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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 20 KB, 640x640, Turtle Coin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9332005 No.9332005 [Reply] [Original]

So the TurtleCoin webwallet is going to enter beta status soon? That's nice since I'm such a lazy fuck who can't get bothered with installing and using a software wallet. Anything else under the radar?

For those of you who are interested to get started with TurtleCoin, here's an interview with TurtleCoin founder Rocksteady:


>> No.9332059 [DELETED] 

The most normie information gets disseminated through the medium blogs
If you want to see what the devs are working on, either poke around the github or join the discord and look at the dev channels

>> No.9332084

The most normie friendly information gets disseminated through the medium blogs
If you want to see what the devs are working on, either poke around the github or join the discord and look at the dev channels.

>> No.9332113

Thanks, man.

>> No.9332418

I like turtlecoin. Hope it does well.

>> No.9332574

Reminder that TurtleCoin is and always will be a P&D scam also any threads created about it are just the devs trying to unload their premined bags on you

>> No.9332685

I'm not a dev. lol

>> No.9332821
File: 152 KB, 728x826, 0065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try again. This is the lowest level of fud.

>> No.9332901

will i be able to buy a diaper with my 12k turtles?

>> No.9333080

You can buy diaper factory eoy with that.

>> No.9333119

Why you would do that?


>> No.9333398
File: 79 KB, 645x773, 1525666394559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everytime I come into a turtle thread, telling people they can mine this badboy with their CPU.... ie no need to buy it. There's always one retard calling it a PnD scam.
Today you are that retard.

>> No.9333421

Daily reminder that TurtleMessenger, a fully decentralized messaging app, will be released soon and will propel TurtleCoin to the god damned moon!

>> No.9333434

Why the fuck would you abuse your pc for a few miserable satoshi.

How fucking poor are any of you that you decide to invest in shit like this.

>> No.9333472

The concept that is foreign to you, my fren, is called enthusiasm.

>> No.9333492

Enthusiasm or drinking the koolaid?
I think you brainlets are doing the last part.

>> No.9333582
File: 2.53 MB, 1698x1896, TRTL Vodka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever, m8. If you want to make it you have to be invested early and take risks.

>> No.9333594

poop in the street and use it to message your poop friends

>> No.9333609

I've mined about 200,000 trt in one week with a stock clocked ryzen 1700.

Any of you guys mining? My hashrate is 1850 h/s at stock clock! Ryzen 1700

>> No.9333618

Have fun holding your shit for another year or two. Emotional investments are for faggots. Nobody likes your coin, except whatever discord/telegram you guys came shilling from.

Ill make sure to think about you when my shitcoins moon and you are sitting there with a webwallet and a messenger app no one will use (what an achievement btw).

>> No.9333639

meh. all coins get fud. you tell me not to buy, I buy.

>> No.9333651


>> No.9333687

Remember, do the opposite of what biz says

>> No.9333734

What is the market cap ?

>> No.9333793

still not listed on coinmarketcap properly

>> No.9333801

It aint fud ifs its true.
They cant build smartcontracts on the CN. Last 500 times this crap was shilled I asked how it would get implemented and none of you brainlets could answer the question.

B..b..but muh moon.
You retards dont even know how this private coin shit works.

>> No.9333824
File: 161 KB, 900x1600, IMG-20180508-WA0022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if premine it's so cheap why not just get a few millions worth even at a 2% move from bow it's gains

>> No.9333878


>> No.9333955

Why should I give a damn about how crap does work anyway?

>> No.9334000

Its literally the only reason why it could go up. As long as that shit wont work it will never go up in price. With a 1 TRILLION supply every trtl coin is very expensive. It is already expensive.

>> No.9334203

Nigga, what you're talking about? TRTL is dirt cheap. It can't get lower.

>> No.9334221

Yes it can. Did you even see the trtl/doge pair on tradesatoshi? Shows how fucking retarded you are.

>> No.9334273
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Nah, said pairing is way too low in volume to have any significance. How many owners of DOGE care about TurtleCoin anyway?

>> No.9334310
File: 39 KB, 637x811, shell supply.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh supply
Have you even looked at the emission curve? Total supply isn't mined until 2120

This doesn't even fucking matter anyway, crypto is neither an efficient nor rational market. DOGE got to a 2 billion market cap, and that coin has unlimited supply, explain that.

Turtle has community and engaged developers. Top 40 coin as measured by dev score on coingecko, and a 10k+ member discord.

>> No.9334402

Have fun bagholding. Tried to talk sense into you but I have this conversation here every day with people new to crypto and buying trtl as first buy. All you guys think is that someone will be stupid enough to pay 2 satoshi for that crap you hold and this will be the new Dogecoin. See you in a few months when you realize the truth, you still have 1 sat trtl, and everyone else is making profit.

>> No.9334477

4 months to create a webwallet. Aint nothing engaging about that. As I said before, keep drinking the koolaid bud.

>> No.9334566

>All you guys think is that someone will be stupid enough to pay 2 satoshi for that crap you hold and this will be the new Dogecoin. See you in a few months when you realize the truth, you still have 1 sat trtl, and everyone else is making profit.
I'm not in this game to make profit after months. I'm ready to hodl for years, also I won't sell until the fiat value of my position has reached six figures. Slow and steady wins the game.

