected it to go up.

>> No.9333785

want to know how I know you wont make it?
you are counting in dollars.

>> No.9333794

I shilled req to friends and family the very first day trading started on etherdelta
No one listened, I bought at 7c, it dipped below ico to 4c, I kept buying and shilling, finally my family got in literally a day or two before the exact top and bought req at $1
Now they have the balls to bitch at me since they're down 75%
Wtf, I did them a favor and told them to buy months before and 10x lower
Idiot normies dont deserve req

>> No.9333803

You bought at a ATH and you got burnt. A shame, but come on, that happens with literally any coin.

>> No.9333813

I ain't counting in boomercoins though.

I bought at 11 cents. But I could have sold at 8x. Now I'm back to 2-3x..

I feel sorry for others.

>> No.9333817

the coin is ok but i lost $10,000 USD in req burns over a 3 week period. this is not ok

>> No.9333826

That's not how it burns you brainlet

>> No.9333842

Shhhh stop giving (You)s to trolls.

>> No.9333856

I’m sorry for your loss

>> No.9333857

Might as well to keep this thread alive.

>> No.9333908

What I fear with REQ is that if it can't succeed this market can't. This is a real project to get crypto actually used as currency, if it fails then it's official: crypto is a ponzi for the greater fool. I made money on REQ because I came into it recently but I still fear this may actually be what crypto is.

>> No.9333945

Req will never work, you cant expect ppl to own req just to send txs on their net

>> No.9334062

They don't have to. The idea is to be able to pay with whatever you want. Right now you can only pay with ETH, but by the end of May you will be able to pay with ETH, BTC, OMG, DAI and DGD. You can't even pay with Request tokens yet lol. t's an automated buy and burn.

>> No.9334113

My only fear is that Req is too far ahead of its time. Crypto might not be ready for its vision for a long time.

>> No.9334143

kek, that's some vergen level of delusion

>> No.9334158

Also, Req not mooning is just a sign we’re still in a bear cycle. Remember that Req was the last major alt to moon in Dec-Jan’s last bull market, and it mooned the hardest. Unless the whole market breaks out and btc hits above $14k, req will stay cheap

>> No.9334167


mooned that hardest? It went 4x lmao.

REQ has arguably never mooned

>> No.9334170

Req is dead everyone is selling, even the developers are dumping since Jan (look at etherscan) - shit project takes a shit ending

>> No.9334179

It went from 4 cents to 1.20

>> No.9334185

fiat to fiat is next level vision - intercontinental electronic currency exchange would be a game changer transcending crypto, only you’re so myopic and inexperienced you can’t see it

>> No.9334190

That would be the absolute best thing possible if it were true. Gives it lots of time for the platform to mature, work out the kinks and get a good product out there we can start to use and integrate so it's all very feature rich when the time comes to want to use it.

>> No.9334201

My portfolio went 25x with req. That qualifies as mooning you dolt.

>> No.9334209


and how much did the burn fees cost, idiot duck?


yeah OK OP oyu bought at 4 cents we believe you

>> No.9334210

REQ needs to partner with companies to do fiat integration. They can't do it by themselves.

>> No.9334216

Show the actual link of devs addresses dumping. You can’t cuz you’re larping

>> No.9334228

ING. dyor. the info is out there (hint: recent coindesk article). use your thinking skills

>> No.9334243


t. deluded bagholder

>> No.9334251

Also learn proper grammar, you brainlet. “mooned that hardest?” hurrrr duurrr biz brainlet

>> No.9334254

>unironically believes the burn meme
wow, you're fucking retarded

>> No.9334294


"that coin (REQ) that mooned in that case (CRYPTO) the hardest" would work

Anyway I have like 3500 REQ but fuck

>> No.9334358

Most people who fud req on biz hold bags btw. Not sure if you’re serious about holding only 3500 req.

>> No.9334371

Probably serious

>> No.9334413


yup gonna hold it all the way down to $0

>> No.9334526

You’re poor for a reason. Figure that out

>> No.9334534


because I bought REQ

>> No.9335160

Unironically this. REQ had a bad week compared to most other alts and, because /biz/ is full of impatient, autistic brainlets, it has become the trendy project to FUD. People will come back around when it starts to perform again, but the kiddies here just don't have patience to stick through the tough times.

>> No.9335663
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>> No.9335722
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Req hodler life is fucked
t. 30k Req and lost hopes

>> No.9336445

I got at ICO and slightly below ICO... Honestly, should have sold at least half when we hit $1. I got too greedy.

