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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 89 KB, 699x555, 1524290537012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9328295 No.9328295 [Reply] [Original]

When is this shitcoin going to go up, I'm a thousand down on my intitial investment.

>> No.9328327

Sell now poorfag so we get your fomo money after cb listing

>> No.9328843
File: 2.99 MB, 782x1080, wouldimpregnate.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats literally the only thing that could make this shitcoin go up.

>> No.9328959

Ugh, nasty skinnyfat kunt wit dat cottage cheese ass

>> No.9328968

t. incel virgin

>> No.9328978

yeah, I'm also a faggot

>> No.9329135


>> No.9330122


>> No.9330333

Go over to /fit/ and ask if she's skinnyfat you dumb nigger.

>> No.9330636

>having standards makes you an incel
what's it like being you, faggot?

>> No.9330880

t. fat incels
At least do some pushups faggots.

>> No.9331584

perfect time to buy more

>> No.9331632
File: 2.86 MB, 1440x612, napalm.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I should dump more monet into something that im a k down on, k.

>> No.9331674

there's no way this is permanent. If you're scared now just cash out next time it hits 60 cents.

>> No.9331747

Pretty generic looking ass and you can tell shes just a few years away from blowing up.

>> No.9331791

BIG BRAIN BRENDAN, literally BAT is the comfiest hold. If you watch brendan in his recent interviews he is real articulated and knows what he is talking about there is fluff about him. He said himself he doesnt advertise or hype up BAT as some other tokens (TRON). BAT is ticking all the boxes and literally you just have to wait for adoption (happening exponentially) and just look at all the things happening at once which BAT can solve. Facebook privacy and data concerns, Youtube demonetisation of many its main creators, people being payed in usd value for viewing ads which can be used for subscriptions for web based services. BAT will be the new way of the internet even if were to capture 2% of the market BAT value could reach 30 Billion market cap (in a mature bullish market possibly 3 trillion market cap overall). You just have to wait and see, BAT is a long term hold but in saying that it is a hold where you can be confident about where there is no hype and just results.

>> No.9331826

Ding ding, this isn't some Chinese coin I have to check every day to see if they started to exit and pull my money, you can just lock this away and come back in years

>> No.9332047

Im just not going to look at for a month and see what happens.

>> No.9332246

BAT is one of my top holds. I'm expecting big things from it soon

>> No.9332274

how many BAT to make it? i just bought a fair amount of BAT for 5 ETH. im afraid the oppertunity cost will fuck me in the arse.

>> No.9332281

isn't bat a stablecoin? it's meant to be used as a reward for viewing ads, it doesn't make sense for it to have a high value.