>> No.9334654


Why the fuck would you hold a coin that has delusional goals on the roadmap. They CANT build smart contracts on CN. It is NOT possible. You are literally buying into a lie. Ask the dev how he will do it, he cant because he is not a demi godtier dev. Dont link me that shitsite by the way, its all an elaborate scam to take your btc and give you worthless trtl in return.
When you know fuck all about tech you better shut the fuck up about holding.
For the record, its Q2 (tba karai) that will never happen.

Holy shit how fucking retarded are you guys. Even with the facts pressed in your face you go REEEE HODL.

>> No.9334770

One thing I've learned about /biz in a year here is ALWAYS DO THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT THEY SAY. And based on the comments, fuck it. I'm buying. Thanks OP :) would've missed this gem at 1 satoshi.

>> No.9334817

You should have learned to DYOR.

>> No.9334878

Let's see where it goes. What attracts me to TurtleCoin is it's punkrock appeal: After a few beer, the devs just sat down and scrapped everything together to snot out their baby and present it to an anarchistic leaned audience for the sole purpose to see if they can. Rocksteady and his crew are going to squeeze out every possible feature of the BCN codebase to create something unique. Of course, I've only invested as much as I can afford to lose for this ride.

>> No.9335028


>Every coins pumps at least once!

Have 100 000$ in trtl. it pumps to 3-4 sats. You sell at 2.5 sats everything... walk away with 150 000$ profit.

>But anon it will never get to 3-4 sats.

The chance is 50% that it will every second that passes is a 50 - 50 roll. It will happens sooner or later.

>> No.9335184


Spare PC, who gives a shit? Free money anon.

>> No.9335206

But anon, this coin is already pumped and dumped before. You are too late lmao.

Trtl is a brainlet trap and its hilarious you fuckers keep falling for it.

>> No.9335269

look at the buy orders though, no sales whatsoever. You're gonna missed this one. lol I saw ECA which is a shitcoin go from 1 satoshi to 750 as well as another shitcoin callled colx on coinsmarkets or something. Not making that mistake again.

>> No.9336094

Hahahahah holy fuck gtfo rocksteady

>> No.9336149

Not Rocksteady, fag.

>> No.9336171

Kill yourself. You already got your pump and dump and want to do it again? Good fucking luck

>> No.9337099

>abuse your pc

>> No.9337137

scam coin and lets not forget the hidden keylogger they had with their wallet download or whatever the fuck it was.

>> No.9337508
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>> No.9337537
File: 70 KB, 960x1280, photo_2018-05-03_01-01-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9337630

Why cant CN coins do.smart contracts? Is it to do with the privacy or has no one figured out how to do that yet?

>> No.9337747
File: 53 KB, 600x670, 9430834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9337878





>> No.9337955

Why not both mine for free and buy at 1? This is like the first caveman collecting every stone he finds and trading his berries for stones. One day, everyone will evolve and want to create stone houses

>> No.9338185

This coin is dead reached 40 sats or so then retards killed it by crashing the market with no survivors it will never be worth anything again

>> No.9338223

Well, people are buying at 1.... So it's worth that. And that 1 Sat continues to go up in value as BTC does. Not the best investment in terms of gains but it's better than the stock market.

>> No.9339258 [DELETED] 

Short term gains: Definitely, There are stocks which have high enough dividents that would justify investing into them considering that it's a lot safer than putting money into crypto.

>> No.9339307

>>9338223 #
Midterm gains: Definitely. Besides that, there are stocks which have high enough dividents that would justify investing in them considering that it's a lot safer than putting money into crypto

>> No.9339418

Yes and no, there are stocks with great dividends, some that are almost 30%. But those aren't always guaranteed. There are some cheap oil stock right now that have great divs. I would support investing in them especially if things heat up in the ME. But I would rather risk it for a moon shot because I don't have enough money to live comfortably off those divs.

>> No.9339434


>> No.9339568
File: 95 KB, 500x316, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have enough money to live comfortably off those divs.
That's probably the main goal of most people on this board. "Buying Lambos" is nothing but a stupid meme.

>> No.9339610

I don't doubt that. Please don't get me wrong, there are some fun toys I wish I could buy. But in the end, as long as I can undo the mistakes I made listening to my boomer parents and end up with two useable vehicles, a house with at least 50 acres ( MN), and 3 kids with my wife... I will be the richest man in the world.

>> No.9340561

Lambos have high maintenance costs as well, don't they?

>> No.9340639

I would imagine, and they Are no need for a self sufficient person. I saw 1980s ford rangers haha, or the raptor...

>> No.9340966

>you can mine a few hundred a day with your shitty desktop
>t-that's all the proof you need that the devs that were mining and holding tens to hundreds of millions of this shittoken for two months before even mentioning it publicly on Bitcointalk
>s-see, it wasn't a premine anyone could mine it upon release we just happened to be be the only ones to know it was released for a while that's all :^)


>> No.9341241

Lame ass FUD. What's wrong? Bitter about having missed out the last pump much?

>> No.9342350

Can you buy TurtleCoin merch with TRTL somewhere?