>> No.9336541

>devs selling tokens by the millions every week
>only partners with French companies
>never goes above 30 cent without dumping
>half team doesn’t work more than 6 hour weeks they already gave up
>investors given up
>dead project

>> No.9336760

What is the 30 year old boomer meme?
What does it mean?

>> No.9336778

you are still greedy for not selling a portion at 50%, 2x, etc

>> No.9337414

Holy hell, it's only been a week and a half. This isn't even related to crypto, just life. It feels like a damn year and a half has passed.

>> No.9337588
File: 162 KB, 1439x1019, Capture+_2018-04-23-08-42-27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The req was being burnt out of my wallet so fast I was forced to sell at a huge loss

>> No.9337718


It's a shitty hold, with nothing forthcoming.

I've been saying this for a while: value is derived from speculation potential. Main net has arrived, so there is no more speculation potential for REQ, until they start talking about fiat integration, which it looks like they abandoned.

>> No.9337792


Thank God I have ZRX and REN in my portfolio in addition to REQ, otherwise I would have fucking killed myself with nothing to look forward to.

>> No.9337837

It's in their roadmap for Q2 to integrate fiat so I wouldn't be so sure.

>> No.9338109
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There's no credible way they can achieve this because there is no infrastructure to do so. They would need a liquidity provider, like a real bank, that does tokenization of fiat.

No chance of this happening before 2019.

>> No.9338123

Post your sell order.

>> No.9338189


You literally bought high, and sold low

>> No.9338205



>> No.9338216
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Poor pajeet. Stay poor.

>> No.9338271

Major FUD like this usually happens during insider accumulation. REQ will be close to (and possibly over) 3k sats very soon

>> No.9338283

i can make fake screenshots on delta too you fucking pleb.

>> No.9338294



>> No.9338308

Any reason for the random 2k add?

>> No.9338320

sorry, but which wallet do you usw for req?

>> No.9338329

you delivered. not many can do that. my respects. apologies.

>> No.9338349

Starting to do monthly buys on certain cryptos I like. Decided to add a little bit more to my REQ stack last month. Going to add about $500 a month to my portfolio to diversify a little bit more.

>> No.9338371

REQ doesn't have a wallet, per say. Store it on an ethereum address. Whether that be MEW, metamask, etc.

>> No.9338382

No harm, no foul. It's completely understandable to not believe people here lmao

>> No.9338451

Also, I think we will see a big crypto partnership in the up and coming month. Will probably also see a partnership with another big named company (even if it's just the French chapter). Possibly an exchange listing. ERC20 functionality w/ BTC integration. Should be a decent month for REQ, as long as the market doesn't do a bear crawl..

>> No.9338559


I purchased at 4 cents, so I can bag hold this piece of shit until eternity, but if I see it testing 10 cents, I'm getting the fuck out with a market sell.

>> No.9338644

Don't worry. I'll market-buy more if it ever gets that low.

>> No.9338713


Doubt you can afford my 300K bags.

>> No.9338770

At $.10 yes

>> No.9338801

Yeah..... sorry to bust your bubble, but $30k isn't that much.

>> No.9338988


I wish I would be so optimistic. It feels like it is going nowhere.

>> No.9339063

I can, now. But go ahead, threaten to sell. You’re not hurting me. You should always, in good faith, post your sell order if you get to that point.

It cuts down on shit post FUD and it lets us know to buy it out and wave to you on our way to Uranus.

>> No.9339448


For one of the most shilled coins on the internet it's performance has been so lackluster. What gives?

>> No.9339475


Pre-sale buyers, people with tens of millions of REQ purchased at fractions of a cent.

>> No.9339502

Why didn't they sell at 1$ ? Doesn't make sense

>> No.9339527


It happened too quick. These guys probably automate their sell orders with an API to just follow and sell just below the asks. I doubt they sit in front of a screen just waiting for a pump.

>> No.9339595

is fudding and you're falling for it.

I participated in the ICO and bought at 0.00020 ETH. Even for institutional investors, there is no way anyone paid "fractions of a cent" for one REQ.

>> No.9339647
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Only bag holders of req that should be happy are ICO buyers
All the rest.... this is the worst performing 'good' coin in history

Laughable pumps, HUGE dumps
The req 'bulls' are absolute cucks

>> No.9339744

I have no more money to buy more.